36 Erotic Ban/Jak Tales: Tale 6: Brave eyes

Published Dec 23, 2008, 3:31:24 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 3, 2009, 7:44:28 PM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

Written for LJ's 36 erotic IY tales, the following is a series of "naughty" one shots written for a specific theme. They range in rating from Mature to older teen. There's multiple genres, with romance being the main one.

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Chapter 6: Tale 6: Brave eyes

Author: kira
Title: Tale 6:
Brave eyes

Theme: voyeurism/exhibitionism

Rating: Mature

Word Count: 4,348 not including the omake at the end.
The following contains yaoi, implied sex with what in modern times would be considered a minor, implied anal sex, oral sex, mention of prostitution as well voyeurism and exhibitionism.
Renkotsu walks in on Bankotsu’s and Jakotsu’s love play one too many times.
Thanks to my beta, Jen, who helps me as always to polish my fics!  The title for this one comes from an Orikasa Ai song of the same name.  Please note that there’s some omake at the end of this one. It’s become a new tradition of ours to take a Christmas classic & have a bit of fun with it. Last year was “The Night Before New Years” with the cast of Fruits Basket. This year, we give you Renkotsu’s version of the Nat King Cole classic, “Christmas Song.” Please note that we intend no OFFENCE by this lil parody of ours...


“Hey, Ren!” Ginkotsu wheezed metallically as he hurried down the outer corridor, towards his friend.


The fire-breather stopped and waited for Ginkotsu to catch up. “Yeah?”

“Oo-Aniki like that hairpin?”

“I think so. And as long as Jak likes it, who cares if the brat does or not?”


“Geshi...” The older man smiled with his remaining eye, his metallic jaw making impossible to do so otherwise.


Renkotsu grinned. “Leader or not, one of these days I’m going to tie him and Jak together and blow them both up. You wouldn’t believe the drama that went on over that stupid cock ring,” he said dryly.

“I can imagine,” the half metallic man wheezed.

“Poor Sui, every time there’s a problem Jak comes running to him. It’s a wonder Scary Sui hasn’t gutted the two of them by now.” Renkotsu chuckled at the thought.

“Gesh, gesh, gesh...” Ginkotsu laughed.
“Yeah... Anyway, I finished those drawings I told you about.”

The fire-breather nodded. “Yup. Why don’t you meet me in my workshop, I just remembered I left them in that room I was telling you about.”


“The one with the good lighting?”

“That’s the one.” Renkotsu grinned.

The fire-breather took a shortcut through several of the rooms and once inside the main area of the large mansion they called their “home base,” he made his way towards their sleeping quarters. The room in question was at the opposite end of the hall, as far away from the room Bankotsu shared with his paramour as he could get. The fact that it had excellent lighting, thanks to the tree Kyokotsu had knocked down while drunkenly looking for a place to sleep it off, was a bonus that more than made up for the fact that the room could be rather hot and stuffy during the long summer afternoons.


Lost in thought over the designs he had sketched for an upgrade on Ginkotsu’s armor, Renkotsu completely missed the sounds of intimate activity going on in his favorite haunt. Sliding back the shoji just far enough to slip inside, he came face to face with his worst nightmare.


Jakotsu was sprawled out naked on the floor, with Bankotsu settled nicely between his legs. Their leader was busy pleasuring the cross-dresser orally, his head bobbing up down while his paramour moaned softly.


Oh hell...Renkotsu mentally groaned. Not again!! He briefly closed his eyes, hoping to shut out the disgusting display before him, but he found he could not stop watching, preferring instead, to think of it as himself and the gentle healer. Unfortunately, that did not work and he was forced to watch the scene play out before him in all its sinful glory, adding to the irritation that the cross-dresser brought out in him.


One of the things that bothered Renkotsu the most about Jakotsu was his carefree attitude towards sex. The cross-dresser had no problems with sleeping with any male that caught his eye, whether it was some terrified enemy solider on the battlefield or one his fellow comrades in arms. Even when Bankotsu had him go out and offer some sex in exchange for information, Jakotsu did as he was told without complaint. And yet, the fire-breather could not understand why the cross-dresser got so upset when Bankotsu chased after the village girls or visited the brothels. Sighing softly, Renkotsu was pulled from his thoughts by Jakotsu’s loud cries of pleasure.

“Aaah... Aaah... Aaah...niiii... kiiiii...chaaaaaannnn...”

The fire-breather swallowed hard. He was painfully aroused despite his disgust and he took a step backwards, hoping to slip away without notice. The floorboards creaked, however, alerting the two “rabbits” to his presence. The three of them stared at each other for several long, tense minutes. Renkotsu was mortified and he was sure his face was just as red as Bankotsu’s. He sputtered wordlessly, trying to apologize, but the words refused to come out. He felt even worse when Jakotsu giggled.

“Stop acting like a koi out of water, Ren, if you wanted to join us, all you had to do was say so,” he said impishly.


Renkotsu could not believe what he was hearing. He sputtered wordlessly again, mentally cursing the cross-dresser, who simply lay back and laughed. Unable to take it anymore, the fire-breather stepped back and slid the shoji shut. He rested briefly against the frame, listening to them laugh, before he backed away and took off down the hall, his sketches forgotten.


Things mercifully settled down for the next few days when Bankotsu and his paramour kept their activities confined to their room. The only time anyone saw them was at meal times when they would join them, after everyone had started eating, looking tousled and content. When Mukotsu made a comment about how the cross-dresser seemed to be positively glowing, it launched a long recitation of Bankotsu’s prowess by Jakotsu much to the fire-breather’s annoyance. He was half-tempted to leave but Suikotsu’s hand on his thigh and their leader’s blank stare kept him rooted to the spot. Sighing softly, Renkotsu somehow managed to not only get through the rest of meal but he also laughed in all the right places as Jakotsu droned on about the fun he just had in the futon.


“Everything alright?” Suikotsu asked softly as he leaned towards the former monk.

The fire-breather nodded.
“You didn’t walk in on them again, did you?”

“Not recently, thank Kami-sama for that, but I did the other day.” Renkotsu set his chopsticks down and rubbed tiredly at his right temple.

“Perhaps, we can do something later to help you forget?”
The fire-breather smiled. “I’d like that.”

“Me too,” Suikotsu said, before turning his attention to the cross-dresser.


“Geshi?” Ginkotsu asked, picking up on his friend’s disquiet.


“I’m fine. I just have a sore head and Sui said he’d make me something for it after dinner.”


“Yeah...” Renkotsu looked up and caught their leader’s eye. He smiled wanly at the sullen look the fifteen year old shot his way. Look, I didn’t know you two were in there... All I wanted was my sketches...And I don’t know how many more times I can apologize to the two of you, not that either one of you give a rat’s ass about it...


Bankotsu rolled his eyes. Damn it! Don’t give me that look! You enjoyed it and you know you did! Although, I really wish you wouldn’t watch... it’s creepy! And Kami-sama alone knows how many other times you were watching too... He mentally shuddered, before looking over at his paramour, who was busy flirting with Suikotsu. Only you could dismiss it as casually as if he were watching you braid my hair... I have no idea how you’re able to do it, Sweetness... I wonder if growing up in a whore had something to do with it...


Feeling the younger boy watching him, Jakotsu looked at his lover out of the corner of his eye. He smiled at Suikotsu, before turning his attention to Bankotsu. “What?” he said softly as he leaned towards him.


Jakotsu, resting his head against his lover’s, asked, “You sure?”

“Ummm, Aniki-chan, I was thinking...”
Bankotsu laughed. “That can be a dangerous thing, you know.”

The eighteen year old giggled in reply. “Seriously, I was thinking maybe Ren doesn’t get enough nookie from Sui and that’s why he likes to watch us.”


“Really?” Bankotsu stole a look at the fire-breather, who was sitting there, doing his best to ignore them as they were talking loudly enough for everyone to hear them.


“Yup!” Jakotsu nodded. “Sui still loves Sedako-dono even though she’s dead, so maybe he doesn’t feel right indulging in stuff like that. And as good friends as he and Gin are, I don’t think Gin can... you know...” The cross-dresser smiled impishly as his lover sniggered. “So unless he’s doing it himself, then he’s not getting any.” The two of them shot pitying looks at the fire-breather.


Renkotsu could feel the vein in his right temple starting to throb again. “I can hear you,” he said with deadly calm.


“Then you know how much we’re worried about you,” Jakotsu said sweetly.


The fire-breather shot him a look that said, “You’ve got to be kidding me.”


“Anyway,” Jakotsu continued a bit more softly. “Maybe I should bathe alone tonight, Aniki-chan. That way when Ren comes in to take his bath, I can show him how to have a bit of fun by himself.”


“I can still hear you, Jak. And there’s no need for you to show me anything! I’m not stupid!”

Ignoring the fire-breather, Bankotsu said, “Maybe we should buy him a woman, Sweetness, he might like that better.”


“Hmmm... yeah... But if I show him how to properly pleasure himself, then any time he feels the urge to have some fun and Sui doesn’t want to, he can simply do the job himself.”

“I promise won’t nookie with him unless he begs me too.”
“Whatever...” The fifteen year old shrugged.

“I don’t believe them!” Renkotsu hissed. “I don’t want anyone buying me a woman!”


“Sssh... Ignore them, Ren,” Suikotsu soothed. “They’re just boys being silly, that’s all.”

“Sui’s right,” Ginkotsu added.

“Oo-Aniki?” Mukotsu said. “If Ren doesn’t want the woman, can I have her?” Please? I beg of you...I need one more than he does! At least he’s getting something from Sui! It’s not fair!!

“Sure, why not? It’d be a shame to let her go to waste!”

“Thank you, Oo-Aniki!” the diminutive poisoner replied amid the laughter.


Despite the possibility of running into Jakotsu, Renkotsu went to the bathhouse later that night by himself. He was in a foul mood and Suikotsu had wisely left him alone. The fire-breather was getting tired of the constant teasing about his sex-life or lack there of, as well as well walking in on the two “rabbits,” as he called them. So he failed to notice the dark well worn yukata that was hung up a few pegs down from where he hung up his own. He stretched, trying to ease the tension out of his neck and shoulders, before padding softly into the bathing area.


“Oh hell!” the twenty year old former monk groaned when he spotted Jakotsu, leaning against the wall, stroking his budding erection. “Didn’t you get enough from Oo-Aniki?”


“Yeah...” the eighteen year said airily, leaving the “but” and the rest of his sentence unsaid.

“So?” The older man frowned.

Jakotsu said nothing, eying Renkotsu seductively as he continued to stroke himself. An uneasy silence settled between them before he broke it. “Were you wounded and that’s why it bothers you because you can’t...” he trailed off, instantly regretting having opened his mouth when Renkotsu glared murderously at him.


“No, I wasn’t wounded in the groin if you must know,” the fire-breather said through gritted teeth. “But I am getting really tired of your nonsense! If you don’t stop this instant, I swear by all that is sacred and holy, that I will personally turn you into the woman you secretly want to be by ripping your jewels off and slowly roasting them over a fire,” he hissed.


The eighteen year old, his eyes wide, let go of his penis as all the color drained out of his face.


“I want you to understand that I have no desire to watch you and Ban make like a pair of rabbits. It’s disgusting the way you’re always carrying on like that. In fact, I’m surprised your ass isn’t full of dingle berries.” Renkotsu frowned, and looking around he grabbed a bathing stool to sit on as well as a bucket, which he filled with water. Sitting on the stool, the former monk started to wash himself. “Must you stare at me like that?”

“Sorry...” Jakotsu quickly averted his eyes.
Renkotsu nodded. “I know you grew up in a whore house-”
“It was a bathhouse, Ren,” the younger man corrected.
“Like there’s a difference?”

“Yeah... but anyway, you were saying,” Jakotsu gently prompted, thrilled by the idea of Renkotsu opening up to him.


“So sex is no big deal to you, but I grew up in a monastery and uh, well, things like that weren’t talked about, nor were they openly practiced, although things did go on.”


“Really? But those monks in that monastery were stayed at that time had no trouble nookying wherever I wanted.”


“Yeah, well, you bring out the best in everyone,” Renkotsu said sarcastically. “As I was saying, the reason it bothers me so much, was when I was younger, I happened to walk in on a couple of older boys and this young nun. I didn’t know what they were doing at the time, all I knew wass she was naked and they holding her down and she was crying...”

“They raped her?” Jakotsu said softly.

“Yeah... And they later found her in the garden. She had hanged herself.”


“So that’s why it bothers me so much. I’m not stupid, I know you’re having the time of your life with Ban, but while it is uh...” Renkotsu trailed off momentarily at a loss for words. “It still bothers me.”

Renkotsu frowned. “That’s it? Just ‘okay’?”

“Yeah...” The eighteen year old smiled impishly. “So do you want me to wash your back for you?”


The fire-breather heaved a long suffering sigh. “And if I say ‘no’ I suppose you will anyway.”

“Well, I was hoping you’d wash mine...”
“Fine!” Renkotsu said peevishly. “But no funny stuff.”

“Okay, I promise not to touch your ass...” Jakotsu said saucily.

Renkotsu glared at him.

“You know what? Maybe I should go before Aniki-chan comes looking for me.”

“Good idea.”

“You see Ren?” Bankotsu asked as his lover entered their room.

“Yeah...” Jakotsu came over and sat down next to him.

“What happened?” the younger boy asked, putting an arm around him, and pulling him close.


“Nothing, except Ren told me why he hates walking in on us.” The eighteen year leaned back against his lover, welcoming the embrace.


“Yeah... he told me saw some nun getting raped when he was little.”

“You’re kidding!”

“I wish I was...” Jakotsu pulled away so that he could face his lover. “It must have been awful for him, if it’s still bothering him like that. It did sound like it happened a long time ago...” He looked away, as if lost in thought, and back. “So no wonder he waited so long before he nookied with that old woman.”

“What old woman?”
“The one he said made him a man...”
“Oh, that one.” Bankotsu laughed.
“Yeah,” his paramour giggled.
“Poor Ren!”

A couple of weeks had gone by where the “rabbiting” was kept mercifully to their own room, which Renkotsu was eternally grateful for. He was fighting a bad cold that left him feeling stuffed up and fuzzy-headed and he welcomed the relative peace and quiet. But like all good things, the gods decided it must come to an end and end it did. Bored and tired of lying in the futon while Suikotsu fussed over him, the fire-breather dragged himself out of their room the minute the gentle healer had left to go get him something to eat.


Renkotsu shuffled through the corridors, heading to the mansion’s library for another scroll to read. He was about half-way there when he realized it was not the smartest thing he could have done as he felt weak and dizzy, but he had to get up and out of their room. He would have loved a trip to his beloved workshop, but he doubted he would have been able to make it that far. Closing his eyes, the fire-breather leaned against the wall, gathering his waning strength. Feeling somewhat better, he trudged along the rest of the way, nearly collapsing with joy when he reached the library’s shoji. Sliding it back, he felt his jaw drop at the sight that greeted him.

“Damn it!” Renkotsu swore.

“Ren...?” Jakotsu looked up and to the side as Bankotsu paused in their nookying to do the same.


The fire-breather did not know whether to laugh as they did look rather funny, with Bankotsu pressing his hips up against the cross-dresser’s bottom in mid-stroke, or cry at the thought of the library being added to the list of places they had “violated.”


“We’re sorry... we thought you were still in bed...” Jakotsu rambled on. “We were really good, remember I promised we wouldn’t... you know...”

“Shut up.”

“Just shut up, Jak...” Renkotsu said wearily. “All I want is a scroll to read and then you two rabbits can do whatever the hell you want. All I ask is that you wait until I leave...” He looked at them and sighed. “Please...”

Jakotsu looked up over his shoulder at his lover.

Bankotsu shrugged. “Sure... just hurry up, Ren...” he said irritably as the mood was rapidly spoiling. He was afraid of hurting Jakotsu with the forced inactivity and he could not wait for the fire-breather to get out of there.


Renkotsu nodded. He closed his eyes and took a step forward, before he stopped and shook his head. Rubbing his forehead tiredly, he simply turned around slowly and left, leaving the pair of puzzled young lovers behind.


Just as Renkotsu was drifting off into an uneasy sleep, someone knocked on the room’s inner shoji.

“Can we come in?”
“Yes, but do so quietly. Ren’s trying to sleep.”
“Thanks, Sui...”

The shoji slid back and the two of them entered the room, looking disheveled, and their arms full of scrolls.


“We brought Ren something to read,” Jakotsu said softly as they handed the scrolls to the older man.

“Thank you, I’m sure he’ll appreciate it.”

“We just wanted to say we were sorry were uh... nookying in the library,” the cross-dresser contritely said. “Right, Aniki-chan?”

Bankotsu nodded. “Yeah...”
Suikotsu sighed. “Ren got up and went to the library?”

“Yeah... and we were in there cuz no one goes in there except you and Ren and since Ren was sick and all...” the cross-dresser babbled.


“You figured it was safe to ‘play’ in the there,” the gentle healer said, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “You know, Jak, you wouldn’t have that problem if you and Oo-Aniki stayed in your room.”


“I know... but it’s so much more fun wondering if we’re going to get caught.” The eighteen year old giggled.


“And judging by the way Oo-Aniki is pretending we’re not having this conversation, I’d say you’ve been caught more times than he cares to remember.”


“I suppose so...” Jakotsu looked over at his young lover and sighed.


“And while you may enjoy getting ‘caught’ I don’t think Oo-Aniki does as much as you think he does,” Suikotsu gently pointed out.

The cross-dresser blinked. “Is that true, Aniki-chan?”

Bankotsu shrugged. “Let’s go,” he said putting an end to the conversation. He turned and sauntered over to the shoji leading to the inner corridor.


“Okay... Tell Ren we’re sorry, Sui,” Jakotsu said as he hurried after his lover.

“Will do.”

After they had left, Renkotsu rolled over onto his side and said tiredly, “They’re never going to stop...”

“They might.”
“Doubt it...”

When summer arrived, the rabbiting was taken outdoors to Suikotsu’s pleasure garden. While the gentle healer was annoyed about the occasional trampled plants, he tolerated it, since the cross-dresser was good about helping him weed, and keeping the place looking nice. It soon became one of eighteen year old’s favorite haunts once the flowers had bloomed and the butterflies arrived. And since no one went there except Suikotsu, they were pretty much left alone to do as they pleased.


That morning the pair of young lovers decided to visit the garden after being kept inside for several days due the summer rains. The sun’s warmth felt good on their naked bodies as they nookied near the hydrangeas. Feeling drowsy afterwards in the heat, they lay down in the shade of the cross-dresser’s favorite blossoms and had fallen asleep during their post-coital cuddle.  


Jakotsu surfaced from his dream, sitting up so as not to disturb Bankotsu, who was still fast asleep in the warm sunshine. He stretched, bringing a hand to his neck to rub out the kinks. As the cross-dresser slowly woke up, he realized they were not as alone as they had thought. Someone else was using the pleasure garden for a lover’s tryst, and was enjoying themselves too from the sound of things.


Curiosity getting the better of him, Jakotsu crawled out from under his kimono which they had used as a blanket to shield their naked bodies from the sun. Kneeling next to the hydrangeas, he peered over the row of bushes and got the shock of his life. There was Suikotsu pounding away into the fire-breather, the sound of skin slapping against skin making a delicate counter-melody to the heavy panting as they inched closer to release.


Jakotsu bit his knuckle, trying to keep the delighted squeal from escaping his lips as he watched. After a few minutes of pure bliss he turned back to his own lover. Leaning as close as he could, the cross-dresser carefully placed his hand over the younger boy’s mouth as he gently shook him awake. “Wake up, Aniki-chan,” he whispered. “You’ve got to see this! Wake up!!”


Bankotsu mumbled something unintelligible into his paramour’s hand, before Jakotsu shook him again.


“Wake up!” he whispered as loud as he dared. “You’ve got to see this!!”


“What...?” a bleary-eyed Bankotsu replied, as he pulled his lover’s hand away from his mouth.


Jakotsu smiled impishly at him and scooted around on his knees to peer over the hydrangeas again. “Get up and come over here! You’re never going to believe this!”


Shrugging, Bankotsu took his time getting up. He stretched, before crawling over on his hands and knees, chuckling softly at the grass prints on the eighteen year old’s bottom. A minute later, he was kneeling next to his lover, a look of disgust on his face. “You woke me up for that?” he hissed softly.


“Yeah! Isn’t it wonderful?” Jakotsu sighed like a lovesick girl.


“Not really, Sweetness. We all know they do stuff and never talk about it, so why watch?”


“Because it’s beautiful and fun, and makes me want to have a bit of fun with you...” the older boy purred.


“Yeah? Well you’re weird.” Bankotsu grinned as his paramour made a face. “I can see now why it bothers Ren so much. It just looks so...” he trailed off, unable to put it in words. Stupid...? Funny-looking? Embarrassing as hell?


“Hunh?” Jakotsu murmured, entranced by the scene before him, and sighing again. “Go, Sui!! Show your lil dragon how much you love him!!”

“Shut up! Or they’ll hear you!” the fifteen year old hissed.

“No they won’t!” the older boy waved his hand as if dismissing the idea. “They’re too much into each other to know we’re here.”


“What the hell?” Renkotsu growled. He looked up over his shoulder; Suikotsu frowned and followed his gaze, just as Bankotsu ducked. “I’m going to fucking kill him, Sui! You hear that, you asshole! I’m going to rip your jewels off, shove them in your stupid mouth and roast you alive!!” he shouted as his lover pulled out of him.


Jakotsu tittered nervously while the two older men got dressed.

“I told you to be quiet!” Bankotsu hissed.

“Oh please, Sui’s not going to let him do anything...” the cross-dresser quickly reassured him. At least I hope not...


“I wouldn’t be too sure about that Jakotsu,” Suikotsu replied, the anger and disappointment clearly heard in his voice.

“But Ren always watches us!”
“Do not!”
“Do too!”

“That’s enough!” Bankotsu said. He picked up his paramour’s kimono, and rolling it into a ball, threw it at him. “Get dressed!”


“Oh hell! You were watching too?” I don’t believe it! The fire-breather glared at their young leader. “And you were naked?” Gagh! I hope you two weren’t... He mentally gagged in disgust.


Bankotsu winced. “No! I only saw a little bit...” And trust me; I would rather not have seen any of it!


“Aniki-chan was mostly dressed, but that’s how he fell asleep,” the cross-dresser added helpfully.


“What? We just nookied and fell asleep afterwards cuz it was hot out and then I only woke up when they got loud...”

“We were not loud,” Suikotsu said tersely.
“Yeah!” the fire-breather added.

“You were too, if you weren’t I’d never have woken up until later,” the eighteen year old pointed out. Smiling happily, he added, “So, did you enjoy nookying in the hydrangeas?”


Renkotsu stared at the cross-dresser like he had three heads. “You’re kidding me, right?”


“No...” Jakotsu said sweetly. “I don’t know what you’re so mad at, you’ve watched us plenty of times before and we never got mad. In fact, you always got mad at us!” he narrowed his eyes at Renkotsu.


“But nothing... So we saw you nookying.” The cross-dresser shrugged. “It’s nice to know you can take that stick out of your ass, Ren,” he said impishly.

Renkotsu was not amused and neither was the claw-bearer.

Jakotsu tittered sheepishly when the two older men glared at him. “I know!” He suddenly brightened. “How about next me and Aniki-chan nookie, you come watch, then we’ll be even.”

“NO!” the other three yelled.

“Then I don’t know what to say...” Jakotsu folded his arms across his chest and pouted.


“I think you should just keep your mouth closed,” Bankotsu said. “Anyway, we’re both sorry to have disturbed you,” he said contritely as his paramour nodded. “Let’s go, Sweetness.”


“Okay...” Jakotsu smiled and waved at them before hurrying after Bankotsu.

The two older men watched them walk away.

“I still would love to rip his jewels off and roast them over an open fire...” Renkotsu said wistfully.


Suikotsu laughed. “In your dreams, my friend, besides, I wouldn’t want Oo-Aniki hanging your head on the end of Banryuu.”


“Yeah...” Renkotsu grinned wickedly at him as he helped the gentle healer up. A pity, as that would have been a lot of fun...


Transvestite nuts roasting over an open fire


Jakotsu crying about his balls


Blood still dripping from garroting wire


While Bankotsu wraps him in some pink shawls.


Everybody knows those rabbits really pushed their luck


There was only so much I could take

Too many times I walked in while they fucked
My thirst for vengeance I had to slake
You know Jakotsu’s gonna pay
Damn it if he isn’t gayer than gay!
And now that fag is gonna cry
As we sit and watch his balls fry
So now I am sure I won’t be victimized
And Ban’s balls will be turning blue
Not that I care,
Just pass the stinking sake already!
The end. ;p

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