Desecration: Chapter One

Published Nov 5, 2006, 4:59:11 PM UTC | Last updated Nov 5, 2006, 4:59:11 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Vegeta gets revenge in a twisted way. Yaoi, bondage, humiliation, mention of torture. Vegeta/Goku/??

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Chapter 1: Chapter One

Disclaimer: DB/Z/GT isnt my property.







Vegeta was sick and enraged. And it was all Gokus fault, that fool.
He had been fucking the younger saiyan for the last weeks, just to satiate his lust whilst humiliating him, just like he was humiliated when Kakarot took his birthrights away from him, becoming the first supersaiyan and being the strongest one.

After their encounters Vegeta always spat on Gokus face telling him that he was disgusting and meant nothing to him. But where was the pleasure if the younger saiyan just shrugged and insisted that Vegeta was just confused and didnt know how to handle those new feelings? Revolting.

Vegeta just wanted to make him suffer, but when he had started to been brutal during their sexual intercourses, beating the younger saiyan till he was just a bloody pulp before screwing senseless, Goku had reacted saying that though he didnt understand Vegetas necessity to make him harm he still loved the older saiyan and both would find a way to sort things out.

How Goku could be so dense was beyond Vegetas comprehension. How could he made the taller man understand that his only feelings for him were despise and hatred?


Goku was in Vegetas torture room. It was a special chamber that Vegeta had equipped with all the necessary to inflict torment to his rival during their especial sessions. There was a broad table in the middle of the room with shackles and chains attached to its four corners. And a closet where he kept all type of stuff, like a set of big sharp knives, whips and lashes, chains, ki restrains, masks and kinky toys like monstrous dildos, cock rings, butt plugs, etc.

This time Goku was laying on his stomach over the table, blindfolded and with ki restrainers on his wrists and ankles, so he couldnt use his strength or feel ki. Vegeta always felt a rush of sheer pleasure seeing the younger male so helpless and scared, yes he could smell the panic that emanated from Goku in overflowing waves every time he was in such vulnerable state.

Goku was trembling. What would Vegeta have this time in store for him before screwing him senseless?
To whip his back raw, leaving him all covered in blood and then to scratch with his nails into the deep gashes till he fainted from the excruciating pain? To stab all his body with one of his special knives or scorch his skin with a branding iron marking him like an animal? To beat him till breaking all his bones and force his members into awkward positions to increase the agony?

Goku sighed deeply, he could endure everything to let the sadist prince vent up his frustrations, if this was what Vegeta needed he would comply, he loved the prince so much. At least, Vegeta always gave him a senzu bean after all the suffering. He wasnt sure, though, if the prince did it to make him feel better or just to keep his body unmarred.

But something was different on this ocassion. Goku felt a slightly sparkle of hope arise. Vegeta always put him a cock ring, not wanting the younger man to orgasm when he fucked him. But this time there was no ring, he could come while Vegeta were pleasuring him. He couldnt contain his joy, maybe things were changing between them.

And it seemed that his suppositions were confirmed when there were no beating, no lashing or no other kind of damaged inflicted. Just the slightly, bearable, pain caused by the forceful penetration of an engorged and leaking phallus into his unprepared anus. Goku started to moan as that sweaty body of soft and fragrant skin moved over him.

The rhythm of the pounding started to increase as Goku, unable to restrain his lust bucked his hips up to meet every thrust of his lover, he wanted that throbbing cock all buried deep inside of him till the hilt. He wanted it harder and faster, and he started to scream like a madman when his prostate was struck every time that member plunged merciless into him. Meanwhile, Vegeta had been whispering obscenities in Gokus ear the whole time.

It was too much, the younger saiyan suddenly came crying Vegetas name. He was shuddering and panting heavily from the intense orgasm as he felt two hands untying the knot of his blindfold. When the soft piece of fabric fell from his eyes, Goku went into shock, seeing the prince right in front of him while that pulsating length was still perforating his insides. Vegeta came all over Gokus face when he felt a rush of pleasure running up his spine at the expression of sheer horror and dismay of Goku.

Then a scream of pure bliss could be heard as Gokus lover came into that hot tightness.
The younger saiyan glanced over his shoulder, face still contorted in revulsion as he recognized the man that had been ravaging him during the last hour.

Trunks! He whispered weakly, unable to believe what was happening. And he cried for the first time in his life.

The young demi saiyan, collapsed atop Goku and still inside of him, just groaned, lost in the aftermath of his fantastic climax.

Vegeta started to laugh maniacally, enjoying incommensurably the fact that finally he had humiliated his long time detested rival.
Goku was sobbing uncontrollably when all of a sudden, Vegeta grabbed his hair lifting Gokus head up to look him in the eyes.

Tell me, Kakarot. Do you still believe that this is love? Would I really love you when I get an infinite pleasure
from seeing your body desecrated by my own son? Vegeta exclaimed, smugly. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply; it had been fucking perfect.

Boy, you can take him again if you want. The prince said to his son, who had recovered his breath and was still very horny. Then Vegeta left the room, still laughing.

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