The girl with the rat: The Girl With A Rat

Published Mar 17, 2006, 2:53:01 PM UTC | Last updated Mar 17, 2006, 2:53:01 PM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

As is turns out, the little rat was really a gerbil. Before the girl (I believe her name is Amanda) left the park, she walked over to me and we broke out in a light conversation. I had met her before, and she told me that she was a practitioner of witchcraft, and she and her friend, Jessica, had tried turning themselves into cats, or, that’s what they told me. They also seemed very interested in the tarot deck I had brought with me the day I first met them. I tried to incorporate the whole story into my poem, and I think I did a halfway decent job. This author’s note is simply to tie up loose ends. And no, the gerbil did not think it was a cat, the girl did.

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Chapter 1: The Girl With A Rat

The girl with the rat
Who thinks she's a cat
Was walking the park on a warm winter's day
They climbed up a tree
Just her and just he
And also a slide they had ventured to play
In an old horseshoe pit
They played for a bit
Meandering through the tall grass and the weeds
The wind softly blew
And right then they knew
That a nice day like this is what everyone needs
She held him a while
And said with a smile
"I think that girl there is watching us, two."
And so they went home
And I was alone
But inspired to finally write something new
The girl with the rat
Who thinks she's a cat
Moved me so deeply that warm winter day
Just walking on by
To give fun a try
And play so quietly in the park far away


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