Twilight's Wane: A Trap Set

Published Sep 24, 2005, 2:55:19 AM UTC | Last updated Oct 19, 2005, 4:59:31 AM | Total Chapters 4

Story Summary

This is just a YYH based Fanfiction. Something that I thought up in school

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Chapter 4: A Trap Set

Izumi: Ok, I'm here to introduce the next chapter. I really don't know where the other two are, but I can at least do this. In this chapter, you find out about a third party seeking the Twilight Soul, and whom else might play an important role in the upcoming Twilight Wane. Also Hiei goes through with his anger. Hope you enjoy. Knil and Hiei: Hey wait a minute, we were suppose to do that. Izumi: You snooze you lose. *Knil and Hiei look at each other and nod. Then look back at Izumi, darkly grinning.* K&H: Come here. We'd like to show you how to do it properly. I: No, I don't like the way you two are acting. K:Come on we won't hurt you. H: If anything, you might gain some knowledge. I: Well if you put it that way, alright. *Walks towards them* K&H: Can't believe you fell for that! *Jumps him, and starts to beat him up* K: Well, there will be a few cameos in this chapter. Hope you can see the corellation between them and me. Hehe. And I do not own Naruto, nor YYH, wish I did though, because i would make some pretty good episodes. *Grins* ---Chapter 4: A Trap Set--- Atop a tree in the Dark Forest, Hiei stared at the rising sun once more. Every single day he continued to watch the sun rise and fall from atop the trees, only because he felt like home was just over the horizon. During this session, however, he begins to have a conversation with his own inner demons. ~~Inside Hiei's Mind~~ Two men stood side by side, looking at each other. From the darkness around them, it looked as if they were alone, but three others stepped into the light. These were the five parts of Hiei, which often conversed as the time went on, but this time, the topic went to that of the Twilight power. Each of the five parts had a specialty, which Hiei inherited. One was his dragon power, another his weapon energy power, a third allowed him to duplicate himself, a forth was a master at the Jagan, and the fifth was a swordmaster. They all worked together, and each had a specific time to arise. Among the five beings, one walked forward and took the command. This was his inner Hiei, and he gave Hiei the dragonic power. "So about this power, what would happen if that Yusuke gets a hold of it before we do?" The Jagan came forward, that was the Hiei he called Knil. "We will kill him, thats what. He is a disgrace to all of us demons." "Yes, I believe we will enjoy that." The third Hiei, who carried a weapon made of energy said. His name was Rei. "Only because he will be getting what he was destined to get, death by the hands of the Twilight." "But what about the other demons who scented its power already? Like Jin and Ryu, along with a few others that we ran into on Hanging Neck Island, during the Dark Tournament. They will be after it." Hiei explained. "Then we kill them as well." The fourth, and least important Hiei said. His name, Kazuma. "Alright, bloodshed." The last Hiei said, with glinting eyes, and the master swordsman. Oni smiled as he thought of being the Hiei to slay him. "I got an idea." Knil said. "What is it?" Hiei asked. "I've heard of the Twilight Realm thats connect to part of the power. It's got some special powers connected to it." He replied "Like what?" Rei asked. "Like being able to split into each of our own forms. I mean since we merged into one being, its been getting hard to summon the powers of all five of us through one body." Knil said. "That's true." Kazuma "And it would be so great to have all five of us kill him." Oni smirked. "But how will we get him there? And how do we get ourselves to there?' Hiei asked. "That's easy. We set a trap for them, and we get into the realm via the Amulet." Knil said, as he glared evilly into the blackness. "But until then, I want all of us to train here, because the Twilight Realm is exactly like this, only with a few stars around it." Hiei, Oni, Kazuma, and Rei nodded, and left Knil alone, to plan for the trap. "This is going to be the end of you Yusuke Urameshi. And this time you won't be able to get yourself away from it. And now you will get to see the four other demons that supply Hiei with power." Knil said, as darkness took over his body, but his glaring red eyes broke through the darkness, burning a hole into the Twilight around him. ~~Atop the Trees~~ Hiei snorted, as he finished having his conversation. It seemed that Knil was in control once more, and he jumped back and forth among the trees, getting to know this place, as it would be where he would place the trap. ~~Another Part of the Forest~~ A lone boy walked among the trees. His crimson eyes seem to glow and illuminate the way through the forest. "For a stupid shield?" He muttered. "Why did I accept this mission?" [i]Because you wanted to get away from that Naruto.[/i] The name made him clench his teeth. "Shut up!" He retorted to his own thoughts. Ever since both him and Naruto had gotten stronger, a strange bond was created. They would help each other, but they hated one another. Twirling around a kunai, he continued to walk through the forest. "I still don't understand why this is an A class mission. It's just a search for a fucking item." He muttered. Walking undisturbed, the black haired child scanned for any trace of the shield he needed to find here in the Dark Forest. ~~A Third Part of the Forest~~ "Stupid Twilight." Yusuke yelled, as he made his way to the center of the forest. "Why had it have to be in a fucking forest? Why is it that we always get into these stupid missions?" He screamed as he chopped through some of the vegatation. "You know, Kurama, you can help with your forest adeptness." "And let Hiei know where here? It's hard enough to keep on my human form in here, but to use my demonic powers while we are searching for Hiei is just beyond stupidity." Kurama explained to him. "Anyways, this is a bit of training for us until we meet Hiei again." Smirking, he walked in the path that Yusuke was making. "And remember, there are others searching for this item as well, so we need to keep hidden from them, until we are ready to fight." "Whatever" Yusuke said, as he gave up. It seemed that Kurama had a plan, and he didn't want to doubt the fox demon, as he had gotten them out of a lot of trouble before. ~~Atop the Trees~~ "It's almost ready." Hiei said as he smirked. Then his eyes shot open. "Wait, theres another..." He looked around, and spotted the black haired man. "So, they finally sent another human to find the Soul. That's good, 'cause I can use it to my advantage." Smiling, he laid down the spellwork needed to open up the portal for two parties to enter. "Now all I need to do is wait. Wait until they end up finding each other." ~~Another Part of the Forest~~ "The last thing I was told, was to get the item at any cost. And that meant to kill any who wanted the shield for themselves." The child said, as he walked. Stopping, he took hold of the kunai. Thrusting it into a tree, he smirked at his work. "Just to get one item, that seems easy." ---End of Chapter 4--- Knil: The other two are out, but at least I have set it up on how to introduce another main character. Don't worry folks, he is alright. Sasuke: You better say that, else you might die. Knil: Here he is right now, ladies and gentlemen, meet the fourth main character, Sasuke. Sasuke: Thank you. And I promise, I won't be a pushover, like Yusuke and Kurama. I know how to take care of myself. Knil: Thats right. Anyways, next chapter, you get confrontation. Yay!! Sasuke: And I can guarentee that it will be a great one. Only because it will include yours truly in it. *Gives a peace sign* Until then.

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