Pushed to the Edge: Horrible Day

Published Jul 29, 2010, 12:51:16 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 29, 2010, 12:51:16 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

It was just another day for Lucy.. until she was pushed too far. I in no way condone or encourage violence or murder. Also, I'm not really trying my hardest with writing this.

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Chapter 1: Horrible Day

Lucy was just a normal 20 year old girl. She had her problems just like everyone else, but she dealt with them. She had patients of gold. Slowly though, her tolerance for people was shortening. There was only so much she could take. Her family had just moved to New York from California. She knew almost no one, but I few people who were nice enough to help her get used to the area. She was a very nice girl. So polite, always had a smile on her face. There were very few things she didn't like.


One day she was giving out fliers for a local band. It was part of her job, which she liked. She was really excited about the concert that was coming up, so she happily handed out the fliers and encouraged people to come. This was her dream job. There was one man that usually passed her while she was leaving work. He worked in the same building as a security guard. Enthusiastically, Lucy approached him with a smile on her face. "Excuse me, Sir. I'm giving out fliers for a concert this weekend. You should come! It'll be a lot of fun." The man surely heard her, but didn't even look in her direction. Instead he completely ignored her and went up to one of his friends and started talking to them instead. Lucy was hurt. "Why would he do that...?" She thought to herself. Every time they passed each other Lucy said hello and he said hello back. She didn't know if she felt sad, or angry, but she didn't like it... at all.


Lucy continued to hand out fliers to passing people. Ignoring the man who was still standing around talking to his friends. Eventually, Lucy's closest friend walked past. They weren't best friends, but they were close enough. 'Hello, Tom!" Lucy said. They two began to catch up on recent things in their lives. After about twenty minutes Tom left saying, "I have some work to get done. See you around!" Lucy said her goodbyes, but in the back of her mind she couldn't help feeling like he wasn't really going to get work done. She went inside, and clocked out. As she was walking home she passed a little cafe on the corner where she saw Tom sitting at a table with a friend of his.It was Roxanne, a girl that Lucy knew pretty well. Tom wasn't doing work at all, just like Lucy expected. However, Lucy was really upset that he left her to hang out with Roxanne. I mean, he knew that she was going to clock out right after he left. Why didn't he invite her to come? She was sort of friends with Roxanne too. Lucy didn't have feelings for Tom or anything, she just felt really hurt because he was her closest friend. There was no reason for Tom to not invite her.


Lucy walked home, hurt and upset. She just couldn't seem to find any real friends. Tears streamed down her face the whole way home. When she got there she suddenly remembered that her best friend from California, Jane was supposed to call. Lucy was so excited. She waited by the phone for hours. She called over and over, until 3am finally rolled around. It was midnight in California now, and Jane always went to bed around 10. She was without a doubt asleep. Worried, Lucy went to bed. As she lie there staring at the ceiling she wasn't too worried. Sure there is a possibility that Jane got into a car accident or something, but Lucy knew better than that. Jane stood her up all the time for her boyfriend, Fred. Lucy knew that must have been what happened.


The next morning came, and Lucy checked her emails like she usually did. One Email sat alone in the inbox... it was from Jane. Eagerly, she clicked on it. It read:


"Hey Lucy,

Sorry I didn't call last night. Fred came over unexpectedly and we were watching movies all night. He didn't leave until around 11. I saw that you called me a few times, but I was too tired to call back. Talk to you soon! -Jane"


Lucy could not believe that Jane was home all night, got her calls, and still ignored her. How much more of this could Lucy take!? She was so furious she didn't even bother to email her back.


"Deep breaths..." Lucy told herself over and over in her head as she walked to work. She passed the guy who ignored her and Tom. She didn't even say hello to them as she walked into the building and up the stairs. She could tell the first guy was annoyed. He thought he was better than everyone else. Tom was just sort of worried. She sat at the desk and checked her emails again. Another one from Jane expressing how bad she felt and that she was going to fly to New York first flight she could catch. It's not like it was a big deal, Jane was practically made of money. Her parents were loaded. Lucy wasn't even excited. She didn't ever want to see that bitch's face again. Suddenly, her boss walked in. "Hey uh.. I have to let you go. Can you move your stuff out by the end of the day?" Apparently the security guard who she ignored that morning was also her boss's only nephew. Ignoring him got her fired from her one and only dream job. She decided to take a break, and walk off the anger.


Lucy stood over Jane's bloody, lifeless body. Tom staggered in the doorway, covered in blood watching in horror. Roxanne appeared to be lying on the other side of the room also, her soulless eyes staring up at the ceiling. The man who ignored her was lying, hunched in the corner of the room. Lucy stood there holding a hammer drenched in blood. There was blood everywhere. The crimson liquid covered the five of them, the floor, the walls, tables, chairs.. everything. At first, all Lucy saw was blurry red puddles, until her eyes refocused on the room. Her eyes met the bodies, the blood and Tom's face. She was so confused.


Halfway through Lucy's walk she found a Home Depot. She thought about buying some things that could be used as weapons and kill all the people who made her angry. Especially that asshole security guard. After that, she could remember nothing. She did go into Home Depot, and she did buy a hammer. She continued walking until she found a warehouse she could break into. She left the weapons there and found Roxanne and the security guard. With some crocodile tears, she convinced them Tom was hurt in the warehouse. They believed her and followed her there. That is when she took out the hammer and smashed the security guard in the head with it until he was seemingly dead. Roxanne quickly called Tom while this was happening. Lucy walked towards Roxanne until she backed her into a wall. She slammed the hammer into her skull like she was hammering the dullest nail into the hardest piece of wood. It didn't take long for her to die, yet she continued to hammer away at the bloody mess that was once her head. Suddenly,Lucy's phone rang. It was Jane calling. "Hello? I'm here! Where can I meet you?" Said Jane on the other line. Lucy answered simply, in a monotone voice, "113 Parker Street. I'm in the warehouse. Door's open.." And promptly hung up. Lucy stood there, staring blankly at Roxanne's body, emotionless. About twenty minutes went by when Tom finally arrived. Running through the door, until he stopped completely when he saw the bloody mess. Lucy turned to him slowly."L-Lucy... What the hell happened?! Roxanne.." Lucy said nothing. She stared at him with hurt eyes as she walked towards him. Tears began to roll down Tom's cheeks "Lucy.. did you do this? Why.. why would you do this?" She stared him in the eyes, "Don't. Ever. Ignore me. Again!" Quickly she lifted her hammer and came down on his shoulder hard. She accidentally missed his head. Tom fell to the floor, and tried to crawl away as Lucy proceded to break his legs with her hammer. She heard a scream from behind her. It was Jane. Finally, she had arrived. Lucy turned quickly and nearly ran to Jane where she smashed her with the hammer until she was a crumpled corpse lying in a puddle of her own blood. "THIS IS WHAT YOU GET FOR PUTTING FRED BEFORE ME YOU BITCH!" Jane was dead before she could even beg for her own life. Tom just watched in shock.


Lucy stared at him. Suddenly her memory rushed back to her. Glancing around the room she realized what she did. She turned her gaze back to Tom. The faintest smirk played across her lips. Even though she wasn't thinking, even though she blacked out.. she was happy with her work.

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