Deleted Scene From Macbeth: Chapter 1

Published Apr 5, 2006, 11:02:24 AM UTC | Last updated Apr 5, 2006, 11:02:24 AM | Total Chapters 1

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This shows that Shakespeare also had a penchant for the tasteless.

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Deleted Scene From Macbeth

Act III, Scene vi. In McDuff's grand castle. Night. Lady Macbeth is leaving the castle through the front portcullis.


Macbeth- Whither goest thou on such a blighted and wintry night, my lady?


Lady Macbeth- Without, my lord, to the privy.


Macbeth- Wherefore do not thou useth yonder chamber pot? Tis doubtless warmer and more comfy than that icy shithouse beyond the walls of McDuff's keep.


Lady Macbeth- Because, my beloved husband, I partook gluttonously of leftover salt pork and beans this very morn to break my fast. I fear that the fetor of my poo might gag thee.


Macbeth- O dutiful and selfless wife. It tames my murd'rous heart to be wedded to such a woman as thee, who wouldst suffer the bite of the January wind to spare my nares the reek from her bottom. Come, I insist that she who willst soon be queen willst never again tolerate the outside lav. Here, my dearest, poop in this potty I hold before thee.


Lady Macbeth- You are kind to me, my Thane. And not a moment too soon. Nnnnnnggh, mmmmmph, frrrrrrtt FRRRRRRT! BLATTA BLATTA BRRRRRUPPUPUPUPUP! Fweeeeeeeeeeeeet. Parappity parappity FRATPARTY!!! Gweeesh!


Macbeth- Aaaaaargh, tis a horrific stench, woman! Out, damnable witch! Your innards are possessed by malefic sprites! Out, out I say! And take that stinky chamber pot with you!!!

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