Soul Bonding: The First Hunt

Published Jun 9, 2021, 5:02:09 AM UTC | Last updated Jun 9, 2021, 5:02:09 AM | Total Chapters 4

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Bonding prompts for Kira and Azeryth.

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Chapter 3: The First Hunt

Prompt: Soul-bonding (3)

Featuring: Azeryth, Kira (rider)

Wordcount: 1004



Kira woke up with a start when something tapped her on the head. Life on the streets taught her to be a light sleeper, but it seemed that this was erased dry by the proximity of the stryx. The first thing she saw when she opened one eye was Azeryth’s smug face. The tyto somehow managed to make smugness a permanent facial trait, despite not even being a human. Groaning, Kira shifted to the other side, trying to pull over the blanket. She found instead Azeryth’s wing, which suited just fine. The night turned out colder than expected, so it was natural for her to sleep beside the tyto, who had the privilege of thicker fur.


Suddenly, something pushed her once again, but now Azeryth’s warm side disappeared. Still connected to the stryx’s mind, Kira grumbled, “It’s too early.”


“The fact that I am hungry cancels your argument out. Get up, or I will drag you into the river.” 


“That’s not how debate works.”


“That’s not a debate - that’s an ultimatum.”


Kira sighed and rubbed her eyes. Azeryth was impossible. It was barely morning and considering what a wild ride yesterday was, the thief hoped she would be able to sleep. With another demonstrative sigh, she stood up, stretching, and looked around. Morning mist covered everything around - the river on the left mirroring the milky white. Kira stared at the stryx grimly. “You know, you could have just gone hunting without me. I don’t have my bow or even my daggers, so I will be pretty much useless.”


“Yeh, yeh, yeh, I’m not keeping you around for your mediocre fighting skills. Get on.” The stryx shifted, lowering his wing so that the thief could use it as a step.


“Don’t patronise me,” grumbled Kira, easily jumping onto the tyto’s back without any help. Azeryth only snorted and jumped into the air, quickly gaining altitude. He lazily circled in the air, actively seeking out life. Kira noticed how the tyto would shift his head around as if trying to hear potential prey. The tyto stryx had superb hearing after all, as well as nearly sound-less flight. A sure advantage for hunting. 


While Azeryth sought out their breakfast, Kira took a few seconds to look around. That was only her second time flying, and the first can’t be counted considering it was a life or death situation. Despite the breathtaking view, the thief couldn’t help but feel a shiver pass down her spine. Azeryth didn’t have a saddle, so if she would fall, that would be it. She glanced at the stryx, before sending a telepathic message. These were soundless for obvious reasons, so they’d not interfere with the search. “You look like you know what you are doing.”


“I watched my guardians do it many times, and hunted myself before I was captured. Despite being generally far beyond average, I can’t say I excelled far in hunting.”


“I see, I assume your humility is ‘beyond average’ as well?”


“Indeed. No quiet. It’s hard to concentrate with you chatting into my head.”


“Az, I know where we can head after. Although—“ Kira broke off abruptly as the stryx suddenly lurched forward, and down. The thief clutched his feathers for dear life, biting down on the tongue to not scream, as Azeryth went into a steep nosedive. Despite her inside doing backflips, Kira couldn’t help but feel a thrill. She couldn’t see the prey that the stryx saw, but the excitement was contagious. 


His wings opened with a dry flap, and Azeryth crashed down on a herd of deer, just missing one with his claw. Before the prey could escape, the stryx relapsed higher, then lunged toward the sprinting doe, quickly pinning her to the ground after a few unsteady flaps as he tried to find balance. Kira finally let out the breath she was holding and glared at the bird, letting go of his neck feathers. “You did this intentionally!” 


Azeryth completely ignored her mental message, only replying with delighted, “Breakfast!” and digging in. She slipped off the tyto’s neck, feeling nauseous as her legs bent beneath her. After a few seconds, the feeling passed, but Kira still looked kind of pale. Azeryth glanced at her, smugly saying, “Don’t tell me you get flight-sick.”


“No, I have an allergy to pretentious assholes,” she retorted without losing a beat. Azeryth snorted but didn’t reply, too occupied with his food. 


To occupy herself, Kira quickly found materials for a small campfire, compiling a mess of branches and rocks in the middle of a clearing. She took a vial, slipping some powder on her hands before rubbing them together. A split second later her hands ignited into the fire. In a business-like manner, she placed them on one of the branches and the small bonfire ignited into flames, while Kira quickly put out the fire on her hands. She noticed Azeryth watching her, an obvious question in his eyes.


“Along with the telepathy,” she offered begrudgingly, “I’m completely immune to the effects of any alchemical substances, as far as I am aware. This fire is purely alchemical, so it wouldn’t hurt me. Unfortunately, that also applies to healing concoctions and alike.”


“Ironic. The reason why the monks of the alchemical cult kept me was that I am malleable to specific types of potions while ignoring the dangerous side-effects.”


“The irony,” Kira sighed, before reaching out for the half-eaten doe. She could hear the rising rumbling of her stomach. “Alright, give me some as well.”


Azeryth suddenly scowled and hissed. The thief looked the tyto straight in the eyes. She didn’t lower her hand, accepting the unspoken message. A few seconds had passed as the pressure steadily rose, before she said, “That’s not a debate or a staring contest.”

After a few sounds, Azeryth grumbled, “Fair enough,” and turned away, letting Kira cut a small portion with a sharper rock. The thief spiked the piece on a branch and placed it into the fire, watching the flames. Ironic indeed.

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