Ranma Kurata: Ch3:Ranma Would You Like to be a Kurata?

Published Jan 20, 2008, 5:14:33 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 21, 2008, 9:44:28 PM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Misako rescued Ranma from the wedding disaster. Now the real question is what's going to happen next? Warning: This will contain bashing of the fiancees, the rivals, Akane, the Kunos, the parents, Happosai, and Cologne. And yes Nodoka will be the villianess in this story. I'm sorry all of you Nodoka fans out there reading this fic.

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Chapter 3: Ch3:Ranma Would You Like to be a Kurata?

Ranma Kurata


By Maricruz (a.k.a Mari, Maric, Maricc, Mar, maric106, Animeiac, and Anime-iac)




Disclaimer: Ranma is the © property of Rumiko Takahashi. Kodocha is the © property of Miho Obana.




Picture 1. This is Sana Kurata. She's 11 years old, in the 6th grade and a TV star.




Picture 2. Her Momma, Misako Kurata. Award winning novelist and her chipmunk friend, Marou.




Picture 3. Rei Sagami, her manager, ex-boyfriend, and now good friend. He looks after Sana and help her extend her career.




Picture 4. Akito Hiyama. Once her arch enemy and now one of her best friends. He still annoys Sana but that's because he likes likes her.




Picture 5. The cute but annoying Babbit who always in every scene and in between. (Babbit's the Babbit Baby!)




Picture 6. Ranma Saotome. We learned that he is Sana's cousin after Rei and Misako rescued him from the wedding disaster. He and Sana are getting along just fine.




Picture 7. Here are Ranma's parents, or shall I say soon to be ex-parents. Genma and Nodoka Saotome. Genma and Misako are really cousins but they sure don't act like it. Since Misako has intelligence and Genma is... well... Genma. And Misako and Nodoka do not like each other. We learned about Nodoka's sorrid past. It looks like that Ranma won't want to be reunited to his parents any time soon. I hope.




Picture 8. And this is Soun Tendo. He used to run the Tendo Dojo but ever since his wife past away he's been an emotional wreck. That's why he wanted Ranma to marry Akane so that they both run the dojo. I say he's just lazy as Genma. Even Akito's father managed to keep on working after losing his wife. Soun has three daughters.




Picture 9. Meet daughter number one Kasumi Tendo. The sweet and calm and dutiful Elder daughter. After her mother died she took over the house hold chores. The cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, and taking care of the Tendo family. That's such a shame. She could've have a wonderful life.




Picture 10. Meet daughter number two Nabiki Tendo. Or as Ranma so affectionately call her The Ice Queen. She pretty much takes care of the financial areas of the Tendo. And what I mean is that she uses blackmail, extortion, gambling bets, and sells pictures of her younger sister and Ranma's girl side. She is not to be trusted.




Picture 11. And finally meet number three Akane Tendo. She's the youngest of the Tendo family and Ranma's supposed fiancée. Don't let her sweet and innocence fool you. She has temper more worst than Mt. Fuji. Always accusing Ranma of being a pervert and starting fights and flirting with his other fiancées, who we will meet later in this story. She hates boys yet she has so many boy admirers. Talk about screwed in the head. She claims to be a martial artist just like Ranma but all she ever does is jog and breaking bricks. Her only weapon is that damned mallet of hers.




Chapter 03: Ranma, Would You Like to be a Kurata?




The following morning came after and for once Ranma has the best good-night sleep in his life. No fat panda father tossing him out of the window and into a koi pond. No uncute tomboy of a fiancée splashing him with water. Just an actual really good good-night sleep. “Oh man I don't think I even remember when I feel this relaxed.” Yawned Ranma as stretched to loosen his muscles. Then there's a small knocked on the door. “Who is it?”




“This is Shimura Young Master Ranma.” The sweet house maid introduced herself as she entered the room. “I'm just letting you know that breakfast will be ready in a just a moment” Shimura also presented Ranma with some fresh clean new clothes. “Plus Ms. Kurata sent out to get you some more new clothes so that you don't have wear the same ones over and over.”




“Okay thank you Shimura and please just call me Ranma.” The pig-tailed youth suggested as he accepted the clothes.




“Alright then Ranma why don't I lead you to the bathroom so that you can wash up.”




“Sure I needed a bath anyway after my so-called wedding.” Ranma and Shimura shared a good laugh as the house maid showed him the way to the bath.




“Here we are Ranma.” Shimura opened the door for Ranma and let him entered the bathroom. “Everything you need is in here. I'll come back to get you when you're done.”


“All right and thanks Shimura” Ranma was being grateful. Genma will never get his appreciation.




“You're welcome Ranma.” And Shimura left Ranma so that he can take his bath.




But when Ranma turned around he was surprised about what he sees. “Whoa this is the bathroom? It's more like an indoor hot springs to me.” He was amazed by the variety of flora and the fancy tile of the bathroom floor. “Man these people would give the Kunos a run for their money. Well time get started on my bath.”




“Meanwhile over at Nerima” Babbit presented. “Hey I gotta do something to get into this chapter of this fanfic.”




Nodoka still haven't gotten over that phone call from Misako last night. “I can't believe that woman actually told Ranma everything!!”




“Now calm down No-chan maybe she was joking.” Genma tried to see the bright side of this situation. “You know my cousin has a weird sense of humor.”




“Oh get a clue you idiot!” Nodoka lashed out her cowering husband. “This is Misako we're talking about. She can rat us out anytime she feels like it!”




“But Dear we manged to make it this far.” Genma attempted to calmed down his enraged wife. “Even she did told Ranma everything that boy doesn't have a clue on what we're really up to.”




“Hush you fool!” Nodoka clamped Genma's mouth with her hand. “Do you want everyone else to hear you?”




Genma shook his head in a no.




“Does Tendo even about our plans?”




Again Genma shook his head in a no.




“Then keep your mouth shut!” Nodoka roughly let go of Genma causing him to fall over. “I've worked to hard for this plan to work and I'm not going that upstart cousin of yours ruining it for me!”




“Do not worry No-chan even I don't think that Misako has idea what we've been doing.” Genma reassured.




“For your sake we better hope not.” Nodoka replied still simmering.




Unaware of the Saotomes a certain middle Tendo daughter had been listening in their conversation this whole time. Hmm fear of plans of being ruined. Ms. Kurata telling Ranma everything. Just what is going here?




“It's not nice to eves drop on other people's conversations.” Babbit was trying to be Nabiki's conscience.




“Would you be quiet I don't want them to know where I am.” Nabiki whispered harshly at Babbit. “Those two are up to something and I don't think it's about trying to make Ranma and Akane to get married for once.” She took a moment to think about this. “I need to talk to Kasumi about this.” Then middle Tendo daughter left Genma and Nodoka alone.




Nabiki found Kasumi where she usually is, in the kitchen making another meal for the family and guests. “Kasumi can I talk to you for just a few minutes?”




“Yes Nabiki what is it?” Even though Kasumi is busy she still finds time to her sisters.




“Have you noticed that Auntie Saotome is bit upset lately?”




“Well Nabiki she wasn't very happy when Misako Kurata took Ranma away from the wedding yesterday.” Kasumi still gets excited when she mentions Misako.




“Some how I don't think it's about that Kasumi.” Nabiki suspected.




“What ever do you mean Nabiki?” Kasumi questioned Nabiki's motives. Which is a first since she never questions Nabiki about anything that she's up to.




“I over heard that Mr. And Mrs. Saotome were planning on something.” The middle child confessed.




“Nabiki you know better that it is impolite to listening in on other people's conversations.” Kasumi lightly scolded at her younger sister.”




“That's what I said.” Babbit intervene.




“Quiet you.” Nabiki pushed Babbit away.




“Oh my what a cute little bat.” Kasumi gushed as she saw Babbit.




“Actually it's Babbit but you can call me anything you want.” Babbit has that dreamy look on his face and flew over to Kasumi.




“Kasumi would you please focus?” Nabiki was growing impatient. “Genma and Nodoka are up to something and I'm afraid that Ranma is being used as a pawn.” For once Nabiki is concern for Ranma's safety.




“I'm sure it's just another plan of getting Ranma and Akane to married.” Kasumi assumed while scratching under Babbit's chin.




“Oh yeah that's it.” Babbit was enjoying the attention Kasumi was giving him.




“I don't think that is it Kasumi. I think there's more to it than this whole arrange marriage ordeal and for once Daddy is not some what involve.” Nabiki try to make Kasumi to see the whole picture.




“Now Nabiki I'm sure everything will be fine once Mr. And Mrs. Saotome bring Ranma back.” Kasumi tried to calmed her sister down.




“Actually Kasumi I'm worried what will happen if Genma and Nodoka ever get Ranma back.” Nabiki analyzed the situation.




“Why whatever do you mean Nabiki?” Now Kasumi was curious.




“Did anything interesting happened last night after the wedding fiasco?” Nabiki wanted to get to the bottom of his mystery.




“Well let me think. Oh now I remember! Last night Ms. Misako Kurata called us last night!” Kasumi will never forget that her favorite celebrity called their home.




“Misako Kurata called our house last night?” Nabiki repeated with a surprised look on her face.




“Yes I was surprised that a famous and important writer like Misako Kurata would ever called our humble family.” Kasumi has stars in her eyes. “I was so excited that I could hardly contain myself.”




“Uh-huh yeah that's great Kasumi.” Nabiki was a little less enthusiastic. “Now what did she said when she called?”




“Actually she wanted to talk to Father, Mr. Saotome, and Auntie.” Kasumi informed Nabiki.




“Is that all?”




“I think so Nabiki to still it's been quite an exciting day wasn't it.”




“Yeah real exciting Kasumi.” Getting back on the subject. “Any way whatever Misako said must've ticked off Auntie. She's been on a rampage ever since last night.”




“It's because that Ranma was kidnapped from the wedding Nabiki.”




“No Kasumi I don't believe that Ranma was kidnapped.”




“But what else could it be?”




“I'm not sure but I'm going to find out.” Nabiki declared. “And since you a fan of Misako Kurata maybe you might know where she lives.”




“Oh Nabiki I wish I do but I don't.” Kasumi confessed. “I don't want to be like one of those awful stalkers you hear on the news.”




“Okay looks like I'm going to have do some investigation.” Nabiki had no other choice. “But first I'm going to look for Akane and see how she's doing.”




“Alright Nabiki see you at lunch.” Kasumi concluded and Nabiki left the kitchen.


Over at the Tendo Dojo Akane was letting her frustrations out on a tackling dummy that bears a resemblance of Ranma. “I can't believe that stupid jerk Ranma just went up and left me on our wedding day!”




Nabiki found her little sister with no problem. “Really Akane is that what you really think?”




“Nabiki you startled me.” Akane jumped a bit when Nabiki entered the scene.




“And you call yourself a martial artist.” Nabiki smirked. “You should've sense me coming a mile away.”




“Haha what do you want Nabiki?” Akane was always suspicious with Nabiki.




“I want to talk to you about Ranma and what happened yesterday.” For once Nabiki comes clean.




“Why do you want to talk about that baka?” Akane was annoyed about Nabiki's choice of topics.




“Because I think he might be in danger.” For the first time Nabiki was concerned about something else other than money.




“Come on Nabiki.” Akane could never believe about Ranma being in danger himself. “This Ranma we're talking about. He always gets out of situations like this.”




“I doubt it Akane.” Nabiki debated. “Ranma maybe greatest martial artist but he's still a human being.”




“Hah that's an understatement.”




“Damn it Akane can't you see the seriousness of this situation?”




“Look Nabiki Ranma has always getting himself into trouble ever since he came here. And we always get dragged into in his messes he makes.”




“You're Wrong Akane.” Now Nabiki is getting impatient. “First off Ranma hasn't always gets himself into trouble. Some of it were caused by his rivals and fiancees. Plus there's the crap that I made him go through. Even you rushed into things without thinking about the consequences first.”




“That's not true Nabiki!”




“Oh no? There was that time when you agreed to compete the Martial Arts Rhythmics Gymnastic Tournament even though you're less graceful than a gorilla. And then you and Ranma competed in that Ice Skating tournament just to win back your precious P-chan. And lets not forgot all those countless times you get yourself kidnapped by either princes or other martial artists.”




“So what if I had!” Akane is about to lose her temper as usual. “I could've gotten myself out of those situations without Ranma.”




“Wrong Dear Little Sister! Even without Ranma you would still be in danger no matter how little it is. And it was Ranma who always get you out!”




“I'm a martial artist too you know and I don't need Ranma's help or anyone's!”




That's when Nabiki gave Akane a good slap on the face. “No You're Not! You're Just A Spoiled Little Brat Who Thinks She's A Martial Artist! But All You Ever Do Break Bricks And Go Out On Jogs!”




Akane still rubbing her sore left cheek. “What Do You Know Nabiki? At Least I Protect Those Who I Care About! Ranma Only Cares About Himself!”




Nabiki slapped Akane again on the right cheek. “You're Wrong! Ranma Does Care About People! It's In His Honour! He Cares About This Family! He Cares About His Friends! And Believe It Or Not He Cares About You! You're Problem Is That You Never See That! To You He's Just Another Boy That You Hate!”




“But What About All Those Other Fiancées and Rivals He Invited To Our Wedding!”




That was the final straw for Nabiki as she, unawarely, lifted Akane and hold her against a wall. “OKAY I HAVE JUST ENOUGH FROM YOU AKANE!” The middle Tendo daughter shook her little sister. “RANMA DID NOT INVITED HIS FIANCEES AND RIVALS TO YOUR WEDDING! OKAY! I DID! AND IT WAS STUPID OF ME FOR DOING SO! I KNOW THAT NOW! BLAME ME FOR THAT!”










Nabiki dropped Akane on the floor as she regain her composure but is still seething in anger but not in Akane's style. “You had your chance Little Sister but you blew it. Do what you want but I am out of here.” Then she turned around and walked away from the now quivering Akane.




The Youngest Tendo Daughter never seen her older sister acted like that before. “Nabiki.” She called out but Nabiki didn't even bother to hear her. What is wrong with her?




Back at the Kurata residence, Shimura was serving the family breakfast while they are waiting for Ranma.




Misako was wearing one of her interesting hats that is simple hut with Marou inside.




“Ranma is sure taking his time getting here for breakfast.” Rei checked his watch.




“Maybe he's having a problem looking for the dining room.” Sana assumed. “After all it's a very big house.”




“I'll go and check on Young Ranma.” Shimura offered. But then Ranma finally made his appearance.




“Good Morning Everyone!” Ranma greeted looking rather cheerful for once.




“Good Morning Ranma.” Misako returned the greeting. “I trust that you slept well.”




“Oh you bet Misako.” Ranma took his seat next to Sana. “It was the first time I actually got some real sleep in long time.”




“Here's your breakfast Ranma.” Shimura place a plate full of breakfast food in front of Ranma.




“Thank you Shimura.” Ranma praised. “I was lucky enough to follow the smell here.”




“Oh you're welcome Dear now eat up before it gets cold.” Shimura advised.




However when everyone was about to eat they see Ranma shoveling his breakfast into his mouth.




“What?” said Ranma with a mouth full of food.




“Uh Ranma I think you got some egg on the right corner of your mouth.” Rei showed where Ranma had some food on his face.




“Oh uh sorry about this.” Ranma was now embarrassed about his behavior. “It's just that Pop been stealing my food for so long I just gotten used to eat really fast.”




“You mean he never lets you eat!” Rei was outraged about hearing how Genma treats Ranma.




“Well mainly he lets me eat nothing but rice.” Ranma reminded everyone. “Sometimes he lets me eat nothing at all.”




“Why that dirty son-of-a...” Rei was about to call Genma what he really is but was cut off by Babbit.




“Easy Rei not in front of the children.”




Sana took her turn to comfort Ranma “Hey it's okay.” She place her hand on his shoulder. “We understand how bad you've been treated. But you don't have to worry about that. No one here's going to steal your food. I promise.”




Ranma was so relieve by Sana's words. For some reason he feels sort of relax around her. “Thanks Sana.”




“Of course if it's octopus sausage or takoyaki then watch out.” Sana gave out a good “Ha Ha!”




“Why Sana is that a challenge?” Ranma was playing along with sly grin.




“Maybe.” Sana replied foxily. “Are you up to it?”




“Ha like I would turn down a challenge.” Ranma's grin grew broader.




“Alright children that's enough for now.” Misako got both Ranma and Sana back to their breakfast meal. “Ranma finish eating your breakfast but this time at a nice slow pace.”




Now Ranma was never used of doing anything slow but he did what Misako advised. He picked up a fork that is still have some egg on it. Brought up to his mouth and closed it. Slid the fork out of his mouth and started to chew his few. He soon discovered that the eggs tasted good. Then he slowly swallowed the chewed up egg. “That was pretty good.”




“There you see.” Misako gave him an approving smile. “Doesn't food taste better when it's not being wolf down.”




Everyone nodded in agreement and resume eating. Minutes later the family finished their meal.




“Ah man Shimura I should introduce you to Kasumi.” Ranma patted his full stomach. “She's an equally good cook as you are. I think the two of you would get along just fine.”




“I'll take that as a compliment Ranma.” Shimura bowed down in thanks.




“Okay now that everyone had their breakfast there's a matter to discuss about Ranma's problem.” Misako cut to the chase.




“What do you have in mind Misako?” Rei was curious about what Misako has in store.




“Well after everything that Ranma had told us last night.” Misako reminded them. “I did a lot of thinking and since 90% of the mess that Genma caused and 10% by Nodoka but that's only because she is behind by all of this. I have come to a conclusion that will get Ranma out of those engagements that idiot cousin of mine made. And have him out of that seppuku contract once and for all.”




Everyone else was on the edge of what Misako is about to say next.




“I, Misako Kurata, have decided to adopt Ranma.”




Ranma went wide-eyed and jaw dropped from what he just heard. “You want to adopt me?”




“Yes Ranma I believe that this is the best and possible legal way for us to get you of the trouble that Genma and Nodoka had made you go through.” Misako got up and walked over to Ranma. “So what do you say Ranma? Would you like to be a Kurata? Would you like be my son?”




“I uh I...” Ranma was now speechless.




A/N: Enter Babbit. “Whoa now that was unexpected. Misako wants to adopt Ranma. Well she adopted Sana when she founded her in a park as a baby and Sana turned out fine. But what about Ranma? Would he accept Misako's offer? And what about Sana? Would she be okay having a big brother/sister that changes gender if contacted with water? Will Nabiki be able to find the Kurata residence? And what if Genma and Nodoka ever hear about Misako's plan? Find out in our next exciting chapter of Ranma Kurata. So much drama for Ranma.”




A/N: Now I got that out of the way I got two segments I need you to talk about. In future chapters of this story I'm planning on having Sasuke (the Kuno's ninja servant. Not Sasuke Uchiha from Naruto.) to quit the Kunos and start working for the Kuratas. What you guys think? And what about Ranma's relationship problems? Rest assure that I will not pair him up with Akane (George forbid) nor with his other fiancees. Misako will take of them in the future. And don't give me wrong, I'm quite fond of the Ranma/Kasumi pairings, but I just think that's been over done. So that leaves me with Nabiki or Natsumi Hayama (Akito's older sister.) So what do you guys think? Should I pair with either Nabiki, or Natsumi, or, and this probably the first time in Ranma fanfic history, have Ranma to be an asexual?













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