Why life hurts: Character Bios

Published Jan 14, 2012, 9:54:39 PM UTC | Last updated Jan 15, 2012, 9:52:31 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Matt has been abused, molested, and yes even raped. He's lived his life in fear since he was 8 years old. He finally gets rescued only to be adopted by a Drunkie ex-cop. He's all alone. Till he meets Jayden. Jayden is interested in him in many ways. But he's willing to stick with friendship for now. Will he get what he wants or will he end up driving his new friend back into the shadows

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Chapter 1: Character Bios

Name: Matt Kinglsy

Age: 16

Height: 4 foot 8

Weight: 118

Hair: Strawberry Blond

Eyes: Dark Green

Grade/Occupation: 2nd year high school

Likes: Animals

Fears: People and everything they can do

Skin tone: pale

Additional comments: Fearful and shy. Afraid that if he doesn't do what everyone else wants they'll hurt him.


Name: Jayden Knightly

Age: 17

Height: 5 foot 4

Weight: 134

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Light Blue

Grade/Occupation: 2nd year high school

Likes: Playing pranks and making people laugh. Ohh and he likes Matt *wink* he really likes Matt

Fears: Hurting people

Skin tone: Tan

Additional comments: Jokester, class clone, funny, has all the girls at his feet, but still ignores them, Falls in love with his new class mate Matt.


Author's Note: Those were the 2 main characters. This story centers around them.


Name: Lilian Knightly

Age: 24

Height:5 foot 1

Weight: 145

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Dark Green

Grade/Occupation:  librarian

Likes: Yaoi

Fears: Hurting books

Skin tone: Light Tan

Additional comments: Yaoi obsessed sister of Jay.


Name: Kay Knightly

Age: 35

Height: 5 foot

Weight: 156

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Light Blue

Grade/Occupation:  School Nurse

Likes: Helping people

Fears: Hurting people

Skin tone: Deep Tan

Additional comments: Scary as HELL when mad.


Name: Becky Knightly

Age: 35

Height:5 foot

Weight: 153

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Light Blue

Grade/Occupation:  Stay at home mom 

Likes: Cooking

Fears: Cleaning

Skin tone: Light Tan

Additional comments: Jay and Lil's mom, Kay's twin sister.


Name: Mark Knightly

Age: 40

Height:5 foot 5

Weight: 223

Hair: Brown

Eyes: Dark Green

Grade/Occupation:  Carpenter

Likes: Books, Motorcyles, and Home Impovment

Fears: Failing

Skin tone: Deep Tan

Additional comments: Quiet type, unlike loud wife.


Name: Genie Knightly

Age: 12

Height: 3 foot 8

Weight: 109

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Dark Green

Grade/Occupation:  6th grader

Likes: Scateboards, Motorcycles, Rollercosters

Fears: Having her Kitty Mr. Flurriers get hurt

Skin tone: Medium Tan

Additional comments: TOM BOY! Twin sister to Bookish Dustie Knightly.


Name: Dustie Knightly

Age: 12

Height: 3 foot 8

Weight: 109

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Dark Green

Grade/Occupation:  6th grader

Likes: Books, Computers, Video Games, Anime

Fears: Losing his DS 

Skin tone: Pale

Additional comments: Majior Nerd alert. Not in a mean way. BOOKISH!

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