The Duck and the Princess: Chapter 05: Life Goes On


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Chapter 5: Chapter 05: Life Goes On

The Duck and the Princess

By Mari

Co-authored by Alex Pienkoss

Disclaimer: DBGT is the © property of Akira Toriyama. Ranma ½ is the © property of Rumiko Takahashi.

Chapter 05: Life Goes On

It’s been nearly 3 months since Bra brought Mousse to her home from the Cat Café. Despite of Vegeta’s ‘extreme’ training, the male blind Amazon had it pretty good here in Capsule Corp. As time passed on, Mousse continued to train, use the eye kit and hanging out more with Bra. He was also using this time think about all those times he tried to defeat Ranma and win back Shampoo. Mousse does his best to beat Ranma but always loses then Shampoo continuously goes to his hated rival. Never even bother to check to see if he's all right.

Mousse tries the same thing with Vegeta with the exact results. But the only difference is Bra goes to see if Mousse is okay. Shampoo was beautiful, cunning, and clever. But is also very deceitful, spiteful, and constantly puts him down. Bra was also very beautiful and intelligent but she is also very kind and sweet and she even encourages him.

Mousse declares his love to Shampoo lots of times but she keeps on rejecting him. With Bra he gets to take his time to get to know her. Since he told everyone about his curse, Bra thought that it’s fair that she tells him about her family secrets or at least from her father’s side of the family. She told him that her father was from outer space and a prince of a proud alien race called Saiyans from the planet Vegetasai. She also told that it was destroyed by an evil warlord named Frieza and how he killed all of her father’s people. He also learned about how Vegeta’s rival, Son Goku, became a Super Sayjin and defeated Frieza. He learned about the trials through the Cell games, Majin Buu, In search of the Black Star Dragon Balls, the fight against Baby, Super Android 17 and finally the fight against the Evil Dragons and Omega Shenlong. While this may be hard to believe now, it does answer the question to Mousse about the strange events that has happen. But with all that, Mousse started to trust Bra more and more.


It was a Saturday night at the Capsule Corp House, where Bra, Marron and Pan where having a girl’s slumber party. It was also the start of Mousse’s Room of Spirit and Time Training.

The Room of Spirit and Time is a special room in Kami’s Lookout that an entire day in the outside, inside the room is worth an entire year. With different levels of gravity and changing terrain, Mousse was ordered by Vegeta to train in the room for the maximum of two days. While it will be two days for Bra, she would really miss Mousse like it was two years….

Up in Bra’s room, the girls were having fun as normal girls do in slumber parties. They watched movies, gossip and messed around like care free teens. It was late on in the party that the girls sat around and talked about random things in life.

"So Bra," Marron asked with a playful smirk, "How are you and Mousse doing?"

"Oh we are doing well." Bra asked, not seeing the undertone or the statement, "Why do you ask?"

Pan smirked as she joined in, "You mean you two haven’t gone out yet."

Bra started to blush at the thought, "Well…… I mean……… That is to say……"

"You two seem to work well that people are starting to talk about you two being a couple." Marron said.

Bra continues to blush in embarrassment as she thought more and more about Mousse.

"I say you should ask him out." Pan said, "Cause the longer you wait, the more likely someone else may take him away."

Unknown to them, Bra’s heart gripped tightly at that thought of Mousse leaving her and the thought of another girl trying to get to his heart.

"Besides," Marron said as she smirks and wink, "I bet he looks great in a Speedo."

Bra face turn to a deep red color as she could hear a voice in her head saying, "Oh yeah baby he would!!!!"


It was the day when the two day limit would be up. Vegeta, Bra, Marron, Pan, Gohan and Kirrin stood with Dende and Mr. Popo in front of the door to the Room of Spirit and Time.

"I hope that Mousse will be ok." Bra said in a concern voice.

"I’m sure he will be fine Bra." Gohan said, "If Dad, myself and the others can do well in there, then he will be alright."

Before anyone else could say anything; the door to the room opened up. They turn and saw Mousse walking out, but completely different from before. His muscles grew about five inches larger. He grew about a few inches taller. He now has cheekbones that highlighted his face. His hair had been cut short but only to his shoulders. His clothes looked all tattered and torn and he had a few minor cuts and scrapes but other than that, he looked fine. But the biggest change of all were his eyes. They were not longer belonged to a near-sighted weak male Amazon but are now full with fire and passion that he thought he never had. The eyes of a true warrior.

Bra just couldn’t stop staring at him. She just couldn’t believe that this was the same guy who she rescued from the Cat Café when he was a duck. ‘Oh man he’s gorgeous!’ The princess thought to herself as Mousse walked towards the group. Her body temperature kept on rising as each step Mousse took. Bra tried her best to keep calm.

"Well at least it’s an improvement." Said Vegeta, actually giving Mousse a seal of approval. ‘Who would of that mere weak boy would made such progress.’

As Mousse finally met up with Bra and her family and friends, all he could give was his smile and said, "Hello everyone, it’s good to see all of you again." He gave a polite bow. He may change from the outside but inside he was still shy and sweet guy that Bra first met. And that is fine with her. She doesn’t wanted Mousse to change completely.

"Welcome back Mousse." Gohan returned his greeting. "You look a lot stronger than you were before."


Mousse slightly blushed, "Well I have tried my best while I was in that room."

"You definitely have improved Mousse." Pan said.

"You may be even stronger then my dad." Marron added in.

"Gee, thanks for the loving comment Marron." Kirrin said with a sweat drop.

Everyone laughed at that comment. Even Vegeta gave a small chuckle.


It was a while later that Mousse is in the bathroom in Bra’s room. He wiped the mirror to see his reflection after having a hot bath. He still could not believe how much things have change. One minute he was on his confession his love for Shampoo, then the next thing he knew, he was living with a girl who has helped him a lot in many ways.

‘Well there is no mistake about.’ Mousse thought to himself as he inspected himself, ‘The old me is gone. The old me that was obsessed with Shampoo 24/7.’

He flexed his muscles as another thought entered his head.

‘With Bra, she is everything that Shampoo is not.’ Mousse thought to himself, ‘And I think that I……….’

Suddenly the door opens up and Bra was about to step in when she saw a surprise Mousse turning and facing her. Both were wide eye for different reason. One was shocked at being caught naked, while the other was surprised and drooling at seeing a certain organ. Both screamed as Mousse dove into the bathtub and Bra closing the door with a slam.

"I’m so sorry Mousse!!!" Bra said quickly, trying to keep her breathing clam. "I should’ve knocked first."

"No no it was my fault!" Mousse responded even with the door closed. "I should’ve locked the door when I was in here."

"What Was All That Screaming Going On Up There!" Demanded Vegeta from downstairs. He was still suspicious about Mousse being in his daughter’s room. Even if he has gotten a lot stronger, he still thinks that Mousse needs to be proven of worthy of Bra.

"It was nothing Daddy!" Bra covered up, she was still afraid that her father would try to send Mousse to the other world ever since he first found him in her bathtub.

"Are You Sure?" Vegeta was not that easy to convince.

"I’m sure!" Bra hoped that he would buy that.

"Fine Then," Vegeta decided to let this one slide, "But There Have Better Be Nothing Going On!"

Bra waited fifteen seconds for a response until it was all clear. "That was close." She breathed a sigh of relief.

"I’m sorry that I almost got you into trouble." Mousse apologized; feeling guilty about making Bra lied to her father like that.

"It’s okay Mousse." Bra showed that there are no hard feelings. But in her mind, "WOOHOO! We finally saw the good stuff of Mousse!" Said Bra two, waving her little victory fans.

"I feel so dirty," countered Bra one feeling very ashamed, "we saw something that we should’ve never see."

"Enough of that!" Entered Saiyan Bra, "Now that we have seen his ‘true hidden weapon’ it should be easy to take him as our mate."

"But we haven’t been on a date yet." Bra one debated.

"Yeah let’s ask him on a date." Bra two suggested, "maybe we even get a good night kiss." Little hearts replaced her eyes.

"Feh, dating is for weaklings." Saiyan Bra argued, "I say we take him right now!"

"No, we should wait until the moment is right." Bra one disputed.

"I’m tired of waiting!" Saiyan Bra was growing impatient by this conversation. "It’s high time we mate with him right now!"





The quarrel kept on going in Bra’s head until Mousse’s voice brought her back to reality. "Is everything okay Bra?" Mousse asked with concern. He was worried when she didn’t say anything.

"Huh, oh yeah I’m fine." Bra reassured him. Still trying to stop those voices in her head. "Um listen, my friends and I have talking while you were in the Room of Spirit and Time and they were wondering if we have ever been on a date."

‘What brought this on?’ Mousse asked himself. Sure he had been wanting to ask Bra on a date. But he was too afraid that she’ll turn him down like Shampoo always does. Plus the fact that her father may never approve of something like this. ‘But she’s not Shampoo.’ He reminded himself. ‘And her father actually did take his time to train me.’ The former blind male Amazon pondered some more. ‘The dried up old mummy won’t even give a few pointers on how to defeat Ranma and if she had they would probably be fakes anyway.’ "Well we do hang out a lot and I really enjoy your company. So I guess it’s kind of like dating."

"Yeah but I’m talking about a real date." Bra was making her point. "Just you and me. So would you like to go out with me?" She asked with a blush across her cheeks.

‘Is she asking me out?’ This was a big surprise for Mousse. ‘No one has ever asked me out before.’ "You mean on an actual real date?"

"Of course," Bra tried to remain he dignity, "It doesn’t have to be big and fancy just something simple."

"What kind of date would you like to have?" Mousse gained enough courage to ask her about this.

"A dinner and a movie would be just fine." Bra recommended. She doesn’t want him think that he has to do something big to impress her just because she’s a princess.

"Well okay, what kind of movie would you like to see?"

Now they have to give this a lot of thought.

Bra assumed that he might not like to go see a chick flick. He would probably fall asleep.

And Mousse believes she may not be the type who like blow up action and slapstick comedies.

"Well I like light romantic comedies, Disney movies, adventure flicks, suspenseful mysteries, and an occasional gothic horror but without the gore." Those were her choices. "How about you?"

"To be honest, I don’t go out to see movies that much." He confessed, "Cologne never pays me enough to even buy a movie ticket for myself and charges me too much for living expenses. And Shampoo was always too busy chasing Ranma to even let me take her to see a movie."

‘Poor guy,’ Bra felt sorry after hearing about how they treated him. ‘It must’ve been really hard for him to live like that. And for what? Some girl that doesn’t even like him? That’s just not right.’ Now the Princess is determine to take him on this date. "How about we go out on our date tonight say about seven o’clock?"

"Okay, it’s a date then." Mousse accepted her offer.

"Great!" Bra said it excitedly and regained her composure. "I’ll let you get back at getting dress then." And with that she left the door.

For the first time in his life Mousse was actually happy and slowly stepped out of the tub. Outside he was calm, cool, and collective about his first date with Bra. But inside, "YAHOO!!! I HAVE A DATE!! I HAVE A DATE!! I HAVE A DATE!!"



Meanwhile back in Nerima

Shampoo was busy cleaning up the storage when she came across the cage she usually puts Mousse in. It’s been three months since Bra took him from the Cat Café so that he’ll never interfere about her getting Ranma. But for some reason she’s feeling depress. ‘Why am I feeling like this?’ She asked herself, ‘I should be happy now that stupid Mousse is gone. All those time he tried to stop Ranma and me.’ Alas she doesn’t even have the drive to get Ranma now. ‘So why is Shampoo feeling so sad?’

"Shampoo, are you finished with the storage yet?" Cologne called from the other room.

"Shampoo almost done Great-Grandmother." Shampoo snapped out of her funk. ‘No let Great-Grandmother see me like this.’ She told herself, ‘it’s is not Amazon behavior.’

"Okay but after you’re done we’ll discuss about other ways to get Son-in-law." The Amazon Elder reminded her.

"Okay Great-Grandmother." Shampoo answered back but not in her usual bubbly self.

‘I don’t like the sound of this.’ Cologne was growing doubtful about her great-granddaughter’s behavior. ‘It’s been three months since that fool Mousse left us with that blue-haired girl.’ She recalled on that day. ‘You think that Shampoo might be happy about it.’ Her face had grown stern. ‘Shampoo have better not have any doubts about it or else we’ll never get Ranma into our tribe.’



Over at the Tendo’s

"You mean no one hasn’t seen him over that last three months?" A certain pig-tailed cursed asked certain middle Tendo daughter.

"That’s right," Nabiki told him, "I went there the other day for some noodles and tea and asked what ever happened to Mousse and Cologne told me that some girl with blue hair just took him while he was in duck form." She hold out her hand for more payment.

Ranma regretfully have her some more yen and Nabiki continued her story. "When I saw Shampoo over there she looked very depress about it."

"What?" Ranma couldn’t believe what he just heard. "Shampoo? Depress?" To him that sounded pretty weird. "But she always hated Mousse and I thought something like would’ve made her happy."

"I thought so too but apparently she isn’t." Nabiki confirmed, "it’s like she misses him or something."

"Well that might have explained why we haven’t seen her in a while." Ranma added, "You know that she hasn’t stopped by at school like she usually does just to give me lunches she makes?"

"Or her bicycle landing on your face." Nabiki said with a smirk.

Ranma grumble a bit at that comment. He was about to say something when Akane walked in.

"RANMA QUIT FLIRTING WITH MY SISTER!!!" Akane yelled as she pulled out her mallet and send Ranma flying.

As Ranma soared over the skies of Nermia, a thought entered his head. ‘I would how Mousse is doing?’


Well it looks like Mousse has a date with the Princess. Will it go well as they hope? What movie will they be seeing? Will the bond ever form between them? How will Nerima be able to cope without it’s favorite near-sighted cursed male Amazon? Find out next time in "The Duck and the Princess".

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