Purple Saga: Chapter 1 - Dark Legend Begins

Published Sep 8, 2005, 10:27:38 AM UTC | Last updated Sep 10, 2005, 7:26:44 AM | Total Chapters 2

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My version of Vegeta's past.

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Chapter 2: Chapter 1 - Dark Legend Begins

 Purple Saga

Chapter 1 - Dark Legend Begins

Authorā€™s Note: Wowā€¦A little quick for me to put up a new chapter, huh? Hehe, fools! You underestimate my power! Anyway, I wonā€™t say anything about the chapter except, wellā€¦..READ IT!


Nappa stood outside the Princeā€™s quarters, waiting for him to come out. He crossed his arms, and tapped his foot agitatedly; cracking his neck. The giant lifted his fist and tapped on the wooden door gently.

ā€œUmā€¦Prince Vegeta, are you finished yet? If we donā€™t arrive at your training session soon, the King may get a littleā€¦angered.ā€ He looked around nervously, hoping that the King hadnā€™t sent anyone to fetch them; that was always a bad sign.

Prince Vegeta, no older than three, opened the giant wooden double doors to his room and shut it quietly behind, squirming nervously in the armor that had been given to him. Today was his third birthday, and would begin training for the first time. His armor bore the red crest on the left chest, and a crimson red cape hung lazily, yet proudly off his shoulders. He lifted his small hand and brushed his black bangs out of his face, swallowing slightly.

The young boy started down the hall laden with tapestries and elegant drapes, hands clenched into a fist, and staring forward determinedly. Nappa strode behind him, taking his recent job into stride. He had been appointed the young Princeā€™s bodyguard, and rightfully so, having been promoted from Captain of the Royal Army. There were many snide remarks floating among the troops, saying that he, Nappa, had been demoted. Oddly enough, they werenā€™t heard from again after that.

They both walked down the hall, silent, until the elder of the two broke the silence.

ā€œSoā€¦.You nervous? Need any pointers?ā€ He smiled and looked down at the child, hoping to start some kind of conversation between him and the habitually forlorn Prince.

Vegeta looked up, glaring, ā€œNo! Why would I be nervous, you dolt! I donā€™t need you telling me how to fight! I can almost beat you already!ā€ He began to walk faster, and more confidently, too.

Nappa stood there, not necessarily shocked by the little oneā€™s outburst, but shaking his head doubtfully, ā€˜Poor little guyā€¦Heā€™s a little young to be training with his father. Oh wellā€¦Not my place, anyway.ā€™

The two arrived at the training chamber only a minute or so later, both waiting in front of the door somewhat nervously. After a minute, Vegeta looked up at Nappa, glaring, and giving silent hints for the giant to open the door. Realizing that the big oaf would never receive the hint, he reached up with his small arms and pushed the double doors open with some force, both of them slamming the walls from which they stood next to. He strode in confidently, and keeping a determined face. In the room, standing next to a giant machine with many buttons and switches on it, were a few familiar faces.

Standing to the left of the room was a tall, burly man with long black hair that hung down past his shoulders; Vegeta recognized him as head of the League of Cardinals, Asterith. The League of Cardinals were second-in-command to the King, each member advising him on their own specialties. There was the Cardinal of Commerce, advising the King on such things, and was a female; she was not in the room, however, and neither of the Vegtetaā€™s suspected she would be. There was the Cardinal of Warfare, one highly revered among the royal family, and was currently present. He was a Saiya-jin of medium height, and had a long silver beard; he was also known as one of the oldest of their race to be alive as he was over five-hundred years old; most Saiya-jins only lived to be in their mid three-hundreds, if they werenā€™t killed in battle first. There was also the Cardinal of Agriculture, Cardinal of Alliance - not a very busy chairman, mind you - the Cardinal of the Public Affairs, and a few more that werenā€™t present. Of course, only Asterith and the Cardinal of Warfare were accounted for. And between the two, along with a few guards, was his father, standing proudly with his arms crossed, and a beaming smile onto his son.

The King put his arms down and motioned with his head for Vegeta to come with him into the room separated by a thick sheet of almost impermeable glass, so there would be no interference with the adjustments to the room. Among these possible adjustments seen were heat control, gravity control, humidity, air pressure, and such things like that.

King Vegeta opened the thick, solid metal door that connected the two rooms, and both walked inside. The room was gigantic, walls paneled with thick lines of metal, and odd-looking circles indented on them. These served to repel blasts of energy if triggered on the control panel. The floor beneath them was a thick blue padding, and underneath lie a thick sheet of metal for reinforcement.

Both stopped somewhere near the middle of the gigantic room, both automatically taking casual fighting stances. The elder Vegeta smirked and nodded to his son, motioning for him to take the first move. Prince Vegeta narrowed his eyes for a moment, then disappeared. He reappeared not half a second later in midair, his foot going straight toward the Kingā€™s head. The King moved slightly and lifted his hand, grasping the younger oneā€™s foot. He held him there, upside down for a few seconds, smirking and chuckling deeply.

ā€œYouā€™ve got to be faster than that, boy! Try again,ā€ He threw Vegeta at the ground a few yards away, then stepped back into his original position; stance and all.

Prince Vegeta stood up, scowling. He made a quick swooping movement, then disappeared once more. He reappeared in front of the King and feigned a punch to the face, then disappearing again. The Kingā€™s eyes moved to the side, then he turned around, punching into the air. The smaller Vegeta appeared, the Kingā€™s fist deep into his stomach. He fell to the ground coughing up blood, then stood shakily, glaring at the King.

King Vegeta scowled deeply, shook his head and flew at the Prince, fist first. He hit him square in the jaw, sending him back to the opposite wall and left an enormous dent within it. Prince Vegeta slid to the ground, back to the wall, panting and coughing. The King sneered at him, spit onto the ground and strode toward the door. Prince Vegeta stood, glaring angrily at having the Kingā€™s back turned on him. He ran at him, head on, and made a long, swift kick to the elderā€™s back. The King smashed through the glass wall and tumbled over the control panels. The Cardinals and Nappa moved out of the way quickly, staring in awe at the power shown by the little Prince.

King Vegeta stood, glass sliding off his red cape and clattering onto the floor. His eyes were bulging in a mix of rage and shock; mostly shock. He closed his eyes then ran at the Prince, fist extended. The younger Vegeta moved out of the way, smirking as his father flew past him, looking entirely foolish. King Vegeta came to a sudden halt, hearing the snickers of the Cardinal members echo throughout the room. He disappeared. Prince Vegeta looked around frantically, but could not find him. After a moment or so, King Vegeta reappeared behind his son, his face contorted with rage. He lifted his child by the throat and began to give quick jabs to the Princeā€™s back. He did this until the little one stopped moving, then dropped him. The King glared at his back for a moment, then smiled slightly and left the room.

Nappa looked over to make sure that the King was out of sight then ran over to the fallen Prince and lifted him up. He smirked at him then looked back to the Cardinal members.

ā€œThis kid is something! I havenā€™t seen the King so angered since his first attempt to make an alliance with the Ice-jins!ā€ He stood laughing.

The Cardinal members laughed, walking with the giant and his bundle to the recovery chambers.


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