I hate her: "I hate him!"

Published Apr 28, 2005, 4:12:50 PM UTC | Last updated Apr 28, 2005, 4:14:52 PM | Total Chapters 2

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Vegeta wants to complain about Bulma, be a pal, and listen!

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Chapter 2: "I hate him!"

Well, i wrote this one last night at 1 am. This is Bulma's side. Sorry if this is a re-posting, but I wasn't sure if it went through.

TITLE: I Hate Him
DISCLAIMER: Dragonball Z and all it's characters were created by Akira Toriyama, not me. But I make no profit from writing this or any of the pics I draw, so it's ok, right?
NOTES: Lots of swearing and LEMON. And yeah, this is a follow up to I hate her
ARCHIVED: www.geocities.com/kichisama666/index.html

I hate him. I hate his guts. I wish I was as strong as Goku because I'd kick the shit out of him. He's so damn mean I just wish I could slap him across the face. He's such a fucking jerk, and it's always when I try to be nice. If I don't talk to him, he doesn't bother me or anyone else. But how can anyone stand to just not talk to anyone? It's crazy, and I've decided that he is too.
Well, not in the sense that he's mentally unbalanced, he has issues though. But who doesn't? It's just crazy that he seems to prefer solitude because I just don't see how anyone could. I've caught him with a far-off troubled gaze many times, so how could I think he enjoys it? But time and again he proves me wrong.
It seems like every day is the same, like I'm stuck in a hellish time-warp. Each morning my mother makes breakfast and he is already out the door to train for hours on end and I work anyway in the lab or at the corporate headquarters. But then I stop home for lunch and we always run into each other. That's when it begins.
He's usually bitching about the gravity room. If he would just tell me in a civilized manner instead of rudely ordering to make repairs that instant, there would be no problem. But nothing is so simple with Vegeta. Everything is a superiority contest in which he MUST remain triumphant.
And yes, I know he was a prince (WAS I say because his people are all dead except for Goku - sorry for sounding cruel, but hell, Vegeta can take it) but last time I checked he wasn't my master so why should I bow to his demands right away. He's not going to kill me.
I thought he was going to once though. It had been a stupid argument, like most we indulge in. He ate all my strawberries, the bastard I had bought whipped cream and strawberries and vanilla ice cream- for ME Not for his royal pain in my ass. For me.
SO of course I yelled at him for eating them all and called him a worthless asshole and a few other things and for a moment I almost thought he looked hurt, but then I realized who I was thinking of when he grabbed me and pinned me too the wall with enough force to make my surroundings blur for a moment. My head hit the wall and for a second I was so disoriented that I couldn't quite make out what he was screaming in my face.
Bitch. Whore. Slut. Cunt. He called me all of it. I hate those words, and after that we didn't talk for months which was fine with me because I didn't even want to look at him.
Then he made me look like an ass in front of Yamcha, Goku, Krillin (the little shit) and Tien. And at my own party And we didn't talk again until yesterday.

He was sitting on the couch watching anime- the only thing he will watch usually. And I was in the kitchen making coffee when I felt eyes on me and turned to see him staring. I'd often felt his eyes boring into the back of my skull but every time I'd turn to look he was gazing elsewhere. But he didn't look away. He continued to stare, his expression one of intense study.
What? I demanded.
Do you really hate me? he asked at once. And honestly, the question caught me totally off-guard, it had been the furthest thing from my mind. And I hadn't straight-out told him I hated him. Had I? I gazed into his eyes, searching for my answer. He didn't look angry, which in itself was a miracle. What the hell was he thinking of just then? I wondered.
Did I hate him? Did I really, truly hate him?
No, Vegeta, I don't. I hate the way you treat me. I said, my voice dull and resigned. I had gotten over it, I was amazed he'd ever thought to ask. Maybe he wanted me to hate him, I didn't know.
But I knew I was wrong the second I saw sadness briefly flit across his countenance, and again, I was stunned. Was I just seeing what I wanted to? He opened his mouth to reply and nothing came out. He sat for a moment staring at his hands in his lap and again tried to say something. He shook his head and I was desperate to know what he was thinking then. Did he regret his actions in some way? Was it even possible for him? Had he ever felt guilt for the terrible things he'd done?
His eyes snapped back to the television and he glared at it suddenly as if he hated it and turned it off, tossing the remote aside. He stood and made his way over until we were only a foot way from each other. I took a step back, remembering the previous confrontation with him that had gotten too rough for my liking, and again I saw that look on his face. I was in a welter of confusion then and I could see it mirrored in his eyes.
Bulma, I act how I was raised to. I'm sorry. He rolled his eyes when mine nearly bulged from their sockets. But why shouldn't I be surprised? He's never apologized for anything to anyone. Why was I so special?
I didn't know what to say, my tongue was frozen, he looked suddenly almost miserable. I don't hate you. He said.
Vegeta. I began, not wanting him to leave, fearing this might be my only chance to get close to him. Although why I wanted to, I couldn't exactly say. Still can't. I understand. I finished softly. I really didn't, but what could I say? I couldn't get angry with him and yell, he was being as open as he could and it was an incredible show of trust the way I saw it. He shook his head.
You can't. I don't want you to. You'll be ruined, like me. He said, equally soft and when my eyes met his, the air was torn from my lungs. When had he gotten so close? And why couldn't I will myself to move away?
Kami, it was almost scary being so close to him, my perceptions of him growing worse and worse over the weeks and then to have this happen.
I wanted to kiss him. The thought was completely unexpected and faintly horrifying. It was madness Yamcha was right, it was bad enough I let him move in-
His lips descended on mine and all thoughts fled. It was that good. My knees gave out but his arms had wrapped around me and he easily supported my weight.
It's so hard to describe what I felt right then. Confusion would be up there, but also there was desire, growing out of control. I had to pull away. I knew that. I knew that I had one chance only to stop this before it began.
But I did nothing but accept what he offered. And maybe it was the excitement I felt but it seemed that his desire totally outweighed my own, which was increasing with each stroke of his hands. His hands slid up from my waist and began to gently grope my beasts as our tongues battled. I reached down and grabbed his cute little ass (I can't tell you how long I'd been wanting to do that) and nudged my hips against his, feeling the hardness there and growing more aroused as he quickly exhaled a soft groan.
His hands slid up underneath my shirt and cupped my naked breasts under my bra. I moaned with pleasure as his thumbs rubbed my nipples. And then he tore off my shirt, and I pulled away realizing we were about to have sex in the living room. And my father or mother could come down any minute.
Vegeta we have to go upstairs. I breathed in his ear and his hands slid down the back of my pants. Without a word he picked me up. My shirt I hissed but he only walked faster.

He dropped me on my bed and I bounced with a squeal. His eyes were glued to my breasts the whole time. Typical male. But those pointless thoughts were again washed away when he stripped and I saw him grin at my appreciative stare. Kami, I'm surprised I didn't start slobbering.
Well defined was almost a pale description for him, and I couldn't complain about his size either. In fact I was astonished by the desire I felt. I wanted to ravage him. The thought made me grin in anticipation as he crawled on top of me.
Once he was within reach my hands were touching him everywhere. I couldn't help myself, I couldn't believe how turned on I was. I was so wet, pardon the expression, but it's true. How had I never noticed these feelings before? The answer was quite simple, but that was no time to think of it
Our lips met again and he tugged at my jeans so violently the button popped off and the zipper broke. I bit his shoulder hard and the gasp it elicited was somewhat unexpected. On the contrary, I had almost expected him to yell, like Yamcha used to. He hated when I bit him. But it seemed to only increase Vegeta's arousal. He grabbed my jeans at the ankles and tore them off, almost pulling me off the bed in the process, and oddly enough the act elicited giggles from both of us.
I couldn't take it. As soon as his fingers touched my inner thighs I was shaking with need
Please, I can't wait I groaned, and our cry of pleasure echoed throughout the room when he buried himself in me. I clung to him tightly as he began to thrust and for a moment it hurt. My whole body locked up, my eyes clenched shut, and he stopped for a second and contented himself by licking and kissing my nipples. Then he resumed his movements, slowly at first until I was able to respond and I tried to meet him stroke for stroke, but after only a few minutes it was all I could do to hold on. Each thrust drew a moan from my lips and I was losing feeling in my fingers and toes. He suddenly wit and rolled me over and pulled my hips up to meet his. I almost screamed when he drove into me, his hand found my pleasure spot and assaulted it until I screamed with my release and his hips pumped wildly as I climaxed and seconds later I was rewarded with his soft moan as he came.
He lay down and pulled my back against him and my eyes closed in exhaustion. I almost laughed, I hadn't done any work, but I knew if I tried to stand I would probably fall on my ass.
You bit me. He said softly after a moment.
I did. I said with a smothered grin. I'm a biter. I rolled over and came nose to nose with the Saiyan no Ouji. It was almost dreamlike. I never imagined he would be in my bed, holding me like this, and his eyes- oh Kami. I've seen that look before but never so intense, like he wanted to devour me and suddenly his lips were on mine again.
sta But it wasn't a frenzied lip-lock like the ones before. It was slow and gentle and if it wasn't Vegeta I was talking about I'd say loving too. The arm that wasn't locked around my waist lifted to gently massage my breasts and Gods did it feel heavenly. In fact, I couldn't remember the last time I'd felt so good and the fact that Vegeta had aroused the feelings in me was quite inexplicable. I wasn't sure what to think, so I tried not to. Which was real easy lying there in his arms. It was like he wasn't Vegeta at all, but someone else who only looked exactly like him. But I knew better. If nothing else, I would never forget what I now knew for certain. He did have a heart after all. He pulled back and we both drew in some much-needed air and I closed my eyes, snuggling close. He gave me a little squeeze and I couldn't help but smile.
No, I didn't hate him at all.

The end

Well, I wrote this all at once just now and I had intended it to be like the last one, but hey, I'm not complaining about the way it turned out :)
June 13, 2003

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