Sound Ninja's: Kakashie's Rain

Published Jun 14, 2006, 8:45:52 PM UTC | Last updated Jun 16, 2006, 5:50:06 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

This is my story. i am a sound ninja. Don't get in my way are you die. This is my story.

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Chapter 2: Kakashie's Rain

Yaso raced to catch up with Kotone. She finally caught up with her. “What took you so long I thought you got caught.” Kotone huffed as she slowed to a walk. Yaso stopped out of breath. “He……… (Huff)……It was the…… (Huff)……guy……from the ramen stall!” “No way was that him, Kakashie?!” “Yeah I was like Oh god when I saw him. He threw a shuriken at me!” Yaso gasped as she tried to regain her breath. They walked until they got into the outskirts of the forest. They didn’t speak a word until a soft pitter-patter in the distance broke the silence. Yaso looked around no one could be seen but she could since someone there. Kotone whispered, “Head into the forest…………NOW!!” They both broke off into a sprint and darted into the trees. Yaso was a fast runner so was Kotone but Yaso seemed better in a cluttered area than Kotone. Yaso was running beside Kotone until a Shuriken came out of no where and glazed right threw her arm. Yaso screamed in pain and toppled over. Kotone stopped and ran to help her. Yaso threw her the scroll with her good arm and yelled, “Take this to lord Orochimaru! Then come back for me ok, go!!” Kotone looked confused but the nodded her head and dashed off into the wet thick branches of the forest. After all what Lord Orochimaru would do worse if they didn’t get that scroll. Yaso sat there but managed to pull herself to a nearby open tree trunk and managed to squeeze through the tiny crack. She safely removed her sound headband and placed it in her satchel. If anyone found her they would surely kill her if they knew she was a sound ninja. She sat there alone in the silence of the rain when an arm grabbed her. She kicked and bite but it clung tight. The person eventually pulled her out after a long struggle. It was Kakashie! His hair was down because of the rain and he looked drenched to the bone. His arm snaked around Yaso’s stomach and held tight. Yaso tried to struggle but her arm kept her from being free. He walked with her under his arm back the way they had came. Soon she went limp for she was loosing too much blood. Her eyes fluttered a bit then closed leaving her unconscious in the hands of an unfamiliar shonobie.


A slight nudge of her head and her eyes sprung open. She looked around she was back in the apartment she started in. She was on the bed the boy called Naruto slept in. She heard voices coming from one of the rooms nearby. She slowly removed the covers and crept silently from the room and pressed her ear against the door. A muffled voice said, “Yes but the scroll………… Fine I will find it……………Yes good-bye.” She tepee-toed to the window and opened it. She stuck one leg out the window and notice her arm was bandaged up. She studied it and continued out the window. It was still dark but dawn was approaching and she needed to get back. The ground was still wet from the down-pour a couple hours earlier. Her feet hit the ground hard as she thundered past the houses. Suddenly a voice cried out to her. “Oh excuse me don’t you have the time to help your elder’s young’n?” An old man stared wide eyed at her and she sighed and nodded. She went over and asked, “What can I do for-“But before she could finish the man transformed into Kakashie and grabbed her and hosted her up. He slammed her body down hard good and fast. She sucked in and released a ninja counter fold which took him by surprise. He went down like a sack of rocks and shot back up like it didn’t faze him. Yaso couldn’t use jitzu it would blow her cover and she didn’t have enough chalkera. She stared to make a run for it. Kakashie easily caught up. He grabbed her shoulder and hosted back. This action made Yaso experience bad whip lash. He swirled her around and stared strait into his eyes. He said in a serious voice “Always leaving so soon?” She replied with an irritated voice, “I don’t talk to men who wear masks. (Really she does ha-ha)” With that she reached up and yanked down his mask. He quickly reached up to shield his face and pull up his mask but by then Yaso had slipped away into the trees. She swiftly darted to tree to tree. She could hear the light footsteps and sensed an aura that seemed outraged. She also sensed some else drawing near. Then a clump of fur fell from a tree right in front of her. She stopped abruptly and stared. Suddenly Dosu emerged from the fur and seemed to look worried. “Where have you been, Yaso?! We’ve been searching everywhere for you! Orochimaru is furious that you were reckless with this mission, and he wants to see you right away!” She stumbled towards Dosu and whispered, “Dosu I am weak will you carry me to camp to see him?” He looked flustered but nodded his head. She walked over to him and gently climbed onto his back. She nestled her head into his soft fur and drifted asleep. Dosu although you couldn’t tell it because of his bandages smiled and started running through the forest.


“Mmmmm………Nyh………” Yaso said as she stretched her arms and looked around to see where she was. She was lying in her bed and Kotone was leaning over her. Kotone yelled, “Oh my God what happened to you I went back but you disappeared!!!” Kotone face filled with worriment for her friend. Yaso smiled yeah I am fine no worries.” Yaso smiled and looked around. “Hey do I really have to go see Lord Orochimaru?” Kotone nodded as Yaso got up. “Ok I’ll go now then.” “Oh I wouldn’t do that he is in a bad mood because one of his million snakes died.” Kotone made a goofy face and Yaso laughed. “Well he is going to have to live with it.” Yaso started walking towards the tent entrance. “Ok but try to come back in one piece!” Kotone said still giggling. Yaso smiled and headed towards a big shrine surrounded by tents. This was the dwelling of monks until Orochimaru came and killed them all until there was no more. Then he claimed it as his and that is now where he keeps his snakes. (Or pet babies as Kotone calls it) Yaso made her way slowly up the steep steps. A strike of light caught her eye she noticed the dawn was raising she had to hurry or he would be asleep. He prefers the dark instead of the light. She reached the top and opened a red door and entered the ghostly shrine. She steeped forward and bowed to the snake statue. Next she took the burning candle and blew it out. That is how he knows your there when his source of light goes out. She sat on the floor when she heard a brushing along the floor. A pale hand reached and twiddled a lock of her precious hair. She dare not move because if she did she knew he would kill her by mistake. He slowly felt the curse mark on her neck and the hand slipped away back into the darkness. A match struck the floor and immediately stuck the candle which sent it ablaze. A ghostly figure stood before her. She bowed her head and whispered, “You wanted to see me Lord Orochimaru?” “Yes I do…………I want you to tell me why you didn’t come back with Kotone.” He hissed to her as his tongue moved back and forth across his teeth. “With pleasure my lord.” With that Yaso told him everything all he did was sit in the dark and listen.  He nodded his head and motioned her to leave. She did as she was told. She bowed as she went out the door. The red door shut as she stepped out into the dawning sun.                                                


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