Another Perspective: Chapter 7

Published Jul 13, 2007, 3:39:02 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 13, 2007, 3:39:02 AM | Total Chapters 9

Story Summary

This is the fourth story in "The Lakeville Chronicles". The first four stories do not necessarily need to be read in order. This story contains references to " Because I like the View " and "From Afar " but reading them before this story is not required. Warning: * This story contains explicit heterosexual, bisexual and (mostly) gay sexual content. * This story contains swear words. Lots of 'em! * This story contains some mild violence. * This story is intended for an adult gay or bisexual audience. Cover is stock photo & text added with Paint Shop Pro. This story was written for my good friend Aaron who is now in the United States you are missed but not forgotten.

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Chapter 7: Chapter 7

Another Perspective

by Æros

Chapter 7:

The next morning we met at the beach by the big house with plans to go across the inlet to the abandoned house. All morning we swam, played Frisbee, raced and played water tag. At lunchtime we decided to take a food run to the diner down the street, so we had to get dressed in street clothes.

In the locker room when we were getting undressed to get into dry street clothes, there were two guys getting undressed to go swimming. We quietly grabbed our jeans, but couldn’t help but look at each other necked thinking about what we were going to do later at the house. Scott and I got about half hard, Jeff and Kevin got totally hard. Kevin quickly covered his by putting his shorts on. Scott and Jeff giggled at how embarrassed Kevin seemed.

One of the guys was putting on a pair of forest-green  Speedo's said to the other louder then necessary, "So these two fags are in bed and the alarm clock goes off. One jumps out of bed and starts getting dressed. The other says ‘what are you doing’. The fagot getting dressed says, ‘getting ready for work’. The homo that is still in bed immediately starts jacking off. The fag getting dressed asks, ‘What are you doing?’ Just as the fagot is about to cum he says, ‘I – I – I’m makin’ …. Your…. LUNCH!"

The guy putting on a pair of knee length black swim shorts says, "Ewww!"

Jeff started giggling loudly.

Scott bit his tongue.

Kevin laughed.

The guy with the black swim shorts came over to Kevin, "What's so funny, are you a fagit?"

"I hadn’t heard that one." He laughed some more.

"If you aren't a fag, how come you're hanging out with these cock-suckers."

"I don't know what you are talking about. I don't know these guys."

I was so mad my ears turned red.

"Tell me a joke then"

"Did you hear about the gay guy crying on a bench in the park?"


"well this guy comes up and asks what’s wrong. And the fag says, ‘my lover died of AIDS and these are his ashes. This park bench is where I first gave him a blowjob. He wanted me to sprinkle them under this tree, but I can’t do it’ The other guy says, ‘I can do it for you’ The fag says, ‘okay’. So the other guy starts the eulogy with, ‘ashes to ashes, dust to dust, if he stuck to pussy, he’d still be with us!’"

Kevin and the two other guys started laughing.

I started getting dressed faster.

The guy with green Speedo's says, "Why do fagots like to work on the loading dock?"

Jeff and I left without a word. Scott looked at us, Kevin, and us again. Scott quietly stepped out with us.

As we left I could hear Kevin and the guy wearing the black shorts ask "Why?" in unison.

I could hear the three of them laughing even before he said the punch line. "Because they like all their deliveries in the rear!"

We left without saying ‘goodbye’. The three of us got into Scott’s car and were leaving as Kevin came out side.

"Scott, just go"

Kevin jogged to catch up, "Wait up!"

"Go fuck yourself Kevin!" I yelled out the open window.

Jeff floored it, and instead of going to the diner, we went and got BK drive through and went over to the abandoned house to eat. There was no activity in the big house across the inlet by the beach, but Jeff still had his dad’s camera and the 8mm tapes. We watched more of the three-way plus Kevin, and the free-for-all in the big house.

We were done eating and watching the homeowner give Adam’s beautiful cock a blowjob, something that I missed after seeing David cum from the balcony. David ample thickness was being sucked off by Chris. Yi continued to suck on Chris while he was being masturbated by the homeowner. We watched them all cum and trade partners and we were starting to fondle each other through our clothing.

Just as Jeff’s hand went down both Scott’s and my shorts I saw Kevin enter the room. I ignored him and watched the video of the five partygoers fondling each other and David moving over to the homeowner. Kevin came into the center of the room before he spoke.

"I’m so glad I found you guys here. I’m so horny"

Kevin pretending that nothing happened made by blood boil but I said nothing.

"I tried to jack off at home, but It just isn’t like being tied up"

"I’ll tie you up." Scott said in his most sultry voice.

Jeff looked over at me with anger in his eyes.

Kevin smiled a big smile and willingly went over to the chair.

"Oh no, that’s too boring. Lay down with your wrists next to the banister." Jeff suggested.

Kevin got back up and lay down with his hands over his head offering them to be tied to the vertical posts holding up the railing by the staircase leading to the former game room downstairs. Scott went onto the staircase and firmly tied his wrists to the posts. Jeff walked over and smiled a suggestive smile and started to rub Kevin’s legs up and down.

Kevin responded by moaning and lifting his legs into the air. Jeff smiled and lifted Kevin's leg over his head and closer to the banister. Jeff tied Kevin's ankle to the banister making Kevin curl is back a bit, but Kevin didn’t seem to mind. Jeff then did the same to the other leg.

Scott came around and started to rub Kevin’s legs up and down as Jeff went over to the toolbox and retrieved the wallpaper knife that had worked so well the day before. He approached Kevin and extended the blade to its maximum length and smiled. Kevin smiled fearlessly and excited smile. Jeff lightly ran the cold steal up his leg slowly leaving a trail of hairlessness in the razor’s wake closer and closer to Kevin’s groin.

Jeff smiled and asked, "You don’t mind if I ruin another pair of shorts do you?" but before Kevin could answer he tore through the front side of the shorts revealing a pair of white cotton briefs and Kevin’s excited state.

"You insist on making things difficult for me?" he said carefully running the blade into one of the legs of the briefs. "I could cut you" he said making an incision in the cloth half way up the leg. He inserted the blade under the part of Kevin’s underwear in-between the legs so that Kevin could feel the blade against the tender underside of his scrotum and pulled cutting the underwear to shreds. "And we wouldn’t want that to happen!"  he added in a sarcastic voice.

Kevin’s prick looked more engorged then the day before and leapt to life begging to be stroked and sucked.

"Oh yeah!" Kevin moaned.

Jeff waved the blade around a few more times cutting the rest of the fragments of what was left of Kevin’s briefs off of him.

"Touch me" Kevin begged.

"What makes you think that I would want to touch a self hating gay-basher like yourself?" Jeff laughed and stood up.

Kevin did a double take, eyes got wide, shook his head and looked a bit worried. Scott and Jeff laughed. Jeff’s laughter sounded a bit sinister as he added, "So, should we leave him here for a day or two and then call the police reporting a break in".

I laughed and Scott went silent. Kevin went pale.

"Wait guys… I can explain"

"We’re listening" I said.

I was… um… I’m not… uh…" Kevin stammered

"Not only was that joke not funny, and socially irresponsible, it was hurtful"

"I’m sorry… I … I …. I just…"

"Sorry doesn’t cut it. AIDS is not just a gay disease, and it is definitely not a funny subject"

"And you couldn’t defend us?" Jeff said sort of quietly.

"Defend you?"

"Yes… he called all of us fags."

"But.. um…"

"Look – none of us are out of the closet. We have to protect each other’s reps," I said.

"And watch each others backs" Jeff added.

"Shit… I didn’t mean…" Kevin trailed off

"C’mon guys let’s go" Jeff said and started for downstairs.

Scott hesitated a moment but followed when I went downstairs as well. I went to the back door, Scott shook his head. I smiled, and quietly said, "Shhhhhh". I opened the door and then slammed it loudly without leaving.

Jeff bit his tongue to keep from laughing. Scott just looked at me with wide eyes.

Upstairs we could hear Kevin start to swear, "Damnit!… Uh… Ug…. FUCK!"

This even gave a slight smile to Scott’s face.

"This isn’t happening!" echoed through the upstairs.

I said softly, "How long should we let him stew?"

"I dunno" Jeff answered.

"Ow! Fuck!" Kevin yelled with a bit more desperation in his voice.

Jeff whispered, "Don’t let him go just yet. I’ll be right back. I need to get something from Scott’s car." And he quietly slipped out the back door without making a noise. He returned in about four minutes with his gym bag. He reached inside and grabbed a small bag that looked like a shaving kit.

"Damn…. Damn….. Oh….. damn" Kevin wept.

We all filed up the stairs

Kevin looked relieved as we entered into the room.

"You didn’t really think we’d leave you here?" Scott asked.

"Well… um… I did piss you off."

"Do you think you have suffered enough?" Jeff asked tauntingly.

"I am sorry. I promise to try to change."

Jeff walked over to Kevin and chided, "Let me help you" and then started to spray shaving cream all over Kevin’s legs and groin. Kevin began to struggle a bit but stopped moving as Jeff got a razor out of the bag and said, "Hold still"

"You are’t gonna"

"Aw… you shave your legs during swim season anyway. I just want to shave them now."

"Okay" he said hesitantly.

"You’ll like it… besides, I hate to lick hairy balls"

Scott handed me a rope and said, "I wanna try being tied up too!"

I accepted the rope, and Scott laid on the floor next to Kevin so that he could be tied in the same manner. I gently complied as I watched Jeff run the blade slowly yet confidently down Kevin’s leg closer and closer to Kevin’s scrotum. Kevin started to get an erection once more, even though Jeff stopped to take another pass up the leg instead of touching Kevin’s genitals.

I removed Scott’s shorts before tying his legs to the banister, but did not remove my own shorts before bending over to start to suck on Scott’s ample erection. I licked and kissed it and the licked and kissed Scott’s stomach up to his chest, and looked over to see Jeff pulling the skin of Kevin’s scrotum tight as he gently removed the straggly hair from the bottom of Kevin’s ball sack.

I moved forward and gently kissed him on the lips. Scott’s tongue began to probe my mouth making me feel waves of hot passion over my whole body. I pressed my hardness tightly against his ass and wished I were without clothing. I did not want to stop the embrace, nor did I want the clothing to hinder me further. Suddenly I felt Jeff’s hands on my shoulders, running down my back and grabbing a hold of my shorts pulling them down my legs and off of my body.

I continued to kiss Scott deeply and moved closer and suddenly felt the coldness of lubricant being squirted onto the tip of my prick and onto Scott’s asshole. I felt Jeff's hand smear the lubricant over my shaft and carefully on my head. I pushed forward and felt his tight ass give way to my gentle but firm thrust forward and down. I pulled back and thrust a second time burying it all the way in. Scott’s whimper was caught by my mouth as our tongues danced around each other.

I felt one of Jeff’s hands on my balls as I began to slowly thrust; his other hand reached around and stroked Scott’s over engorged prick. I was so turned on I sped up. Scott began to struggle a little, I don’t know if it was because I sped up or because he wanted to wrap his arms and legs around me. I pulled away from his kiss only to have him beg, "Don’t stop". So I resumed the kiss and sped up even more.

I felt the departure of Jeff’s hands as I became lost in ecstasy pumping in deeper and harder. I vaguely remember looking over to see Jeff licking Kevin’s now hairless asshole. It was so hot watching Kevin writhe against it. I could tell he liked it and didn’t want to like it. Scott’s ass felt so hot and his and Kevin's moans were intoxicating.

As I was fucking and kissing Scott deeply Kevin started yelling, "I can’t take it anymore, Fuck me!!" I slowed down enough to watch Jeff push his long thin prick into Kevin’s virgin asshole gently. Kevin struggled a little as he yelled, "Yes… Oh baby… that’s nice !"

Scott started arching and relaxing his back begging me to speed up. I complied but started a new sensuous rhythm by repeating a sequence of taking a couple of long slow strokes, kissing him deeply, taking another two long fast strokes, pulling back and waiting a moment or two before doing it all again.

Each time I paused I looked over to watch as Jeff went faster and faster. He was beginning to ravage Kevin, making him shout, "God yes…. Harder… Deeper… Like that… Oh… Oh yes!"

As I could tell that Jeff and Kevin were getting close I started to take less and less pauses and soon was going faster and faster, like Jeff and I were in some sort of perverse race of how fast we could go without feeling rapture. We were both going lightening fast when suddenly it happened. I ejaculated so hard that I almost passed out. Jeff came at the same time and let out a growl that I didn’t know he had in him.

I kissed Scott as I slowed down a bit and watched out of the corner of my eye as Jeff did pretty much the same. It was so intense. I was not only feeling myself cum, but I could also sense every ejaculation that Jeff was having. Suddenly I felt Scott’s ass clench my prick and a warm sensation dripping across my chest. It was too much. My prick got so sensitive that moment that I had to stop moving.

I was still ejaculating harder then I think I have ever done, still sensing each pulse from Jeff, feeling each of Scott’s ejaculations from within him and across my chest. Then I sensed Kevin begin to come. It was so erotic. Then suddenly Scott’s legs wrapped around me and then his arms around my neck. I was so intoxicated by the situation that I didn’t question at the moment how he got loose. All I knew was that Scott was hugging me with his legs and starting to pull himself off of me and push himself back down onto me, milking my oversensitive cock.

I laid on top of him letting Scott milk every drop out of me. Scott came a long while too. We were pretty much stuck together by the time we attempted to pull apart. Kevin was also free, but instead of hanging from Jeff. Kevin had rolled over and was riding Jeff’s prick rodeo style as Jeff stared to the ceiling with a glazed look on his face flinching a little with each ejaculation.

Jeff looked pretty spent as he and Kevin uncoupled.

I smiled back at Scott and it was only then that I realized that the rope around Scott’s and Kevin’s wrists had been cut. They were sliced with one quick strike.

"Oh my God… who cut the ropes?" I said aloud.

"Um…" Jeff went pale.

"Oh shit… My dad is a painter… and is working on this house!" Kevin said.

"Damn… My dad is the one coordinating the sub-contractors so he can sell this place." Jeff shook his head. "Damn… Damn… Damn…"

"Fuck… my mom is the interior decorator your dad hired" Scott added.

All I could do is shrug and feel sympathetic. My mom is an accountant.

An awkward silence came over us as we slipped up to the master bath with oversized shower and washed ourselves off and dried ourselves with our beach towels.

"C’mon guys… maybe it isn’t any of them. There have got to be other guys who work here, like the dry-wallers, the carpet layers, it looks as if they are putting on new cabinet faces and counter-tops in the kitchen and the fact that they cut the ropes instead of interrupting says that they may have liked what they saw enough that they won’t be telling any of our parents." I said breaking the silence.

They all looked at me with unconvinced eyes.

"Somehow I think my dad would have kicked some ass if he found me in that position," Kevin said in far off thought.

His words didn’t comfort Scott or Jeff as he spoke them; in fact it worried them more. I guess they were thinking more that Scott’s Mom or Jeff’s dad would have cut the ropes and left without a word.

"C’mon guys there is nothing we can do about it now. Let’s get on with our lives and face the music." Kevin said.

"Easy for you to say!" Jeff said angrily.

"I don’t know if I want to go home tonight." Scott said in dejected tone.

"Damnit!" I said at a loss for words. I didn’t know how to comfort them, or how to advise them. I walked over to the window and sat down looking across the lake at the big house and the people playing on the beach. I longed to be there, but knew that nobody was prepared to leave just yet. I longed to be in the state I was in a few hours ago. Not necessarily in bliss, though that would be nice. I longed for being in that "sweet spot" in life where nothing can go wrong and you are happy and your friends are happy, and everything is going great with no end in sight.

A few moments later Jeff came over and sat down in front of me. Just as I was about to reach out and put my hand on his shoulder he leaned back into me. I hugged him and held him. He was silently crying. He was worried, confused and didn’t really know what to do. I moved closer rocked with him. Out of the corner of my eye I could see that Kevin and Scott were walking downstairs.

I whispered into his ear, "It will work out." I continued to hold him as we rocked together. I added "everything is going to be okay," and I hugged him tightly.

We sat there a long while, then Jeff turned around within my arms and we kissed. When we broke the kiss Jeff got up and helped me to my feet. We walked downstairs to find Kevin and Scott staring out the back window with an arm around each other. We walked over and stood next to them with me in-between Scott and Jeff. Scott but his arm around my back and I did likewise.

"Damnit! When you’re right; your right!" Scott said.

We all looked at him.

"I’m going home. I’m gonna find out. The suspense is worse then anything they could do to me."

Jeff forced a smile. Kevin give him a little hug and a look of understanding.

"It will be okay…. Trust me!" Kevin said to Jeff.

"Yeah, if your dad freaks out or anything you can crash out at my place till things calm down." I added.

"Or at mine" Jeff and Kevin chimed almost in unison.

We formed a circle for a group hug and headed out the door being careful to not leave anything that we had brought into the house behind. Scott took Jeff home first, then me.

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