Lost Innocence: Chapter 1

Published Oct 1, 2006, 4:38:09 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 1, 2006, 4:38:09 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Goku is an average teenager, innocent and cheerful, but when he meets his idol, Vegeta, something terrible will happen and he won't be the same happy boy.

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Disclaimer: I don’t own DB/Z/GT . Their property of Akira Toriyama, Toei and Funimation.


Warnings: Yaoi. There will be just a little of Vegeta/Goku, some of Yamcha/Goku and mostly Goku/Vegeta. There will be drama, angst, death of a character, non con, lemon, oral, anal, bondage, toys. (But it will take some chapters, no warnings in this first one.)

AN: First of all, this isn’t a high school romance fic, this first chapter is just to introduce some of the main characters, specially Goku and to show how is his daily life as an average adolescent, to know his friends and his passions. But soon he will meet Vegeta, something terrible will happen and Goku will change.

This is an AU, here Goku and Vegeta aren’t saiyans, they’re earthlings but they have superhuman strength, agility and velocity. Vegeta is a famous champion of martial arts and Goku is training to be another one.


Goku 16, Vegeta 23, Yamcha 20, Raditz 26, Chichi and Krillin 17. (Yamcha here hasn’t the scar and he has the hair cut, like the way he looks just before Bulma left him for Vegeta)

By the way, I know that the title sucks so it’s provisional. If someone could suggest a better title I would appreciate it. And now that I’m with three WIP at the same time updates will take a little longer so please be patient, but I’m not abandoning any of my other fics. I just had this idea all of a sudden and I couldn’t help it, I had to start to write.









Chapter One





“Goku, wake up immediately.!” The potent voice of Raditz startled the boy out of sleep. Goku stretched his arms and let out a slight yawn. Then, opening his eyes slowly, he looked at the alarm clock and sat up suddenly wide awake.

“Shit, shit, shit! I’m gonna be late again.” He exclaimed, hopping out of his bed and taking off his boxers stumbling on his way to the bathroom, where he took a quick shower.

In ten minutes he was running down the stairs, clad in a pair of black pants and a t-shirt. When he entered the kitchen, his brother was already sat at the table. Raditz looked disapprovingly at his younger brother. Goku stood there laughing nervously.

“I’m sorry, Raditz.” He muttered as he sat at the table across of his brother and started to devour his breakfast immediately.

Raditz sighed, not quite sure of how to handle the situation: Should he reprimand with severity his little brother for his bad table manners or just ignore it? It was in moments like this when he missed his parents sorely.

Raditz had never been a good student, so he left the university to work in the family business, restoring furniture. He had always been good with his hands, it had been his father who had instilled the love for the handmade work into his older son.

The little business had prospered in few years and soon it had grown into a great company, exceeding their most ambitious expectations. Soon Raditz had saved enough money to rent his own apartment.

He was very content with his new life: his own job, that was too his great passion, and his own house. Everything was perfect, until that fateful day, two years ago, when his parents were killed in a car crash.

After that, he had returned to the parental home to take care of his younger brother, cause they haven’t any relatives. And sometimes it was a burden impossible to bear.

Not that Goku was a problematic kid, quite the contrary. He was considerate and, most of the times, very obedient. He always helped at housework without complaining, and though he wasn’t a good student, he always made an extra effort to pass all his exams. Goku was a healthy and good boy whose only passion was the martial arts.

But Raditz was too young to educate a teenager and sometimes he felt overwhelmed by such great responsibility.

He got out of his musings and stared amused at Goku who was stuffing his mouth at an amazing speed, like if he was afraid that all the food would disappear all of a sudden.

“Goku, you should eat more slowly, look what a mess!” Raditz exclaimed trying to appear serious.

Raditz shook his head, as his little brother ignored him, the teen was impossible when he had a plate full of food in front of him.

Raditz looked down at his plate deep in thought. Since quite some time he had wanted to talk with his brother about a rather embarrassing matter. He did not wanted to delay it anymore, so trying to gather enough courage he decided to get some information from his brother. He coughed loudly to catch the attention of the teen but without success, so he kicked Goku‘s leg. The teenager lifted his head up letting out a yelp of pain.

“What was that for?“ Goku scowled at his brother, rubbing his sore calf.

“It was the only way to make you forget your food. Tell me, about that nice friend of you, Chichi…” Raditz interrupted himself, shifting on his chair in embarrassment, while Goku looked at him expectantly and perplexed at the sudden shyness of his usually confident brother.

“Do you know if she…if she has a boyfriend?” He blurted out, his face now completely reddened.

Goku blinked stupefied for a second, why was his brother so interested in Chichi’s sentimental life. Then, as the evidence dawned into him, Goku started to laugh beating the table with his fists in hysterics

“What’s so funny?” Raditz asked, furrowing his brow in annoyance and folding his arms.

“I can’t believe it, you…ha, ha…had a crush on Chichi.” Goku failed in his attempt to stifle his laughter in spite of the angry look his brother was sending him. He couldn’t help it, it was so hilarious. She knew Chichi since he was almost a baby, she and Krillin were his dearest childhood friends, more than that, the three of them were like siblings. So the idea of Chichi and Raditz as a couple was too weird to take it seriously.

Glancing at his brother, Goku realized that Raditz was very irritated. So he managed to compose himself before speaking out.

“Well, sometimes she goes out with one of the boys of the dojo, Juunanagou.”

“Oh!” Raditz murmured disappointed.

Goku seeing his brother so upset, added quickly. “But it isn’t serious. He dates other girls as well and he didn’t even bother to hide it from Chichi, so it’s possible that they break up soon.” Raditz smirked now in a good mood and Goku beamed at the sudden change of demeanor of his brother.

Once Raditz’s curiosity was satiated, the teenager turned his attention back at his already cold breakfast, but before he could have a bite the doorbell rang.

“That’s Yamcha!” He shouted out cheerfully, jumping off the chair.

Yamcha was one of his best friends, more than that, his closest friend. They have met two years ago when Goku’s parents died. He was at the hospital with his brother Raditz, they have been waiting anxiously for interminable hours, but they hadn’t any news about the state of their parents . Raditz just remained sat with a blank look in his eyes. During all that time he hadn’t said a word, he even din’t make a slight movement, he looked utterly lost and defeated. And Goku needed someone to comfort him, his parents were very affectionate and every time he got upset about something he ran to his mother’s arms, she always made him feel better with her hugs and caresses. So now he felt lonely and abandoned for the first time in his life. And, to make things worst he had always hated hospitals, they were aseptic and cold places where only dwelled misery and death.

Goku felt an intense sadness constricting his heart. He got out of that insufferable room, unable to resist anymore the pitiful state of Raditz, and strolled along the solitary halls.

Goku did not know how long he had been wandering like a zombie, but he was terribly tired. So he leant against a wall and started to weep slightly. After a while though, he tried to stifle his sobs. He was fourteen years old, he would not act like a stupid child.

“Don’t hold back, it’s good to cry.“ An amicable but unexpected voice startled him, so he dried his tears with the sleeve of his shirt and looked in the direction where that voice had come from. A young man with a nice face was smiling warmly at him.

He wore a hospital gown so he had to be a patient.

“What happened to you?” Goku asked with both, curiosity and concern, even though the man was an stranger.

“Oh nothing serious. I suffered a lesion playing baseball which needed to be operated. And now I stuck in this horrible place, I don’t know when I can leave and it’s so boring. By the way, my name is Yamcha.” He said while stretching his hand out. Goku hesitated for a second but soon stepped forward to shake the hand of his new friend.

When Yamcha asked him the reason why he was so sad, Goku told him about the accident. He opened his heart completely and the young man listened to the distraught boy with such concern, his eyes so warm and inviting, that soon Goku had started to feel better.

Later, when Goku returned to the waiting room, his brother rapidly walked up to him and embraced him tightly, that was how the teenager knew that his parents were dead.

After that, he did not remember much until the day of the funeral, all appeared vague in his mind, a dense haze seemed to have enveloped him leaving him insensitive, even the pain had diminished. But once he stood in front of that ominous hole in the ground which would be the perpetual home of that lifeless shells that once were his parents, he was brought back into the crude reality. The grief intensified so mercilessly and abruptly that he almost collapsed on the ground, bitter tears streamed down his face and he only wanted to be dead so that torture would cease.

After the funeral he had gone to visit Yamcha at the hospital daily. Yamcha had been his only support during those days. His brother could not pay him much attention, having to take care of anything: He was now in charge of the family business which consumed most of his time and energies, so he barely stayed at home. And his childhood friends were just happy kids, too immature to understand the profound desolation of the teenager. Yamcha had helped him to heal his soul and now he was again that innocent and cheerful boy he used to be. Since them, they had been inseparable.





“Hi Yamcha” Goku chirped after opening the door at the smiling young man.

“Hi. Are you ready to go?”

“Just a minute” Goku murmured and immediately he raced up the stairs, grabbed his backpack and ran back down. In his way to the front door, he poked out his head into the kitchen to say goodbye to his brother, then headed to the hallway where Yamcha stood, rolling his eyes at the display of his over-energetic friend. He should be used by now to this kind of things, but Goku’s superhuman abilities never ceased to amaze him.

Once outside, they walked up to Yamcha’s motorcycle. The young man put on his helmet and, adjusting it meticulously, he handled another one to Goku. Once upon the vehicle, Yamcha put the pedal to the metal, exultant. There was nothing better than a good ride at full speed with Goku’s arms wrapped tightly around his waist, that was heaven.

In few minutes, they arrived at their destination. Goku got off the vehicle, taking out his helmet. He immediately spotted his friends just a few steps away from the place they had parked the motorcycle, and called them. Krillin and Chichi turned his heads to look in the direction where Goku was waving at them. Both walked up towards his friend.

“Hi!” Krillin greeted smiling at the two young men. “Wow, Goku I think that since the year began, this is the first time that you’re not late.”

“Yeah! I want to see the face of my math teacher when he enters the classroom and sees that I’m already sat at my desk, he will surely have a heart attack.” Goku commented, grinning like a maniac.

“Well, if you have done your homework that will at least make him faint.” Chichi said smirking.

Goku face-faulted. “Oh, shit!” He murmured, going pale all of a sudden.

Chichi looked at him and slapped her forehead in disbelief.

“Don’t tell me you forgot it again.”

Goku nodded, his face now red in embarrassment.

“But Goku, I called you yesterday to remind you to do your homework.” Yamcha uttered, sending a disapproving look at the teenager who hung his head, ashamed.

“Yeah, but I was so hungry that I went first to the kitchen to have a snack. And, well, it seems that after that I couldn’t remember anything so I went to take a nap.”
The other three wasn’t surprised at all. Goku always had his head in the clouds.
Goku laughed nervously at the looks on their friend’s faces. He knew they should be thinking he was hopeless.

“You better go to class now.” Yamcha stated, patting Goku’s shoulder in a reassuring manner.

Goku just nodded in response, sighing.

“I’ll come to pick you up when the classes are over.”

“No, I will go to the dojo with Krillin and Chichi.“ Goku replied. When he saw the look of disappointment on Yamcha’s face, he added, in a pleading tone: “I’ve got no choice. Master Roshi gave me an ultimatum the other day. He said that lately I’ve been missing a lot of training sessions and if I don’t start to take it more seriously he won’t waste his time with me.“

“It’s all my fault. “ Yamcha remarked, looking at Goku apologetically. “I should have encouraged you to go to train instead of dragging you to hang out with me.“

“Oh, don’t be so harsh with yourself. I should have been more responsible. But from now on I’m gonna work really hard and some day I will be a great champion. As famous as Vegeta.” Goku’s expression had transfigured into one of pure ecstasy when he pronounced that name. Yamcha sighed, furrowing his brow in annoyance. Every time they were alone Goku never ceased to speak about that damned Vegeta, describing his combats till the last detail, appraising every movement, every punch and kick, and even the way he breathed. He could spend hours and hours talking incessantly about his idol. Yamcha could not count how many times he had been tortured having to see the recordings of Vegeta’s combats. The teenager had mountains of albums full of photos and press articles about the man. And posters of him covering all the walls of his bedroom. And he lay there looking mesmerized that features for hours, and that pissed off Yamcha to no end.

“Ok, then I‘ll go to the dojo when your lesson is over.” Yamcha said, trying to appear unaffected.

“Oh that would be cool, we can go to take a snack or maybe to see a film. You will come too, wont’you?” He asked looking at Krillin and Chichi.

“Sure.” Both responded.

“Well, see you later then:“
“Bye!” Krillin and Goku replied in unison and then they walked away, to be in time to their classes.



Yamcha was about to get onto his motorcycle when he noticed that Chichi was still there looking at him with curiosity.

“Well, what do you want?” He asked a little unnerved.

“When are you going to tell him that you’re in love with him?” She asked bluntly, seeming very serious all of a sudden.

“I don’t know what are you talking about?” Yamcha replied with a trembling voice, his face acquiring a red tone.

“Oh, come on Yamcha. All of us know that you’ve got the hots for him.“ She commented, letting out a naughty smile.

“Is it so evident?” Yamcha blurted out, mortified.

“Well, you should see the expression on your face every time you look at him. And you give the impression of being so miserable every time he talk about Vegeta.” She remarked, looking sympathetically at the young man.

“Please, tell me that Goku hadn’t noticed anything.” Yamcha’s voice was now a mere whisper, if Goku had known his secret all this time, pretending to be clueless, it would mean that he didn’t return his feelings.

“Goku?” She laughed “Of course not, he‘s too naive.“ Yamcha gave out a sighed of relief.

“Do you think I could stand a chance with him.” He asked shyly, his face all glowing red.

“I don’t know. He has never shown such kind of interest about anybody.“

“Except Vegeta.“ Yamcha exclaimed, gritting his teeth in anger.

“Oh, come on Yamcha, you shouldn’t be jealous of him. Goku will never meet him, and if there would be a remote possibility for that to happen surely the real person would be disappointing. Cause he could never fit the image that Goku had form in his mind. He’s just a dream, an intangible ghost. Everybody has an idol, someone to adore and admire, an ideal, but it means nothing. Once he has someone real to love that obsession will disappear.” Her words seemed to have lightened up the young man. But he still looked a little unsure.

“But he’s just a kid, and besides, he can only see me as a brother.”

“Well, you’ll never know if you don’t try it. Cowards never win.” She smiled at Yamcha, who remained silent for a while, with a look of intense concentration on his face. He seemed to be pondering what would be the best decision.

“Maybe you’re right. I will talk to him on his sixteenth birthday.”

Chichi winked at him. “Make sure to prepare something really especial.” She said, with a hint of amusement in her voice.

“Well, I have a whole month, that would be enough time to think about it. Thanks.” He said, now with a tone of confidence. Then, after saying goodbye, Yamcha drove off.

Meanwhile, Chichi ran desperately, after looking her watch. For the first time in her life, she wouldn’t be in time to her lessons.



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