The Andventure of a lifetime: Part one: What Was, Epilogue

Published Jan 17, 2012, 10:13:33 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 17, 2012, 10:13:33 AM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

A OC adventure with the Saiyins. A What-if story. What if Gohan was a pure breed Saiyin Carrier? What if Vegeta had 4 brothers instead of 1? What if one of his brothers had a daughter? What if Broly was born 20 years after he did in DBZ? A little something I came up with while dreaming in the land of 13 year olds who drink champagne. Maybe I should drink more often. Nah that stuffs gross. Adventure/Romance/Yaoi/Non Yaoi/ Angst/ Humor/ Anything else I can throw in. Oh yeah and King Vegeta was married twice before marring Bardock. His first wife (Vegeta and Leonecaza's mother) Queen Layza and his second (Tarble and Markelak's mother) Queen Anya. This is the story of Gohan and Vegeta and Lionnia and Broly. What was, What is, and What will be. A three part story. What was is the epilogue, What is is the story, and What will be is the after. Three stories in a story.

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Chapter 2: Part one: What Was, Epilogue

Part one: What Was, Epilogue

Lionnia's POV

I starred down at the planet we were approaching. Broly and I were sent to retrieve my uncle crown prince Vegeta. I was told that I acted just like him, so I was excited to meet the man. My tail was waving back and forth, my excited scent drifting all over the ship.

"Lionnia, calm down. We're going to land in a minute. Then we'll find your uncle."

"Kay, Broly."

He shook his head. We landed.

"Hey, Broly?"

"How are we going to find him?"

"Well since we now a 1,000 mile radius of where he spends his time. We could harass a town near him and he'd show up."

"Sounds like fun."


Vegeta's POV

I woke up, my Saiyin hearing picking up screaming a few towns over. I woke up my mate. We got dress and went to find the source of the mayhem. When we got there, the Z fighter were engaged in battle with a young man with black hair and a tail.

"Saiyin." My mate breathed out. The one they were fighting knocked everyone but Piccolo away. Then he grabbed the Namek by the throat.

"We're looking for crown prince Vegeta. Tell us where to find him and we'll leave you alone."

"Broly. He's right over there." The little Red haired girl sitting in the air called out. She sounded board.

"Who are you?" I asked.

The girl stepped forward.

"Hi, I'm Princess Lionnia and this would be my friend Broly. We were sent here to make sure you were alive. And if at all possible to bring you back with us." Her tail whipped around in a circle.


"Yeah, he's my dad. Why do you ask?"

"Because he's weak as hell which makes me wonder why they'd send you."

She lurked forward and punched me so hard I could barley move.

"Because, I'm stronger than a SSJ4 without transforming. Don't piss me off again. I might not go so easy on you next time."

"Lionnia! Be nice. If you kill him, there will be thousands upon thousands of papers to fill out." He let Piccolo go.

"Then don't kill him, and we might get away with none."

"Aghhhhhh..." I groaned.

She looked at me.

"I didn't you that hard did I?"



I didn't like her.

"Why were you attacking the city?" My mate asked.

"We were feeling lazy. We didn't want to search around for him." She answered.

"So you hurt innocent people when being lazy?" I asked daring her to disagree.

"1 I didn't touch any one innocent or not. 2 It wasn't my idea. And 3...I'm board. have fun talking to them Broly. I'm going to go sight seeing. See if there's anything interesting in this town."

"Don't bring anything back to the ship."
She pouted.

"Fine, just for that I'll find something poisonous."

"Only reptiles are poisonous on this planet."
"FINE!" She stomped into a store called Kitty Playground.

I shook my head.


Broly's POV

Great. Just great. I'm stuck answering questions and I'm likely to end up hitting the prince over the head and dragging him back to New Vegeta-sei. FUCK! I just noticed the young man cowering behind the prince, Carrier, pure breed Saiyin. Probably the prince's mate. He noticed me looking so I moved to the Namek I had been fighting. Than to the other Saiyin, he looked just like Queen Bardock, but lighter skin and no scar.

"Kakarot?" I asked.


"Nothing, just curious if it was you."

"What do you know of the Baka?"

"I know his father and your's are now mated." I smirked. Kakarot fainted. The prince looked like he had just been told that everything he loved had been stripped away. The boy had that 'WTF just happened look'. The boy ran over to Kakarot.

"Dad? Dad? HELLO DAD?!" That was why the prince was so upset. The King would be too. His wife's grandson is his son's mate. Wow. I almost fainted. Lionnia came back out from the store. With a kitten. I gave her that 'OH HELL NO! PUT IT BACK!'look.

"They were gonna kill it." She gave me the eyes.

"NO NO NO! Absolutely NOT! I have direct orders from your father NO MORE!"

"Please?" she turned up the look.


She smiled.

"Thank you, Broly."

"Damn you."

She laughed and took off. Everyone looked at me weird.


"Did you just cave to a little girl with puppy-dog eyes?" The young Saiyin asked.

"Umm... I guess. But since she could beat me up, caving is really my only option."

"She'd attack you?"
"If I made her give it back to die, than she'd kill me."

That got me the I sincerely doubt it look.

"She's killed people for less."

Another look.


"He's right about that." The Prince agreed.


Gohan's POV

I can't believe a girl that looked and acted so sweet hit my mate. Then gave her guardian or whatever he was puppy-dog eyes and got a kitten. In less than ten minutes. I felt out her Ki. Something practically killed me, I don't know what. I fell. My mate caught me and looked over at Broly.

"He was nosing around her Ki. She's rather defensive when it comes to her energy. He's lucky to be alive." He said as the girl came back, without the cat. She blushed.



"What am I supposed to say? I can't say that it won't happen again, because if he senses out my Ki again it will."

He just growled at her.

"I don't think this is going well, Broly."

"We have our orders."
"Fine I'm gonna go destroy something. You follow orders."

"Stay close. I might need help."
She took off again.

My mate looked at him.
"What are your orders?"

"My orders have probably changed."
A voice echoed.

"We have new orders." A voice that sounded a lot the the girls echoed from the sky.

"What are our new orders?"

"Bring everyone with Saiyin blood back to New Vegeta-sei by order of the King. We have permission to do whatever it takes to bring them back alive. Including force."

"Good. I don't want to have to deal with this any longer than I have too." Their was a buzz. He snapped his fingers and a scouter was in his hand.


"Yes we found him and 2 others." A look of fear crossed his face.

"You want to talk to Lionnia? She's ah... not here at the moment."

Who ever it was yelled. "WELL CALL HER AND PUT HER ON!"

"Yes, Prince Markelack. Lionnia your father."

She flew back into sight and took the scouter.

"Yes, father?"

"Huh...Okay." She sounded sad. She pressed the button on the side and handed it back to Broly.

"We need to hurry. I have to head back in an hour. Unless you want to do this without my help."

He nodded.


Vegeta's POV

"Are you 3 coming without a fight? Or do we have to force you?" He asked.

"Force." I said.

He smiled, she just got that board look. He went SSJ4 and she just tackled Kakarot. She knocked him out in one punch. She slung him over her shoulder.

"Can you handle those 2?"

"I can probable handle the prince. His mate? Your going to have to help with that."

"I'll come back after I put this one on the ship." She disappeared and reappeared in seconds. No Kakarot. She walked over to my mate. And ran up with a needle. Shoved it through his arm and slung him over her shoulder. Than disappeared again. Damn It! She reappeared without my mate. Then floated watching us go into battle stance. I upgraded to SSJ4 as well so we were an even match. He ran forward and punched me. After 5 minutes of trading blows she spoke up.

"Broly let me beat him. Then we can leave in 5 minutes."

He stepped back. "Fine."

She stepped forward and knocked me over the head. I blacked out.


Lionnia's POV

That was to easy. I was really to board with this. Broly and I IT back to the ship. We put the prince with his mate and mate's father. I snuggled up to Broly. It was nice being able to have alone time with him. He smiled.

"What's got your father pissed again?"

"He wants me to find a mate of the first class kind."

"Huh...I wish I could help."

"Yeah, I do to. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know beautiful, but I'm not giving up."

I punched him playfully.

"And I am?"
"No. What did you tell him?"

"I just said yes, father."

"What can we do?"

"I wish I knew." I drew him close for a kiss. He shook his head.

"They'll smell me on you enough as it is."

"Fine. Soon?"
"Very soon. Meet me next week under the tower, kay?"



Vegeta's POV

I woke up on a ship, tied up, watching Lionnia snuggle up to Broly. I listened to what they said.


"What's got your father pissed again?" He asked.

"He wants me to find a mate of the first class kind." She answered.

"Huh...I wish I could help."

"Yeah, I do to. What are we going to do?"

"I don't know beautiful, but I'm not giving up."

She punched him playfully.

"And I am?"
"No. What did you tell him?"

"I just said yes, father."

"What can we do?"

"I wish I knew." She drew him close for a kiss. He shook his head.

"They'll smell me on you enough as it is."

"Fine. Soon?"
"Very soon. Meet me next week under the tower, kay?"


I choked, they looked over. She said what they both seemed to be thinking.

"Oh shit! It's uhh...Please don't tell my father."

"I'm not a snitch." I retorted. They both sighed in relief.

They didn't relax though.

"We'll be on New Vegeta in 4 hours. Your mate and his father should make up about then." He said.

I nodded.


Markelak's POV

Their ship touched down. I was ready to meet my big brother. Broly and Lionnia led him and 2 others off the ship. They led them into the meeting room were my father and Leoncaza stood. I followed behind. When we got there U nodded to Broly to take the 2 others to see the queen. My big brother glared. He looks like a shorter version of father. Father spoke.

"Vegeta my son, your here."

He kept silent. Probably mad that he got beaten up by MY daughter. Leone was next.

"Brother, good to see you."

His glare focused on him. Father looked like he wanted to wring Leone's neck. I wish he would.


Bardock's POV

When I found out that they found my son and his son I was so happy. Then I found out my mates eldest son was mated to my grandson. That was almost incest. Almost. But still I approved, while my mate didn't. But then if he knew about his beloved granddaughter and a certain second class he would probably reach SSJ5 before SSJ1. I almost laughed at that thought. I really hope they can be together like they want. After I talked to my son and grandson enough I had Shona escort them to their rooms. While I talked to Broly.

"Broly?" I made sure my voice had just enough disapproval to scare him.

"Yes my queen?"

"You and Lionnia need to work on your self-control. Her scent is so strong on you you can imagine she's in the room."
"About that, umm..."

"Spit it out."

"Prince Vegeta saw her try to kiss me when we thought he was unconscious."

"Young idiots the lot of you!"

"He said he wouldn't say anything."
"Then you're fine."


Lionnia's POV

He looked mad. So did grandfather. I hope they kill Leone. He's a bastard. He deserves it. Father look at me with that 'Keep Quiet' look. I kept my mouth shut.


"Yes, father?"

"Why did you refuse to come?"


He kept quiet. Grandfather looked angrily at my father and uncle.

"Would you to please escort your brother elsewhere?"

They nodded. He turned to me once they left.

"Am I to believe what I heard?" He sounded like he could barley keep from yelling at me.

"What did you hear?"

"THAT YOU HAVE BEEN KISSING A SECOND CLASS!" I was sure they could hear him all over the castle.

"I haven't been kissing A second class." I stressed the A.

"BROLY!" He exploded again.

I kept quiet. He sighed.

"It is your duty as the only princess to marry a first class, you know this."

I looked away. I know.

"But recently another option became available. Prince Ziaka of the Znda's wants to marry you in exchange for a treaty."

I looked up angrily. I would not marry anyone if I couldn't marry Broly.

"I know you don't want to. But if you won't pick a first class Saiyin. Then Ziaka will be your husband."

I growled, Broly or no one. I would die first. I IT to an un inhabited planet to destroy it. I screamed my anger and let my power fly free. I fell to the ground crying. No this wasn't right. I wanted Broly. He wanted me. So why couldn't we be together. I was letting my power threw. I didn't care if my body burned up. If I couldn't have my love than I had no reason to live. If I died than at least I wouldn't marry anyone else.

I was slowly climbing to full power. It hurt, my body couldn't take much more of this.


Broly's POV

"No! She's burning herself out! If she doesn't stop she'll die!"

"Broly! Who?! What?!"

"Lionnia. She's upset and slowly climbing to full power. If she continues she will die."

"WHAT?!" Markelak yelled as he came in.

"Exactly what I said."
"What happened. Last I saw her father was... DAMN IT!"

He ran out.


Markelak's POV

I burst in with father staring at the spot where she had been standing.


"I yelled at her for becoming involved with Broly. Then told her if she didn't marry a first class Saiyin, there was a Prince who was willing to have her as a bargaining tool for the treaty. She IT'd away after that."

I fell to the ground crying.

"My daughter! My daughter! My only child is out there killing herself! My only child! Why!"


Vegeta's POV

I couldn't believe what I was hearing as Leone led me into the room.


"I yelled at her for becoming involved with Broly. Then told her if she didn't marry a first class Saiyin, there was a Prince who was willing to have her as a bargaining tool for the treaty. She IT'd away after that."

Markelak fell to the ground crying.

"My daughter! My daughter! My only child is out there killing herself! My only child! Why!"

"Get up, this isn't helping. Just have Broly IT to where ever she is and calm her down."
"NO!" Father wasn't having it.


"If it will save her, than yes. If it will save her I don't give a Damn what you want right now father. My only child is out there killing herself because you pushed her into a decision that no madder what she did she would spend the rest of her life in un ending pain."

Broly came in.

"I can't."

"If I go I'll be dead before I can get close enough to talk to her."
"She's almost to half her full strength. When she reaches 3/4 then that planet will die and her body will burn out."

"How can anyone be that strong?"

"She wasn't till today."

"She's releasing her pain. If she actually survived to full power she'd take 1/2 the universe with her."

"What hurt her?" Markelak asked.

"Well I uhh..."
"Oh for GODS SAKES! She's in love with him. He feels the same. She's told she has to marry either a first class Saiyin or a prince she's never met. She couldn't take it." I said.


Lionnia's POV

I could feel my power slowly climb higher. And then I heard it.

"Child, this is not the way to release your pain. Your beloved is scared that you will die." A female voice echoed.

"I can't do it. I can't. I can't live as the wife of someone I don't love. I love Broly. I can't live without him."

"I understand, but if you die you can't be with him."

"If I live I have to be with someone else."

"There are other ways. You could run away together. You could force your Grandfather to let you. Those are only a couple of your options."

"You mean there's hope?"
"Yes child, hope is always there. You were meant for each other."


Vegeta's POV

Broly smiled, either he has hit the ultimate depression or...Something went right.
"The Kais finally did something right." He said.

"What happened?"
"A female Kai showed up. She's having a conversation with Lionnia. She's convincing her to stop. I thinks it's working. But I wouldn't get your hopes up to high. If it was anyone else I'd say were in the clear. But since it's her...we're a long way from out of the fire."

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