Such Things To Da Heart: Chapter 1

Published Dec 3, 2003, 8:00:00 AM UTC | Last updated Dec 3, 2003, 8:00:00 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

The smallest heart can give as much love as a big heart, / People who brood on hate will never knoe love or ever see it,...

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

The smallest heart can give as much love as a big heart,
People who brood on hate will never knoe love or ever see it,
People who do not knoe what love is are the saddest people,
People who think they knoe true love dont reallie knoe it,
Love is a mixture of all the good things in lyfe,
Its understanding and kindness that give love its name,
Love cannot be found because it finds you,
The time to wait is long but worth wat a person gets,
Relationships are a painful journey,
It is a dangerous road to walk,
Relationships can break friends,
Break your heart and change you into someone different,
But a huge risk it is to taste what love is like,
People only want to feel wanted,
Love replenishes the pain and heals,
When you love do not make lies to hold it,
The truth can hurt but not as much as a lie,
Open your heart for the love inside is like honey,
If you give enough you can call love to you,
Love has no form of any shape,
Because is comes from deep within,
It is the spirit that holds all your secrets,
But in time love will find its way out,
And share the wisdom of pain and heartache,
Kindness and care,
Lies and Hate,
Truth and Love.

© 2003 TimZ

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