Love of Bloodsuckers: LoB Chapter 11

Published Oct 17, 2008, 5:13:29 AM UTC | Last updated Jan 18, 2011, 9:29:18 AM | Total Chapters 16

Story Summary

1st pov Ongoing! 16+ (A bit smutty in later chapters) Lack of details. Please over look and use your imagation and enjoy. Nami meets the perfect man, Lin but...

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Chapter 11: LoB Chapter 11

Chapter 11

“I am glad you came, Nami. Come in, come in.” Rafe grinned, and jester for me to enter. I stood a few feet from the porch stairs of the old house. The outside looked like it need new white paint. ‘Maybe I shouldn’t of have come.’ I thought, clenching my shirt. “Having second thoughts, Nami?” Rafe asked. I took a step then stopped, ‘What if Lin found out? He would hate me wouldn’t he? I don’t want him to hate me but.. If, I do this, Lin, Mori, and Ken would be safe. If Rafe keep his word. But, what if he doesn’t, and kills Lin anyway?’ I thought. Rafe walked toward me, then down the step. I gasped as he stepped into the sunlight. His golden hair shined against the light. “What?” I said. ‘Why isn’t he-’.

He smiled, and said, “Are you wondering why I am not burning or shrieking back into the shadows?”. I nodded wide eyed. His finger caress my chin and shut my opened mouth, then said, “What you believe is partially true but also false.”. “Huh?” I said, as he pulled close. “Vampires do not burn or shriek when the sun is out. That is a myth after all. But, they do get weak when it is daylight, cause vampires are dark creatures, that‘s why they sleep during the day. But dhampir‘s, half vampire, half human, like me, aren’t effected at all. Well it does hurt my eyes a little but..” He chuckles, a smirk on his handsome face, his hand lifts my chin, “You look very lovely in the sunlight, Nami. Your eyes sparkles like emeralds.” His thumb caresses my bottom lip, “Your hair is almost golden like from the sun. Almost like a goddess, you are.”.

I was like in a trace, under his spell. His body was pressed tightly to mine, and his arm was around my waist, with his other hand lifting my chin. His blue eyes were closing as his head dipped. A dog barked in the distance, waking me up before his lips touched mine. Gasping I quickly pushed away from him and straightened my shirt which had been ruffled by being close to him. ‘He almost kissed me! I almost let him kissed me!’ My breathing was heavy, and I was slightly shaking. Was it cause I was scared, or …. “Why don’t we go inside, Nami?” Rafe’s arm went around my shoulders, and I was forced to go up the stairs and inside the old house.

I looked around at the interior. Everything, was dusty, and white sheets covered the furniture in the living room. Stairs that lead up to the second floor, was covered with dust and webs. Rafe lead me into a parlor room and sat me down on a coach that wasn’t covered by a white sheet, and sat down next to me. I tensed as he pulled me into him. “Shh, I’m not going to hurt you, Nami.” He said quietly. His hand caressed my cheek. “I would offer you something to relax you, but the refrigerator as been turned off for a long time and someone never cleaned it out. I regret opening it.” His hand lifted my chin, and he looked into my eyes. “Luckily I don’t need blood as much as others do.” He slight grinned. “I can survive without blood for a long periods of time, if nothing damages me.” His smile faded, and he rubbed his stomach with his other hand. I pulled away and looked at his stomach. He lifted his shirt. There was nothing, not even a scratch. “What? Didn’t Lin-” “Lin had a good shot at me, and he did wound me badly but-” I looked up at him. He looks far off, and continued, “I had to drink more blood than I usually do.”.

“Was it you that killed those people last night? In the Providence section?” I asked. The Providence section was just a few miles away from here. Rafe shrugs, and lowers his shirt, “I had to or I was going to die. Gene actually forced me.”. “Gene?” Where was Gene anyway? Rafe slightly smiled, and looked at me. I blushed from his beauty. Why was he so beautiful? He is as beautiful as Lin and Mori was. “Ah. There’s that spike in your heart again.” Rafe said getting my attention, “You do like me don’t you?”.
“What? No I don’t!” I yelled, raising my hand to slap him but he caught it before it hit him. Before I could react I was pulled toward him and his lips kissed mine. My eyes got as big as rims. His lips were soft. Lin’s were soft. ‘Lin?!’ I pulled away and covered my mouth. ‘Something is wrong. No, something felt right. Why? Why am I responding to Rafe like I do to Lin?’.

“Nami?” Rafe said, grabbing my wrist and pulling it away. “No.” I said, as he pulled me into him and trapping me, as his arms tightly held me to him. “No?” He asked, his nose nuzzle the top of my head, and he smelt my hair. “I can’t.” I said, softly into his shirt. I was breathing in his scent. He smelt of almost like flowers. Lin smelt that way also. I closed my eyes, as tear formed. ‘Lin.’ A growl came out of Rafe’s throat, “Lin? You still think of him when you’re in my arms?”. I said his name out loud, I realized. “Why is it always Lin?” Rafe said, his arms tighten around me pressing me tighter to his chest, “Why can’t you pick me?” His face buried in my hair. I felt wetness from him. He is crying? I felt my heart break a little. He couldn’t be in love with me, I thought. Even though he’s half vampire he still is a human, half human anyway. He still has feelings. “Why don’t you love me too?” He said. I felt my heart break more as he cried. “Why? Father?!”. Father? “Rafe?’ I said, putting my hand on his shoulder and pushing away. His head was lowered with his blond locks over his face.

“My mother was a human, and beautiful, around the age of 20, when she became pregnant as a result from a rape. She died after I was born, and I was taken in by my father. He rejected me, and I left when I was 9, by human years. The Hunter Society came along, while I was on the street and took me in. I was trained by them, but as all damphir goes I eventually became a renegade at 12. I wanted my father’s approval of me, and if I didn’t get it I would kill him. So I went back to my father, and it was the same as before. Then I found out about Lin. Father accept Lin with opened arms! Lin was his full blooded son!”

Lin and Rafe are half brothers?! I covered my mouth as he continued, “I was going to kill father, but I couldn’t. Lin was around him all the time. I was jealousy of what I saw. Father and Lin was the perfect father and son. All I did was watch Father pick Lin up and play with him as a father does a son he loves. Lin knew who I was and tried to befriend me, but I hated him almost as much as father. I bullied him, like a human school bullies they‘re prey. Lin started to hate me. I wanted him to hate me. I didn’t want his approval I wanted our fathers! I never got it. One night, our father was killed by another hunter, and I left. There was no point in staying around when he wasn’t. I never saw Lin again until recently.” Rafe reached for my arm and pulled me close, “R-Rafe?” I said as he looked in my eyes, his eyes were dried, but slightly red from tears. He kissed me, hard. I didn’t know that Gene was watching until Rafe pulled away and looked at the entrance “She came here, Gene.”.

Gene was by the door in his wolf form. His eyes were on me, glaring it seemed. Rafe pulls me toward him and held me to him. “Nami, and I will need privacy, Gene. Would you go fix a bedroom for me?” Rafe asked. Gene glanced at him and turned, transforming into his nude male human form. I slightly gasped as he walked away, and up the stairs. Rafe chuckles, “He must like you also.”. ‘Like me? He was just glaring at me!’ I thought, looking at him. His eyes glances at me, “He doesn’t change a lot, and not in front of others. He has changed in front of you, twice now I believe.”. I blushed looking away. Gene does have a hot body, a human body, and he is a beautiful man also. “A woman, wouldn’t get tired of seeing him naked. He knows he is sexy, and he has been flaunting himself while you are around. It must be mating time for his kind. Male wolves gets horny, as well.” He laughed. Laughed! Rafe is a pervert! Why was I feeling sorry for him?

‘Wolves’ I suddenly thought of Ken and his attack. “Why did you let Ken’s brothers attack him? Why didn’t you stop them?!” Rafe sighs, and stands, walking over to the wet bar which was covered with a white sheet. He played with the sheet as he said, “What goes on between the wolves aren’t my concern. I never told them to attack, they did that on their own. Gene is the only one that obeys me.” Rafe turned toward me and leaned back on the bar, “Their attack was of there own will. I didn’t have anything to do with them. Gene and I went to the closest town, and Gene forced me to feed on some people. I hate being half vampire. Blood isn’t my favorite flavor.” His mouth quirk slightly like some kind of inside joke he was thinking. And he was holding laughter.

“You’re room is ready, Rafe.” Gene said smoothly at the entrance. He was still nude, and I tried not to look at him. But, as Rafe said, a woman wouldn’t get tried looking at him. I looked at him. ‘Mating Time. Male Wolves get Horny, as well’ Rafe’s voice echoed in my mind as I saw proof of it. My eyes were big before I knew of it. Rafe’s laughter boomed throughout the room and the house. “Maybe you should put on something, Gene.“ Gene, leaned against the door, and coolly said “I’m quite comfortable as I am, Rafe. You know I hate clothes. And it’s not like she hasn’t saw me naked before.”. Rafe chuckles, pulling me up off the coach or whatever I was sitting on, “Well, before you wasn’t pointing up north.” Rafe laughs, as he pulls me past the very aroused Gene and up the stairs. ‘I saw a…. I saw a big….’ “He had a…” I said, still unable to process, or finished sentences. Rafe took this time to pull off my jacket, shoes, and socks. “Don’t worry, I’m having one also.” Rafe said.

“Huh?” I snapped out of it, and found myself being pounced on by Rafe. “W-Wait!” I said as he kissed my face, and neck. He wasn’t lying either! He growled as he buried his face in my neck. I slightly laughed, cause I was ticklish there. His lips kissed, and his tongue licked, and couldn’t stop him. I should stop him. I have to stop him, but… Did his hand just squeeze my boob? “Wait! Stop!” I yelled. He stopped and held himself over me. Looking down at me, his hair flowed around his face and brushed my face. “You must be weak…” His eyes glances sideways, “To be out in the day like this, Lin.” ‘Lin?’ I thought and turned my head to see Lin standing at a opened window as the sun was shining though. He looked like he was in pain and anger. His fangs were out and he looks to be barely standing. “Lin?” I pushed Rafe off me and went to him.

“Stop.” He said weakly, with is hand held up. I stopped, my heart started to break, “Lin?”.
“Nami, Why?” He said, “Why did you..” He fell on the floor.
“Lin?!” I went to him and held him to me. He was out. He passed out? Rafe closed the window and curtains, darken the room.
I cried, holding him, “Lin. I’m sorry. Forgive me. I love you, Lin.”. I hugged him, with his face in my neck. He could bite me if he wanted, I didn’t care. He probably hated me now. I wouldn’t blame him, if he did. I’ll have to tell him, nothing happened between Rafe and I. Would he believe me? Would he forgive me? Would he still love me?
“Let me?” Rafe kneeled. “No!” I cried. He could kill Lin.
“I will not hurt him.” Rafe said gently , “Nami, I wouldn’t have kill him. I never will. He is my brother.”. I looked at Rafe’s face. He looked sorrowful, and remorseful. I let him take him. He picked Lin up, like he weight nothing, and laid him on the bed.
“I knew he would come.” Rafe said standing beside me as we watched Lin. “I wanted him to seek me out, but he never did. So I had to use you, Nami. You are his weakness.”.

I looked at him. He was watching Lin, as he continued “I wasn’t going to kill Lin. I hate him, but he is my brother, I couldn’t kill him. Just like my father, he is. He looks exactly as father did. I look like my mother.”.
Rafe looked like his mother, and Lin looked like their father. I looked at Lin, and wondered, why did his father rape Rafe’s Mother?

Rafe seemed to read my mind, “I was told by an elder later as I went by to my mothers land, that my mother was in love with a vampire, and the hunters killed that vampire as he was crying over her grave. I found out that I was lied to by a Hunter. He said, she was raped by my father, but that was a lie. Father loved my mother, and missed her. They couldn’t be together, cause he and Lin’s mother were arranged to be married at the time of their affair. Arranged Marriages even in the vampire world?” Rafe slightly laughed, bitterly, “So he ignored me, since the vampire clan weren’t to keen on a half breed in their mist to protect me. They would have killed me the second I was brought in if father told them it wasn’t necessary. Father always looked at me with sadness, I thought it was hate.” Tears were rolling down his cheeks as he looked at Lin. “After I ran away from them, and was in the hunter’s society, Father did look for me in secret. But I was in the Society and they would have killed him if he stepped a foot into the Hunter’s Monastery. He couldn’t go in and drag me back, he had to let me stay. He let his son become a hunter of his own kind. He must have knew I would return just to kill him. And he let me back in. He could have killed me instead. I was a threat after all. But he let me live and he watched over me, and I never know until later after he was killed.”

“Did you find out who the hunter was?” I asked, looking at him. He looked at me, surprised, then said, “I killed that hunter long ago. The Hunter Society banished me from their mist, and I’m truly a renegade of the Society. They are looking for me I am told.” He walked to the window and looked out into the daylight, “The sun will set soon. He will recover soon.”.

I looked back at Lin and said, “Lin hates me now.” I felt Rafe watch me. “He thinks we..” “He doesn’t hate you.” Rafe said. I looked back at him and he closed the curtain, “If he hated you he would have never come out in the daylight for you. If it was night he would have already killed me, and taken you away from here. He’s doing what father should have done if father wasn’t a prince.” “Prince?” “Yes, vampires have royalty too. Father was a prince of a vampire king, and a prince has to marry a princess. Lin would have been arranged to marry someone if he didn’t leave the clan many years ago.”

I looked back at Lin. He would have been married off too. I touched his hand and held it, “Could a vampire marry a human?” I asked without knowing I said the question out loud. I wanted to marry Lin, and everything but my bubble was busted as Rafe answered that question, “No. It‘s forbidden, in the Vampire world and the humans world”. I cried quietly as I held Lin’s hand against my face. To love a vampire was forbidden. I wanted to become a vampire. Then we could love each other freely, and marry. But, could I become a vampire? Would Lin still want me after this? Would he believe me if I said I loved him even after he saw Rafe and me? “Lin. I love you.” I whispered, and kissed his lips. And waited for the sun to fall. Rafe and I sat in chairs at a table. I couldn’t look at him. “Nami, Lin doesn’t know that we’re brothers.”. I looked up at him.

Rafe looks at me from Lin and continues “Lin was never told he had a brother. He always thought I was a son of another vampire couple, not his own fathers son. So he may not believe me when I tell him. He hates me more than before now, since I took you from him.”. “But, you didn’t.” “Nami, when a man’s in love, and he see’s his woman like he saw us, even if he’s a vampire, his heart still breaks. He won’t hurt you, but me, he will try his damnest to kill.” Rafe looks back at the sleeping Lin. I didn’t know what will happen when Lin will awake. I just hope he will listen to me, an believe that Rafe is his brother and loves him. I watched Rafe’s face. It was of love, brotherly love. I just hope Lin Listens, I thought looking back at Lin, “Rafe, you don’t really want me, do you?”.
“As a matter of fact, I do, Nami.” Rafe said, chuckling. I didn’t know if he was joking or serious.


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