Secrets in the Shards: Chapter Two

Published Apr 8, 2008, 8:17:06 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 8, 2008, 8:17:06 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Everyone tends to meet in unusual ways. The Blood Kyn, however, especially so. Journey their land and learn of the fiend known as 'The Alchemist'.

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Chapter 3: Chapter Two

His entire body shuddered in anticipation and fear of what was to come, the corners of his lips fluctuating between a grimace and a smirk. He knew what had to be done as she sat beneath his tree. But did he still have the will to enact it? He was not a cold-blooded killer, pre-meditated and planning out every step as he went. He knew that death was to come, to befall this treacherous Kyn, whether by his own hands or the natural comings of long life. Yet he still hesitated, daggers poised at her bared and unsuspecting neck. Did he have the sickening talent of quenching the flame of sentient life? Or would he come to regret his actions in the future, when everything came back and bit him... hard?

Torn between the two decisions, his brow furrowed just as sweat began to prickle the back of his head. //You can do this//, he thought. //She deserves what death brings her for the slaying of so many innocent lives! She does not deserve to remain in this world...//

Though he knew these sinuous thoughts came from a pit less hatred, the reassurance within them allowed his mind to be willed calm and his shaking called to an end. Brushing a strand of midnight blue hair from his white eyes, he stilled the obsidian weapons within his hands. Digging clawed feet--shaped and formed much like a gargoyles own--into the wood of the branch, he inhaled a slow and deep gulp of air. Checking again that she woman was either asleep or treading the shallow waters of unconsciousness, his wings furled tightly down his spine for further aerodynamicity. Then with a quickening heart and a nervous beat, he launched off the branch. Within his own ears he could hear his heart thundering, curious if she would be set alarm by its quickening pace.

Twisting in the air, he parted the daggers just as they would have struck flesh in a fatal slice. But rather then the contact he had expected or the sickening sound of ripping muscle, he met nothing more substantial than air. Scowling and rolling forward with a shocked, strangled noise, he heard the fwoosh of steel slicing through empty space. With a grunt and the twist of a heel, he shot straight for her abdomen. One dagger was poised for a quick stab and slash, while the other remained held to block any fatal blows.

Thrust. Stab. Slice. No attacks landed and he was left skidding backward, fingers dug into the earth to slow his momentum. But there was no stopping. There would be no salvation for him. This woman was simply the better fighter--the less hesitant.

With a shout and a rush of air, he cringed when she threw her full weight into his stomach and pinned him to the ground. While he was down, steel bit into the arch of his neck and drew a few droplets of blood. Worrying his lower lip, he leaned forward a minuscule amount--which caused it to dig further in. "If you're going to kill me," he whispered in a quavering voice. "Then take me now--do not torture me by simply leaving it there."

He could feel the gentle caress of sweat beginning once again as he lay there, peering into the womans indigo eyes, seeking the murderous creature he knew lurked within them. Swallowing, he closed his own eyes and awaited the blow he knew was to come. Any second, and he would be thrown from this plane of existence and into that of another.

But unlike he had expected... it never came. The sword lifted from his throat, the trickle of blood soon cut itself off, and she leaned back. Sheathing the katana, her gaze became level with his as he propped himself up on an elbow--obviously confused. She was a murderer, she should have no qualms riding the world of him. "Why did you attack me."

Straightforward. Whispered. "Because you killed my parents and only friend." Murmured, no longer tinged with venom or disgust. "You burned them in a fire."

At this accusation she merely shook her head, almost as though in disdain. Would she think to lie to him directly? "I have never killed unless whatever it was, was to be used for food. I didn't then, and I won't now. Why are you so convinced I am this person?"

"Because you look exactly like them. But before I was convinced they were male."

"Do I look like a man to you.

"No, but what if you can shift genders? How am I supposed to know it wasn't simply you as another?"

As far as he knew, all Blood Kyn--which she obviously was--were able to freely change their sex. Some were controlled by a sudden surge of emotion, such as hatred or terror. Others had learned to go back and forth freely, without a single thought needed to do so. She could have been the exact same.

"My own family--my entire clan--was also wiped off the face of this planet. Do you honestly believe that I would even think to take away what someone else adores and cherishes deeply, when it in itself causes an unparalleled sorrow I have felt before?"

He noticed the tears that were beginning at the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill forth in a flood of emotion. Shoving himself up onto his feet, he chose to do something both unexpected and, perhaps, irrational. For truth it was something he had always been inclined to do, even when it was to an enemy. Taking the couple steps it took, he drew her into a tight embrace. Whether she accepted the gesture or wished to kill him for it, that had yet to matter.

Gently rubbing her back, in between where the wings connected to the shoulders, he felt her at first tense--but then begin to relax. When the time was right, he finally released her. "Thank you," she muttered.

Waving a hand, he shrugged. Perhaps the blood of the Kyn did run deep. "I... would you mind if I came with you, in your search for this man? It would be nice to have a purpose again. And you do need to work on your skills with the dagger. You were a bit... clumsy."

Flushing a gentle crimson, he let his eyes drop down to the dirt path in a show of embarassment. "I admit that I am not the best with two-handed weapons, hence why I am creating one of my own."

Looking from the earth to the distance behind the woman, he allowed the question of her coming with him to roll around. Could he trust her enough? They shared the same experiences and were of the same species. She could even aid him in learning more of the warrior class--even though he was more inclined to the use of Magick and healing. And it would be nice to have another with him... but could he trust her? He felt that he could. Why wouldn't he want to feel that he could?

Grinding hind molars, he thought, //Even if she does manage to kill me in my sleep, the only thing I'll leave undone is revenge. And that, in itself, is not a pleasant thing to finish.// "Also... I would very much like it if you did come with me. It would be... nice to have someone else around."

Extending a clawed hand, he gripped hers when offered. "I'm Yukai. Yukai Ureshii."

"Ryouken. Ryou if you prefer."

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