Toi Un Plus: Chapter 3: The Audition

Published Aug 15, 2009, 3:23:48 AM UTC | Last updated Sep 25, 2009, 9:56:40 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

The adventures and relationships centered around an invented visual kei band (Toi Un Plus) starring Rhy as vocals, Callum and Sungam as guitarists, Noku as bass, Alexei as drums, and Ramu as the band manager

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Chapter 3: Chapter 3: The Audition


Chapter 3: The Audition



Rhy glanced up from the music in his lap as Alexei parked outside of Ramu’s black magic shop, Ra’s Temple. He shut the engine off and glanced at him.

“Ready to test out the new kid?”

The vocalist nodded. Hopefully Noku would play better than the last person who’d tried to audition for Toi Un Plus. He wouldn’t get his hopes up but he’d give the younger boy a chance.

Alexei stepped out of the car and took his messenger bag out of the backseat, hooking the strap over his shoulders. Rhy got out as well and shut the door. They started towards Ra’s Temple but paused as they noticed Noku approaching. He looked irritated and had his bass cradled in his arms.

“Hey, Noku,” Alexei called, but the boy ignored him and stalked into Ra’s Temple.

The drummer frowned. “Not very friendly is he.”

“Doesn’t seem like it,” Rhy murmured. He’d noticed last night that Noku hadn’t been thrilled at the prospect of auditioning. His brother had forced him to come to taekwondo, volunteered him as a bassist, and had probably made him try out for the band. If that was the case, then Noku had a reason to be surly.

He pushed the boy’s behavior to the back of his mind as he opened the door. The bell chimed and he stepped inside. He liked coming to Ra’s Temple since the store was peaceful and Ramu kept it stocked with interesting things. The shelves and display tables were filled with various dark things and old books.

He noticed the band’s guitarists clustered around a table, peering at a book in front of them. Sungam had his arm around Callum’s shoulders and he glanced up, smiling. “Hey.”

“Sorry if we’re late. Traffic was terrible,” Alexei apologized.

Rhy cast a wary glance at Sungam. The guitarist hated tardiness but he seemed to be in a good mood. They must be on time then.

“No, you’re on time. We’ve only been here for five minutes,” Callum said.

Alexei looked relieved. “That’s good. Where’s Ramu?”

“Probably upstairs,” Rhy murmured, glancing towards the spiral staircase across the store. He noticed one of their manager’s black cats stretched out on the bottom step. Fudge was so fat he was spilling over the side of it and the vocalist smiled a little. That was the closest Fudge usually got to going upstairs.

“Does this cat always glare at everyone?” Noku asked.

Rhy glanced back. The boy’s wary eyes were fixed on another black cat who was perched on the counter. Coco’s eyes were narrowed into her permanent glare. It had been unnerving at first but the vocalist had gotten used to it.

“She does, you’ll be fine as long as you don’t do anything to irritate her though,” Callum explained.

Noku looked unconvinced and Rhy turned his attention back to Sungam as the guitarist spoke. “Now that we’re all here, let’s get Ramu. Alexei, go ring the bell and get him to come down.”

“Okay.” The drummer went over to the counter and rang the bell. Coco shot him a filthy look and jumped down to the floor, stalking past Rhy in a huff.

The band waited a few moments and when their manager didn’t come down, Alexei hit the bell again. It took several rings for Ramu to finally come down the stairs.

“I was starting to wonder if you’d fallen asleep or something,” Sungam said.

Ramu hummed absently. “I was talking to the ghost.”

“Ghost?” Noku scoffed. “Ghosts don’t exist.”

The manager looked at him, lips curving into a mysterious smile. “They do. You just haven’t seen one yet.”

Noku scowled but didn’t reply. Rhy and the rest of the band were used to their manager’s eccentric behavior, and had learned to tune out his words about the ghost that supposedly lived in Ra’s Temple.

“Come on, let’s practice.” Sungam picked up his guitar and the others followed him up the stairs, stepping over Fudge since the cat refused to move. Ramu lived in the floor above his shop and closed off the rest of his home from the band’s practice area with a set of French doors.

Alexei went right over to his drum set in the corner. A smile lit up his face as he brushed a loving hand across the symbols. There wasn’t enough room to keep them in their apartment, so he had to store them here. Rhy knew how much that bothered him but it was the way things had to be.

Sungam and Callum plugged in their electric guitars and Noku did the same with his bass. Rhy glanced around for a place to sit, settling down on the couch next to Ramu.

“Did you bring something to play?” Sungam asked.

Noku nodded. “Just something I wrote.” He ran his fingers across the strings and began to play. He was surprisingly talented, and Rhy watched him closely. Noku bowed his head over the bass and his eyes grew distant as he lost himself to the music.

The piece was short and he glanced up once he’d finished. He seemed uncomfortable to have all five of them staring and Rhy averted his eyes, glancing at Sungam. He believed Toi Un Plus had found their bassist but he wanted to know their leader’s opinion.

“That was good but I’d like to hear more. How good are you at sight reading?”

“Um, I’m okay, I guess.”

Sungam glanced at Rhy. “Did you bring the bass part?”

The vocalist nodded and opened his folder. He found the paper labeled “Bass” and handed it to Noku. He wrote the band’s music – both lyrics and notes – and the others built off what he’d written to create their songs.

Noku took the paper and read through the song. Rhy noticed he seemed nervous at being the center of attention, but he didn’t let it show as he returned the song. His hands grasped the bass again and he stood still for a few moments before he began to play. He stumbled over the first few notes but soon fell into the rhythm. From there he only missed a couple notes and he drew the last one out, glancing up as it died away.

“That was good. You’ve got talent, Noku, but I want to hear how well you play with others before I let you join. Let’s have a duet,” Sungam said.

Noku nodded and the leader picked up his guitar, coming over to stand next to the potential bassist. The older guitarist started to play and Noku soon joined in. Rhy was once more impressed by the boy’s ability to perform, and with how well he and Sungam matched each other. The deep notes of the bass laced with the higher notes of the electric guitar created a perfect melody and Rhy had to restrain himself from singing along, worried he would distract the two and ruin the audition.

As the last chord died away Sungam turned to Noku. “That was great, you play really well.”

“Thanks.” Noku looked embarrassed at the compliment.

“So is he our bassist?” Alexei called from the drums.

Rhy looked at Sungam. It was almost a guaranteed thing that Noku would join the band, but he knew the guitarist wanted to make sure the boy was the right one for them before consenting.

“Not yet. I want to see how well he plays with all of us before I choose.”

“What song should we play?” Callum asked, picking up his guitar.

“How about Rhy’s newest song?” Alexei suggested.

“Alright.” The vocalist got up and went over to his roommate, taking his microphone out of Alexei’s bag and taking his place at the center of the room. The rest of the band positioned themselves around him, Callum to his right with Noku behind him and Sungam to his left. Once everyone was in place he switched the microphone on and began to sing. As he reached the fourth line Sungam added his guitar and Callum followed. Alexei tapped the symbols and continued with the drums, signaling Noku to come in. The boy’s bass smoothed out the music and Rhy closed his eyes in contentment. The band finally sounded complete.

The vocalist held out the last note before lowering the mic. Ramu clapped and Rhy turned around, wanting to see his band mates’ reactions. Sungam and Alexei were grinning and even Noku looked pleased.

“Congratulations, Noku. You’re officially our bassist,” the leader said.

A faint smile brightened his features and he nodded. “Okay.”

Sungam looked a little disappointed at his lack of enthusiasm but Rhy understood. Noku was quiet like him. That smile was the equivalent of jumping for joy.

“We finally have our bassist,” Alexei said happily. Rhy was grateful for that. Toi Un Plus had been good before, but it’d been incomplete. Like something damaged. Noku was the final piece of the puzzle.

“Yes. Now, if everyone’s up for it, we should go to Pizza Hut to celebrate and talk about practice times. Plus I’m hungry,” Sungam said, glancing at Noku. “I’ll give you a ride there.”

“Thanks.” The boy unplugged his bass and put it back in its case.

“Do you want to come, Ramu?” Alexei asked.

The manager nodded absently. “I’ll meet you there.” His blue eyes strayed towards Noku, which surprised Rhy. Ramu rarely held eye contact with anyone and the new bassist looked uncomfortable at being the subject of his scrutiny.

“Everyone ready?” Sungam asked.

“Yeah.” Noku picked up his bass, and the guitarists packed up their instruments.

“Awesome. Let’s go,” Alexei said, giving his drums one last farewell tap. “See you guys soon.”

“If you get there before us, get one of the round booths in the corner,” Sungam instructed.

Rhy nodded and put his microphone and folder into his roommate’s bag before following him down the stairs and out to the car. He sat in the passenger seat and once Alexei was in, the drummer started the car and drove away.



*   *   *



Alexei parked outside of Pizza Hut and the two entered. Sungam and the others had yet to arrive, so they’d get their booth and wait.

“Hello, welcome to Pizza Hut. Will it just be the two of you today?” a waitress asked.

The drummer shook his head. “No, four more will be joining us.”

She nodded and led them to the curved booth in the corner. Rhy slid in first and Alexei sat next to him on the end. The woman put menus in front of them and stepped back. “Would you like something to drink now or later?”

“We’ll wait until our friends arrive,” Alexei said.

“Alright.” The woman left.

Rhy put his elbows on the table, resting his chin on his hands as he glanced out the window. He wanted to write another song but wasn’t sure what it should be about. The last one had been calm, written in ballad style, and he wanted something different. Something louder, darker, edgier… but what to write about? It’d have to have a good bass part for Noku. Maybe he could fit a solo into it.

The vocalist jerked out of his daydreams as the rest of the band arrived. Noku sat next to Rhy and Callum and Sungam filed in after him. There was still no sign of Ramu, which didn’t surprise Rhy. The manager always took his time.

“Is everyone good with two large ham and pepperoni pizzas, with a side of cinnamon breadsticks?” Sungam asked.

Rhy nodded and glanced at Alexei, unsurprised to see his own profile across a page in his sketchbook. His roommate loved to draw and always carried a notebook with him. He was used to being drawn by Alexei since they were with each other so often.

“Are you ready to order?” their waitress asked, returning to their table.

“Yes. We’ll take a large order of cinnamon sticks, and two large ham and pepperoni pizzas. All on one bill please.”

“Sungam, you don’t have to. I can at least pay for myself and Rhy,” Alexei protested as he put his sketchbook away.

“No you can’t and I don’t want to hear another complaint. The last I can do is treat my friends to pizza,” the guitarist replied.

Rhy sighed. He and Alexei always argued with Sungam about paying for them but their leader never listened. Part of him was grateful, since he didn’t have the money to buy his share but the rest of him was too proud to admit it.

“Alright, I’ll put that in right away.” The waitress took their drinks request next and returned a few minutes later with Pepsi for Noku, Mountain Dew for Rhy and Sungam, and root beer for Callum and Alexei. They’d decided to let Ramu pick his drink when he arrived.

Noku sipped his Pepsi and glanced at Rhy. “Do you have the bass part to that song we played?”

“Yes.” Rhy took his music folder out of Alexei’s bag and opened it, handing the music to the bassist.

“Anyone have a pencil?”

The drummer handed him the one he’d been drawing with.

Noku made a few changes before returning the song and pencil. “There. The bass was too weak before, but it’s stronger now.”

Rhy scanned the boy’s edits and nodded. “It’s better now.” He hadn’t been able to write strong bass parts due to their lack of a bassist, but now that Noku was here he’d be able to balance out their music.

“Yeah,” Alexei leaned over to get a closer look. “This is pretty good, Noku.” He smiled and without warning, enfolded bassist and vocalist into a tight hug. Rhy was all too used to his roommate’s random hugs but Noku stiffened. “You guys are so skinny! It’s like hugging skeletons.”

“Then don’t hug us,” the bassist snapped.

“But hugs are fun,” Ramu said, startling Rhy. The tall manager gave them an airy wave before sliding in next to Sungam.

“Hey, Ramu. Glad you could join us.” The guitarist turned to Noku. “Alright, let’s get down to business. Does anyone have a notebook?”

“I do.” Rhy took his out of Alexei’s bag and opened it to a fresh page.

“What days is everyone busy?” Sungam asked.

“1:30 to 4:30 on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.”

“Work?” Callum asked.

Noku nodded. “At Mom’s bakery.”

“All of us – except you – go to taekwondo from 7:30 to 8:30 PM on Monday and Wednesday. Cal and I go Tuesdays too, same time but at a different ATA,” Sungam said.

“I have a morning photography class Monday through Wednesday from 9 to 11,” Alexei said.

“Same.” Rhy wrote down the times.

“Of course. You sit next to me in class.”

“I just do taekwondo but I’m trying to find a part time job. I haven’t had any luck so far… but I’ll let you know if I get one, or if I have an interview,” Callum said.

Noku glanced at him. “Talk to my mother. She’s always saying we need more employees in the bakery.”

The guitarist looked grateful and nodded. “Thanks, I will.”

“So aside from that are there any other times where the band can’t practice?” Alexei asked.

No one answered. “Awesome. How about we start off with practices three days a week. Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday or Saturday depending on weekend plans. Let’s do 1:30-4:30 Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. We’ll practice 6 to 9 on Friday,” Sungam said. “Once Rhy’s finished writing that he’s going to pass the paper around and I want everyone to write down their contact information. Phone number, address, and email so I can reach you easily.”

“I don’t have a computer… or a cell phone.” Noku looked humiliated at having to admit this.

Sungam looked surprised. “Oh. I’ll just call your house then.”

Rhy wrote down his information and passed the paper to Alexei. The drummer did the same and passed it to Noku. The paper continued down the chain of band members and Ramu returned it to Sungam once he’d finished.

“Practices are at Ra’s Temple. If you can’t attend or are going to be late, call me with a good excuse. Any questions?” When no one answered, he continued, “I’ll give everyone a copy of the schedule on Thursday. Sound good?”

“Yeah,” the band agreed.

“Awesome. That gives you two days to get ready.” Sungam put the paper away, and grinned as their food arrived. “Let’s eat!” The band dug into their pizza without complaint. Conversation was kept to a minimum since they were all hungry, and Rhy pushed his plate aside once he’d finished.

Alexei poked him in the ribs. “How come you’re still so thin? You eat regular meals but you’re still skin and bone.”

“I don’t know,” Rhy muttered, crossing his arms. He noticed Ramu staring at Noku again, studying his slim frame. “This one’s skinny too.”

Noku glared. “I eat, so don’t call me an anorexic.”

“Obviously you and Rhy aren’t eating enough. If you eat more then you’ll look like healthy people instead of famine victims,” Sungam said.

Rhy sighed and checked his watch, frowning at the time. “We should probably get going.”

Alexei nodded. “Yeah, I need to finish my photography project. Thanks for buying the pizza, Sungam. See you at taekwondo tomorrow.”

“Bye,” the band called.

Rhy gave a small wave before following Alexei out to his car. Once inside the drummer sighed in contentment. “I’m so happy we have a bassist now. I was starting to worry we’d never find one.”

“Same,” the vocalist murmured. Several people had auditioned but they’d never been good enough.

“I can’t wait to tell Anwen,” Alexei continued. Anwen was his older sister and she’d been a fan of their band since day one. “She’s going to be so happy.”

“So will my brothers.”

“Yeah. Well, let’s get home and finish our project before we call them with the good news,” Alexei said.

“Good idea.”

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