Is it really me you scream for: First breath

Published Dec 9, 2005, 12:57:59 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 9, 2005, 12:57:59 AM | Total Chapters 1

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Portrait of a princess

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Chapter 1: First breath

Hold out your hand and I shall place my heart upon it.  I shall break off pieces of my mind, and sprinkle them upon your cup cake.  Ever devour my sanctity.  For who am I to deny you my essence.

A white feather upon its velvet descent screams for her saviour, but still drowns in the lake.

Defeating inclinations

Each flutter of my butterflies capture an image of you.

My sweet, ineffectual dreams lead to a yearned demise.

Inertia-the state of being inert.  Disclination to move or act.

Kiss me now, cold and lonely, need me now, until tomorrow.

Defying expectations, forever failing.

Her words removed from mine entirely.

And is it really me you scream for now?

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