Expierementing with the Ov-3r Drive sheild.: Test: 1

Published Nov 21, 2023, 3:39:30 AM UTC | Last updated Nov 21, 2023, 3:39:30 AM | Total Chapters 1

Story Summary

Ov-3r Clock is a small robot. However, with the help of the Ov-3r Drive sheild he's not to small anymore. And now here he is, testing the waters of a power he knows little about. 

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Chapter 1: Test: 1

INT.    open dusty field. outside walls. 


ok... lets do this. Drive shield.

Clock pulls the Drive shield from his back and flips a switch as the shield blazes with a flash of thunder booming from the center cercle. 

Outside pov, behind Clock,

the pov runs closer and starts growling as it gets closer. Clock spins around as the camera switches perspective to show a flash of lightnng coming from the Drive shield thundering around a giant Titan wolf. The wolf jumps back and takes a stance. 

Clock (Giant speak)

I'm not food today TITAN! 

Clock slams a hammer on his sheild, cousing it to flair in blue. 

Wolf (broken Giant speak)

Ue... *pant* chall cee abhout dat. 

The wolf lunges forward however it's met by Clocks hammer. sending the wolf to the ground, it soon gets back up and holds the hammer in its mouth. it jumos forward and repeatedly slams the hammer on the Drive shield cousing sparks to fly. 

Cloxks feet begin to dig into the ground as the hammer slams. After one final slam, Clock gains his footing and dirves his hands into the sheild cousing a massive spark of energy to overtake Clock and a blinding light takes over the camera as we cut to black.

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