The Terrathune Chronicles: Chapter 1: Foresight

Published Sep 18, 2005, 5:58:16 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 27, 2005, 4:54:33 AM | Total Chapters 3

Story Summary

Derith, a young man at the age of 18, has had troubles lately. A Nightmare has come so sudden and has left Derith to wonder what is going on with himself. Was this dream a vision of the future? It felt so real. Derith was not certain, but the nightmare felt as if it was a reality. Seven friends find that fate has given them a gift, an adventure. Together, the seven friends try to discover the secrets of Terrathune and find themselves to be more important to the world than they thought. Derith is hunted down by an unknown organization, and it is up to Derith with his newly discovered power of seeing visions of the future, and his friends, to stop the hunters and to figure out why they want him so badly. By embarking on this journey of answers, the friends find many other adventures and eventually become known all throughout Terrathune! Copyright 2005, Derek Wallace, Chicho Tamayo 10/8/05.

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Chapter 2: Chapter 1: Foresight

Copyright 2005 Azron Productions 10/7/05
Chapter 1
The two friends crossed the fields into the heart of Port Marcia. Brannor was ahead but for only a few moments as Derith strode past him. Brannor was breathing heavily from the long run and Derith patted him on the back after they made it to Jorielda’s house. Brannor gave Derith a playful smirk. Derith chuckled.
While Derith and Brannor were playing around outside of the house Jorielda woke from her slumber. Getting out of bed she stretched and yawned. Jorielda opened her dresser and thought about what she was going to wear. She donned on her black cotton blouse and tough double stitched gray linen breaches and opened the window to welcome mornings light – and to see who was making all the noise in such an early hour. She took a gander outside and saw Derith and Brannor tackling each other in the barley fields shining a light gold from the sun’s light. The sight of Derith made her very excited and she quickly rushed down the stairs. On her way down she tripped and almost fell, but her hand pressed forward and an eerie blue aura formed in front of her and caught her fall. She regained her footing and rushed out the door.
Derith saw the young woman running towards him and he held his arms out to welcome her. They met and hugged tightly. "Jorielda! How is my love doing today?" Derith smiled warmly and hugged Jorielda again. "Oh nothing much I just woke when I saw you. I am very happy to see you love." Jorielda gave Derith a kiss and she turned to Brannor. "How's Fluffy doing today?" Brannor smiled "Fluffy is doing good." Jorielda smiled and turned back to Derith.
Jorielda was different from most young women. When she was young her mother would always bug her about wearing dresses instead of normal breeches. Jorielda never liked the lady-like appearance and always went for the wear for men. She wore a blouse still to give her at least an appearance somewhat of a lady, just to please her mom. Derith didn’t mind that at all. It gave her a rugged look to her fragile body, even though she still looked fragile.
Derith noted that every time "looked fragile" he knew her true self and even he wouldn’t pick a fight with her. No man should pick a fight with Jorielda. Jorielda was a very gifted child, not just any normal gift - the gift of magic. Jorielda was a sorceress by heart.
"What's going on today?" She asked with a hint of excitement in her voice. "Well, my love, we're going to find everyone and pass the rest of the day away in the Guild. Would you care to join us?" Derith purred.
Derith pondered back in the past. She had not been like this before they found each other. For she was denied to use her gift and was hardly noticed. She would practice of magic and they would frighten her and tell her that it was a terrible gift and it should never be used. Magic was not known among most peasants and it was shunned around most of Terrathune. She still practiced, knowing that there was something different about herself then most people. Plus she never really had a father; he left soon after she was born. It took Derith months before he had found out she was gifted. She would deny it and try to hide and even lie that she didn’t know about any such thing.
But, she had learned trust overtime and she now practices with Derith – even though he doesn’t use magic, he makes a good dummy. One time Derith remembered he was trying to help Jorielda learn a frost spell. She would practice and practice and never get it. But one day she wove her arms around and a ray of frost blasted out and hit Derith in the chest.
"I would be delighted!" Jorielda giggled. Her lips were a healthy pink that blended with her light tan skin. Her hair danced in a variety of brown, red, and blond. Derith swooned, oh such beauty to behold. He regained his sense in reality when Brannor waved his hand in front of his face. Jorielda gave Brannor a harsh look and spoke with a tender voice to Derith "Time to wake up." Derith shook his head "I’m fine, let us go and find the others." Then the three went off in search of their next target: Cahyel.
Seagulls chirped and flew all around the docks as Derith, Jorielda, and Brannor entered. Boats of all shapes and sizes filled the port. Brannor gazed upward upon a seagull flying around with fish intestines. As he was watching, a missile of bird dropping hit him square in the eye. "Oh, For the love of Myrogen! Damnit!" Brannor cursed has he flushed his eye out with the water from his animal skin. Fishing boats, galleys, frigates, and caravels all lined and scattered with a unique arrangement. The smell of fish and salt water hung in the air. Sailors yelled and cursed at one another. Merchants talking with captains to arrange their goods. Even some young boys watched sailors to learn what they had to do. One young man was yelling at a group of sailors to get some fish off the boat. Derith walked close by him and put his hand on his shoulder. "Busy as always huh Cahyel?" A man about Derith's height, sweaty from working all day, tan, muscular, with long shaggy brown hair that went a little past the intense brown eyes, turned and smiled broadly. "Brother! How goes you Derith?" Cahyel was an only child - but considered Derith as a brother because of their close friendship. The big young man wrapped his arms around Derith and squeezed the air out of him. "Not...much...(cough)... Cahyel, I…Just… Wanted…to come down… and…say hi." Jorielda spoke up a bit, "Uh… I would like to have Derith living if you don’t mind Cahyel. "Oh, um…sorry." Finally Cahyel let go and Derith could breathe again. "We're going to gather everyone so we can talk and be together, how about we head to the Adventurer’s Guild?" Derith smiled back regaining breath.
"Sounds like a great idea, but I got some more fish to unload and fillet, hopefully it isn't gonna be all night like last week. I smelled like fish for an entire week it seemed like! Go ahead and round everyone up at the Adventurer’s Guild, oh and tell Keldria I might not be there, but I'll visit her at her house tonight if I don't make it to the guild. I'll try to be there around dusk before the curfew bell rings." Cahyel spoke as he hauled a huge net of sea bass over his shoulder and plopped it onto a fillet table. Brannor looked at the bass and stuck his tongue out in disgust.
"Well Cahyel, if you don't finish with your work by dusk, you really should just call it a night and head home. I don’t want you to over work yourself, Good day, brother." Derith turned gave Brannor a nudge, and put his arm around Jorielda and the three went on their search for the rest of their companions.
* * * * * *
At the beach, two figures sat in the sand, arguing. Derith, Jorielda, and Brannor crept up behind Seron; a blond haired well toned young man, and Garett, a large flabby brown-haired man. As the two argued about ridiculous things, the first voice the three heard was Seron's.
"That's a lie!"
"Hey! Shut up! I do NOT like Lina."
"Yeah, and I like a Moorag!"
"Just because she thinks I have a nice arse doesn't mean I feel the same way!"
"Seron, come now, you honestly think anyone believes you? I've seen you take a gander at her."
"I only take a gander to make sure she doesn't see me when I sneak by!"
"Giving Seron a hard time about his girlfriend again?" Brannor taunted.
Seron turned and looked over his shoulder to see Brannor standing over top of him, grinning. Seron stood up and looked Brannor right in the eyes.
"I'm giving you ten seconds to either apologize, or run away, your"
"Oh no, please, don't hurt me...Come on Seron, we're all friends here." Brannor teased.
"Four.... Five...."
Derith glared at Brannor "Brannor, you couldn't out run Seron even if he was carrying Garett on his back. You know how Seron acts when he's mad, he won’t slow down. If you want to live to see tomorrow, you better start kissing his feet right now and apologize."
Brannor fell to his knees " Seron, please, forgive me! Oh, how foolish I was--Hey! Look! Cahyel is running along the shoreline bear naked!
Seron jerked his head in the direction that Brannor was pointing. "WHAT!"
Brannor got up and kicked Seron in the back of the legs, causing Seron to fall and eat a mouthful of sand. Brannor thought to himself a moment, "It really worked!" Then, knowing the trouble he just got himself into; Brannor ran as fast as his legs would carry him.
By the time Seron got up, Brannor was already running down the main trade route road, heading toward the Guild.
Seron pulled out his two short daggers and darted after Brannor.
"Well, I guess we start off to the guild." Derith turned to Jorielda.
Jorielda gave Derith a worried look. "What about Jessan and Wardren, or Seriger."
Derith remembered they had not finished gathering everyone. "OK, you head over to the Guild, I'll run by their homes and gather them up. I will see you again this evening, my love." Derith kissed Jorielda on the cheek and ran off into town. Jorielda stayed along the shoreline for a moment and watched her love race across the sand with speed and grace. She smiled and then walked toward the guild gently stroking that cheek.
Derith’s put his body’s endurance to its full test. His body in motion with a rhythmic beat of feet and heart racing into town with a fluent speed. Passing citizens and children along the street. Seriger’s house was just around the corner. He paced by and up to the doorway taking a minute to gather his breath and then knocking on the door. The door opened and there stood a young man close to Derith’s height. His skin painted a darker tan and raven black hair, ruffled like that of the bird’s feathers. "Hello? Oh, Hi Derith." His voice was placid but didn’t have much character to it. Seriger was always a quiet boy in the young age and he really never talked so never really developed character.
"How’s it going Seriger?" Derith was still panting from the hard run. Seriger looked at Derith for a moment. "Have a good run?" Derith smiled. "You bet, and before I go everyone is gathering at the guild to get together and talk. I was wondering if you wanted to come." Seriger stood for a moment. "Sure" He responded. Derith nodded and then he raced back off. Then he remembered someone else. "Keldria!" Derith was stupid. He couldn’t forget Cahyel’s lover. He darted across the gravel road and made his way to Keldria’s house, almost hitting a citizen in the process. The rhythmic beat started again.
Brannor dashed by the small market nearby the guild, Seron hot on his tail, both breathing heavily and their feet pounding. Brannor pushed his way through the bustling street on Market day – the final one before the winter chill came. Seron knew that hiding or slipping into a crowd was Brannor’s specialty, so Seron tried his best not to have Brannor leave his sight. Brannor grasped hold of fruit as he whisked by the fruit stands; he then began to hurl large oranges and handfuls of Celery sticks at Seron’s face. Seron dodged the oranges and a few sticks of celery smacked him in the head. Seron quickly brushed off the sticks and began once again his chase. Brannor grabbed hold of more fruit, apples this time, and threw them at Seron. Seron ducked and the apples hit a few of the commoners. Seron heard the crowd of people shout and looked to see if it was he to blame. Then when he looked back at Brannor he vanished. "Damn!" Seron thought.
Seron turned left into an alley and decided to search for Brannor here first.
"Brannor, please come out, I know you’re back here. You know I won’t hurt you." He whispered under his breath "much." "Besides, you still owe me two gold pieces, you think I would kill you now?" Seron crept along, talking aloud, looking behind every crate and in every corner to try to find the rogue.
"Come on Brannor, I’m not mad." Seron continued.
Then from somewhere in the alley, Seron heard Brannor’s voice "Sure you aren’t, why don’t you tell that to the big vein in your fore head!" Brannor shouted.
Seron stood a moment, head against the wall, where could he be? Then, from behind, a sharp pain then an instant numbness encompassed Seron’s legs. Seron fell to his knees.
"Brannor!" Seron shouted at the top of his lungs. Seron turned just in time to see his "friend’ dash off back into the main stream of commoners: in the direction of the Guild.
Derith knocked on the door of Keldria’s house. He waited patiently till the door opened. There, stood a Brown-haired young lady with a green blouse with pink frills, the dress was made of finely spun silk. "Hey Keldria!" Derith panting heavily again from his hard run. "Everyone will be gathering at the guild so we can talk and just spend time with each other. Cahyel is going to be there in the late afternoon so if you want to come you are welcome to." Keldria smiled at the mention of Cahyel’s name. "Sure, I will be there in the late afternoon. If Cahyel gets there before me tell him I will be there soon." Derith nodded and then ran off again. "See you at the guild!" He raced into Marcia’s Heights to find Jessan.
At the Adventurer’s Guild Jorielda and Garett waited for the others to gather. Garett whistles and tries to keep focused with something while he remained patient. Then Garett’s eyes wondered down to Jorielda’s top half of her dress. Jorielda quickly catches the stare and lifts one finger at him and waves it back and forth, a small flame lit at the tip crimson to a hot yellow.
"I am already taken I am sorry. Though even if I wasn’t I would never even think about loving your type you fat bastard." Garett turned his head quickly around and tried to concentrate on other things. Then his eyes wondered back to Jorielda’s dress. This time her entire palm was extended and flame erupted and covered the palm.
"You better stop it now before you eat a fist full of embers!" Jorielda’s voice rose, as the flames burned brighter. Her hair changed slightly in color reminding Garett of the flames that were dancing right on her fingertips. Garett turned back around. Scared of the deathly sight before him.
Then Brannor came running around the corner. Jorielda looked up, her hair a natural color again the flames dead. "There you are fluffy! Where were you running off?" Jorielda got up and walked over.
"You had to leave me alone with this fat dunce didn’t you?" She put her hands on her hips and gave Brannor a disappointed frown. Garett heard her insult and interjected
"Hey don’t you be talking to me like that wench!" Jorielda extended her palm behind her and the hand erupted into the hot flames again. Garett curled back and buttoned his mouth. She walked up to Brannor and smacked him upside the head with a clenched fist. Brannor yelped and held on to the spot that was just hit.
"Sorry, I was running from Seron." His words came out with gasping breaths in between rubbing his head at the same time. "I would’ve been here sooner but he almost caught me." Brannor felt a tap on his shoulder and then he heard a voice.
"Oh, But I did catch you." Brannor slowly turned his head and saw Seron’s fist gliding towards his face. The next thing Brannor knew he was flat on the ground. "That is for tripping me." Seron said, then he moved closer to where Brannor was lying.
"And this is for hitting me in the legs. Seron then kicked Brannor’s side. Brannor yelped in pain and laughed.
"Okay I won’t do that again I promise." Brannor couldn’t help but laugh when he was in pain, it just happened. His side felt like something snapped so he didn’t move for awhile. Seron moved away from Brannor and sat next to Garett. Jorielda laughed uncontrollably at the somewhat funny scene that had just happened. Seron got back up for a moment.
"Oh, and this is for what you are going to do tomorrow." Seron lifted Brannor up and then punched hard at his shoulder. "I sure hope you learn now. It has only been three years."
Seron sat back at the bench with Garett. "Ow!" Brannor yelled. Jorielda laughed harder. "Why me?" Brannor said and heaved a sigh rubbing his now bruised shoulder. Jorielda went from her hearty laughter to a little giggle "Just because!" she laughed yet again her cheeks a rosy red.
Derith made his way along Marcia’s Heights. There he made it to Jessan’s house and knocked on the door. An older man came through the door with a piece of furniture. Then another, and another. Then a taller brown-haired young man came through.
"Jessan! Hey, what is going on?" Derith asked Jessan as him came out with kitchen utilities.
"We are moving to Port Rivald." Jessan answered. Derith looked disappointed
"Won’t you come to the guild for one last goodbye to all your friends?" Jessan shook his head
"I am sorry Derith, we are leaving today." Jessan started packing the wares on the wagon and then walked back in the house. Derith followed Jessan and stopped him for a moment.
"Wait Jessan, why so sudden?" Derith’s eyes filled with sadness and a hint of conspiracy. Jessan turned up towards the stairs and rushed upwards.
"I am sorry Derith, it is just something that has to be done." Jessan vanished to his room. Derith sighed and decided not to push the matter any further, fearing that he might only make matters worse. He left Jessan’s house and looked at the sky.
Dusk was soon approaching. Derith ran faster than before. He hurried along the beach to Wardren’s house. Soon as he got there, the house was empty, as there was no light coming from the windows. The house looked dead and haunted. He knocked on the door but no one answered. Derith knocked again but to no avail. Derith gave up and ran back to the guild.
Meanwhile, Jessan watched Derith run out back the Adventurer’s Guild. His lips curled into a smile and walked back into the house.
"Father, I am going to be out for awhile." Jessan waited for no reply as he put on his cloak and left out into the fast-growing night.
* * * * * * *
Outside the city’s walls far west in the grassy plains a large band of men surveyed the city, about to be dormant for the night. One of the men, clad in a macabre black plate that glistened in what was left of the day. His ebony gauntlet toying with his blond moustache. Wind blowing his long, curly locks of a wheat hue. He turned and eyed another man, donned in a ragged torn robe of linen and leather. The blond-haired man motioned for the ragged one to join him in his search for something – or someone.
"So Rivald, what is it that you seek?" The ragged one asked, his mouth moving under a shadowed cowl. Rivald, the blond-haired man looked at the ragged one with a keen smile across his face.
"Why Vherodox, have you already forgotten our task?" Rivald gestured to his several men that waited patiently in a defensive formation. Some on horses, others not. Some donned with leather and chain and others plate. Some were holding axes and spears, others swords and bows.
"Yes, we have come here to rid this blasted coast town of its citizens in the name of my god." Vherodox replied stabbing his gnarled quarterstaff he had in his hands into the ground with a fierce jab.
"That was only part of the task Vherodox, we have come to find the prophet." Rivald sneered with joy.
"Ah yes, the prophet. I wonder what form he takes?" Vherodox asked, smiling. Rivald shook his head with a disappointed tick, tick, tick.
"Human of course, I would have expected better from you." Rivald glared at Vherodox with his bright green eyes.
"Not all prophets are human Rivald." Under Vherodox’s Cowl a muzzle bearing teeth showed as he growled.
"Yes, I am quite aware of that. I just know this one is human based on my god’s visions." Rivald replied cool and kept.
"Well, if you’re so eager to attack and find the prophet then let me commence my ritual!" Vherodox growled.
"Fine, do your work." Rivald replied with mocking impatience.
"Sir! Someone is coming!" A soldier cried out.
"Hush you fool! I know who this one is." Rivald snapped.
A young man with cowl draped over his head walked up to Rivald. Rivald’s face stayed firm, like that of stone.
"So, what news do you bear?" Rivald cocked his head to one side and then back. A grotesque snapping nose came from his neck.
"I have found a man that matches the description you were looking for." The hooded young man replied.
"Excellent, who would that man be?" Rivald sneered with joy at the good news.
"His name is Derith Warum. They are meeting at the Adventurer’s guild around this time. If you wish to attack I suggest you do so now."
"Don’t order me around boy I am captain of this band and I will not take orders from a child." Rivald growled and then turned to the band.
"You heard the child men. In the name of the demon mistress, go out and find the prophet." Rivald gave a demonic grin. "And leave no one alive!"
The eyes of the soldiers shone in the moonlight, a glowing horrific yellow. They set off into the night and brandished their swords in bloody anticipation.
* * * * * *
Derith made it to the guild around dusk his legs shook with pain and soreness but to him it was an ecstasy. The pain let him know that he was improving. He walked to the front of the guild and to his surprise everyone was there. Cahyel and Keldria made it. "Hello everyone!" Derith spoke between hard breaths. Jorielda ran over and hugged Derith warmly. Cahyel got up from his seat and handed Derith a cloak. "It will keep you warm since it is getting really cold out." Derith took the cloak and smiled. "Thanks brother." Then he turned his head and kissed Jorielda. Derith looked about a bit and noticed everyone was wearing a cloak. Pictures of his dream flashed before his eyes and a deep fear arose inside him. The bell rang as it sounded curfew. He started to shake uncontrollably skin lightened as he suddenly went cold. Jorielda noticed his trembling. "Are you alright love?" Derith was lost in thought. Could it actually happen? "Derith?" Jorielda asked again, the bell ringing in the background. "What? Oh sorry…lost in thought, sorry to worry my love." Derith kissed her and held her close. Jorielda thought of his sudden behavior strange. She worried that something was not right at all.
The friends talked well into the night, sharing stories about their day and a memory of old times. The moon gave an eerie but bright glow. A fog enclosed around the guild like a lingering wraith. Derith shuddered again and everyone saw his fear. "What’s going on Derith?" Everyone was asking. Derith kept replying "Nothing is wrong I am fine, just a little cold." Jorielda knew something was wrong and it scared her now. "You are not alright Derith, what’s going on?" Derith gave Jorielda a worried look. "Something happened in a nightmare I had and the same things are happening right here." Jorielda looked puzzled. "Why would something happen? It’s just a dream." Derith sighed. "But the thought of it happening scares me." Jorielda nodded and brushed her hand through Derith’s hair and kissed him gently. "It’s alright, nothing is going to happen." She said softly.
Seron was looking at the moon and looked at everyone else. "I can’t believe we only have two more years at the guild." Cahyel was snuggled close to Keldria. "Yeah, what are we going to be doing after that?" Keldria smiled and looked at Cahyel. "You already know what you’re going to be doing." Cahyel put his hand on her mouth. "Yeah but that was supposed to be our little secret. I didn’t want anyone to know that yet." Seron looked at Cahyel "What are you two going to be doing after we get out of the guild?" He said it slow and sly. Cahyel glared "Shut up Seron." Brannor laughed "Oh, I think I know as well." Seron smacked Brannor upside the head and shook his head. "Brannor you’re so immature." Brannor looked at Seron, but knew not to say anything.
Seriger looked up and watched everyone talk. He was always the quiet one of the group, never talking only when someone talked to him. He always stayed silent. So, he was sometimes ignored, but he didn’t care this had always been the same.
Garett got up from his seat and looked out from the ledge of the stairs. "Guys, this is getting really boring. I want to go home and do something else. Unless you can think of something better than just sitting and talking. I think I got my fill of it today, I think I’ll go and get some sleep."
The wraith that was the fog grew thicker and the light of the moon shifted. A shade was cast amongst the group. Derith continued to shiver and Jorielda tried her best to calm him down. Everyone stopped talking and it was quiet. "Why did you guys stop talking?" Garett said and just as he finished a horse whinnied in the distance. Then the patting rhythm of horse hooves followed soon after.
Derith turned his head slowly and Jorielda watched helpless as the fear swelled inside him. Derith got up and a chill ran down his spine. His breathing grew faster and his face turned deathly pale. Cahyel got up and walked by him.
"Brother, is something troubling you?" Derith shook his head in disbelief.
"No" he moaned then trembled "Yes…It’s happening." His words came out slow and stumbled when he shook, the thought of the blood running down his lip that morning crossed his mind.
"What’s happening brother?" Cahyel asked, he was confused. The hoof beat grew louder and Derith saw a shadow. His upper lip quivered and one word escaped his stiff mouth:
A figure of one of the knights was in view. Derith snapped out of his trance and he cried out. "Garett! Get out of the way!"
Just as Derith cried out the others jumped and looked behind Garett, wondering what Derith was yelling about. Garett looked at the others.
"What is going on you guys I was just saying…" Before he could finish a mounted horse jumped into view and the knight’s lance dove deep into Garett’s body. Blood gushed out of the wound and splattered on the ground in a red puddle that ran down the steps of the guild. Garett’s body was impaled halfway into the lance helpless he made an attempt to cry out but only gurgled. Blood oozed out of his mouth and his face turned pale. The knight lifted the lance and Garett hung limply onto it. More blood drizzled the ground. The knight had a full suit of chain and an iron metal helm; the eyes glowed a dark red with a glint of a yellow, giving the man a hellish look, Derith remembered that glow and noted it.
"So this was to happen?" Derith questioned himself, but no answer.
Cahyel and the others looked at the man. Their faces horrified by the brutal act that had just taken place. Derith looked at Jorielda with tearing eyes. It had happened. Derith had a premonition of a nightmarish act. One that he and his friends were involved in.
Seron yelled at the knight with a rampant rage. "You black-hearted bastard! You killed him!"
The knight looked at Seron with interest and removed his helm. "That I did, what are you going to do about it?" The hellish eyes closed half way with pleasure. "And I thank you for the compliment." Seron’s rage pulsed and his fists clenched.
The knight started galloping away yelling in triumph as he held his lance high; the body still skewered to the lance. Derith turned back to the others. "Listen, something is happening and we need to protect the port." The others nodded and Seron spoke up. "But where are we going to get weapons?" Derith looked at Seron for a second, his face tensed with anger. Derith then raced to the door of the Adventurer’s Guild. He gained his footing and then kicked at the door his foot pounding against the iron-enforced wood, a loud bang echoed in the guildhalls and the door swung open. "Go and get them." Derith said as he pulled out his own flail from his belt, face stern.
More knights galloped in, crying out that they had found "The Prophet." They waved their weapons and circled the guild with fury and bloodthirsty delight.
Everyone rushed into the guild, Derith the last to follow. Derith watched the knight for a moment and glared angrily. The knight galloped to a tree and pinned his lance up against it. The body hit the tree and then hung limp; his arms and legs dangling freely. Blood oozed from the carcass and down from the bark onto the grass. Derith winced in disgust. Torches lighted in the distance, and then a row of the flickering light danced growing as more soldiers moved into the port.
Derith looked at Jorielda. "Jorielda my love. If anything happens to me I want you to know I will love you forever and always even in death." Jorielda started to tear. "No! You are not going to die I will not let that happen as long as I am around! I love you forever and always too. Death comes then it befalls us both…" Jorielda hugged Derith tightly. Derith took comfort in that hug and found new strength.
"Alright, We protect each other. Now let us show them who they are messing with!" Derith looked into Jorielda’s eyes and smiled, she nodded and they raced into the inner halls.
Brannor looked back from the guildhalls and saw them leave.
"Damn it Derith!" Brannor cursed and then looked northward. More knights were galloping his way torch light dancing along with the wraith.
"Oh you gotta be kidding me!" Brannor scanned the scene and saw the library. "Good!" He thought as he got his footing.
"Hey! I bet you metal pieces of junk can’t catch me!" Brannor taunted as he took out his short swords. A knight with a halberd raced close by and Brannor jumped into the library. The knight flew by Brannor as he hit the ground with a thud and scrabbled up. The knight turned around and trotted into the library. By then Brannor was behind a bookshelf in the shadows. The knight searched for the insulting rogue and eased his horse around the many tables and bookshelves of the library. Brannor stealthily paced behind the knight, fumbling with the handles of his blades.
"I have never really killed anyone but I guess there’s a first time for everything." Brannor thought to himself. He twirled his blades so that they were pointing down word and jumped on the horse. The knight twisted on his horse to see what saddled with him. Brannor crossed his arms and let the blades cross freely across the knight’s neck. The swords ripped the flesh with ease. The knight dropped the halberd and grasped his neck choking madly. The crimson liquid flowed freely down the tabard and stained the metal chain. The knight fell off his horse and hit the ground with a metal clank. Still choking he gave a final thrash and then fell limp. Brannor hopped off the horse as it whinnied and galloped out into the halls.
Brannor stood for a long moment as he realized what he had just done. He killed a living being. Brannor looked at the bloody body in shock. He shook his head to regain his thoughts and got back to the task at hand. He would forget the things he was doing for now.
Brannor grabbed the halberd and tested its weight and swung it around. The metal blade of the halberd soared past his head almost killing himself he mumbled "Note to self, don’t kill self." A foot soldier walked into the main hall and pulled out a broadsword. "You want to fight? Come get me!" Brannor taunted and readied his new halberd. The foot soldier charged at him sword flailing madly in the air.
Cahyel rummaged through the chests and racks of the armory placing swords, axes, maces, and the liking to the side of him. As he dug through the equipment Keldria picked up a spiked mace and looked at it with disappointment. "Why do we have to fight all of the sudden? Why did they just come in and attack?" Keldria asked in question. Seron looked at the piles of weaponry that Cahyel made.
"Who knows Keldria. But I can’t wait to find a weapon and kick their sorry arses." Seron grinned. Keldria frowned "I wish we all knew, I don’t really like fighting."
"Ha, ha! I found it!" Cahyel cheered as he pulled a finely polished claymore off the last weapon rack. Cahyel examined it; the blade was sharpened to perfection with a bronze hilt designed for strength and beauty. In the hilt was Cahyel’s initials chiseled in the back and lined with gold. Cahyel giggled like a little girl. "Oh yes! I can’t wait to try this baby out!" Cahyel held the blade with both hands and tested its balance and weight, flawless. "I am really liking Mr. Jackenson right now." Referring to the blacksmith teacher.
"You just about done Cahyel?" Seriger raised one eyebrow in question and tapping one foot in impatience. Cahyel looked at Seriger with a giddy face and then an embarrassment as he realized he looked like an idiot. "Oh yeah, right." Cahyel’s excitement ceased.
Seriger chuckled and picked up an axe sticking out from one of the piles. Then Seriger turned around and looked at Seron.
"You ready?" Seriger asked as he started his way to the doorway. Just as he put his hand on the doorknob an axe head splintered the wood close by his hand. Seriger stepped back and readied himself for the unwelcome surprise.
"I’m not, and I am sure you aren’t either." Seron scrimmaged once again through the pile of weapons. "Nothing!" Seron fumed, "I have no weapon!" Seron crossed his arms and grunted. Cahyel pondered a moment.
"Hey Seron, didn’t you train a bit with the monks from the monastery?" Cahyel looked at Seron with a stern face.
"Yeah, what about them?" Seron replied, scratching his head.
"Can’t you just use your fists?" Cahyel had both of his brows raised. Seron looked at Cahyel for a moment puzzled by the fact that his fists were also weapons.
"Well, Yes of course I can use my fists, but that’s no fun!" Seron pouted.
"No one said anything about it being fun! Our lives are at risk! This isn’t a game!" Cahyel roared.
"It isn’t? I sure thought it was when I saw you prancing around like a ninny and had a smile on your face like you just saw Keldria bathing at the lake!" Seron Replied.
Cahyel’s cheeks grew hot and turned a bright red. He could see Keldria, also very red, "Shut up or else I’ll give you a reason to put up your fists!"
"Ok, gee, it’s not like I really know what type of face you’d make if you saw her naked, I don’t stalk you, or her. Ok, I think that’s enough talking, let’s move!" Seron said, ending the odd conversation with the big man. Seron turned to the doorway and rushed to join Seriger. Wood splintered as the axe once again drove right into the door. The wood creaked and then gave way as the axe made a third assault, splinters flew and the door broke off its hinges crashing to the cobbled ground. Two soldiers ran into the room, armed with axe and sword they swung at Seriger and Seron with fierce determination to kill. Seriger ducked and lashed out with his axe and struck the shield then backed away to ready himself for the fight. Seron stepped to one side and then getting into a fighting stance he spread his arms an equal length apart and then clinched his fists. The soldier spun his sword round once and swung at Seron again. Seron ducked and his eyes closed. His left hand flew upward and crushed against the soldier’s jaw. The soldier flew back and tried to recover from the hit, but he was too slow. Seron took a small step back and then jabbed the soldier 3 times. Left…Right…Left… Then a haymaker with his right hand knocked him squarely in the jaw again and just about knocked him over. Seron jumped in the air and spun once extending his right leg kicking the Soldier in his side and knocking him into an armor rack. Seron landed in the same position he started at. He screamed in fury and raced at the other soldier that was in melee with Seriger.
Cahyel was going to rush into the fray when he heard a scream come from the library. "Keldria!" Cahyel tensed and raced to the direction of his beloved’s yell. When he got there an armed soldier was slowly making his way to Keldria. Cahyel thought for a moment then shouted to Keldria. "Keldria! Use your light!" Keldria didn’t know what he was talking about at first but then remembered. Her hands slowly lit as she chanted a spell. The soldier looked puzzled thinking she was a mage. Keldria let forth a bolt of light and it hit the soldier squarely in the eyes. The soldier screamed in agony as he tumbled backwards over a pile of books. Cahyel raced to Keldria and sheathed his claymore, hugging Keldria close. "Are you alright?" Cahyel asked checking for any wounds that she might have gotten. "No, I am fine thanks to you." Keldria smiled. The soldier got up again and swung his sword out at nothing, still blinded. His wild swing hit Cahyel in the shoulder. Cahyel felt the blood tingle down his arm but he gave no thought of it. He kicked the soldier in the leg, breaking the kneecap. The soldier screeched in pain; his sword fell to the floor with a loud clank. Cahyel grabbed the man by the arms, before he had a chance to fall, and threw him into a support column. The soldier fell onto his broken kneecap, screamed out in agonizing pain, then passed out. Keldria looked at Cahyel worried "Your not going to kill him are you?" Cahyel shook his head "No, he will have to run on his bad leg if he wants to live though. I do have a reason to kill him but there are more important matters at hand." Cahyel took Keldria by the hand and tugged her out of the library back to Seron and Seriger.
Derith and Jorielda heard the cries of death and pain all around them. The feeling sent a chill down both their spines as the war spun around them. Derith took another step forward, daring to challenge whatever was causing the mishap this night. Jorielda stayed close not wanting to be swiped by the shadows below. They were in the south hallway between the melee training room and the library. Derith heard a scream from the library and then a yell. Something was going on back there. "What should we do?" Derith asked, struck by confusion caused by the several screams and shouts of nearby battles. Jorielda was just as confused as Derith. "I don’t really know love, is there any survivors in the courtyard?" Jorielda looked around her to see if anyone was around, as the voices grew nearer. "I think they are coming for us now." Jorielda didn’t really like the fact that she was being followed.
Torches lit up around them and the hellish knights stepped out of the gloom, yellow eyes illuminated by the light of the fire. Jorielda’s hands tightened around Derith’s. Derith counted the number of these metal abominations. Six, they were outnumbered by six.
Derith let go of one of Jorielda’s hands and went for his flail. One of the soldiers moved forward. "Make one more move Derith and you’ll surely die." Derith’s eyes widened with shock. "How did you know my name?" the question brought a smirk the soldier’s face. "You don’t know why? I thought you did? Well then, that is something you can ponder in the afterlife." The soldier motioned the other knights to go in for the kill. Derith looked to see the soldiers walking steadily to him.
Derith motioned as well for Jorielda to stay back as he let his flail chain rattle with the blunt metal ball dangling at the end. He stood and let the soldiers creep in like a plague. One charged in and was met with the metal ball rammed into his gut. The soldier coughed and fell to the ground, two more charged in, one on Derith’s left and the other to his back. The one to his left swung his broad sword and went for a jab in the gut. Derith parried by swinging his chain around the sword’s blade and tugging it down to the ground. The soldier followed and tripped, landing face first in the ground.
Jorielda saw the second soldier raise his sword high and go in for the kill. Jorielda’s palms flickered with a dull cyan blue hue and she aimed for the blade. A bolt of frost shot out from her fingertip and shattered the blade with an icy chill. The soldier looked at her with curiosity and astonishment. She smiled and whirled her arms around from left to right and clapped them together. An intense burst of sound erupted from that clap and sent the soldier flying off his feet and knocking two more in his path. The other soldiers looked at Jorielda, with a new fear that had never been seen in those yellow eyes.
Derith looked at Jorielda with worry. "Be careful with your magic Jorielda." He said coolly in his mind, as he whirled his flail head back to his side eyeing the soldier that had said his name. "Your next." Derith tensed with an unknown hatred for the sly soldier.
Brannor hit the footmen in the head with the end of his halberd. The footmen shook and held the blade with reckless care. Swinging sidelong he arced the blade over his head and down at Brannor. Brannor sidestepped and threw his halberd at the footmen’s feet. The pole twirled and lashed the footmen and losing his balance, fell to the ground in a metal clank.
Brannor unsheathed his short swords and ran at the exposed man with a grin of victory. Before he made it to the footmen he slipped on the rust-colored liquid and fell flat on his back. Brannor coughed and groaned. By then the footmen took the advantage and grabbed the broadsword. Holding it above his head he went for a finishing kill that would rid the footmen of this pest. Brannor was too quick; using the blood he had slipped on he pushed himself back and let the liquid glide him across the floor as the sword came down.
Angry and weary from the energy he had used the footmen continued to try and slay the pesky Brannor. Charging up to him he too slipped on the slick crimson ichor. Brannor quickly took out his dagger and caught the footmen’s fall – with a swift blade to the gut. The footmen groaned and gurgled in pain blood dripped on Brannor’s face as he continued to struggle holding the dying man above him. He tossed him to the side and pulled the blade out of the footmen’s carcass. Bloodstained and tired Brannor slumped to the ground and heaved a sigh of relief. "That wasn’t easy." Brannor said with a hushed tone. "Killing takes everything out of you."
Seron joined the fray with Seriger and the Soldier. Still interlocking each other Seriger broke the battle’s bond with a swift kick to the gut of the soldier. Seron rushed in and swung his left fist into the soldier’s nose and knocked him flat to the ground. Seriger noted Seron with caution to keep clear away from him when he was in rage.
Seron’s veins pulsed with the rage, fueling him with energy like anyone has ever dreamed. He viewed these men as hated enemies and it seemed so right to hit them over and over until his fists was covered with pus and blood. The world slowed around him and he hastened his body with incredible speed to deliver a quick but very painful death to his adversaries. They will all pay dearly for killing his friend.
Seriger saw more torches flicker in the hallway and he readied to face more of the knights and soldiers head on. Seron’s ferocity could aid him none-the-less, even if they were outnumbered. "Seron, there’s more to be dealt with. You can worry about that one later I need your help." Seron looked at Seriger with a glee of delight. He rushed into the crowd of soon-to-come knights stopping them in their march and surprising them with the instant battle that was upon them.
Seriger rushed in with Seron and the clash of weapons sounded again, Cahyel and Keldria coming in oblivious to the new battle that had aroused from the two hallways.
Cahyel looked behind him and then in front of him. The sounds of battle clashed around him. Keldria shook by the screams of pain and suffering. Cahyel thought long and hard about what to do but nothing seemed to cross his mind. "Lets go help Seriger and Seron. I am sure Jorielda and Derith can deal with whatever comes at them." After another minute of thought he choose to go with helping those two. Keldria nodded. "Alright if you think they don’t need our help." Cahyel nodded and ran into the fray with a battle cry of his own. It started low in pitch and rose to high yell that shook the air around him.
Keldria watched the battle from afar and looked behind her every now and then to make sure nobody crept up and snatched her away. It was bad enough it almost happened once.
Cahyel slashed a knight in the back with an audible twinge in the air that echoed against the sound of rattling chain. The knight reached back to touch the agonizing wound and turned to face the tall warrior. The knight swung his morning star and bat Cahyel on the side of the head. Cahyel’s head lashed to the right and slowly returned to its position. The paladin didn’t show any signs of pain at all. As if he just brushed the pain off.
The knight stepped back only to be kicked in the head by Seron. The strength of the blow knocked him aside and out. Like a cougar Seron pounced on another knight and jabbed continuously at him.
Seriger’s shield rang with the blow of a halberd as another knight pressed on an attack. Seriger pushed his shield forward and swung his axe sidelong into the knight’s ribcage. Scoring a clear hit the knight snapped to the right and fell to the ground twitching in a pool of his own blood. Seriger smiled and saw the carnage that was Cahyel and Seron fighting off the last knight back.
Cahyel swung his mighty claymore at the last standing knight. The knight dodged and then parried Seron’s jab with his war hammer. The pain didn’t seem to stop Seron as he went for another jab from his left. The blow hit the knight’s plated elbow jerking the war hammer’s spiked tip into Cahyel’s gut. Cahyel felt the pain as it rushed in deep, blood flowing slowly but surely. The already angered Seron kicked with his right leg into the knight’s exposed torso and flung him headlong into the stone wall. The tip released itself from Cahyel and the blood flow sped. Groaning, Cahyel called out for help and fell against the wall.
Seeing the accident that Seron caused Keldria went to her lover’s side and slowly lifted Cahyel’s tunic to see the word. She winced at the sight but chanted a spell that would speed the mending process of the wound. She prayed to Tallora and waited patiently for the healing to begin.
"This all could have been avoided if we didn’t fight." Keldria pouted already broken to see her love injured. Seron and Seriger spoke in unison "As if we had a choice."
Keldria nodded slowly to that remark. She heard another sound coming from the south.
"Watch out, I think we have more company." Just as Keldria finished another soldier came out of the shadows. Seron lit up with hatred as the same knight that had killed Garett. Seron went forth but was smacked aside by the soldier.
"Do you think you can win? You make me laugh." The knight taunted Seron. Seron, angered tried to get up. A glint of metal shined as the soldier pulled out a dagger and threw it into Seron. The blade dug deep into Seron’s leg. Seron shrieked in fury, but was unable to get up.
"Worthless, you cannot win. We will find what we are looking for and there is nothing you can do to stop us." A smile formed under the darkness of his helmet.
"Whatever you are going to do you won’t be able to you helmed bastard!" Seriger readied his axe.
"Heh, strong words. You have quite a mouth when you want to, I just might have to stop the source of that." The soldier knocked Seriger’s shield from his hand and grasped his throat with one hand and his axe arm with the other. The grip was inhuman.
"Lets see how you get around without your speech." The soldier let go of Seriger’s arm and quickly slashed it with a knife from his belt. The arm dropped to Seriger’s side. Then, the soldier let go of his throat and punched him in the gut. Seriger doubled over and the soldier grabbed Seriger by the head and slowly lowered the knife into his mouth.
Keldria turned away in horror and shock. Cahyel watched in disgust, helpless. Seron turned away as well, unable to see another friend hurt. The shrieks of Seriger echoed in the night and were silenced as the soldier held his tongue with a demonic smile under his helm and walked off to leave the others horrified beyond reality.
Derith and Jorielda eyed the sly soldier with suspicion, curiosity, and for Derith - hatred. The soldier laughed out loud and clapped with joy. "A good fight, I didn’t think you had it in you. And you little lady right there certainly has the things she needs to keep herself safe. But for how long? I think someday there will be something that will tare her apart from the inside." Making the gesture of something ripping in half. "And then what? You die next filled with so much sorrow and despair that it drives you mad to suicide?" He points at Derith with a smirk, the same smirk yet again.
"Ah, two lovers that can’t live alone fearing that they cannot handle the outside world by themselves. How touching." The soldier walks to the main entrance to the guild and looks out into the lifting fog. "When you have seen war you have seen the destruction of mankind. I have seen this many a time and I am thrilled with the excitement it brings. But there will be no fun when there is no man left. That is why you have been gifted to prevent it." The soldier points out for Derith to see the carnage.
His eyes glaze and soon tear at the sight before him. The smoke bellowing from the burning buildings of Port Marcia. Body after body of men and women alike piled upon one another slaughtered like cattle with ruby pools surrounding them knights riding around swinging their swords madly in the air, because they were blood thirsty. Jorielda’s eyes too, glaze and water.
Derith could have prevented this entire thing him and only him. The truth bit into him like the cold bit into the nerves with and icy touch. And for once, Derith felt so small that he cried. Not only did he cry for himself, he cried for those who were dead and wounded just like he was, dead in the mind and wounded in heart and spirit.


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