The Wolves Night: Chapter 1

Published Sep 9, 2007, 4:25:01 PM UTC | Last updated Sep 9, 2007, 4:25:01 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Kagome gets a lesson in life that she never wanted to ever experience. Too bad she didn't listen to the others when they warned her.

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

The Wolves Night


By Inu Hanyou Nikkie


Disclaimer : I do not own nor make any monies off of Inuyasha and the gang. No, that pleasure completely belongs to the Goddess Rumiko Takahashi. I am only using them for pure entertainment value.



Warning : Graphic Violence! Blood and other unsuitable subject matters for kids or the faint of heart.



A/N : I will let you know upfront I love wolves. However, I also respect them for the WILD animal that they are. They are not cute and cuddly. They are Not your family pet. I will be presenting them to you as Real life. Real Behaviours. If reading about a group of wolves killing and eating another animal upsets you then please TURN back now. Also Kouga lovers - I would kindly suggest going elsewhere. . I honestly don’t like his character. You won’t find him in a good light here. If I get any flames, I will only chuckle at you for not heeding the seriousness of my warning. You have been warned. This Is Not Going to be a Pretty story.





The Wolves Night



It was only shortly after Koga had joined the group that Kagome's stress level began to reach new heights. Inuyasha and Koga were nearly always at each other’s throats with Kouga going on about ‘his Woman’ this and ‘his Woman’ that plus he never missed a beat degrading Inuyasha for being a hanyou. To top it off, Kouga was almost always (at Kagome) spouting off his proclamations of “love” for her.


Unfortunately, Kagome was rather oblivious to the fact that Kouga was always attacking Inuyasha verbally. It was sad really. Sango had tried to explain to Kagome, cautioning her about her handsome dark haired would-be suitor, that wolf demons may look human but their true nature is the same as the animals they controlled. Kagome seemed to let this advice pass over her. After all, Kouga was kind and just a little overbearing, and all he had never done anything bad before in front her. How quickly she had forgotten that his wolves had slaughtered a village of innocent people just to feed.


After finally having enough of the seemingly non-stop verbal jousting from Inuyasha and Kouga, Kagome yelled out an ‘osuwari’ - punishing Inuyasha for annoying her and giving her a headache from the constant arguing. As usual, she missed the point that Kouga was the one who caused most of the troubles in the first place. After smashing Inuyasha into the ground, Kagome stormed off, planning on sitting by the nearby stream to rest her aching head and get a cold drink of water.




Kagome was just too kind hearted for her own good and Inuyasha knew this, he had always done his best to protect her; even if was from herself sometimes. He loved her dearly but while the situation with Kikyou remained unresolved and Naraku was also still alive he could not, - no- would not - even endanger her future chances of happiness by letting her know. Especially, since he truly believed his life would end during the final battle. She was his Home and he wanted her to live. As much as he wanted to have her by his side always, to hold her more than just for travelling or protection, to kiss those sweet inviting lips of hers, to hear her calling his name out in passionate response to him; he just couldn’t take the chance of really loving her. Everyone he loved had died - his mother, a little girl he knew while he himself was a child, Kikyou. It would totally destroy him if anything was to happen to Kagome, his Light, his Salvation.




Heading towards the sounds of the stream, she wandered off listening to the slowly fading curses of one subdued hanyou and Kouga, laughing, as he took off into the forest around them, shouting he was off to get something to eat and check on his ‘children’.


Finally, she reached the water’s edge, safely within hanyou and demon hearing in case of trouble. There she sat watching the sun slowly set, its fading lights playing off the water surface; listening to the quiet buzzing sounds of small insects around the water, the throaty calls of frogs as they defended their territories, and hearing the soft ‘plops’ of fishes as they jumped from the water at unfortunate insects.


She sighed and took a long drink of the cool water and rubbed her temple. ‘If only Inuyasha wouldn’t fight so much,’ she groused to herself. It wasn’t like she was going anywhere with Kouga. It seemed like forever that she sat there enjoying the peace and quiet when she heard an odd rustling noise from within the forest. Her heart started to sped up. What was that?! Where was Inuyasha?








“Inuyasha, if that’s you it isn’t funny.” This statement was punctuated with a foot stomp.


Nothing. But more rustling from within the tree line.


“Inuyasha! You better knock it off or I’ll say it!”


Still nothing.


Kagome knew it wasn’t Inuyasha then - he would have been grumping about the osuwari threat and shown himself. And (since she wasn’t bathing) it couldn’t be Miroku. Sango wouldn’t scare her like this. Shippou was passed out at the camp, so he couldn’t be there.


She knew even as she started towards the noise that may not be the best idea she had. It sounded like something being chased. She moved even closer towards the noises and suddenly wished for her bow and arrows. She went further into the wooded area and gasped silently when a large deer burst out suddenly between the trees a short distance in front of her before disappearing again. Kouga followed swiftly not even trying to reach top speed along with a wolf.



Next to her, she heard a snarl and back-pedalled fast: one of Kouga’s wolves had found her. The saliva from the wild animal’s exposed teeth dripped steady to the ground. Kagome whimpered softly fearing death was going to befall her. However, a sharp bark from an unseen wolf gained its attention and it slinked away back into the woods. Kagome found herself unconsciously following the sounds of the pursuit heading in the direction the deer and Kouga went wondering what was going on and stopped when she came upon a shocking scene before her. There, surrounded by wolves, was the deer and leaning against a tree  watching was Kouga.




The magnificent buck held his head high and snorted. Stamping a hoof hard into the ground, he issued his warning to the circling wolves. He tossed his head showing off the full crown of sharp antlers he sported; another warning to the wolves. The wolves ignored his warning and continued to move about him assessing his strengths, looking for his weaknesses, eyes locked onto the buck’s body for any openings. Kouga observed all this with an overly hungry and deadly look in his eyes. His own body was tensing and bunching as he followed his wolves every movements and the deer’s.


Finally, the opportunity came when one of the animal’s back legs stumbled into a small hole and the wolves were upon him in a heartbeat. One wolf went at the buck’s rump and viscously started tearing at his flesh; another went to the buck’s throat and clamped down using its body to force the buck down to his knees. Kouga, sensing the trouble his wolves were having, used his hand and shard enhanced speed to whip the buck’s front leg out from under it making it fall heavily onto its side.


The buck fought with everything he had, kicking and flailing his legs. He tried to toss his head using his antlers as weapons but soon screamed in what could only be described as agony as two wolves ripped open his soft belly exposing the internal organs. His intestines came slithering out fast and steam soon filled the night sky as internal body heat escaped. He bleated out his torment as Kouga came in and thrust his clawed hand into the still thrashing body of the buck to rip out the liver and swallow it whole without chewing. The two wolves ripping at the belly stopped and starting also devouring chucks of bloody abdominal cavity. The wolf at the buck’s throat finally ended his suffering by snapping his neck - Kagome watched, horrified, as life finally left the beautiful animal’s body in one long sigh.



More wolves, the lower ranking ones, came up to feed but were driven back by the four Beta wolves and Kouga, they snapped their teeth pulling back lips and exposing blood covered teeth. Ginta and Hakkaku were also driven back by Kouga and a few swipes of his bloody claws before he turned back to the carcass. The hungry lower ranking wolves whimpered and slunk back and forth a short distance away. One feeding wolf broke off to pin down one who thought he could get closer down. Head cocked slightly to the pinned wolf, a low rumble issuing from its chest. Legs held stiff, caging the downed wolf, he waited for the submissive signal from the pinned wolf before resuming his meal. The submitting wolf rolled over onto his back and whined while urinating.


Kouga smirked cockily as he spied Kagome’s trembling pale form just at the edge of the killing zone. He ignorantly assumed that Kagome was trembling because she was so excited and pleased by his strength and ease of kill. He saw this as a prime time to prove to Kagome his worth at being the much better provider for her; much better than dog-shit feeble efforts or that useless stuff that she was forced to (against her will of course) bring with her for those worthless friends of her. After all, when Kagome became his mate, she would be so pleased and happy with his glorious kills. He’ll bring her with him as they hunt down the prey together. The erotic high they would get from making the kill, to the best sex they’ll ever have next to the body. Moreover, once she is his in body; he would make sure she got the choicest parts: like the brains, the liver, the kidneys, the marrow filled bones, the eyes and the heart . . .


Kouga snarled viciously at the wolf who was aiming for the blood-filled heart. Ordering the wolf to stay away from it, so the wolf went instead to the skull of the deceased buck and started to chew away.


Kouga, in a blink of an eye, was beside Kagome grasping her by the upper arm much too firmly and hauling her rather strongly over to the carcass. He pulled her right up beside the twitching and jerking body and maintaining his tight painful grasp on Kagome’s limb reached into the deer’s body and yanked out the heart. Once he had the heart in his hand he let go of Kagome only to snatch up her hand and force the bloody heart into her grasp curling her fingers around the still hot muscle. Kagome’s eyes widened and she paled even more: she started shaking uncontrollably . . . the movements causing flecks of blood to fly up onto Kouga’s face and body who didn’t even blink.


Kagome couldn’t even formulate words by now, Kouga had taken her and thrown her into something she never wanted to be a part of. The intense need to throw up, to throw the heart in her trembling hand as far away as possible and run was so strong only she couldn’t run - Kouga had a tight, almost bruising, hold on her hand and was smiling proudly at her. She never wanted Inuyasha as much as she needed him now. Sweet, kind Inuyasha who would only bring to the camp prepared carcasses (already skinned, gutted and beheaded/delimbed) for cooking for Kagome’s sake. She opened her mouth to try to cry out for him only to have Kouga bring the bloody muscle up closer to her mouth believing she wanted to eat. She wanted to go home, curl up on her bed and cry.



“You’re MY woman, Kagome. You need to start taking your place in my pack as Alpha female. See how I can provide for you. I am so much better than that worthless half breed! I know he forces you to bring those strange foods here and makes you cook the flesh of animals he brings you. Another sign of his stupidity and uselessness. Go ahead Kagome and eat up. When I make you mine, you’ll be eating like this, like a queen every day.” Then he turned back to the carcass and resumed his hurried feeding arrogantly assuming that Kagome was graciously devouring the protein rich heart and fallen even deeper in love with him.



Once Kouga had turned back to the carcass and became completely engulfed in eating Kagome retreated slowly from the carcass, from the feeding wolves dropping the bloody heart from her hand until she was back to almost the same distance she was before Kouga dragged her, only this time a few steps farther back.




Kagome was distraught, completely shaken by the scene before her. The wet tearing sounds of flesh being rendered, the moist squelching sounds of chunks of meat being swallowed down, the savage sounding snarls and growls as the wolves and wolf demons she thought she knew as they fed, the sickening sounds of bones being cracked apart and eaten echoed in her head. Blood flowed freely from the mouths and hands as each tried to get as much meat into their rapidly distending stomachs as possible. The wolf demons as they ate the skin covering their stomachs became more translucent so that anyone standing close enough to them could see the bulges of meaty chunks. Tears were streaming down her face. She couldn’t pull herself away even though as she wanted to and she jumped when Inuyasha placed his hand gently on her shoulder. She turned to face him, thankful for his presence and the solid comfort he always provided her, and looked into his golden eyes. The same eyes that were usually readable to her were closed off, but the small squeeze on her shoulder spoke loudly to her.


“Come on Kagome let’s go. The others are wondering where you are. You can stop on the way at the stream and wash your hand off. I have an extra tah-owl with me.” Inuyasha softly told her as he looked one last time in the direction of Kouga silently promising the wolf that one day . . . one day he will avenge Kagome for what he just put her through.


Silently, she let Inuyasha take her hand and guide her first to the stream where she vigorously washed and rubbed her hand clean before she lurched forward and emptied her stomach contents repeatedly. Inuyasha remained silently by her side, vigilantly protective of her. How he wished he could comfort Kagome but he didn’t know how to so he just remained beside her offering her his strength. Once she cleaned up after being sick, Inuyasha led her carefully and slowly back to camp allowing her to lean against his body for comfort and for warmth.  Back to what she knew, back to what she understood. She had just been privy to a facet of Kouga’s life that she never knew existed and in all honesty never wanted to see again. No, now she had to admit to herself as they broke into the camp’s fire light warm circle that was something she never, ever wanted to be a part of.

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