Reality Of FairyTales: Chapter 1

Published Dec 5, 2005, 1:38:35 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 5, 2005, 1:38:35 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

A modern day American Girl finds out that sometimes dreams don't come true.

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

Title:The Realisty Of Fairytales

Summary: A modern day American Girl finds out that sometimes dreams really don't come true.

Dedication: For Ashlee who held a gun to my head and me write again after four years.

Rating:NC-17, although in this chapter it isn't very graphic

Distribution: Just tell me where it's going, and when it's going to be there.

Feedback:Yes, and please be honest I can take [email protected]

Chapter One


I stood there, I couldn't breath. Everything seemed to be spinning, I heard Andrea calling my name it seemed so far away. "Whitney!" I dropped the magazine, she must have known what I had seen because the next thing I knew we were walking out of the grocery store. Once I got into the car I handed my keys over to her, something I normally wouldn't do, Andrea had never been the best of drivers.

The car ride back to her place was quite, Andrea didn't ask questions and I didn't offer any explanations. Which was probably a good thing, I didn't think that I would be able to find my voice. When the car finnaly pulled into the driveway Andrea put the car into park and turned off the engine. I knew she was looking at me waiting for me to say something, anything. I just couldn't seem to tare my eyes from the floor board. "Whitney?" I forced myself to look at her, she was my sister and could read me like a book. "I'm ok." I lied, but it was easier for me to to lie to her than hear myself say the truth out loud. She knew I was lieing, but I didn't care. I got out of the car and walked into the house, the house I had called home since I was ten years old.

I stood in the bathroom, looking into the mirror. I don't know how long I was standing there but the same thoughts kept running though my mind. The person looking back at me wasn't me. She was America's Golden Girl, The first soon to be Princess of the Free World. Or so they still thought. But no, not after today. Not after what I saw. William and I never read tabloids, they were all filled with lie's...Gossip. I only picked up the magazine because there was a new picture of William on the cover. What can I say I was curious, so I flipped through the pages untill I came to two full pages of him and Kate Middleton. She was his Ex, or so I had been led to believe. So you can imagine how shocked I was when two pages, two full pages of them cuddling and kissing...holding hands stared up at me. I felt like I had been slapped, the air rushed out of my lungs and my voice seemed to drop into my stomach. I couldn't breath couldn't talk, all I could do was stare. Stare at the person I had just agreed to marry not three weeks before... kissing his Ex!

I always admired his mother Princess Diana, I was never obsessed. Afterall, I wasn't even ten when she had died so suddenly. William and I hadn't met untill I was eighteen, so she had been gone long before I ever came around. Everyone seemed to fall in love with love when Will and I went public with our relationship. It really was a modern day Cinderella story. I had lived in Texas all my life, with my mom, my sister, and her mother. Strange I know, we had had the same father. Our Mother's became friends sometime later. It wasn't untill my Mom married this new guy, it was great. There was only one problem, he had gotten a promotion. Meaning we had to move to Tennesse, I was heart broken at first. Although, I soon met Anna. We hit it off immediatly, she was friends with William and he came to visit her one weekend. Sparks flew, and after six months I had agreed to go out on a date with him.

Don't get me wrong it wasn't love at first sight. Well maybe it was, but I still wont admit to it. No, at first we were just friends. Then one night after one two many drinks, he kissed me. I kissed back, that was my downfall...If only I had turned my head...No, that wouldn't have worked. William soon returned home to London, or where ever the hell "Home" was that week. It wasn't long though before I started getting phone calls from him. We would just talk for hours about everything, funny I never considered myself a phone person untill I met him. Then, all to soon Anna was sticking her head in, pressuring me to go out with him. I liked him, but it would take a lot more than "liking" him to make that relationship work. Frankly, I didn't want fame. Also I was never the type of person to care enough about anyone to try and make them like me. Not that I was conceited, I just wasn't fake. I thought that if someone didn't accept me for me then why bother trying to impress them.

So, when William came back to Tennessee we went out. It was nice, nicer than I thought it would be. I wasn't the type to give my heart away easily, I didn't think it could take a breaking. It had been bruised and battered to many times in the past. So I held my guard, I kept at a safe distance for a while. Eventually things became more serious between William and I. Dinner dates soon became movies at my house with some serious kissing, atleast while he was in Tennessee. He would come out every weekend he got the chance, which averaged out to about once a month. We had kept our relationship, if thats what you wanted to call it at that point out of the papers up to then. It managed to stay that way, for another month. It was the first week of August, William was at my house helping me pack. I was starting college in a week down in Dallas. I had graduated two years early at sixteen, and took some time off of school to work before starting college. See, William was twenty-four and I was nineteen. The age difference never seemed to matter though, maybe it was because I had to grow up entirely to fast. So on the day that he was leaving to go back home, he came over and handed me a newpaper. When I looked at it I saw William and I holding hands, and walking outside. The headline read " A Possible American Princess!". It had startled me at first, I had known who he was...what he was. It had just never "clicked" untill that moment.

William and I sat and talked for about the paper for over an hour, he was worried and I had to admit I was a little scared. I was just sorting my feelings for William out. Not to mention I would be starting college in a week, I didn't want to be known just as his girlfriend. College was suppose to be the time when you found out who you were, experienced things, and had fun. I did care for William, I just didn't think I could handle all of that then. So I told him I needed a break, that we could still talk but I just needed time to figure out who I was. He hadn't said anything, except that he understood. I think part of him had expected it, still when he left for the airport that day I couldn't look him in the eye.

I started college, everything seemed to be going really well. Everyone had noticed that it was in fact me who had dated "Prince William", but it was soon forgotten at my isistence that we were just friends. Also I am sure it helped that no new photo's were published. So all was soon forgotten about Will and I in the form of the public atleast. Truth was we had been talking, my Thanksgiving break was coming up and since He didn't celebrate Thanksgiving he was going to come see me. I was nervous, atleast I wasn't living on campus. That would have made it harder. It was the strangest thing though when he got there and I saw him I couldn't remember a single reason we weren't together. The time apart had done us good, or atleast then I thought it had. Perhaps we wouldn't be going through this right now if we had just fought it to the nail and tired of each other quickly. Who knows, but that week something snapped in me. It had just felt so right, laying in his arms, making love to him. That had been our first time, together of course. We had both had past lover's but neither of us choose to speak of them. I wished that I would have waited, and he could have been my first. Atleat then I did, it just felt so right with him. In a way it was like my first time, maybe it was because I cared so much for him, maybe it was because I loved him. I can't remember when I first admitted my feelings for him to myself, but the first time I told him was the first night we had made love. I remember that night like it was yesterday, every movement, every smell, and moan.

It was the day after Thanksgiving, Friday. We had spent all off Thanksgiving day at Andrea's house, it was always a big deal there everyone showed up on the holidays. So when I showed up with a William it was a pretty big deal. Of course Andrea had known we were dateing, and her mom. Other than that though we sort of shocked everyone, there were a few others who knew also. They just didn't think it was serious. So, after a long day eating and listening to stupid family arguments William and I went back to my apartment. He had a Hotel that wasn't to far away, we had yet to stay the night together. Except for the times when we had both stayed at Anna's when we first met. But that had been over a year earlier.

It was late when we got back, and I had suggested that he just stay the night. We were both mature adults, we could handle it. So William had agreed, at first we just layed there cuddling and talking. There were promises of love, devotion, and eternity. We talked about everything that night, my fears of the public, our relationship, and my fear of heartbreak. After we talked we layed there for what seemed like forever just holding each other. I remember kissing him, and loosing all sense of reality. Our kissing slowly escalated and the next thing I knew he was on top of me. I slowly unbuttoned his shirt revealing his skulpted abbs, which were made from a lifetime of sports. I kissed his neck and I was rewarded with a "sigh". My legs began cradling him as an unfamiliar fire began to stirr in my belly and slowly spread to the place I needed him the most. I could feel him, feel how hard and ready he was. I leaned up so that he could remove my shirt and bra, this was how sex was suppose to be. Mindless, loving, and sensual. I was quickly loosing my grip on reality as his mouth attacked one of my nipples, then quickly moved to the other not wanting one to feel left out. Moaning, I reached for his belt buckle quickly undoing the contraption. The next thing I knew my shorts were abandoned, I was never one for underwear which was quit a shock to William. Soon after the rest of his clothes were laying in a pile on the floor. He was hovering over me, and I could feel his head teasing my opening. I looked up and in one thrust he was inside of me. Our eyes locked and I remember telling him for the first time in a breathy whisper that I loved him. He responded and said that he loved me to, then our bodies picked up an age old rythm and rocked togehter. We made love that night untill we were both numb from the sheer exhaustion of it.

Three days later he returned home, and I went back to school. I had plans to go to London to meet his family for Christmas, which was a realy big deal according to everyone I told. I had been hoping that we could keep our renewed relationship underwraps atleast untill after Christmas was over. That didn't happen, less than a week after he returned home pictures of us at the mall, in the grocery store, and at blockbuster surfaced. Everything was crazy at school for the first couple of weeks, but by the time Christmas break came around everyone seemed to be settling with the idea for the most part anyway. Of course there were the people who tried to get picture's and information out of me, but those were meant to be expected. For the most part though the students seemed to be pretty loyal...

Christmas Break came and went, I had dinner with all of his family. Oddly enough I seemed to get along with Prince Phillip very well... Something I was later told not many people accomplished. Her Majesty and I were friendly to one another, but I could tell she would rather see her "Heir" dating an European. Prince Charles and Camilla seemed leary, the whole time they looked at me as if I was trying to become the next "Princess Diana!". If they only knew how much I didn't want to be her, I wanted to be the farthest thing from her. I enjoyed my privacy and I held the utmost respect for her in the fact that she could deal with the mass hysteria of people on a daily basis. Prince Harry and I just seemed to click we were like long lost siblings, which seemed to make Wills happy. Chelsea, Harry's girlfriend and I got along quit well also. She like me wasn't a "blue blood". The rest of the family seemed to just turn their nose up in the air, something I wasn't shocked by. I had been told by Wills to expect it, but the whole time no matter what Wills was there to tell me I was doing fine. That the rest of their opinions didn't matter.

All to soon I returned to school, I was majoring in Psychology. The campus had become quit strict since my relationship with William had become public, there were Police Officers, and Security Guards everywhere I turned. Reporters were in no circunstances allowed on campus, and Professers seemed to become very understanding when I was five minutes late because of Mobs of papparazi off of campus. As much as I didn't want to become the next Princess Diana it was becoming very clear that I didn't have a choice in the matter. I was titled "America's Modern Day Princess" it was a line I became used to seeing splashed across the news and papers every moring. I quickly became used to the reporters and the strangers screaming my name when they saw me. By the beggining of my Sophomore year I had moved back in with my sister. William said he felt safer knowing I wasn't alone, since I would not agree to a bodyguard. I knew that would come eventually, I just wasn't ready not yet.

College passed quickly, William and I would trade off in the sense of who was visiting who. After graduation I flew to London, to attend our first "Royal Event" as a couple. While I was in college we didn't deny or try to hide our relationship, William just didn't see it as wise to add the pressure of "Royal Events" to my busy list of thigs to do. I didn't object, honestly I didn't want to become Royalty. I loved William though, and that came with the territory so I learned to like the idea on some days and despise it on others. The night of Williams Twenty-Eight Birthday he took me out, we went Les' Sola some italian restaurant that you have to book a year in advance to get a descent table. Not him though, not William. They treated him as a King, and being that he would be their's one day rightly so I guess. William was never one to draw attention to himself, we were also in a public place so I was not expecting what I got.

We ordered our wine, as we were waiting for it I was looking at the menu. William cleared his thoat so looked up to see William leaning across the table with a ring box opened and the most beautiful ring I have ever seen in my life looking at me. I was speechless! I must have stared at him for atleast a minute before I found my voice. " Wha-What's that?" I asked and his lips curled up into a smile, he told me it was an engagement ring he had made for me. Then he asked me if I would become his wife. By that time tears had clouded my eyes and my hands were covering my mouth all I could do was shake my head "yes". William stood and walked to where I was sitting, he pulled me up to his chest and slipped the ring on my finger. I remember whispering "I love You" into his ear, and just as we were about to kiss we heard quit a few people begin to clap. We both turned in astonishment, it seemed the weighter had cought on to what was going on and alerted many of the other guests. William and I quickly gave our "thanks" to the audience and left.

Kate was one of Williams Ex' Girlfriends. I knew that they were friends and I was fine with that, William had promised me thats all that it was. I had no reason not to trust him, so I did. He and Kate would go have Lunch and things, it never bothered me. They were simply friends, I had never been a jelous person and Kate and I even seemed to get along quite well considering. I was suppose to be flying to Dallas for The Fourth Of July, but since the Engagement I was flying for more of a good-bye visit. I knew that with a ring came all of the changes, especially in this family. I had accepted this long ago, so by the day I was scheduled to leave I was ready. Ready to say my final good-bye to my old life, and take on the responsibilities of becoming not only a Wife...But also The Princess of Whales, shoes that I knew would not easily be filled.





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