Nameless: Near miss

Published Jul 30, 2007, 11:21:28 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 30, 2007, 11:21:28 AM | Total Chapters 6

Story Summary

A young girl lives with her psychotic mother who is battling with depression. Soon the attacks and weeping becomes too much for the youngster and she feels the only way she can really be free and safe s if she runs away.

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Chapter 2: Near miss

The young girl wandered around alone and scared of what was to come

The young girl wandered around alone and scared of what was to come. She had escaped her depression filled mother and was now walking the night alone. But she did not care, as long as she was away from her mother she was fine. She continued to walk, holding onto her holdall for dear life. The crime rate in her town was notoriously high, therefore she had to be careful. Had to watch her back, people would take advantage of her if she had let them. The men and women of the night looked at the young awkward girl who walked the streets alone. She wanted to cry out, tell them to stop looking at her. The young girl couldn't though, she would feel stupid. A group of boys came up to her, eyeing her up. She put her head down and tried to walk away, not wanting to look at them. They wouldn't allow her to pass freely though, the largest boy stopped her from walking. She looked up at him with tears in her eyes.

`This is it,' she thought to herself looking at the large boy. `This is how I will die.' The boys circled her, looking at her. They were the predators, and she was their prey.

“What's a young girly like you doing out at this time?” One of the boys asked. She didn't answer, instead just deciding to look at the floor. The boy grabbed her cheeks so she was looking at him. “Answer me.” The girl tried to wriggle her way out of the boys grip, but he was too strong for her. This wasn't the way she wanted to go, the way she wanted to die. She knew though she couldn't take them all on alone. She needed somebody, anybodies help.

“She's with me.” A voice said, the circle of boys parted. A taller man walked past and walked towards the young girl. “She's with me. Please would you let go of her.” The boy did as commanded, not wanting to argue with the man. He put his arm around the young girl and guided her away from the boys. They stayed that way until they were out of sight, it was only then did they break away from one another.

“T-Thank you.” The girl said, stuttering.

“Don't mention it, why are you out so late?” The man replied, the girl looked at him. Not wanting to answer, this man was one of the junior doctors at the hospital. He knows her and her mother well.

“I…ran away.” The girl replied not looking at the doctor. His eyes widened, he knew that life for her couldn't have been easy. But he never expected the girl to run away from her mother who needed her so much. “She threatened me again, I'm in fear of my life Doctor.” The girl said, the doctor looked into her sad eyes, seeing she was telling the truth. He looked at her beautiful figure, thinking about how he would like to be with her.

`She's 15 for Christ's sake, and your 22. She's too young for you.' His conscience told him as he stood and stared at the crying girl. He embraced her, telling her to stop crying and calm down. It was not proper practise but he knew he had to take her home with him, she could not be left on the streets alone and abandoned.

“Come on, I'll take you home with me tonight, and we will work out what to do in the morning.” They started to walk away from the road, and towards the house of the Doctor.

“Thank you Doctor.” The young girl said as they walked.

“Call me Josh.” He replied, looking down at her and smiling. She had always had a crush on him, it was why some days she looked forward to going to the hospital. But he didn't notice her, as he was always flirting with the female doctors and nurses. She couldn't believe her luck when he came up to rescue her from certain death by those boys.

“Josh,” The girl said, he stopped and looked down at her. “Thank you.” Josh smiled down at her.

“Don't mention it.” He replied, they started to walk again. The dark night brought along threatening clouds, any minute it looked as if it were about to rain. The young girl hugged herself, trying to keep herself warm. She had left the house with just a crop top and a mini skirt. It was no wonder the boys had thought of her as easy prey. She blamed herself for even considering walking out of the house in such a state. Josh being the gentleman he was took off his jacket and offered it to the girl, she accepted due to the extreme cold she was feeling.

The young girl knew that it wasn't right, her feelings towards an older man, her going back to his home to stay for a night, possibly even more. But it was her only choice, she couldn't go back home, her mother would kill her. She couldn't go back and face this fate, she had to fight to be with her other family members. To get away from her depression filled mother, all she didn't know was how it would be possible.

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