Music: Chapter 01: Here I Come to Save the Day

Published Dec 3, 2005, 10:38:34 PM UTC | Last updated May 24, 2008, 1:31:55 PM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

A long lost cousin of Ranma has come to Nerima to rescue him from the crazyness and to teach him Martial Arts Music. Warning: Will be anti-Akane, anti-fiancees, anti-fathers, anti-Kunos, and anti-old ghoul/freak. But will be Mousse friendly, Ryoga friendly, Nodoka friendly, Kasumi friendly, and Nabiki friendly.

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Chapter 2: Chapter 01: Here I Come to Save the Day


By Mari

Co-authored by Dark Topaz

Beta-read by Karete

Disclaimer: All the Ranma characters are the © property of Rumiko Takahashi. Melody Harmony is the © property of me. "All You Wanted" is the © property of Michelle Branch. The custom made Honda bike is the © property of Honda. The custom made Gibson guitar is the © property of Gibson Guitars.



‘Genma-Panda’s signs’

Chapter 01: Here I Come to Save the Day

It was a peaceful Saturday morning or as peaceful as it gets in Nerima as two martial artists are having one of their ‘training sessions’.

"Come back here with my breakfast, Old Man!" demanded a young male with a pigtail known as Ranma Saotome.

"You gotta catch me first if want it, Boy!" taunted his gluttonous father. Genma Saotome ran off with a bowl of Miso soup in each hand.

"Fine, if that’s the way you want it.", As was usual, Ranma side kicked Genma into the koi pond while saving the two bowls of Miso soup. "Hmph, stupid Pop," he grumbled as he ate the soup that his father had stolen. "Always making me fight on an empty stomach."

He stood to leave and was ambushed by a splash of cold water. The cute female redhead known as Ranma-Chan turned to look at her father, who was now a giant panda, holding a sign that said ‘you let your guard down.’

"That does it!" Ranma-chan shouted in rage and lunged after her panda father to continue the fighting.

At that moment, a female motorcycle rider pulled up at the Tendo residence, the very place where Ranma and Genma happened to be. "I wonder if this is the place," Melody thought to herself as she looked over the house. She heard the sound of yelling from the back. "Yeah, this is it alright," she indicated as she turned off the engine of her bike and dismounted. "Time to get the show started," she proclaimed. Putting on the parking brake so that her bike wouldn’t roll off and unstrapping her guitar pack and placing it on the bike, she opens it up and takes out very beautiful guitar. It was colored black with white at the tip, silver strings, diamond-studded adjusters, and ‘Rock On’ written in lighting bolts on the lower left. "Okay, now we are ready to party," Melody told her guitar with sly smiles as she put it on and got ready to play.

Back in the Tendo house, the family was paying no attention to the battle that was taking place in the backyard. "Stupid Ranma always getting ambushed like that," Akane contemplated while peacefully but irritatedly eating her breakfast.

"Oh come on, Akane," Nabiki tried to confide her younger sister, "it was Mr. Saotome who started the fight." She calmly ate one of the rice cakes. "So give the poor guy a break."

"Now now girls," Soun refereed his two daughters, "you know that those two need to work on their training." He continued to read the morning paper.

"I’ve got the kettle with the hot water ready just in case they finish anytime soon," said Kasumi, holding the kettle.

"Thank you Kasumi," Soun commended his eldest daughter. "Very good."

Just then they heard some singing from out of nowhere.

I wanted to be like you

I wanted everything

So I tried to be like you

And I got swept away


"What’s that?" Soun asked confused as he looked around trying to find the source of the sound.

"Sounds like someone singing, Daddy," Nabiki deadpanned as she got up from the table.

"We know that Nabiki but where is it coming from?" Akane seethed.

"I believe it is coming from out front," Kasumi said and almost got trampled as the others all headed for the door.

I didn't know that it was so cold

And you needed someone to show you the way

So I took your hand and we figured out

That when the tide comes I'd take you away


"Hey Pops do you hear that?" Ranma asked as he dodged a kick from his father.

‘A true martial artist would not be distracted by such…’ But Genma-Panda’s sign was cut off when Ranma knocked him out with a kick in the head and went back into the house, leaving an unconscious fat panda cursed martial artist behind.

If you want to

I can save you

I can take you away from here

So lonely inside

So busy out there

And all you wanted was somebody who cares


While Melody was singing Michelle Branch’s, "All You Wanted", the Tendo’s were thinking about this mysterious lady singer.

[That guitar she is playing must’ve cost her big bucks.] Nabiki thought to herself while formulating some kind of plan to exhort money from her. [I wonder how much I get from her.] She gave out a sly smile.

[That dear girl must be thirsty from all that singing.] Kasumi assumed, [maybe when she’s finished I can ask if she would like to come in for some tea.]

[Who does that hussy thinks she is?] Akane thought violently as she glared at Melody. [I bet she’s one of the pervert’s fiancees!] She made her usual accusations.

All Soun could ever think of was, [Nice Bike.]


I'm sinking slowly

So hurry holds me

Your hand is all I have to keep me hanging on

Please can you tell me?

So I can finally see

Where you go when you're gone


As Melody kept on singing, she looked over at the Tendos and decided to take a good look at their auras and read their minds.

First she looked into Nabiki’s mind which was giving out a negative green aura. [This one has a bit of a greedy streak.] Melody assumed. {Sorry sister, I have to earn my money the honest way.} She mentally told the middle Tendo sister in her mind; {if you want money, get a job.}

Next Melody went over to Kasumi’s mind, which was showing a bright golden aura. [She seems rather nice.] she acknowledged as she read what was in her mind. {Why yes, I would like to have something to drink.} She accepted Kasumi’s offer. {Singing makes a person thirsty a lot.}

She went over Akane’s mind, which was giving off a violent mixture of red and black aura colors. [Sheesh, this brat has a lot of issues to deal with.] Melody she picked up what Akane had just thought. [And what does she mean by hussy?] She was a bit annoyed by Akane’s thoughts. {I’m a rocker chick, not fast and easy!} She thought of one thing to say to youngest Tendo sister. {I have one word for you, Therapy!}

And finally Melody looked at Soun’s mind, whose colors were just plain orange. {Sorry Mister,} She simply told him. {this bike is mine.}


If you want to

I can save you

I can take you away from here

So lonely inside

So busy out there

And all you wanted was somebody who cares


"Oh My," Kasumi said, as Ranma came out the front door, steam rising from him and an empty kettle in his hand.

"What is it, Kasumi?" Ranma asked as he came to stand alongside the Tendo’s.

"That nice girl just spoke in my mind," Kasumi replied. "Oh, I had better go start some more water for tea," she said as she took the kettle from Ranma.

"What girl?" he asked as he looked around and spotted Melody. [Who is she and why is she singing?] He asked himself as he watched his cousin’s (though he does not know that they are related yet), performance. Ranma he began to see that her aura was a bright light. White with musical notes swirling around her. [Whoa!] Ranma thought, [this is too weird even in this town.] He had no idea that anyone could even have this kind of ability. [Since when does a battle aura have musical notes?] Ranma had this weird feeling about Melody. Even though he had just seen her, Ranma felt like he had always known her. [Wait a minute,] he just realized something. [If that’s her battle aura, why doesn’t feel like she is about to attack?] A dreadful thought flashed in his mind. [I just hope that she isn’t another fiancée that Pop fixed me up with.]


All you wanted was somebody who cares

If you need me you know I'll be there

Oh, yeah


Melody finally saw Ranma and started to see his aura. It was almost exactly likes hers except that the musical notes were a little bit faint. {At last we have met, Ranma.} She greeted her cousin as she read his mind. {Relax, I am not another fiancée,} she reassured him, {I’m not into incest.} Melody grinned at the surprised look on his face. {That’s right,} she continued. {You and I are cousins and I guess that you can read my mind as well.} She started walking towards the Tendo’s house as she kept singing. {You also have the ability to see auras.} Seeing how nervous Ranma is looking, she tried to comfort him. {It’s okay, I’m here to help you.} She was getting closer and closer to the house. {You and I have both have similar auras, your music is a bit faint but I can help you with that.}


If you want to

I can save you

I can take you away from here

So lonely inside

So busy out there

And all you wanted was somebody who cares


Ranma started to slowly back away as Melody approached the house. [This is unreal,] he was still surprised by all of this, [she can totally read my thoughts and I can read hers.] Melody’s words came back to him. [Hold on here, did she say that we are cousins?] He thought this over. [If that’s so, how come Pop never told me about her?] As he contemplated it, Melody stood right in front of him and brought the song to an end.


Please can you tell me?

So I can finally see

Where you go when you're gone


When Melody finally finished singing, she and Ranma looked each other straight in the eye. "It’s good to see you at last," she said to Ranma as she strapped her guitar to her back, "Cousin!" Melody wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big hug.

Ranma didn’t know what to make of all of this. All he knew was that when a pretty girl started hugging him, it always meant trouble.

Of course those who didn’t here her call Ranma ‘cousin’ just jumped to the usual wrong conclusion. "RANMA!" Soun roared, using his Demon Head Attack. "HOW DARE YOU BETRAY AKANE LIKE THIS!"


But just as Akane was about to send Ranma into space, Melody knocked her mallet away with one kick and sent it directly at Soun’s face, giving him a broken nose. She gave Akane an icy stare of hate, her brown eyes narrowing down at the immature youngest Tendo daughter. "Perhaps some of you didn’t hear me," she told her in a cold and deep voice. "I said that Ranma is my cousin!"

"Cousin!" everyone else repeated wide-eyed when she said that and fainted away from the shock of the news.

Melody looked over her shoulder at Ranma. "Are they always like this, Cuz?" she asked Ranma who was also confused by all of this.

"Yeah, pretty much," Ranma answered the best he could while scratching his head.

Akane was the first to recover. "Now wait just a minute," she growled, getting Melody’s attention. "There’s no way that you are Ranma’s cousin!" She wanted to prove that this girl was a fake.

"And why is that?" Melody questioned Akane’s reasoning, silently figuring that the other girl needed to be taught a lesson.

"Because you’re pretty and he’s…" Akane tried to make a comparison but couldn’t think of one.

"He’s what?" Melody raised her eyebrow at this point. "Ugly?"

"Hey!" Ranma cried, sounding offended.

"Sorry Cuz," Melody apologized, letting him know that it was nothing personal, "you’re adorable but she needs to learn how to treat people." She continued giving Akane her icy death glare.

Akane, for once, was now in a spot. "Well it’s not like… you see… I thought," she was lost for words. Sure she didn’t think that Ranma was ugly, but Ranma always called her uncute so maybe she thoughts the same way about him. But she also didn’t like the way that Melody was looking at her.

"So you really think my cousin is ugly!" Melody had become very suspicious of Akane.

"No… no… it’s not like that…" Akane tried to protest what she was thinking but was cut off by Ranma’s estranged cousin.

"If so then the only ugly one is you!" Melody stung the youngest Tendo princess with her venomous comment.

Everyone else gasped when she called Akane ugly. Even Ranma was surprised by it. "Whoa! Even I could never call Akane that," he whispered under his breath.

Akane was so distraught by that remark that she just stood there like a statue. She always has been called uncute by Ranma, but ugly? That was totally unheard of. It felt like a sword had stuck in her heart.

"Now see here young lady!" Soun drew himself up to defend his daughter’s honor. "You have no right to talk to my daughter like that!" He was about to tell off Melody some more but he was cut off by the same glare that she was giving Akane.

"But does she have the right to kill my cousin Ranma for whenever somebody happens to be nice to him?" Melody questioned the Tendo patriarch of his parenting method.

"Well it just that… he is… she… and you. Um… uh…" Soun tried to do his best to talk himself out of this situation but he could not escape from Melody’s icy cold stare.

"Sounds to me that you just let her do whatever she wants, even killing anything that breathes," Melody assumed with a deadly sneer. "A true parent should’ve set priorities for a kid." Ranma’s singing and bike riding cousin grabbed Soun by his shirt and continued to lash out about his role as a father. "If you are really her father, then learn to act like it!" She shoved him away from her.

Genma choose that moment to come out of the house. "Hey what’s all the commotion about?" he asked with his mouth full of food.

Melody turned her attention away from the cowering Tendo and looked dead straight at her greedy Uncle Genma. "You must be my Uncle Genma," she presumed with a deadly smirk on her face.

The fat Saotome patriarch had no idea what she meant. He didn’t have any brothers or sisters. "Excuse me Miss but do I know you?" Genma asked, not understanding.

"Typical," Melody responded nonchalantly rolling her eyes, "you were never much for detail unless it’s food or anything that starts with a number and ends with lots of zeros."

"Saotome," Soun asked indecrediously to his old friend, "do you by perchance know this girl?" He indicated to Melody.

"Honestly Tendo, I’ve never seen her in my life," Genma was telling the truth for once.

"But she seems to know you and Ranma pretty well," Nabiki made a suspicious point.

"Well that’s because Aunt Nodoka has been writing to us since Uncle Genma took Cousin Ranma on that brainless training trip," Melody happily answered.

The Tendo household just said, "Huh?"

"Excuse me," it was Ranma’s turn to ask, "but how did you know my Mom?"

"Oh that’s easy, cuz," Melody gave him a sisterly smile, "your Mom and my Mom are sisters."

"Wait, let me get this straight, you are Ranma’s maternal cousin," Nabiki said as she moved forward to face Melody.

"What? You thought I was related to that fat idiot?" Melody asked as she gestured towards Genma.

"Why are you here?" Nabiki asked in a bored tone.

"Aunt Nodoka doesn’t like what is going on here. So I was sent by her and the clan heads to get it straightened out and bring Ranma back to America to be taught in the ways of Martial Arts Music." Melody said as she adjusted her grip on her guitar readying herself for the attack that was sure to come.

"Martial Arts Music?" Ranma repeated, suddenly finding himself becoming very interested about it.

"Yup," Melody gladfully supplied the answer for her cousin, "it’s a fighting style where you can combine music and magic and form them into a powerful fighting Ki."

"Now wait just a second…" Genma was about to make an argument but he was cut off when something or someone swiftly flew by him.

"SWEETO!!" It was Happosai and he charged at Melody in order to glomp and grope her.

Fortunately for Melody she some how sensed his oncoming presence and brought out her guitar again. "RIPPED CHORD!" she cried out as she strung a chord. Next a blast of musical notes shot out of Melody’s guitar strings and hit the little old pervert head on, sending him flying across the other rooms until he went through a wall, hit a tree and was knocked unconscious. "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is a small sample of Martial Arts Music," Melody said as she turned back around to face the others. "So Ranma, are you interested?" she asked.

"You bet! How did you do that? I couldn’t sense any Ki," Ranma replied.

"All in good time but first things first Genma," Melody said, "Aunt Nodoka said that the Headmaster of your school was here, where is he?"

"You just knocked him out," Nabiki answered.

"Thank you, Genma," Melody replied as she stared straight at Nabiki. She walked over to where Happosai lay unconscious. Melody knelt down and started to chant something under her breath.

Seconds later, Happosai recovered and jumped back on his feet. "Who? What? Where?" The little old perverted master of Anything Goes realized that he was okay. He sees the one who brought him back to life, he exclaimed, "Oh you dear sweet angel of mercy!" He looked at Melody with those big starry eyes. "Let me thank you by placing myself between your…."

But Melody pinned him back to the ground.

"What is the meaning of this?" the dirty old goat demanded as e tried to get his head back up. "I was trying to be thankful and this is how you treat your elders?"


"Not when they are trying to rape me!" Melody growled in anger at the old freak, which made him shiver in cowardice. "Now tell me the truth," she ordered Happosai, "are you the headmaster of Anything Goes? And do not try to lie because I can tell and if you do," she warned him as her eyes glowed a faint red, "I will make you loose that little raisin that you are trying to pass off as manhood!"

Happosai could sense that she was not kidding, so he had no choice but to tell the truth, nodding his head.

"Good," Melody got her answer but still held his head down. "Now, are you Ranma’s current sensei at this time?"

The scared little old pervert nodded yes again.

"Very well," Melody asked Happosai one last time, "Would you be so kind is to release Ranma from your custody so that my family can train him?"

"What is the name of your family’s school?" Happosai asked in one of his rare moments of seriousness.

"The Harmony school of Musical Martial Arts," she replied. "Our school was developed as a way for wandering musicians to defend themselves against bandits," she explained, watching the effect her words had on the old pervert.

"Hmm let me think," Happosai said as he held his chin in his hand, potraying the image of total concentration, which was ruined by Melody snagging his hand before he could grope her. "Alright, if you can defeat both of my students," he said as he gestured to Soun and Genma, "you can train him."

"Okay," Melody accepted the challenge and tossed Old Man Happosai over her shoulder. She got up and faced the two Patriarchs who were still in the house. "So what about it?" she called out to them with a smirk. "Are you two up for the challenge?"

The two clueless fathers looked at each other. "What do you think Saotome?" Soun asked his old friend.

"Why are you asking me, Tendo?" Genma replied back, not so sure about all this.

"Well she’s your niece," Tendo reminded him.

"Yes, but we don’t know that for sure," Saotome said. "For all we know she could making that story up about being related."

"Hmmm, you could be right about that," the Tendo Patriarch agreed. "It could be some kind of trap to lure Ranma away from here."

"Hey, what are you two waiting for?" Melody was growing impatient by all this. "After all, I’m just a girl." She gave them a cute innocent look, which would hopefully loll them into false security.

"For the dishonor you have given my daughter I shall show you the true horror of the Tendo School of Indiscriminate Grappling," Soun cried as he settled into a stance.

"Put your fists where your mouth is," Melody replied as she settled into her own.

"Prepare your self," Soun roared as he charged at Melody.

Melody simply cupped her hands and let off a small ki blast that made a high pitch whistling sound as it went whizzing toward Soun.

"That whore can fire off Ki?" Akane gasped as she watched the blast impact in with her father’s chest.

"Timber!" Melody yelled as all of Soun’s muscles locked up causing him to go head over heels, still locked in the process of charging. "I believe that is the match," Melody said as she knelt next to Soun’s poor form and started straightening out his limbs. "Don’t you agree Happosai?" Melody asked as the dimutive master joined her beside the fallen martial artist.

"I will have to agree with you," Happosai said. "Victory goes to Melody!" he called out to all those that where watching the match. "I’m not surprised he lost, he hasn’t trained in ten years," he added under his breath.

"Okay who’s next?" Melody called.

"I believe it’s your turn, Pops," Ranma mocked with a smart-alecy smirk as he playfully swatted his father on the back.

"Are you sure, boy?" Genma was a bit anxious about fighting Melody after seeing what just happened to his friend.

"Well sure, you do want to defend the Saotome School of Anything Goes?" Ranma was pretending to be supportive. Yet he was really looking forward to seeing his father getting his fat ass kicked by his cousin. Plus he was enjoying watching the fights.

"Alright!" The fat Saotome Patriarch decided to accept Melody’s challenge and stepped out of the Tendo house to face her. "Okay there Missy," Genma called to out his estranged niece. "You may have defeated my friend Soun Tendo with some fancy illusions but you’ll never defeat me, the master of the Saotome School of Anything Goes Martial Arts!" he declared with fire and determination in his eyes.

"Fine sure whatever," Melody was not impressed by her idiotic uncle’s speech and got into her fighting stance. "Now do you want to fight or what?"

[Man I hope she kick’s Pop’s butt] Ranma thought to himself as he watched his father getting ready for his punishment.

{Don’t worry, Cuz, I intend too.} Melody telepathically responded to her cousin as she checked out Genma’s aura, which was nothing more than a weak whitish blue. [Sheesh, and I was hoping for a real fight.] Melody could tell that the obese and lethargic martial artist didn’t have a prayer. [Oh well, guess I have to wear him down a bit.] She gave a mischievous grin and something wicked glinted in her eyes.

"Get ready for the true terror of Anything Goes!" Genma roared his battle cry and started charging at Melody but it was the same mistake that Soun made when he first battled her. Unaware, Genma had no idea what was in store for him as Melody began to sing a little tune.

Ring around the roses

Just as Genma was about give Melody his best hit, she dodged his pathetic attack and continued to taunt him.

Pocket full of posies


Genma was having a hard time trying to hit the girl. [What does she thinks she’s doing?] he asked himself as he kept missing his target. [She keeps dodging my attacks while singing a silly nursery rhyme!] What the foolish fighter didn’t know was that Melody’s singing made her stronger and at the rate she was going he would never be able to defeat her.

Ashes ashes


"Enough with the singing and fight back!" Genma demanded but it was a decision he would soon regret.

[If you say so.] Melody was now ready to give him what he wanted.

We all fall DOWN!!


And with that last line, Melody viciously kicked her poor pathetic uncle right below the belt.

All Genma could feel was pure intense unforgiving pain right in the lower region of his flabby body. His eyes bugged out and his mouth opened wide with the tongue hanging out. He instinctively grabbed his wounded member and fell to the ground.

"Victory goes to Harmony," Happosai said as he slowly backed away from the musical martial artist. "Well my lady, the boy is all yours. Later!" Happosai cried as he took off at a dead run.


"Come on there are some people I want you to meet," Ranma said as he took his cousin by the elbow and lead her off.

"Excellent, let’s whiz around this town," Melody gladly accepted Ranma’s offer as they left the two easily defeated Patriarchs. "I could use a little sight seeing." Both cousins gave a little laugh but they were cut off as a certain ugly tomboy blocked their way

"Now hold it right there!" Akane demanded as she stood in front Ranma and Melody with anger in her eyes. "There’s no way that I’m letting the two of you get by me!" she declared.

"What’s your problem this time, Akane?" Ranma asked, annoyed. Her antics were definitely tiring him.

"If you think that I’m going let you leave me for this floozy, think again!" Akane stood her ground, not trying to loose her unwanted fiancé to another girl who claimed to be his cousin. She looked at Melody with hate on face. "You have to fight me to get out of here!"

"Listen, little girl," Melody tried to reason with her, like that would do any good, "the deal was that if I defeated both your dad and his dad that I get to train Ranma. Since I did now Ranma gets to come with me," Melody made her point. "Besides, I don’t fight those who don’t know what Martial Arts is," she added with a smug look.

"Listen you Harley chick wanna be," Akane said as she marched right up to Melody and started poking her at random to her words. "I am the best martial artist in Nerima and I refuse to allow some gajiin to take away that which is rightful mine!"

"Are you through?" Melody tried to keep her voice even and her face straight.

Akane nodded, feeling secure in the fact that she had cowed Melody.

"Good," Melody said before bursting out laughing so hard that she had to sit down. "Thanks Akane, I needed a good laugh." She giggled as she pulled Akane into a one armed hug. "Well we got to go. Later you guys and don’t worry about your dad, he’ll be okay in about twenty-four hours," she called over her shoulder as she linked arms with Ranma. "Let’s go Ranma, you said something about some people you wanted me to meet?" Melody asked as she left the Tendo girls in shocked silence.

"Aren’t you worried about Akane coming after us?" Ranma asked as he looked over his shoulder at the still unmoving girl.

"Nah, when I hugged her I hit a paralysis point. We should be back by the time it wears off," Melody reassured Ranma as she tossed him a spare helmet.

"Man, Akane’s going to be mad when it does," Ranma muttered as he put on the helmet and got on the bike.

"Don’t sweat it kid," Melody reassured her cousin as she started up the motor. "I’ll be happy to teach you that trick, plus some more and I’ll even teach you how to ride a motor bike."

"Really?" Ranma was so caught up in all this; even learning how to ride a motorcycle enticed him.

"Sure enough," Melody was true to her word. "Unlike that con-artist father of yours, I always keep my promise."

Ranma held on to his biker cousin as the motorcycles started to move.

"So where do you want to go first?" she asked Ranma over the roar of the engines.

"I was thinking that we could stop over at this Chinese Restaurant I know called the Cat Café, for something to eat," Ranma suggested, knowing that with Melody’s help he could probably get those Amazons off his case once and for all.

"Great, I’m in the mood for some Chinese food." Melody accepted, figuring that her cousin had some issues with the owners of this restaurant, something that she was happy to help out with. And with that, the biked revved up and the two cousins rode out into town, leaving a paralyzed Akane behind and her older sister standing next to her.

"Well Sis I hope you are happy with all this," Nabiki told her immobile sister while giving her the Ice Queen look. "Now it’s looks as though Ranma may have some luck after all."

"My man’t moof!" Akane muffled in her inanimated state.

"Your what?" Nabiki asked incrediciously, not understanding her younger spoiled princess sister.

"My man’t moof!" the motionless Akane repeated. "Mat mitch mid moning mo me!"

Suddenly Nabiki realized that Akane was unable to move. "Whoa Akane you can’t move!" she exclaimed as she poked at her sister.

"Mat mot my med!" Nabiki’s constant poking was annoying Akane. "Mao mill moo mease melp me?" she was practically begging but was still mad at what had happened to her.

Just then Kasumi came in with a tea tray. "Time for tea everyone," she announced but when she looked around, she saw only her sisters. "Where did everyone go?" she asked with motherly concern.

"Oh Ranma and his cousin just left a while ago, Mr. Saotome and our father are now out of commission and Akane has been paralyzed," Nabiki answered while she kept on poking Akane.

Kasumi saw what her middle sister had meant as she spotted her father and Mr. Saotome both lying helplessly on the ground; Soun in the same condition as Akane, and Genma still wailing in pain. "Oh my," Kasumi said, "and I just made some tea for that nice girl."

Nabiki just gave her regular expaseration. "You go help Dad and Mr. Saotome and I’ll take care of Akane."

Kasumi nodded in agreement and went over to their father and Genma to aid them while Nabiki effortlessly tried to drag her little spoiled brat sister to the couch.

"Boy Akane, you are heavy!" Nabiki commented as she struggles to haul Akane.

"Mis is all mat mervert’s fault!" Akane forced out, putting the blame on Ranma as usual. "If he didn’t go wit dat moozy, I wouldn’t me mike mis."

"Now don’t you blame this on Ranma!" Nabiki told off her non-moving sister. "You brought this on yourself," she reminded her. "If you didn’t try go up against his cousin, you would still be moving."

All Akane could think was [Just wait until I can get my hands on that motorcycle-riding slut for making a fool of me!]

Now that Melody has won the right to train Ranma, the two cousins have decided have some little fun. But what will happen when they stop by the Cat Café? And what’s going to happen if they face the Amazons when they are there? Be sure to lookout for another chapter of "Music."

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