Following Tides -Book II - Sascha & Yuri: "Tomas"

Published Jul 31, 2005, 7:15:55 AM UTC | Last updated Jul 31, 2005, 7:21:57 AM | Total Chapters 7

Story Summary

I very RARELY post my writing anywhere other than my website. BR will be the exception to the rule since it's small and open-minded. --- Summary: When the waters rise the tides change forever. A series of short stories about the "Red Sail" Wizards and the people and world they guard and protect. All stories are directly and purposefully themed to a specific symbolism and topical metaphor. Gotta love my analogies to modern times huh? Book Two: Transgenderism

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Chapter 4: "Tomas"

Yuri’s back ached and no position was comfortable as he tossed and turned waking up his husband as he tried in vain to get comfortable. “Love?” Sascha’s tired voice asked sitting up rubbing his eyes.
“I’m sorry I woke you up. You’re son is standing on my spine tonight.”
“How come it’s always MY son when you’re hurting and YOUR son when he’s being a fluttery angel in your middle? Hummmm?” Sascha grinned; Yuri just smiled in return looking tired.
“I have to blame his antics on one of us. Which of us is more assertive?” Yuri countered and Sascha laughed.
“You’re right. I take the blame.” Sascha said leaning over to shake a finger at Yuri’s greatly distended stomach, at eight months pregnant he looked like he was carrying triplets on his small frame. “Alright Tomas, let your Mam sleep or as soon as you’re old enough Daa is going to turn you over his knee.” Sascha spoke to his son and Yuri chuckled.
“Idle threat Daa. I don’t think he’s listening. Gee I wonder who he gets his stubborn streak from?” Yuri grinned. Unlike Ilya, Yuri had decided since he never intended to ever have his aspect switched back, he and Sascha decided quite early on in the pregnancy Yuri wanted to be called “mam” instead of “DaaDaa” like Ilya. Yuri embraced his new aspect, he felt more comfortable in a woman’s skin and preferred to be referred to as one. No one outside the red-sail circle even knew he had ever been male. And even inside the circle they had taken to referring to him as a woman, because he desired it and so they honored his choices.
“Again I take the blame.” Sascha said laying a hand on Yuri’s middle to feel the movement. “He’s dropped. You’re carrying much lower now.”
“Aye. It’s going to be very soon. The next few days I think. My back is killing me, he’s sitting constantly on my sciatic nerve now, he has dropped into position, and I am small, he’s just run out of room in me.”
“It’s not too early is it?”
“Not really, I’m due in a couple of weeks anyway. Those few weeks aren’t dangerous and it’s not uncommon for the first to be early, especially when you’re built like I am.”
“I wish we had another healer closer. I don’t like you giving birth alone.”
“Oksana and Vondra are here. They both have babes and have helped birthing before. I won’t be alone. Oksana did alright did she not?”
“You were there to help her.”
“And to help myself. Sascha love I do have SOME control over my condition. I will be fine, you worry too much.”
“I can’t help it. I love you and I worry.”
“Thank you love.” Yuri leaned over to kiss Sascha and then sat up and batted huge green eyes at him.
“You want something, I know that look.” Sascha quirked an eyebrow, waiting for yet another revolting request.
“Would you mind? I’d really like some Grapefruit juice and I have a craving for those pickled beets Vondra made.”
“Ah gods Yuri! That’s the most disgusting combination yet!”
“Blame your son.”
Sascha was already up and pulling on his robe. “I’ll be back in a minute.”
“Thank you love.”
“I’d say ‘you’re welcome’ but I am not going to watch you eat any of it. Van was right, it’s positively revolting the choice of foods pregnant women stick in their gobs!” Sascha grumbled heading out to raid the galley at two in the morning.
Yuri just smiled and tried readjusting the pillow behind his back, trying in vain to get comfortable. He had finally fallen asleep by the time Sascha returned, and rather than wake him, Sascha set the food on the table, it would keep, and he crawled back in bed carefully and went back to sleep himself.
Sascha was sitting behind his beloved supporting Yuri’s back, letting Yuri crush his hand. Sascha was positive his index finger would never work again, the blood had been cut off from it long ago and he could no longer feel the digit as Yuri squeezed it to the breaking point with every contraction. Yuri was exhausted, he’d long since used up all his healing strength to assuage the pain. It had been thirty-two hours since the first contraction and still no sign of the baby.
“Yuri? Are you sure it’s alright?” Oksana asked worried.
“Aye. He’s still fine, just stubborn.” Yuri panted, monitoring himself while trying to push in time with each contraction. “Here comes another!” Yuri sobbed pushing, every muscle on fire with pain and effort. His birth canal was small and the baby large. But finally after what seemed a lifetime, Vondra squealed.
“There’s the head! That’s it Yuri one more hard push and we’ll have him!” Vondra had the towels ready and Oksana was helping by pushing down on Yuri’s stomach. The baby came out wailing and Vondra quickly cut the cord and wrapped him up, laying him immediately on Yuri’s breast as he sobbed and kissed his son with joy while Vondra helped with the afterbirth.
Sascha was crying too as he wrapped his arms around Yuri and his son, looking over Yuri’s shoulder and stroking dark hair on a red and angry, but beautiful face. “He’s so small.” Sascha’s hand was practically larger than the babe.
“He’s actually big for a newborn. He takes after his Daa.” Yuri chuckled through tears, checking for ten toes and ten fingers and inspecting his son with a healer’s eyes. He was perfect! Yuri smiled kissing his son’s brow as the babe began nursing. Yuri wept again, the sensation of giving life to this tiny person and sustaining him with his body was incredible. Even Ilya said he liked being a woman during this stage of his children’s lives. Yuri was high as a kite in euphoria, the past thirty-two hours of pain totally forgotten as he cradled his son. “He looks like you.”
“Aye.” Sascha’s voice was choked up; a lump had lodged itself in his throat as he ran a finger over his son’s arm caressing the softest skin he’d ever felt. “Hello Tomas.” He breathed leaning over to kiss the top of his head then turning to kiss Yuri. “I love you. Thank you for giving me the world beloved.”
“Thank you for giving him to me love.” Yuri replied right back resting his head on Sascha’s broad shoulder and growing wearier by the moment.
“Here, let me mind Tomas a while now Yuri dear. He’s bonded enough for the moment, you need to sleep.” Oksana said taking the babe and resting him on her shoulder. “We’ll just be in the other room, we won’t go far.” She winked cooing at the baby. Her own asleep in Tomas’ bassinet currently. Oksana rocked the newborn as she settled in the next room, Vondra cleaning up and coming out to join her, leaning over to look at the tiny boy.
“Sascha all over that one.”
“Aye. But you know that family, their genes are strong.”
“Aye, but Yuri put her own two cents in. He has her eyes.” And he did. Tomas may have looked like Sascha in all other aspects but one. He had large green eyes.
Sascha watched Yuri from where he sat at the table working over his charts. Yuri was feeding their son, rocking him in a special rocking chair that Sascha had spelled so it wouldn’t slide about the cabin but still rock if it was being used. Sascha couldn’t help but smile, the scene was serene, Yuri was wearing a long white nightgown with a large open laced neck that was currently open to expose her breast. Tomas was playing with the laces as he nursed. Yuri’s long hair was unbound and had just finished drying from her bath. She looked fresh and clean and she hummed softly to her babe as she fed him. Her small bare feet poking out from the bottom of her nightgown as she rocked the chair with her toes. When Tomas had been fed, she draped a towel over her shoulder and patted his back until he gave a hearty burp. Sascha chuckled. “Good one son.”
“Aye, from his toes that one.” Yuri chuckled as she settled the baby back in her arms and continued to rock until he fell asleep. She gently carried him over to the crib beside their bed and lay him on his back to sleep. At just two weeks old, Yuri and Sascha both wanted him close at hand to care for and Yuri yawned as she came over to sit on her husbands lap.
“Why don’t you get some sleep too beloved? He’ll have you up in a few hours.”
“Aye. He eats like there’s no tomorrow he does. He’s definitely your son, you have a hollow leg too.” Yuri teased and Sascha smiled.
“Aye, he gets that from my side of the family, you won’t hear me deny it. And I sadly have not the means to feed him. Go on love, in bed with you dearest.”
“Come tuck me in?”
“Aye.” Sascha followed Yuri to bed and lay beside her, running soft fingers up and down her arms, she loved that, it relaxed her and before long she was sleeping. Sascha moved to peer into the crib, his son was sound asleep too, his little cheeks nursing a phantom nipple. “Your mam is right, Even dreaming about food.” Sascha chuckled to himself as he went back to work on his charts. They’d port in Safe Harbor Isle in a few days; they’d have the next four months to enjoy their son on the Isle.
If Sascha could tear him away from his parents who were itching to get their hands on him.
Sascha carried his son down the gangplank and sure enough his mother immediately relieved him of his tiny burden the minute he set foot on the pier.
“Gimme! Ohhhhhh don’t you look just like your Daa did! Hello Tomas, I’m your Gran.” She cooed kissing every inch of his face.
“Hello to you too Mam. What am I chum?”
“Cheeky boy.” She grinned kissing her son as he bent over to hug her. Yuri materializing behind her husband full of bright smiles.
“Yuri love!” Anya kissed Yuri’s cheek beaming brightly. “You look wonderful!”
“I feel wonderful. I recovered quickly.” She replied, looking content and beautiful as always.
“I hear he gave you grief during. Thirty-two hours. Mercy! Longest I was in labor was with Sascha. Twenty-hours of him just sitting there, refusing to budge.”
Yuri laughed. “So he tells me. Like father like son no?”
“Where’s me Grandson!?”  Sergei rushed the pier and cackled with delight as he stole the baby from his wife and gave him a complete inspection. “S’truth. Sascha all over. What a brute. He’s got your eyes Yuri love.”
“Aye. It’s all he got from me I daresay.” Yuri laughed as Sascha hooked his arms around Yuri’s soldiers as Petra pelted across the pier to repeat the immediate absconding of an infant to gush over. Ilya, dandling a nearly two year old Kostya on his hip, a four year old Vasily on Van’s, the six year old Oren, the nine year old Evgeni and the eleven year old Twins, Danica and Danil strolling up the pier a little more sedately. Ilya was pregnant again.
“Do you ever stop breeding?” Sergei asked his brother as they stopped.
“Eventually.” He grinned and Ilya scowled.
“I promised you seven sons, that’s ALL you get out of me. Period. No ifs and or buts.”
“I am so glad I was the first and not the seventh son. Ilya, you have my regards for putting up with the curse of the seventh of a seventh.”
“I pity your mother. She had nine. I am stopping at eight, this is my LAST pregnancy.”
“Current head count is six.”
“It’s twins again.” Van grinned like a smug bastard.
“S’truth!” Sergei’s eyes widened like saucers.
“Tell me about it.” Ilya rolled his eyes and then turned to his brother/sister. “You had a time of it I hear. How are you feeling love?”
“Fine. Long time in coming, but no worse for the wear.” Yuri smiled as Petra showed Van and Ilya the baby since their hands were full of their own.
“God, it was yesterday you were that small.” Van said to Sascha smiling.
“So it seems. Here comes Grandaa and Gran.” Sascha said as more of the family came rushing over to view the newest member of the horde. Tomas was passed around hand to hand to hand.
Yuri settled under her husband’s arm. She loved coming home to the Isle. It was the best of times when they all reunited; love filled the Isle to overflowing.
Yuri sat on a blanket on the beach, Tomas on his stomach cooing and gurgling at a fold in the brightly patterned blanket as Sascha joined them with a basket of food and chilled pomegranate juice. Sascha just swelled with affection as they enjoyed a peaceful picnic in the clean open air of the Isle. Tomas at three months was a chubby and adorable baby, his green eyes bright and alert as he began cooing in earnest at his father. Sascha smiled even brighter as he set his son in his crossed legs and let him play and chew on his large fingers. Yuri leaned against his side with a sigh and watched father and son bond. “He just lights up when you get anywhere near him.” Yuri said resting her head on her husband’s shoulder.
“He knows his Daa. Don’t you Tomas?” Sascha asked as the baby chewed on his finger.
“I am so happy. I just can’t get over how much he’s growing. He’s already fifteen pounds. He’s a little eating machine.”
“Aye. Mam says I was too.”
“You still are.” Yuri teased poking her husband’s middle. He had filled out a lot in the past two years. Not heavy, but packed with stocky muscle like his father and grandfather. He’d always be a naturally large male specimen and his son would follow eventually in his footsteps. Broad as a barn, strong as an Ox, and soft as a bear.
“Aye.” Sascha admitted the truth as he drank in the warmth of feeling. His wife at his side and his son in his lap. His family was his whole world, he’d cherish them always for making him this obscenely happy.
Months flew by and before Sascha could blink he was watching Yuri holding Tomas’ hands as he tested his legs and tottered across the cabin to his daa. Almost a year old already, Yuri weaning him from her breast a few months ago since he’d cut his first tooth at seven months and it was painful to nurse him anymore. He reached Sascha and grinned, four tiny teeth in a round face.
“Gods you’re a cute little cuss.” Sascha picked Tomas up and bounced him on his knee as Yuri handed him a toy that immediately went into his mouth. “And slobbery.”
“Aye. Cutting teeth like there is no tomorrow.” Yuri said sinking into a chair to pour them both cups of tea over their breakfast in their cabin.
“He’s growing so fast. A year already.”
“Aye. Time flies Daa.”
“DAADAADAADAA” Tomas said and both parents’ eyes went wide.
“Did he just say Daa?”
“AYE!” Yuri squealed. “Say it again baby. Who’s is that?” Yuri pointed at Sascha.
“DAADAADAAAAAAAA” Tomas beamed and Sascha looked drunk.
“Aye, son. Aye. And who’s that? Can you say Mam?” Sascha asked pointing at Yuri.
“Mmmmumumumumummmmm” He sounded more like he was eating a good meal, but close enough.
Both parents laughed and had the baby talking all morning. His first words.
Tomas was wailing and Yuri looked harried. He was just refusing to sleep tonight. “Mum, Mum, Mummmmmmmy” he screamed in frustrated baby rage and Yuri as much as she wanted to give in, couldn’t. He had to learn that bedtime was bedtime. He was testing wills. He didn’t like his new nursery, he wanted in with his parents.
“Yuri?” Sascha was rubbing a temple.
“We can’t give in love. It’s a battle tonight. He’ll learn, he’s got to sleep on his own or you and I will never have peace. He’s eighteen months old, he’ll live. He just doesn’t like it.”
“Aye. What a set of lungs.”
“Aye.” Yuri collapsed beside her husband; it was going to be a long night.
They’d reached Nanta Island and Yuri was walking along the paths of her birthplace, Tomas on her hip. She showed the almost two year old the tall canes of sugar and bought him one to chew as she had done at his age. Sascha was talking with the new owners of these fields, restocking stores of “The Golden Sun” and the warm autumn sun shone on fields ready for harvest.
Yuri was drinking in the sights of fond memories when she felt warm and drowsy. She sat down, she felt almost faint and no sooner had she sat, she fell into a deep sleep.
“What about the child sir?”
“Leave it. Hurry.” Edvard Kazamirov said as his men bundled up the sleeping healer and quickly carried her off. Edvard’s spell had affected the child too and he lay sleeping in the tall cane. Edvard waved his hand to lesson the spell, he would not kill her child, he would wake and wail and the father was not far. In a few hours the child would waken if they didn’t find him first. Edvard would have to make all haste; he wanted to be well away from here before one Sascha Sergeivich realized his wife was gone.


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