Watcher of the Woods: An unexpected date with demons

Published Oct 18, 2008, 1:29:14 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 19, 2008, 2:23:41 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

1st pov. Teen+ Never go into the woods, was what they warned, but I... Please overlook the lack of detail and such and enjoy!

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Chapter 3: An unexpected date with demons


Chapter 3: An unexpected date with demons

 The next day, was Sunday, and I dressed up in my best clothes, and had Tengu shirt with me, as I walked to the woods. I wanted to see Tengu again, and no demon was going to stop me either. 

 I walked the trail, then to the tree, and I saw Tengu by the stream looking the other way. The wind gently blowing his long hair, and tails. I just watched him. He was so beautiful standing in the sunlight. He isn't wearing a shirt? I thought. 

 "I'm glad you came back and brought my shirt, Asami." I heard Tengu's voice. "How did you know I was here?" I asked walking toward him. He turned to me smiling. "I could smell you coming a mile away." He laughed. I blushed. "Oh." I said embarrassed. "May I have my shirt?" He asked. "Sure." I said handing it back to him. 

 "I see you slept with it." He chuckled putting it on. "How did you know?" I asked wide eyed. "I smell your scent on it." "O-Oh." "You don't have school today?""No, we're off on the weekends." 

 "Oh, it must be nice to be off on some days." He said looking at the stream. "You don't have any days off?" I asked standing beside him closer. "No. I am a watcher. I have no day off's." 

 "That's not fair. You should have at least a day off." I said. So, you can spend it with me, I thought. "That would be nice. Then I could spend that day relaxing." He said. Oh, not with me then, I thought feeling sad. 

 "And with you." He said. I blushed looking at him. He was smiling. I smiled, and laughed.

 "Asami?" Tengu asked as we walked along the stream. "Yes?" "Why do you like me?" "Why?" I asked looking at him. He had a serious look on him. "Yes. Why? Why are you here when you know it's dangerous?" "I just have feelings for you that I can't explain." "Feelings? What type?" "The type where I want to spend time with you, to get to know you." "Are you in love with me?" He asked. I blushed. How did he know? I thought. 

 "It is forbidden for me to fall in love with a human. " He said looking away. My heart ached. "The watcher of these woods are here only for protecting the humans from demons, that escape into the human realm, not to fall in love with a Human along the way." "Oh." I said sadly. 

 Maybe I got my hopes up for nothing. He doesn't love me, I thought. "But I still fell for one." He said. I looked at him. "What?" I asked. "Maybe you should have your ears checked." He laughed as he touches my ears. 

 "Such tiny ears." He said as he kissed my cheek. 

 My face flushed, and I blushed. "Your face is red." Tengu chuckles. "Yeah." I said turning the other way. "Asami?" "Yes." I replied but didn't look at him. "Even though I am not suppose to leave the woods, would you come again tomorrow?" "Sure. I'll come after school." "Asami?"

 I looked at him. Tengu leans in and kissed me. "You better go now." "Huh?" I asked dazed. "Just trust me. You better go." Tengu said taking my hand. "Wait I-" "It's not safe anymore." He said leading me to the end of the woods. "Tengu?" I said as he looks around to see if anyone was around. "That's good no one is here." He said. "Why do I-" Tengu looks at me, and touches my cheek, stopping me from talking. My heart beating fast. 

 "I can sense something coming that you can not. Please listen to me." "Ok." I gave in. Tengu smiles, then kisses my lips. "Until tomorrow, Asami" Tengu said letting my hand go. "See you, Tengu." I said walking away. I wanted to stay with him more, I thought. 

 Then I smelt a bad smell, like that one time when Tengu was holding me. A demon?, I thought as I stopped, looking around. I looked back at the woods, and saw Tengu gone. Tengu! I thought as I started to run back. 

 I stopped myself. No, he wanted me to go home, cause he sensed a demon, I thought. But, what if he gets hurt or something! I thought as I peeked in the woods. Again, stillness, no birds singing, nothing.

 I walked in a couple of feet. My heart was beating faster then before. What if Tengu gets hurt or something? I thought. I heard heavy footsteps, coming toward me. Then, a deep growling sound. I felt scared and chills go through me. A-A demon?! I thought. I tried to move, but fear kept me from moving. It was like my limbs were frozen. 

 Suddenly, a huge ugly demon walked in sight between some trees. No, Tengu! I thought as the demon spotted me. The demon was green. I began to tremble at the sight of him, and the awful smell was horrible. The demon smiles, reveling shape pointed teeth. Teeth made for crushing through bones and skin, like a sharks.

 "A human." The deman said with a evil tone. I tried to move but my legs wouldn't budge. Tengu, help! I thought. The demon moved closer. "Ah, I can smell fear from you. There is nothing better than a human woman's fear." The demon laughed stopping in front of me. His breath stinks as he hovers over me. 

 I couldn't move. Why can't I run? Where's Tengu? I thought, trying to move my legs. I finally step one foot back.. Then the demon grabbed my arm. I finally let out a scream. "Tengu!"


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