Do you love me or not......: lets get the gang together again......

Published Jul 13, 2006, 6:08:56 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 13, 2006, 8:18:22 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

kikyo is dead...can inuyasha love kagome now that shes gone.....and is naraku really dead?............

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Chapter 2: lets get the gang together again......

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"Im such a FOOL!! How could I think inuyasha could ever love me!!" kagome said as she raced out of the forest.

"I wonder what he was going to say, but I couldnt hear anymore!" then kagome just landed on her knees  "I cant take it anymore what am i going to do!? I want to see him, but....."  

"kagome..." inuyasha said as he cut her off.

kagome turned around to find inuyasha giving her a look of sadness.
"Inuyasha... im sorry to ever think you could love me ..."

"you have it wrong kagome.... I do love you, but I cant just forget about kikyo..I have to avenge her." inuyasha just looked at the blood on his hand that came from kikyo's wound.

"will we ever be together?" kagome said after awhile.

inuyasha did not repliy to this, but simply walked up to kagome and lifted her up from the ground.
"kagome....will you still be by my side? no matter what happends, will you still be there?" inuyasha was looking at her lovingly.

"yes...yes inuyasha I promise,but only if you let me help you avenge her.." kagome said suddenly.

"What... you want to help...,but why..??" inuyasha was lost in thought beacuse of her answer.

" and kikyo have something in common....we both wanted to be with you....forever.." kagome said as she huged him and gave him a weak smile.

inuyasha took kagome in closer and huged her tightly.

"Inuyasha we should go and get the others... sango and miroku... OH MY GOD!! I forgot about sango!!!" kagome had fear writen all over her face.

"What is it kagome!! whats wrong!??" inuyasha said worried about kagome.  

"inuyasha! if naraku is back then kohaku..."  

"is under that monsters controll again!!" inuyasha finished.

"come on kagome we have to go to kaede's village and get shippo so we can fly to the demon slayers village and to the temple!"  

"But what about...kikyo's body? shouldnt we bring it back to kaede?"kagome said as she started to head to the forest.

"since kikyo's body was made out of her ashes and dirt.....thats what it turned into..." inuyasha said with a gloomy look on his face.

" sorry.."kagome said but was cut off... "dont be sorry....lets go."with that said the huried off to the village.

they were half way to the village when they met up with shippo and kaede.

"Inuyasha...what has happened to my elder sister kikyo?" kaede said worried.

"Im sorry.....I couldnt save her.." inuyasha said not looking at her.

"I see... well at least she is at peace now" kaede said kind of hurt.

"I hear naraku is the one who killed her is he not?" kaede said soon after.

"yes, hes back again..I could a swore I killed that monster!!" inuyasha said cluching his sword.

Then from behind then came a voice.

"dont worry inuyasha...we will kill him together!"

Then at that moment everyone turned to see miroku and sango riding kirara.

"sango! miroku! Im so glad to see you two!!" shouted kagome.

"hey wait, sango wheres kohaku?!" kagome said worried.

"kagura came and took kohaku away... then I KNEW naraku was still alive! so I went to pick up the monk who was trying to shut the wind tunnel at the time." sango said as they landed on the ground and kirara transformed.

"we must go after naraku before he does something!" miroku said serriously.

"to late..." said inuyasha coldly.  

"inuyasha whats wrong?"sango looked at him oddly.

"he...he killed kikyo!"as inuyasha said that the rage started to come back.  

" sorry I.."sango didnt finish. "Forget the im sorry lets go after naraku!!" inuyasha said as he tried to get his sent.  

"but inuyasha we dont even know where to look!" kagome stated.  

"we'll find him kagome, and I know just where to look, before you got there kagome kikyo told me what happend and where he was headed!"he said as he grined.

"Thats great inuyasha now I will be able to get kohaku back!"sango said happily  

"it wont be easy to get there, he's at death mountain where my father once fought the band of 7 and the great demon gatenmaru..."inuyasha didnt get to finish.... then a voice came from the top of inuyasha's head.

"legend has it that in the mountains who ever steps foot there will awaken then the band of 7."

swat! inuyasha smacked the top of his head and looked at his hand.

"master inuyasha how could you! I was worried about you!"

inuyasha smerked "yeah! so worried you forgot to run!!"

"so how are we going to do this myoga?" replied inuyasha

"I have a plan inuyasha but we have to do this carefully.........."

                (end of chapter)
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