Fairly Odd Life ep5 Return of: part 2: Not forgotten

Published Feb 8, 2012, 8:08:46 AM UTC | Last updated Mar 9, 2012, 7:54:03 AM | Total Chapters 5

Story Summary

The Ismadee-Cosma Clan not only grows closer,but larger. As the new wands are found,new parts of the prophecy comes to light. On top of all that, The Turners come home.

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Chapter 2: part 2: Not forgotten

I don't own Fairly Odd Parents Or any characters from the show. Or the song in this chapter.I write this story for pure fun. I am in no way receiving ANY Money for it.NOT NOW,NOT EVER

part 2: Not forgotten

*Cosmo and Wanda’s room*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

“How are you feeling My dears?” I ask Anti-Wanda and Wanda. “I’m ok,bebeh.” Anti-Wanda chirps “That was some kinda adventure.” “Yeah,it was.”Wanda agrees smiling weakly. “Just remind me not to poof to close to the angry dragon again.”I sit and cast a worried glance at her side."Your wound isn't to bad,is it?" Cosmo ask as I sit on the bed. "A light scratch."Wanda replies smiling at him.  Cosmo takes a seat next to me. next to me.we tell the other of our glorious victory over the dragon. Except cosmo. I take note of his silence a look to him. His eye's seemed so sad,why? “Cosmo,Are you alright?” I ask him concerned. “Yeah.You’ve been mighty quite over dare.” Anti-Wanda remarks as well.” “I’m ok, I’m just feeling a bit nervous.” He says looking at us.

“I think we should leave you,to your discussion.” Anti-Rip says ushering everyone else out the room. “Wait..I didn’t mean..” Cosmo started but stopped when Anti-Rip held up a hand. “I know cosmo.”He assured him. “But what ever it is,I think the four of you need to talk alone. We’ll be waiting in the living room.” He adds before closing the door behind himself“Why are you nervous Cosmo.”Wanda asks. Cosmo looks directly at me. I suppress the urge to flinch.“Because, Anti-Me said there was somethings he wanted to talk to us about.”He says placing his hand on mine. He offered me a kind smile,I smile in return“We only talked about one thing, which mean there some else we need to talk about. Right,Anti-me?” I let out a deep sigh and nod. I was truly dreading this topic. “It’s about Timothy.”I begin,unsure on how to proceed. “Cosmo,Wanda..”Damn,my word fail me.How do a even begin to ask.

“Wow,it must be serious,if your lost for words.” Wanda Comments. I almost smile. I instead I reach into me vest and pull out Timothy’s Suicide note. Just holding it in my hand,made me feel sick. “Do you remember how Timothy saved me from some brutes a while back?” I ask. They nod in response. “Have you ever wondered,why he was in the wood in the first place?” I continue. “Timmy,likes nature walks. Cosmo tells me. The nervousness in his voice growing.“I don’t think that was the reason.” I tell him,sorrow clear in my voice. I will back the tears tat try to form.I hand him the letter. He takes it with a shaking hand. We all watch as he reads it.His expression goes from shock to deep sorrow as tears trickle down his lovely face. “Cosmo! Whats wrong?!?” Wanda shouts Poofing next to him. He hand her the letter. My poor boy leans on me,sobbing. She gasps at what she reads.”What? WHAT?!?” Asks a frantic Anti-Wanda. I take the note from Wanda and give it to her.

Anti-Wanda give me a worried glance before she begins to read. I watch as she looks back up at me. Innocent eyes filled with tears. “Cozzie,please tell me this ain't what I think it is.” I'm poofed over to her. As I take her in my arm,I notice Cosmo doing the same with Wanda.. “I’m afraid I can’t do that,my dim dearest.” “I can’t believe it.” Cosmo stammers. “I can’t believe he tried to do it...again.”

I feel my heart freeze in my chest. “A..again?” I choke out. I place a hand over my rapidly beating heart. “My gods,this wasn’t the first time?” I think to myself.I can scarcely fathom him doing it once.How many other attempts were there? What in fates name can drive such a vibrant,spirited child to hate life so much. My head spinning at a alarming rate It was remarkable hard to breath..My vision blurs as as the room seem to spin wildly “Cozzie!” I hear Anti-Wanda Shout. My slowly. vision refocuses. the room ceases it's spinning. My three loves are staring down at me. I realized I have fallen off the bed. Wanda helps me to me feet. My legs feel extraordinarily weak,and a fall back against Cosmo. “AC,Are you alright?”Wanda asks as Cosmo helps me back onto the bed. “Yes,I’m fine.” I tell her. “I think I just went into shock for a moment.” I add looking at Cosmo. “Did you say again?”I ask him. “Anti-ME,maybe,we should have the Anti-Rip look at you.You might just have had a heart attack.” He says concerned, but I wave him off. “I’m fine cosmo.” I insists. “Now,what’s this again business.”

He let’s out a deep sigh. The ladies join us on the bed. “Timmy,tried three times before.” He informs me. “Once he wished he was never born. That time he merely misspoke, but Jorgan used it to teach him a lesson,about not doing things for praise.”“Why was the wish even granted?” I ask,more then a little shocked. “We were distracted,sometime our wands acts automatically.”He tells me. “That ass Jorgan,still shouldn’t have done what he did.He should have left thing to us.” Wanda shouts “We wouldn’t have messed up that badly. He’s not a god parent for a reason.” “What he do?”Anti-Wanda Asks puzzles. I was a bit perplexed myself.“He showed Timmy a world that was better off without him.” Cosmo said sadly. “The only trouble was,he never showed timmy that world in the right context.”I was stunned silent. “I don’t understand.” Anti-Wanda quips. “He showed timmy a world were his sister was alive,instead of him. She was a movie star,and his parents were rich.”Cosmo tells us. “But what he didn’t tell Timmy was that,they made Vicky her agent and that she was miserable and lonely,while their parents ignored her and lived off her earnings.”

“So,you two would have been her god parents instead?” I asked. “Cosmo shook his head. “No Vicky,watched the girl like a hawk,she’d suffer with out any fairies for comfort.” Wanda explains “Me and Cosmo,would instead me assigned to his friend chester. He’s a sweet boy,but a tad selfless.” “I dought you fairy like that sort of thing.” Anti-Wanda comment’s. “No offense.” Wanda sighs. “Non taken.” She assures her counter-part. “We’re really supposed to.” “So,why don’t you?”I ask.
“Because,god parenting a truly selfless child suck.” She says much to my surprise. “The see us less as a friend and more as a mean of doing good.” She explains. “It’s not long before they find some down trotten kid with a sob story and wish us over to that kid instead.” “And dat’s bad?”Anti-Wanda asks. “Yes,because the kid usually found out about us some how,and tricked our well-meaning naive godchild into wishing us over.” Cosmo explains further. “Soon a temporary thing become permanent. And the "poor sad" child treats us as a slave.” “And Jorgan never informed Timothy of any of this?” I ask.

“No,that bastard just let timmy,go on thinking the world was better off with him dead.” Wanda growled,clearly furious. So was Anti-Wanda for that matter."He had right. He doesn't know timmy as well as he thinks he does." Wanda  almost shouts." He have no idea. . how sweet,sensitive and selfless a boy Timmy truly is." “We even didn’t know it had happened,till the guilt began to eat away at him.”Cosmo continued as wanda broke into tears once more. “Not until he tried to make thing right.” “Make things right?” I echoed back.” Cosmo nodded. “He tried to jump from Dimsdale Dam.” Comso replied choking back tears. I never felt my so sick.

How can anyone be so careless of a childs feelings. I may not know Timothy a well or as long as Cosmo or wanda,but even I knew he was sensitive lad “Luckily,Cosmo caught him and pulled him to safety.” Wanda adds.“That when he broke down and told use every thing.”What happen to trigger the third attempt. They both fell silent. Anti-Wanda and I traded fearful glances. “Sometime last year his parent really started to ignore him. They  began to forget to feed him. So  Wanda had to start doing it.Soon he’s go day’s barely even seeing them.” Cosmo explained. “On day his parent were being thoughtless again. They and Timmy got into a argument them going out again. “

*End of Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*Cosmo’s POV*

*Flash back to weeks earlier.*

How come you guys never take me along.” Timmy shouted. “Because if we did.we wouldn’t be able to afford get the best.” Mr.turner laughed. Me and Wanda was in cat form,it took everything in me to keep her from clawing his face off. “But,isn’t taking second best or less worth it. if you can be with your son.” My heart broke for him,when they laughed in his face. “Of course not sweety.” Mrs.Turner chuckled. “It’d be worse because then we’d have to be seen with you."I ever seen such a look of hurt in his eyes. “Er,not that we’d not want to be seen with you.”She tried to recover. “It’s just that your a loser,and we want to pretend to be cool.” He father chimed in.“Exactly.” His so called mother agreed. Now it was timmy,who was holding both me and Wanda a bay. “Oh,we’re running later,give vicky her money when she get’s here.” Mrs.Turner tells him handing him some money.“Your not even going to bother waiting till she get’s here?”He asks stunned. “Nope, We have lives.”Mr turn says walking out the door with his wife. Not soon after they leave Vicky shows up. In usual fashion,she was cruel to timmy,and then sends him to bed without dinner. However instead of going to his room. He goes to his parents room. He heads straight to to closet and pulls out a box.

“Timmy? You shouldn’t be in here.”I call to him poofing into fairy form. “He’s right. sport,put the box away and let go eat.” Wanda agrees,changing as well."Wanda can fish and chips." I suggest."You love her fish and chips" “What’s in there anyway?” She asks after pausing a second. “A gun.” He tells us. “What?!?” We both shout flying over to him. I’ll never forget the cold,lifeless look in is eye as he closes the barrel. “Timmy,what are you doing?” I asked, fearing the worst. He looks a me. “Making sure there’s one less loser in the world.” He says in a tone, that was so emotionless I felt a bitter chill shot through me. He stood suddenly a walked to the mirror. In his mothers lipstick he writes “Good-bye.” He turns to us “I  love you guys so much.” And point the gun to his head. Before I could react Wanda poof behind him and slaps the gun from his hand. I kick it way as Wanda pins him to the floor. It goes off,but non of us care. “Leave me alone.”Timmy shout struggling. “No,I’m not going to let you hurt yourself.” Wanda shouts to him. “Who care’s you’ll get another god child.” He sobs. “I’m just another passing face. Just another human.” “Your my baby Timmy?” Wanda tell him,pulling him into he arms"Your my baby.". I float over to him. “Your our son,Timmy.” I tell him. “We’ve loved you since the day we met you.”

“Liars!”He screamed shoving me and Wanda down. He ran and grabbed the gun. “I’m nothing to you.Your just as ashamed of me as they are.” He sobbed. “You won’t even let me call you mom and dad.” “Timmy please.”Wanda sobbed. “It’s only because it’s against the rules.”  “Exactly,The rules will always come before me.” He snapped,glaring at us. “Because I’m just some human kid your paid to hang out with. you don’t care,nobody does. I’m just a buck tooth loser non-chosen one.My own parent won't care if I die,why should you?!"” It killed my to see him in so much pain.“Why did Jorgan have to say that?”I think bitterly to myself.  “Timmy,Please.” I call to him."Don't please me Cosmo." He snaps."I'm sick and tired of being a nobody. Of never being good enough.""TImmy,don't do it..I plead moving towards him. “Twarp,what are you doing in there.”Vicky called from out side the door. “Damn it.”I think to myself “Not her,not now.” Wanda and I barely had enough time to change back into a cat,when Vicky came bursting in. She froze in place.

“Twerp,where the heck did you get that?” She glanced around the room,till her eyes fell on the mirror. “G...good-bye?” She stammered out. Her eye quickly moves to Timmy then the gun."no. . way."Vicky gasps. “Timmy...Give me the gun.”She said slowly. Wanda walked over to me. “What are we going to do?”She whispers to me. “I don’t know.”I whisper back. “Why?” Timmy asks in a bitter cold tone. “Want to do the honors?” To my surprise Vicky looked hurt, really truly hurt. “Timmy,please....Don’t hurt yourself.” She stammers,almost pleading. “I don’t want you to die.” Timmy look at her shocked. Tears began to form in her eyes.  Timmy inches closer. She grabs the gun out his hands. “Get to your room before I pistol whip you.” She shouts. He dashes out the room we race after him. I tackle him to he bedroom floor. Wanda closes the door behind us.

“Get off me!” He screams.  “No.” I shout. I  turn to my  human adult form and pull him into my arms. “Cosmo,let me go.” He shouts fight my grip. “Never.”I tell him “I’ll never let you go. I love you timmy.”  "Get away from me,I don't care."Timmy screams."You don't love me and you never will."I feel him hitting at me. "Timothy Tiberious Chances Cosmo,Stop hitting me."He freezes,staring at me shocked. "Please calm down son."I add gently."It's going to be okay,I promise."I feel him go limp in my arms.  “Son? I’m your son?” He asks weakly. “Yes,your my child.” I sob. “I’m sorry Timmy. I didn’t mean to hurt you. I’d like nothing better then for you to call me dad. But if Jorgan find out,he’ll take you away from us,and nothing scares us more then losing you.”“We love you Timmy.” Wanda chimes in. “Your apart of our family. Your my little boy,and if it means that much to you then to hell with the rule.” “Yeah Timmy.” I agree “Your waaay more important.” “But,I don’t want you to get in trouble” Timmy says sadly"I don't want you to have to go away." “Wanda wraps her arms around Timmy. She was in human form too. “Don’t worry about it sport.” She tell him. “We’ll get through it,as a family.” “Mom. Dad. Thank you.” Timmy whispered,before dozing off.

*End flash back.*

*End of Cosmo’s POV*

*Somewhere in Europe.*

*Vicky’s POV*

I walk with me class through the Sistine chapel. I was not impressed. “Wow,I can’t believe they let her in here.” I hear some girl whisper to her friend. “I’m surprised,she didn’t burst in flames.” her friend whispers back. I glare at them and they shrink away. I have to admit one thing. I never felt comfortable in churches.They always creeped me out. I left my gaze to the ceiling. Most people feel a sense of awe when they gazed up at it. I felt nothing.I sunter to a pew and take a seat.“You don’t belong here.”A voice from behind me says. “I turn around to see a old nun  nun shaking her bony finger,  staring daggers at me. Funny,I usually only get that look from people who,knew me. Even then it’s behind my back. “What are you babbling about old women?” I ask giving her my own icy stare. “Hateful child. You do not belong in god’s house.” She shouts. she grabs me from my seat and throws me to the floor.I stare at her,blankly this time. Was she kicking me out of church? Before I can say a word I'm blinded by holy water. “Get out demon seed! Be gone!”I scream ant the sensation of it.It didn't feel hot,it felt bitterly cold on my skin.Almost deathly so.  My class laughs. I glare at them and they quickly fall silent.

The crazy old bat swing her can at me.,hitting across the face. I snap“Fine!I’m out off here.” I snap grabbing the can from her hand. "but first." I jump to my feet.."I strike the old woman across the legs,causing her to fall to her knees I look down at her with a sneer."some other nun rush to her side.I can fear in their eyes. It does my sadistic heart good. "Don't fuck with me old woman." I tell her. "This heath bitch will kick your decrepit ass."And with that I turn,toss her can aside and stroll out. My horrified class staring shocked in my wake.I stop out side and look back. “Damn place gave me the creeps anyway.”I huff. I walk a little further and sit on the steps. “I wonder if Timmy’s ok.”I wonder to my self.

*Flash back to weeks earlier*

I looked down at the gun in my hand then the mirror.Was he really going to kill himself? I open the barrel of the gun. It was loaded,save one bullet missing. I fall to my knees,shaking.I empty the gun and throw it across the room. A thousand thought ran through my mind. “Timmy,you fought so hard to save our lives,Why would you want to end yours?” I think to my self sobbing. “Don’t you remember how hard we fought to save you?”.i look at his massage on the mirror. I don't understand,when ever I see him out,he was aways smiling. always happy.Why wand such a happy sweet kid like timmy,want to end it all?

*End flashback*

I shack the me head. “Then again,why do I still remember the whole darkness thing.?” I wonder to myself. The forgeticen was supposed to wipe my memory. But it didn’t. I still remembered every thing. Cosmo,Wanda,Poof. You flying into that dark hole still haunts my dreams. I thought I’d never see my little brother again. “Wait,your not my brother.” I think to myself. “My bother died. Killed by a teacher at his boarding school.” I breath out a heavy sigh.I still miss him. He was so much like you. Maybe that’s why I’ve grown so fond of you,twerp. I get up and continue down the stairs. “THere she is!" I hear someone shut."That's the little bitch who assaulted reverend mother!"In a flash I'm surrounded by angry nun and pissed off priests.They all glared at me. "Heathen,you need to learn manners." one priest growls.

"Hey!That bitch picked a fight with me." I snap."I was minding my own business. "Filthy liar." Hissed a nun."You will repent for you sins." Somehow,I don't think doing a few hail mary's was gonna cut it.Priests pull out clubs and black jacks. The nun's pull out bats and brass knuckles.I hear my class mates cracking their knuckles as well. tsk,I'm not surprised,they've wanted a piece of me for a while now.I grab one of them to us as a shield as I fend off the rest of the hoard. It's not long before I spot a opening. I kick a priest and flip off a nun and land safely on the street. I dash off,the roman inquisition hot on my ass.

*End of Vicky’s POV*

*Cosmo and Wanda’s Castle,Bedroom.*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

I listened to Cosmo’s story. Thank evilness they were able to talk the boy down. “How long ago was this?” I ask. “Only six months ago” He sighs. I look over to Anti-Wanda. The news was to much for her. She laid sobbing in Wanda’s arms. Perhaps it was a bit much for me as well. My body felt numb.So much si,I find myself leaning heavily on Cosmo. His arm was coiled around my waist. Probably to keep me from falling off the bed again.The four of us sat in silence. I pull TImothy's medallion from my vest. “Where did you put the gems dear.” I ask. My glum darling just points to the night stand. “Thank you dear.” I say softly. She nodes. A least she wasn’t crying any more. I truly hated to see her cry. It breaks my heart.

 â€śWhat are you doing Anti-Me.?” Cosmo asks. “Putting Timothy's Gem in his medallion.” I reply I fish the gems out the drawer and lay them before me.  I find the the one the matches the sockets on his medallion. “Why are you doing that now?”Wanda asks. “Because,the sooner that gate open the sooner we get him away from those damn Tuners.” I reply trying to get the gem to go into it’s place. “This can’t me right” I mutter.” What?”Cosmo asks anxiously. “The gem isn’t locking into place.” Anti wand sits up. “Ain’t it supposed ta?”She asks “Yes,it IS.” I tell her. I pull out my cell wand.  To my relief if doesn’t break. I quickly dial up Edward.” “Edward I need you and HP to bring the boy’s back pronto.”

*End of Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

*in pixie world.*

*Sanderson’s POV*

I watch as Timmy and his brothers played with a group of pixie children. Their parents was looking on as well. A human child actually was playing with their kid. One father’s chest even swelled with pride."I told you our boy was special." He says to his wife."HELL! Even humans like him." "Yes dear."Is his wifes only reply.I felt a tug at my sleeve. Ant-Eddie was chewing on my shirt in his sleep again.What wa it about my this guy finds so damn tasty? He ands Eugene passed out as soon as we sat under the tree. I was feeling tired myself. HP,how ever looked like he could go on for days. “Frail old man my ass.”I think to myself. while the tree of us were resting under the tree,He was off playing with the kids. He was only just know sitting down.

“Tired?”He asks as I lean against the tree. “Yeah?”I confirm. “You?” “A little.” He admits. “Hey HP,Can I ask you something?” I ask him sitting up. “Shoot.”He replies. “Have any one ever touched the spot under your wings?”I ask,looking at him shyly. He looks at me with a shocked expression. “No, that’s the most sensitive part of a pixies body.” He tell me. “Only your soul mate can touch that spot. Any one else and the feeling range from skin crawling discomfort to damn painful.” He pauses an looks at Timmy then at me.I blush slightly and nod. “How did it feel?”He asks “ I literally started purring.” I tell him."I didn't even know we purr." “Niice.” He replies grinning. Suddenly  my phone rings. “Edward,I need you to boy’s back Pronto.”Havoc says before I can finish saying hello. “And bring the other wands as well.” “Why?”I ask. He tells me about finding the wands and the gems. “I want to see I Terence's gem will go into his medallion.” “Ok,We’ll be there soon.”

“Trouble?”HP asks. “I’m not sure,but you tour will have to be cut short.” I tell him. “It’s okay,destiny waits for no man or tour.”He says."We can visit the theme park another time." I look at him stunned. He only smiles. “Havoc told me all about it,while you were ...sleeping. Plus I saw the wands and medallions.”  “I’ll be right back.”I tell him getting up quickly. “OK boys,Time to go!” I shout. I pause and turn around quickly.  “Sorry Anti-Eddie!”I call to the dazed anti-pixie I had dumped from  my lap. “Don’t worry he’s fine.” HP calls back.“Hey Eddie,how come we got to leave.”Timmy pouts. “Something’s come up.”I Tell him turning around. The pixie children had come over with him and his brothers.  “I smile at them “Don’t worry,you guys can play together another time.”I promised. “OK.” The children shout in unison. I wait for them to say their good bye,then I ping our little tour group to my penthouse. “Nice place.” Tyler comment. “Thanks.”I call to him as  head to my bedroom. Everyone follows a take a seat on my bed. Except for Eugene and Anti-Eddie. Eugene curled up and went back to sleep.

Anti-Eddie Curled up on Tyler's and did the same. I open the draw with the medallion and sure enough there was another one. I pick them both up and sit on the bed. “Where did the you get the other medallion from?”HP asks. “I have no idea where it came from.”I tell him. “It wasn’t there when I put Tyler's medallion in there. “I crawled over to the other nightstand. Nudging Eugene Along the way. “Eugene ,get you lazy ass up.”I call to him “we got work to do.” “Should I wake Anti-Tommy?”Tyler asks.“Yes,please do.” I tell him getting the wands out the drawer. “Anti-Pixie-Ai.Wakey wakey.” Tyler says softly,kissing him as he spoke. "Wake Up my sweet darling.". I supress a blush.Damn,lucky anti-pixie.I’d give anything to have Timmy wake me up that way. I shake the thought from my head and ping us to Wishes’s castle.  We arrive in the main hall. Havoc usher us into the living room. For more Anti fairies greet us.

“Timothy,Terence, Poof. This is my mother Anti-momma Cosma, Anti-Blonda, Anti-Cupid and Doctor Anti-Rip Stuntwell.” Havoc says gesturing from person to person. “Hiya” Waves poof. openly greeting the new guests. “Hi.” Peeps Timmy from  behind me. "Yo."Tyler says.Tyler was behind Anti-Eddie as well. “I knew Tyler could be shy,but it was unlike Timmy. Havoc notices the change a well. “Timothy are you all right?” Havoc asks. The doctor close behind.“If your not comfortable with us being here,we could step outside for a bit.” The doctor comments. “Don’t be be ridicules.Timothy’s fine with anti-fairies” Havoc casts a questioning look to his obviously frightened son.  A look of hurt crosses his eyes.  He takes the boy by the hand a lead him away from the group.

*End Of Sanderson’s POV*

*Timmy’s POV*

Father pulls me from the room and close the door behind us. I breath a sigh of relief.  He gives me a puzzled look. “Timothy?,Are your afraid of my kind?” He asks me.I look at him stunned. He looked so hurt. “What? No.”I tell him. “so I I’d bring the good doctor out here,you’ll be fine?” He asks and I nod. I grab him when he start for the door.  “Please don’t.”I tell him. “I’m afraid of doctors.” He pauses and looks at me. “You? Afraid of doctors?” He asks. I nod.  “Every doctor I’ve every met,has been some evil lunatic,and has tried to hurt me some how.”I reply.He places a hand on my shoulder. “Timothy .Anti-Rip is a kind man,and a good doctor.”He assures me “He won’t harm you,I promise “  “Ok Father.” I say softly."Is you trust him,I'll try my best to.""I'm glad you have suh faith in me." Father says. He turns and start's for the door. I bum into him when he stops suddenly. “Wait,How come you not afraid of Anti-Rip’s fairy counter part.” He asks. I look at him as if he had gone mad. “I saw him do major surgery on you and dad in the middle of a golf course.”I tell him. I rather gnaw off a foot,rather then let him treat me for a stubbed toe.” “Point taken.”Father chuckles ruffling my hair.

We walk back into the room. I’m tackled by a overly happy Anti-Momma-Cosma. “Is my little grandson ok?”She asks hugging me tightly. “Mother,please.”Father shouts. "The boy is human.He needs to breath.” “All the time?” She asks letting me go. “Yeah,all the time.”I gasps. “What a shame,you look so cute blue.” She says as father helps me up. Yes,well let’s all take a seat.” Father tell everyone. “we have much to discuss.” Every one takes a seat. I sit between him and momma. “Wanda did you brief everyone on the prophecy?” Mom nodded.

*End of Timmy’s POV*

*Anti-Cosmo’s POV*

Good.” I said. “You called us back for that?”Timothy moaned. His brothers mirrored his sentiment. I pull the boys wands from my vest and hold them up.Well,it you don’t want your wands.I guess...” I’m tackled my Timothy before I can finish. “Gimme gimme.” He chants Sparkling eye's glued to the wands.. I have to admit.Having him on top of me in such a manner,stirs deeply suppressed feeling within me.I fight the urge to pull this lovely boy down for a kiss.Instead I smile and push him off gently. “First things,first.”I tell him “Edward do you have the medallion?” I ask  “Oddly enough I have two?” He inform me. He pings over and hands them both to me. He then pings back to his seat,taking Timothy with him .Sneaky bastard.

I look at the new medallion. “Where did you find it? I ask. “In my night stand.” He replies. “And you didn’t put it there?” I ask “ No,I never seen it before today.” “Come here Timothy.” I call to the boy, Anti-poofing him next to me again. I hand him , his medallion and the gem I found. “See if you can put this together.” I tell him. We watch as he puts it together. The Jewel locks into place. “What does that mean.?” AntiBlonda asks. “It means two things.”I tell her. “One, their the only ones who can put their gems in place.” I anti-poof Terence his gem and medallion. He put’s his stone in place as well. “What’s the second thing?” Eugene asks. “The time has come for them to keep the medallions with them. I Hand Timothy his wand. He takes it with much glee. I anti-poof Terence and Foop theirs. “Yes,A real training wand,not this piece of junk.” Foop  exclaims. It shatters and fades away. “I didn’t do that.” Foop stammer.

“I know Foop.” I tell him. “It’s meant to do that.”  “Um we have a problem” Edward says. “What’s that?” Wanda asks. He holds up three cracked wands. They soon shatter and fade as well. “We went through hell to get those.” Eugene shout falling to his knees. HP goes over and picks up the now sobbing pixie."There there."He says,carrying him back to the couch.“Wait, didn’t the dragon say we had to pass the first trials.” Cosmo points out. I could slap myself. “Of course we need to get them in the right order.” I exclaim ,running my figures though my hair. “You need courage to gain knowledge.”  “And you need courage and knowledge to gain power.” Edward finishes for me.“I don’t get it.”Anti-Edward chimes in. “Where does the extra medallion fit’s in this?” “Good question.” I reply  “So Timothy,Who’s it for?” The boy looks at me puzzled. “Why are you asking me?” He asks. “Because Timothy,your the one who’ll know.” I tell him handing him the medallion. "your are,as lizzy put it,the seer."He takes it in his hands. He closes his eyes ,hopefully concentrating. His Expression goes from serene calm to wide eyed shock.” What is it timmy? what’s wrong?.” Wanda asks poofing in front of him. Cosmo and Anti-Wanda does the same.

“This medallion.” He gasps. “It’s meant for Vicky.”

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