Immolated. Chapter One.: Chapter 1

Published Nov 12, 2006, 9:55:07 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 12, 2006, 9:55:07 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

This could be considered an alternative version of Desecration. WARNINGS: Torture, violence, bondage, humiliation, Master-slave, Dom., oral, language. (And in next chapters: Fisting, anal, DP, rim,threesome...)

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Sorry for the mistakes and my bad grammar, I still hadn't a beta when I wrote this. But I've found one for next chapters.

This story is based on a similar idea as ‘Desecration‘, sorry I’m short on imagination and have an immense urge to torture Goku (But I swear that I like him). I think the idea of ‘desecration’ was very good but it wasn’t very well written, I wrote it in a hurry, so I thought that I should write another, much more elaborated, story. In this one Goku isn’t as clueless and the end will be a little similar but with a twist. (By the way, I know that my titles are very melodramatic, but I can’t help it)

Warnings for this chapter: Yaoi, D/s, bondage, master-slave,humiliation, torture, violence, oral, language, and Vegeta acting like a bastard.

So if you don’t like it, don’t read it.







Part One: Enslaved.



Chapter One: Marked



An electrifying jolt ran through Vegeta’s body as he sensed Goku approaching at high speed. Vegeta licked his lips relishing in his victory, in his power: He had finally conquered Kakarot.

Over the years, lust and despise for the man in equal doses had consumed his soul, nurturing his unhealthy and insane obsession for the other saiyan. The frustrated desire to possess his body and break his soul had been haunting Vegeta for years; taunting him, even in his dreams; fueling his wrath till the point that once released it could destroy the whole universe.

And now, Vegeta could not believe his fucking luck. Goku had offered himself to be immolated in the name of an absurd sentiment which Vegeta was incapable to conceive or comprehend: love.

Yes, just some days ago Kakarot had confessed his unconditional love for the prince. At first, Vegeta had remained impassive, his body stiffened at the shocking revelation, unable to decide whether to laugh or to beat the shit out of the man for his naïveté and idiocy. He had wanted to scream that such thing did not exist, that only hate and passion were real, tangible emotions. But he just smirked with arrogance at the opportunity to get all his urges, his need of revenge, fulfilled.

So he proposed Goku to become his willing slave. Vegeta had been utterly, bluntly sincere and clear about his intentions: In their relationship there would be no love, no affection, no gentleness. Goku could only expect pain, humiliation and, maybe, even some pleasure. Surprisingly, Goku had seemed more than eager to accept, but Vegeta had given him a week to think over it carefully before taking a decision, cause once he would consent there would be no back out, their arrangement would be for life, or at least, until Vegeta got tired of him.

So once the time limit expired, Goku flew to meet his fate, slightly uneasy but resolute. He knew that, from now on, his life wouldn’t belong to him anymore. His owner would be the same man who had attempted to kill him in the past, who hated him with a passion. But if that was the only way Vegeta could establish some sort of bond or relation with him, no other option could be taken in consideration.

Once Goku arrived, Vegeta stood in front of him, with his arms folded and a smug smirk on his face. For a few, seemingly interminable moments, silence reigned supreme as Vegeta looked intensely at his prey with piercing eyes. A cold sweat broke out on Goku’s forehead as he tried to keep from flinching, nervous, under the intense scrutiny of the prince.

“Now, what?” Goku finally asked to suddenly receive a slap across the face, so hard it caused his head to jerk to one side. Goku, frowning, brought his hand to his reddened cheek and rubbed it softly. He opened his mouth, but before he could articulate a word, Vegeta slapped him again, this time on the other side.

Then, with a look of abhorrence, he reached up to cup Goku’s chin in one hand and, squeezing it roughly, spat in his face.

Goku blinked as the hot saliva ran down his nose. He raised his hand to wipe the splitter but Vegeta, groaning, grabbed his wrist and twisted it violently, making Goku grimace. He laid an inquiring and frightened gaze upon the prince only to have Vegeta tighten his grip, while growling irate.

“First thing you must get through that thick head of yours, you brainless trash, is to never speak without my permission and never look me in the eyes. While in my presence, you will always fix your eyes on the floor unless I order you otherwise.” Vegeta instructed in an authoritative and enraged tone as he let go Goku’s chin and, fisting his hand in Goku’s hair, yanked his head down, forcefully.

“You will serve me with your body and soul and will be at my entire disposal without the slightest hesitation.” He added as Goku cringed at the display of harshness.

“From now on, always expect constant verbal and physical abuse, and public humiliation. I will punish you brutally and repeatedly whenever I feel like, even if you follow all my rules and orders. Is it clear, dog?”

Goku shut his eyes and nodded, breathing heavily. He was starting to comprehend the significance and magnitude of his decision, the real implications of this subservient role he had accepted to play. But he was starting, too, to catch a glimpse of Vegeta’s sicken soul. He thought the prince had changed over the years but now he felt all his world falling to pieces: all his beliefs had been nothing but a mere, horrible fallacy. Evilness could not be totally eradicated from a lost, sinful soul. And Vegeta was a living proof of this, evil would always resided in his heart. It was something inherent to his identity, so deeply rooted in his self, that it could never be exterminated, not even killing him.

This was his new life, to be treated like a beast, used and despised like a ragged doll. He was starting to become aware of the extent of his degradation, and the most shocking thing is that he had no regrets at all.
Another hard blow jolted him out of his sinister, disturbing thoughts back to the equally sinister reality.

“Wrong response. You must always address me as master or any title which alludes to my royal status, as highness.”

master” Goku replied, refraining his natural impulse to look up at Vegeta. That was going to be difficult, he was used to stare in the eyes of those who speak to him, that way he could always know if they were being honest or, on the contrary, if they were hiding something.

Vegeta stopped twisting Goku’s wrist and brushed his mouth against Goku’s ear.

“Good pet.” He whispered hoarsely and licked Goku’s earlobe teasingly with the tip of his tongue, eliciting a soft moan from his bewildered slave. But he rapidly stepped back, pleased to see that the younger saiyan was in a submissive stance, with his eyes lowered and his hands at his sides.

Vegeta walked over, past Goku, to retrieve something from a shelf. From his position, Goku could not see what it was, but soon his curiosity was sated as something cold, metallic was tightly wrapped around his wrists and ankles, pinching his skin. Goku gasped in despair, suddenly realizing that he had been cuffed with ki restrainers.

There was nothing more terrifying than that sensation of the vital force being sucked out of the body. Goku felt like dying an unbearably slow and excruciating death. He hadn’t thought Vegeta capable of going so far. Goku was torn between his remaining shreds of sanity, urging him to escape and his blinded, irrational desire to suffer any pain, no matter what terrible could be, at the hands of such perverse tormenter.

“Strip!” Vegeta commanded, walking around to stand in front of Goku..

The bizarre order caught Goku by surprise who, without keeping his eyes apart from the floor, stood paralyzed for some seconds which earned him a brutal punch on the face. He grunted as his head tossed backwards and hot blood ran down his cheek. Vegeta traced with one finger the thin red trail and, bringing his finger to his mouth, sucked the hot liquid, relishing in his coppery, arousing flavor.

you’re delicious when you’re bleeding, my pet.” Vegeta laughed maniacally and then, cupping Goku’s head with both hands, captured Goku’s lips between his teeth, sinking them into the tender flesh to get more of the addictive fluid.

“Now strip” Vegeta exclaimed once he broke apart, licking his lips and folding his arms, with a nasty smile on his face.

This time, Goku obeyed rapidly. A shiver wracked his entire body as he heard Vegeta’s sharp intake of breath. The perfect sculpted figure before him was driving him mad, but Vegeta kept at bay his sexual urges; his immense, almost excruciating need to inflict pain surpassing his blind desire to just fuck the man senseless.

“Kneel before your prince, scum.” He commanded as he stepped closer to Goku. till he was just mere inches apart, Goku’s nose almost touching Vegeta’s crotch.

The prince grabbed Goku by the back of his head and, bucking his hips forward, started to grind roughly his groin against Goku’s face, as moans of pleasure emerged from his lips. Goku felt a tingle through his limbs and a haze clouding his mind as he inhaled deeply the masculine, musky scent emanating from Vegeta’s arousal. But the older saiyan immediately let go Goku’s head when he started to feel the wetness soaking through his spandex, it was not time to cum yet.

Vegeta walked again towards the shelf to catch a leather dog collar and a leash. He swiftly wrapped the collar around Goku’s neck, adjusting it tightly, until it was almost constricting the throat of the younger saiyan, and then buckled it in place. Goku could barely breath, Vegeta chuckled at the strangled noises that erupted from Goku’s lips every time he gasped for air.

“On all fours, you fucking stupid piece of shit” Vegeta ordered as he clapped the leash to the collar. Then, he headed out of the room, leading Goku to the starway and down to the basement. Goku crawled down the stairs slowly and with difficulty and Vegeta, who was almost at the end of the stairs, turned around impatiently and tugged brusquely at the leash making Goku lose his balance and fall stumbling down the stairs. The younger saiyan yelped as his battered body crashed onto the floor and, trembling, curled up into a ball.

“Pathetic worm.“ Vegeta exclaimed hatefully, rewarding him with a bunch of kicks for his clumsiness. Goku let out muffled screams as he covered his head protectively with his hands.

After agonizingly, endless moments, Vegeta, flushed with rage, stopped the severe beating and, giving a tight tug at the chain, dragged Goku towards a room at the end of the corridor.

The door was locked with a deadbolt. Reaching into his pocket, Vegeta took out a key and unlocked the door. He turned the lights on and ordered Goku to stand up.

“Welcome to the pleasure chamber.” He exclaimed with a hint of amusement and sarcasm in his voice, and then, he proceeded to detach the leash from the collar. “Or should I say the torture chamber?” He laughed maliciously and walked over to a cabinet which contained all kind of tools and weird stuff.

Goku, meanwhile, looked around the huge room. Walls, ceiling and floor were of gray concrete, giving an appearance of coldness and discomfort. In the middle of the windowless room there was a big table and two long, heavy chains hanging from the ceiling. But he rapidly lowered his eyes as Vegeta walked back over carrying some items.

He set them on the table and, grabbing rudely Goku by his hair, shoved him under the chains. He linked the chains to the ki restrainers on Goku’s wrists and went to press a button located on one of the walls to adjust the height of the chains until Goku was suspended one foot off the floor. The younger saiyan flinched and whimpered as his muscles were incredibly stretched. Vegeta then knelt behind Goku and put a spreader bar between his ankles to push his legs apart and keep them in place.

Anguish blocked Goku’s senses till the point he was hardly aware of his surroundings: He didn’t hear the steps of the prince as he positioned himself behind the younger saiyan, or his grunts of delight as he noticed how Goku’s muscles tensed and twitched painfully, nor even the whistles and the crack of a whip being firmly brandished into the air. So he wasn’t prepared when the first blow landed on his back. He roared in pain and tossed his head back at the tremendous force of the impact; the brusque, involuntary movement caused his muscles to stretch even more and his screams increased in volume

“Oh yes, third class, make more of those beautiful sounds for your prince.” Vegeta’s voice was husky as an intense chill ran down his spine and his stomach coiled in delight, seeing the supposedly strongest being of the universe, the legendary, so utterly defenseless, depraved of his strength, his will, and even his dignity. It would be so easy to kill him, just by breaking his neck, but it was going to be more satisfying to slowly kill his soul instead. After years of being consumed by rage and shame, Vegeta finally was going to get sweet payback. Yes, life was great.

Goku, tense in anticipation and determined not to be caught off guard again, steadied himself for the next knock. This time Vegeta hit harder, taking good care to whip Goku’s spine but the younger saiyan only let escape a muffled groan through his clenched teeth.

That little display of desperate rebelliousness did not pleased Vegeta at all, who suddenly changed his grimace of fury into a wicked smirk as his twisted, perverted mind plotted to find the perfect punishment for his rebel slave.

He concentrated a little amount of energy in the tip of his pointing finger and shoot right into Goku’s tail-spot. The piercing scream and the spasm induced on his prey, combined with the heavy scent of scorching flesh caused Vegeta’s manhood to become erect. But he decided to ignore it and stepping right behind Goku yanked his head forcefully backwards and whispered in his ear, “I want to hear you scream like the worthless bitch you are.” Then, he bit the tender earlobe before letting go Goku’s hair. The face of the taller saiyan contorted in a grimace of pain as he cried out loudly.

That was a right response.”
So as a reward, the prince started to strike in rapid succession. Each scream of his victim louder than the previous, sending wave upon wave of raw pleasure right towards Vegeta’s groin, making him grow harder and harder.

Vegeta, moaning and groaning and about to explode in excitation, stopped the lashing for a moment to grind his arousal against Goku’s butt in an attempt to alleviate some of the pressure. But not wanting to cum yet, he immediately turn to resume his punishment, this time taking his time to savor every pound.

Goku felt his entire body burning, but after a while, though trembling like a leaf, he was so numb that the excruciating pain slowly receded and dissipated to a dull ache, only subsiding a feeling of vulnerability and defeat. His chest was moving up and down rapidly as he panted heavily, but soon his breath became shallow as the prince tired of the beating throw the whip to contemplate his masterpiece: an intricate pattern of red welts over Goku’s back, ass and thighs.

Hunger filled Vegeta’s eyes, saliva burst into his mouth and pleasure rocked his body seeing all that delicate skin torn and bleeding. So enticing, so fucking perfect!

He licked the blood from Goku’s wounds, his head spinning as he relished in the sight, smell and flavor of the rich fluid. All that sensations intermingled, driving him mad with desire. But it was not enough to sate his urgent craving for blood. He dug his nails into the gashes, deeper and deeper, scratching the hot and pulsating flesh till rivers of blood cascaded down Goku’s back while a symphony of yells and shrieks echoed through the room making Vegeta shudder and groan in pure bliss.

The sadistic saiyan lapped and swallowed till the last drop, all the way down Goku’s back to his buttocks. The younger male had his head hung and his eyes close, trying to endure his torment, but as the wet tongue of the prince was licking him alive, he started to feel an odd tingling sensation coursing through his entire body, intensified in his nipples and cock. Goku opened his eyes and looked down, incredulous, at his growing erection.

When the howls of pain turned into loud moans of pleasure, Vegeta, frowning, stopped his ministrations: All he wanted at that moment was Goku’s suffering. He went to retrieve a little packet of salt from the table and pouring a generous amount on his hands, he started to rub it all over Goku’s injured back. Another piercing scream erupted from Goku’s constricted throat as his body convulsed in violent spasms.

Now things were as they should, Goku’s member was hanging limp and flaccid, as agony replaced his brief, ephemeral pleasure.

Vegeta stepped around till he was facing his victim and, chuckling at Goku’s pitiful, distorted expression, ran his fingers over Goku’s chest in a ghostly caress.

“Now, look at all this disgustingly soft and pale skin. What can we do to make it look nice and pretty, my pet?”

He laughed as Goku hissed, unable to let out any other sound. Vegeta went again towards the table and picked up a sharp dagger.

“Look at this, little shit, isn’t it beautiful?” Vegeta asked as he waved the dagger in front of Goku‘s face, smirking with malice. The tattered saiyan, opening his eyes, gasped in slight panic. Then, a cold shudder flowed trough him as Vegeta started to run the tip of the lethal object, carefully not to tear the skin, from Goku’s chest to his navel. Vegeta continued that cruel teasing for a long while, as thick drops of sweat streamed from Goku’s brow. The younger saiyan was panting heavily, awaiting, unnerved, for the onslaught to come.

Goku clutched the chains and bit his lips, letting out a choked grunt when, finally, Vegeta cut his stomach from side to side. The prince lapped at the long, but superficial gash. The aphrodisiacal effects of the vital fluid soon were very evident on Vegeta; the prominent bulge on his pants pulsed agitatedly, menacing to burst through the spandex if some friction was not provided immediately.

So, dropping the dagger, Vegeta positioned himself behind Goku and, pulling his slick cock out of his pants, he started to grind it against the crack of Goku’s butt. Meanwhile, he reached around to strongly squeeze Goku’s nipples. Still a little shaky and hard as a rock, Vegeta stepped back, and sliding his leaking cock back into his pants, walked around in front of Goku, who was moaning and squirming, sporting an impressive, throbbing erection.

“You’ve been a naughty boy again.” Vegeta said playfully, as he rubbed his thumb over the head of Goku’s cock, collecting a considerable amount of precum. He raised his hand and inserted the drenched fingers into Goku‘s mouth. Goku winced slightly as he tasted the salty substance. Then Vegeta added in a dangerous tone, evil intensely shining in the depths of his orbs, ”Bad, bad pet. Now I will have to punish you.”

Vegeta pulled and squeezed hurtfully Goku’s penis, then he knelt before the younger male and engulfed the head of the leaking manhood into his mouth. He ran his tongue teasingly over the tip, making Goku instinctually arch his back, heightening his pain and his pleasure all at the same time. Suddenly, Goku started to cried out in misery, tears streaming down his face, when Vegeta sank his teeth in the sensitive meat he had been expertly sucking during the last minutes.

Vegeta contemplated almost mesmerized the bloody mess that was now Goku’s cock and then stood up, savoring the stimulating and delicious combination of blood and precum. His crimson tinted lips curved in a cruel smirk, giving him a much more vicious and feral appearance than usual.

Vegeta took off the spreader bar and then, floating to reach Goku’s wrists, unclipped the chains, making

Goku plummet to the floor with a loud thump.

Goku was not really aware of the extent of the damage inflicted till he was released from his bonds. He lay down on the floor with a terrible headache and all his body soaked with perspiration. He had every nerve in agony. His heart and respiratory rate still higher than normal, finding difficult to regain his breath as the collar was partially asphyxiating him. All his body was sore, specially his arms and shoulders due to the extreme stretching. The raw mass that was his back stung horribly, it seemed to be on fire. And great waves of cramps swept over his muscles. The crushing pain made him vomit and Vegeta sent him a disgusted look.

“Don’t think this is over, you fucking son of a bitch.” Vegeta spluttered, while kicking Goku’s ribs several times, so hard that it resulted in fracturing some of them. Then, taking a hold of Goku’s hair, jerked him up and pushed him against the table.

“Lie down over there, dog.”

Goku obeyed, with slow and heavy movements as Vegeta watched him in amusement.

“Look at you, now. How disgusting and pathetic! The great hero, the savior of the earth, crawling like a dog just because he wanted to be fucked.” Goku slapped his eyes shut and winced, the harsh insults and remarks of the prince, and the contemptuous tone of his voice hurt more than any physical punishment. Vegeta laughed and spat Goku in the face as he shackled him down onto the table.

He started to make little cuts all over Goku’s upper body, licking each of them with devotion. Goku struggled with his ties as his gurgling breath became deeper and more erratic, letting out from time to time yells and moans as opposed sensations swept through his feverish body.

Meanwhile, Vegeta, devoured by an intense lust, started to stab more profoundly the flesh of the squirming and bleeding form on the table, once and again, as animalistic howls ripped their way out of Goku’s throat. After a while, the screams of intense agony slowly faded out as the little strength left in him finally abandoned his exhausted body.

Not content yet with his onslaught, Vegeta inserted his fingers into Goku’s mouth and, grabbing his tongue, sank the dagger into the wet muscle. Goku involuntarily clenched his mouth shut, biting his lacerated appendage, increasing the already tremendous agony. As a result, all his body convulsed in uncontrollable spasms, and he started to cry and weep in hysterics.

Vegeta was about to explode and, unable to restrain his appetites anymore, climbed on the table, straddling the younger male , and started to grind his arousal against Goku’s crotch. Then he lowered his head and, crushing his lips against Goku’s, captured the bleeding tongue into his mouth and started to play with it; he sucked and bit, relentlessly, mercilessly, becoming inebriated with the sweet fluid oozing from the wounded appendage. He felt his heart pounding wildly into his chest, as shudders of pure ecstasy rocked his entire body.

But he needed more than that, so he unzipped his pants and moved his body till he was straddling Goku’s face, then he plunged his rigid, dripping cock into the bleeding cavity that was Goku‘s mouth. He started to face-fucking the taller man at a wild pace, bucking his hips up and down harder and harder. The heat and the friction around his flesh and the sight of the blood covering his engorged shaft, sent shivers of raw, unadulterated pleasure down his spine. He groaned and howled like a wild beast hungry of sex and blood. He continued shoving his slick cock into the mouth unrelentingly as his balls slapped Goku‘s chin. Goku gagged, almost choking, as the length beat the back of his throat each time more brutally; meanwhile his own manhood started to revive as the bitter, but alluring flavor of Vegeta‘s precum inundated his taste buds.

When Vegeta felt a tightening in his loins, announcing his approaching climax, he jerked his cock off of Goku’s mouth and climbed off the table. His erection throbbed as he walked towards the cabinet, leaving Goku panting wildly, trying to regain his breath. The overwhelmed saiyan did not know how much more of this torture he could bear: All his world had been reduced to pain; extreme, burning pain. At this point, he just wanted to fade into oblivion, to cease his existence so he could stop feeling.

His eyes widened twice his size and he gulped; awful fear flashed into his eyes as he saw Vegeta walking towards him holding a branding iron, already red-hot. The iron terminated in a big V with a crown above.

“Now, my pet, it’s time to mark you as my property.” Vegeta watched, with delight as the younger man, now almost reduced to a bloody pulp, trashed like a trapped animal, trying vainly to escape from his binds.

Vegeta gave him a senzu bean to heal and keep his body unmarred. All the cuts and bruises, as well as the aches and pain vanished immediately, but it was a poor comfort, knowing what it was about to happen.

Vegeta, with a malevolent and ferocious expression on his face, pressed the iron into Goku’s flesh, right above his left breast. As the burning iron entered his flesh, Goku arched his back screaming so loudly that the solid walls trembled slightly.

The sound and smell of scorching flesh caused Vegeta’s cock to jerk violently. A quiver rumbled through his body and a potent cry of ecstasy erupted from his lips, reverberating through the room for a long while.

He needed immediately some relief. So, without delay, he hovered over Goku’s head and plunged his cock again inside his mouth. After two violent thrusts he ejaculated, the first spurts of creamy seed flooded into Goku’s throat. Then Vegeta removed the still cum-spitting shaft and started to rub it roughly against the recent mark, groaning and howling like a possessed as he spat some more squirts of hot semen. Goku gave a last, blood-curdling scream and then he fainted.

Once the last spasms of his mind-blowing orgasm subsided, Vegeta abandoned the room letting Goku locked inside, still chained and unconscious. He needed a good shower and some rest before returning to his favorite pastime.



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