The Adventure of Taiki Hodo: The First Day

Published Aug 14, 2006, 11:06:07 PM UTC | Last updated Aug 14, 2006, 11:06:07 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Taiki, now about 73 and a grandfather of 1, shares his story of his adventure in Yakamin Forest with his only grandaughter.

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Chapter 1: The First Day

            “Tell me another story, Grandfather Taiki!” my granddaughter, Namine, pleaded. The puppy lip was included with the wide eyes. It was 10:27 on New Year’s Eve, so I had to give in. My wife, Hatsuo, says that I’m a pushover when it comes to kids. I guess she’s right, but... I’m only like that sometimes.
         “Okay,” I replied with a grin, “But this is the last one.”
            Namine must really love my stories, for she immediately shot back and exclaimed with a bow, “Yay! Thank you, Taiki!”
         “Alright, then listen to my story of Taiki in Yakamin Forest,” I said.
The Adventures of Taiki Hodo in Yakamin Forest
                It was the dead of night when our plane crash-landed on a strange island somewhere between Japan and Africa. The only ones to survive the crash were my friend (Yoakie) and I. We were walking through the forest, when all of a sudden a banana fell on Yoakie’s head, and he said with wide eyes,” Oooh, banana!”
                We hadn’t had good food since the plane crashed 5 hours ago, so I grabbed the banana and exclaimed,” My banana!”.
                We kept fighting over the banana until we heard a sudden ksh ksh in the bushes. Ahh! Three ninjas had just flown out of the bushes, ready to attack. It was our former enemy, the Jamasao Trio.
                “How did you find out where we were?” Yoakie asked, not noticing that the ninjas were coming right at us at full force.
                “Yoakie, hurry up and put your Japanese soldier gear on!” I yelled at him while passing his armor to him.
                The Japanese soldier gear covered him in less than eight seconds, and we started to fight them.
                “Prepare to have your neck slaughtered, Taiki!” said Najinko, the leader of the Jamasao Trio, dodging a kick.
                “I seriously doubt that, Najinko. You haven’t beaten me before, and I don’t think you will beat me now.” I replied with a snicker. I knew that Najinko, Kanto, and Janto were too vulnerable to even try to challenge Yoakie and me.
                “You know what? Taiki and I are in a good mood today, so we’ll let go ahead and go home,” Yoakie told them with a voice that oozed with mock.
                Suddenly, our good friend, Yokiri, came out of nowhere.
                “Yokiri, what are you doing here? I thought you were supposed to be on a mission in the Cayman Islands...” I pondered. I was saying all kinds of stupid things like, “Are you okay?” and, “I’m so glad to see you!” so on and so forth...
                Yokiri looked at me like I was some kind of freak and said with a small smile, “Uh... hi Taiki...” Then she turned to Yoakie. “Yoakie! Oh my gosh! I’m so glad to see you are okay! Come over here and say ‘Hi’ to me!”
                Yoakie took one tiny baby step towards Yokiri. I always knew he didn’t care for here as much as I do...
                “Hi,” whispered Yoakie, “How are things for you?”
                “Oh, they’re great! I heard your plane crashed, and I wanted to make sure you were alright, Yoakie! too Taiki.” Yokiri said with a blush. I can now tell that she completely loathes me. But, at least she remembers my name!
                Wait a minute! If she came down to where we are safely, maybe she has a plane and some food!
                I asked hopefully, “By any chance possible, could you have any food or First-Aid with you?” (Please say yes. Please say yes. Please say yes...)
                She replied, taking something out of her pocket, “Well, I have this I-pod with all kinds of Movie Soundtracks, if that helps at all. And I have some band-aids.”
                Yoakie and I snatched the band-aids out of her hand and patched up our already highly-infected wounds.
                “So,” I asked, “What kind of movies’ songs you got on there?”
                “Oh, just some old adventure movies where two complete IDIOTS crash their plane and land on an island. When their one and only friend comes, all they ask for is Band-Aids...” Yokiri retorted with a great look of sarcasm on her softly tanned face that was almost half-way covered in her once-perfectly curled hair, now in a frizz that was BEYOND indecent.
                “No, seriously, I haven’t heard any good tunes for days!” I replied.
                “Ok, fine, how about this one? It’s from Grease...” She offered, handing me the earphones.
                I started to catch on to the tune, “Greased Lighting, Go Greased Lighting... Oh Yeah...”
                “Ehh-Emm... Uh, Taiki, you okay?”
                “Uh...Bdum...I...Um...Yeah...He-he-he” I stuttered after jumping about ten feet into the air because Yokiri startled me so.
                After hours and hours of walking, searching for some kind of human life, we finally stopped to slumber in the shadows of a banana tree. It will be another long day tomorrow.

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