Heretic's Game: Amusing Toy

Published Nov 14, 2010, 4:27:05 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 14, 2010, 4:27:05 PM | Total Chapters 4

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Several writing exercises for my novel-in-progress, Heretic's Game

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Chapter 3: Amusing Toy


This little monk is amusing. Probably one of the most amusing toys I've had since I got out of prison. Now, normally, I just eat the shadows of my toys and let them die, but he tells me that it might possibly be a bit more amusing to let this one live. It's something I have to think about, really, but this toy's potential for further amusement definitely outweighs whatever satisfaction I'd get from just eating his shadow and being done with him.

Of course, there's always the third option. I could eat a little bit of his shadow, taste his darkest thoughts, and let him go. My toys are never quite the same after I've eaten even a little bit of their shadows, but I normally don't give other mages the time to fight back. This one just may be worth the risk.

I kick the monk in the ribs, and the pained little groan that I get in return sends a pleasant thrill up my spine. It makes me want to grab that pretty red hair of his, make him scream, and let him go before starting it over again. He's so deliciously responsive when it comes to his hair. I think I remember hearing something about a necromancy accident with him, so now his soul is in his hair. Most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of, but he takes it seriously enough.

He pushes himself up a little bit, spitting out blood onto the floor. His pretty little face is covered in some lovely cuts and bruises, and that beautiful, unnaturally red hair is clumped together with dried blood. I think he might even be more upset about his hair being filthy than he is about being in pain. I'd tell him that he needs to get his priorities straightened out a bit, but it's just too damn funny.

"I'm going to fucking kill you, Kashida." His voice was always rough, and that awful harsh accent of his hurts to listen to, but it's even thicker now. When was the last time I gave him food or water? Ah well, I'll give him some when I'm through here. There's more important things to attend to.

I lean down, putting my boot quite firmly on his unclothed back and forcing him back onto the ground so he can't get away. I'm dimly aware that he is doing the same thing with the monk's shadow, reaching a clawed hand down to trail along his back. I watch the same spot on the little redhead's body and I just can't help but lick my lips as the clawmarks leave beautiful little trails of blood.

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