Dark Aura: Black Cat Magician

Published May 24, 2008, 8:31:53 AM UTC | Last updated May 24, 2008, 8:31:53 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

How Battle City might have turned out if just a few things went differently. OC-centric; linear with the Battle City arc.

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Chapter 3: Black Cat Magician

A collective "geh" rose from the crowd when Kuriboh appeared on the field.  Yugi sweatdropped as Felix continued to laugh.

"Just what is so funny?" Kaiba demanded angrily.

"This.  Activate Trap Card, Effigy to Bast!" Felix's far-left facedown card revealed itself as she spoke.  The image that the holograms projected onto the field was of a feline statue, an udjat upon its forehead, surrounded by a pair of red-obsidian rings that spun slowly in opposite directions on a vertical axis.  The northern and southern poles of that axis, upon the outermost ring, were capped by golden pyramids that seemed to glow slightly from within, and gems of four colors—black, red, blue, and acid green—adorned the outer edges of the rings, giving off their own vague auras. [Effigy to Bast.  Normal Trap Card.]

Kaiba looked utterly shocked.  "What is that?"

"It's called the Effigy to Bast."  Felix held up a single finger and winked sarcastically.  "And it's one of a kind!"

"So, this is the rare card you were bragging about.  What does it do?"  Yugi couldn’t be sure, but he thought he detected a hint of worry in Kaiba's voice.

"This trap card activates whenever I successfully Normal Summon a monster, so long as another monster card of the same name has been sent to the Graveyard directly from the field in the last two turns.  So thank you for destroying my Kuriboh, by the way."

"Fine.  Now that I know how you activated it, would you care to tell me why?"

Felix smirked.  "With pleasure.  When activated, this card allows me to Special Summon any number of creatures from my deck, so long as I have sufficient field space, their levels add up to no more than twelve, and at least one is a Beast, Beast-Warrior or Winged Beast sub-type monster."

Kaiba's eyes narrowed.  "A powerful card."

The girl's smirk widened.  "Wait ’til you see it in action.  First, I'll summon a second Panther Warrior in Defense mode.  [Panther Warrior. Earth/Beast-Warrior Type. Level 4. 2000ATK / 1600DEF.]  Now, I've already met the Beast-Warrior sub-type requirement.  With my two remaining monster slots, I can summon up to eight more levels of monster from my deck."  Her smirk cracked to a grin as she spoke.  "And I know just what monster I'll choose.  I summon—the Dark Magician, in Attack mode!"

Cheers and hollers rose from the crowd.  Both Yugi and Kaiba looked on in shock as the incarnation of Yugi's favorite—and Kaiba's least favorite—card appeared on the field. [Dark Magician. Dark/Spellcaster Type. Level 7. 2500ATK / 2100DEF.] Felix's Dark Magician was robed in black and looked—well, rather like Duke Devlin, unless Yugi was much mistaken.

Kaiba's scowl was back.  "Impressive.  But even with a Dark Magician, you don't have anything that can stand up to Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon!" [Blue Eyes' ATK: 4500]

"I'm not finished, Kaiba.  I also activate Monster Reborn!"  Her left-hand facedown card revealed itself.  "Now I will revive my third Panther Warrior, which your Blue Eyes so carelessly destroyed several turns ago.

"Then, I'll use my Polymerization card to fuse my Dark Magician and two Panther Warriors into a single monster!"  The rapidly growing crowd looked on in amazement as her orders were carried out.  "Behold the Black Cat Mage!"

[Right-hand Magician of the Goddess Bastet. Dark/Spellcaster Type. Level 12. 4000ATK / 3500DEF.  A dangerous feline magician whose power comes from the Goddess Bastet herself.]  Felix's nickname for her monster fit him well: he resembled Yugi's Chaos Mage, but for the fact that he had the body of a Panther Warrior rather than a human.  His eyes were a solid, blazing green and his face was streaked with red war paint.  In his left hand he held a magician's staff; in his right, he wielded a silver scimitar.

"To speed things up a little, I'll play my own Quick Attack, allowing my Fusion monster to attack the turn he was created."  A pulse of energy lit in the Black Cat Mage's eyes as Felix laid down the last card from her hand.  "And to top it all off," she concluded, "I'll use my third Panther Warrior to activate the Black Cat Mage's Special Ability: any Beast-Warrior or Spellcaster sub-type monster can be sacrificed to the Right-hand Magician of the Goddess Bastet to increase his attack power by 500 points! [Black Cat Mage's ATK: 4500.] That brings him even with your Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon, Kaiba."

Kaiba's fist shook slightly and he growled.  "You can't attack.  Even if you do destroy my Blue Eyes, your Black Cat Mage will also be destroyed.  All you'll have is a Kuriboh, while I'll still have my Lord of Dragons!" [Kuriboh's DEF: 200.] [Lord of D's ATK: 1200.]

"I'm afraid that just doesn't matter," Felix told him with mock sympathy as she activated her final facedown card. [Rainbow Arch. Normal Magic Card.] "I equip Rainbow Arch to Kuriboh, and sacrifice him.  This gives my Black Cat Mage the ability to attack your Life Points directly, Kaiba!"

[Kaiba's LP: 2500.]

"Now, my Mage, attack his Life Points directly!  Dark Panther Slicing!"

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