Mask: 3

Published Feb 17, 2009, 7:07:47 PM UTC | Last updated Feb 17, 2009, 7:20:44 PM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

Post Dark Knight. Joker's first stay at Arkham

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Chapter 3: 3




PAIRING (if applicable): Joker and some crazy chick in this chapter

NOTES: NOLAN-VERSE I simply adore Heath Ledger’s Joker. So should you... :D


SUMMARY: The Joker’s first few days at Arkham THIS CHAPTER HAS A SEX SCENE. BE WARNED.

DISCLAIMER: I do not own these characters, I make no money from writing this, so don’t be a douche and sue me or something. The lyrics belong to Fugees




M to the A to the S to the K,
Put the mask up on the face just to make the next day.
Brothers be frontin’, Then they be runnin’,
I walk the streets and camouflage my identity.
My posse in the Bronx wear the mask
My crew on the hour wear the mask.
Stick up kids rollin' in the Omni wear the mask
Yeah everybody wear the mask but how long will it last?



Chapter 3


They sat him in a large room with a bunch of mad, drooling idiots. They thought he was crazy, and then they stuck him in a room full of people who were nuttier than squirrel shit. He began to giggle. He never had any control over his laughter, he didn’t want to. Some people would cover their mouth or look away when they were laughing at someone. Not him. He would laugh right in their faces. He saw an old woman who looked like a fairy-tale witch spinning in circles and singing. A young woman rocked back and forth in a chair as she stared blankly out the window. He ran up to the old woman first, stopped in front of her, pointed his finger.

She twirled right past. The urge to trip the old bat was nearly irresistible, but he didn’t want to get tossed out yet. He went over to the girl in by the window. She took one look at him and shrank away in terror. He immediately burst into peals of laughter and she began to wail and pull her hair. He quickly trotted away and found a short, balding fat man. He ran up behind him and grabbed the little man’s he-boobies.

"Ooh, baby!" he moaned loudly, squeezing the man’s fat chest forcefully.

"Ow!" the little man screeched. Joker howled with laughter and then found a morose-looking youth who eyed him warily. He flopped down on the threadbare couch right next to the young man, wrapping an arm around the boy’s thin frame and pulling him close.

"Was it one of those ‘cry for help’ suicide attempts, you little pussy?" then he quickly got the young man in a head lock and fiercely rubbed the boy’s scalp with his knuckles. "Ha ha!" he chortled, leaping to his feet and scurrying after new prey. He was amazed no one had tried to stop him yet. Perhaps if his assaults remained mostly non-violent.. He saw a tall old man with wild white hair. He sat in a lazy boy, his violently shaking hand clutching a remote. Joker began to snatch at the remote and try to smack it out of the old man’s hand. The old man growled at him. One hand rose in a claw and swiped at him. The sound of his laughter filled the entire room and some of the residents began to make their own odd little brays and screeches. His legs grew weak with mirth and he fell to the floor as he again heard an occasional growl from the old man.

When he was able to breathe normally he rose to his feet. A quick glance at the old man earned him another growl and swipe. He began to laugh again, until tears came to his eyes. He finally staggered away.

"No more.. I can’t take it," he gasped, wiping his eyes.

"Don’t talk to me like that, don’t, don’t you-! Filth. Shut up, shut up, shut up!" a man in his late thirties commanded.

"Shut up, shut up, shut up." the Joker barked in his ear as he went past.

"NO!" the man’s voice rose. "YOU shut up!!" The other residents were growing louder and he could see the consternation in the faces of the nurses and orderlies. He found all the jittery patients and began to poke and prod them until they were in a frenzy. Anyone who was compulsively performing a task- he would disrupt them until they burst into a paroxysm of fear and anxiety. A man had been creating a house of cards and he had simply walked up to it and knocked it over. A woman who brushed her hair obsessively (so much that she had little left from brushing it all day, every day) had lost her brush when he’d plucked it from her hand and ran off with it.

"My brush!" she wailed, her hands opening and closing rapidly as she sought to recapture it. He giggled as he ran and then stuck it under the couch. The young man he had berated earlier was crying softly and he went and plopped down next to him, again pulling him close.

"Quit yer fuckin’ crying or I’ll give you something to cry about." he ordered in a guttural snarl. The boy stiffened in fear and hurriedly wiped his eyes. "Good boy. Don’t be a cry baby." he said, his voice much lighter. He shot back to his feet and continued to an excessively thin young woman with long brown hair. She eyed him nervously. "Checking out my scars? They’re pretty cool, huh?" he said, licking one. She nodded in jerky movements. "You like them, really?" he said, his eyes brightening. She nodded again, hesitantly. He drew close in a fluid movement. "Would you like a matching pair?" he murmured sensually. She jerked away with a gasp, her head shaking frantically. "What’s wrong, girlie? Can’t talk? Did your tongue shrivel up from not eating?"

"Please go away." she murmured, not daring to maintain eye contact any longer.

"You look like Skeletor!" he said and stuck his tongue out at her before he bounded away.


He saw a woman in her mid-to-late twenties giving him the eye. He was surprised he hadn’t noticed her yet. She looked too normal to be in Arkham asylum. As he drew closer he noticed she was in fact, gorgeous- with a beautiful face and body and wavy, long dark hair. He winked at her and she smiled wickedly back. "Hmm.." he murmured and advanced. Probably a stalker or a schizo. Like he cared. He saw her mouth open in surprise as she got a close up look at his scars.

"Damn, baby, I’d hate to see what the other guy looks like." She purred. He unleashed a predatory grin that never failed to get the psycho girls hot. Her eyes were smoldering.

"What could a woman like you be doing in a place like this?" She bit her lower lip.

"I’m innocent!" she pouted.

"I’m not." he said, maneuvering her behind a two-foot-wide column. She allowed him to lead her, and she snuck glances over her shoulder often.

"I noticed. And yet the guards are leaving you alone." they were at the back of the room, in a dim corner, behind a support column. There was usually a guard there. It was a good hiding place for those trying to cause trouble.

"They had better. They don’t like me when I’m angry." he said with a chuckle that swiftly turned into a gasp as she slid her hand down the front of his pants.

"I like you." she said with a smirk and dropped to her knees. His eyes followed her, widening as she yanked his pants and boxers down. His legs almost gave out when she wrapped her lips around him. A soft groan escaped his lips, his eyes slid shut. She began to work him like a pro. He gasped and clutched the column for support with one hand, the other quickly tangling in her hair.

"Shit." he moaned softly as she swallowed as much of his length as she could before continuing to bob and suck rapidly. He was about to lose his balance. He pulled her off of him, and joined her on the floor. Before he could do anything else she grabbed his cock and began to jerk him off. "Fuck." he hissed and pulled her close, sliding his hand into her panties and finding the moist slit. He slid a few fingers in her and she mewled in his ear. He found her clit and began to rub it, she gasped and bucked her hips. "Enough!" he snapped after a minute and spun her around, yanking her pants down and thrusting inside her. He heard her squeal, despite her hand over her mouth. He groaned in ecstacy, it had been just a tad too long, he realized as he pounded into her. And he was glad she had the foresight to keep her damned mouth shut. He rode her hard, not caring if he hurt her. He was fairly sure she was enjoying every minute of it, if her muffled groans were any indication. The minx turned her head suddenly and glanced back at him.

"Yeah, daddy, fuck me harder!" she moaned and suddenly clenched around him.

"Oh!" he gasped, thrusting faster until jolts of pleasure shot through him. He came with a soft groan and after a few more thrusts, pulled out of her and tugged his pants up with shaking hands. She did likewise and for a moment they sat staring at each other, gasping for breath.

"We should do this again some time." she said.

"Yes." he agreed and rose on wobbly legs to peek around the column. The other inmates were still going about their business, wailing, chirping, growling and the like. Had no one really noticed? He began to giggle and sank back down to his knees and immediately began to pull her shirt up. She grinned and did not deter him, a moan escaping her as he bent down and began to lick and nibble on her breasts.

"You are a bad boy." she said, groaning as he began to finger fuck her.

"Well, what have we got here?" Said a very loud and vaguely familiar voice. He jerked away from the girl, the loud man’s voice jolting him out of his pleasurable haze. "Well at least we know your not queer." he sneered as the young woman yanked her shirt down and scrambled to her feet. She looked ready to bolt and the guard caught her arm. "Now Samantha, I’m disappointed in you." he said in a low voice meant only for her ears. But Joker easily heard him and sneered at the undisguised jealousy in the man’s eyes. "All this time you’ve been nothing but a frigid bitch, and the moment you meet this freak you let him suck on your titties."

Samantha looked frightened, and she glanced at the Joker as if he’d help her. He rose on still unsteady legs. He had been enjoying her after all. And there was a pretty damn good chance he could get between those legs for as long as he wanted if he played his cards right.

"Jealous?" Joker sneered, absently sniffing his fingers and chuckling lewdly. Samantha licked her lips, her eyes locking with his again. He grinned, the girl was his for the taking whenever he wanted already, but this would cement it.

"You fucker, how does solitary sound?"

"You think I’m scared of you?" he sneered, licking a scar. The guard released Samantha and shoved Joker with all his might. He stumbled back a few steps and then rage took over.

He charged at the man, his left hand locked around his throat. His momentum flattened the man and he fell on top of him. Joker began punching before they hit the ground. Two in the face, a few in the ribs, then back to the face again. Samantha had begun to kick the felled man as well. For a moment, in his frenzy, he almost attacked her, thinking she meant to stop him. And all the while his hand remained locked around the man’s throat.

Then several people were pulling him off the man, and despite his struggles- that he would never give up no matter how futile- they easily overpowered him. He saw Dr. Arkham approaching with the hated needle.

"What? He started it!" he cried out, his features flushed with exertion. The doctor merely shook his head and bore down on him, the needle rapidly descended. "No!" he groaned, his voice already growing faint as the drugs overwhelmed him.






Holy shit I wrote 2 chapters in one day! That never happens - That’s why it’s so short. :D

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