Summer games 2023: Death Roll - Phasma and Jupiter

Published Jun 11, 2023, 6:08:57 PM UTC | Last updated Jul 19, 2023, 3:01:08 PM | Total Chapters 2

Story Summary

These are my writing entries for the summer games 2023.

English is not my native language, so I'm sorry if some words are wrong. ^^'

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Chapter 2: Death Roll - Phasma and Jupiter

Phasma watched with interest two Harpias dashing towards the ground at a reckless speed, claws interlocked. For a moment it seemed like they were going to smash into the ground at full speed, but just before they hit a point of no return they broke apart and caught themselves, arcing gracefully. It was difficult to see which of the two had let go first.
With audible anticipation in her voice, she turned to the Chrio who was sitting next to her: "Come on, it's our turn next!"
Jupiter, however, seemed anything but enthusiastic. An uncertain nod was all he managed. Still, he followed her as Phasma opened her wings and soared into the air.
The two Stryx circled over the clearing for a moment. Cheers came up to them from the spectators. Then the jury signaled them. They could start.
Without hesitation, Phasma flapped her wings, found a suitable current of air, and allowed herself to be carried further into the sky. Jupiter gave her an insecure look before he also gained altitude and caught up with her.
The Hawk and Chiro circled each other as the landscape below them narrowed.
"Oh, I don't know if that was such a good idea," Jupiter whimpered suddenly.
"What?" Phasma exclaimed, "What do you mean?"
"Well, what if something goes wrong? What if we crash into the ground and break some bones? In the worst case, the neck. I mean, this competition is called Death Roll for a reason!”
The dark blue Hawk's eyes narrowed slightly. "I won't allow that," she answered firmly, "I won't let you fall."
The yellowish-brown Chrio glanced down at the earth, which was now quite far below them. "Well, maybe not you. But what if I do something wrong that puts both of us in danger?”, he murmured.
Phasma shook her head. "Stop doing that. You only make it worse by getting in your own way. Trust your skills. And trust me."
At that moment the two Stryx broke through the clouds. A white haze settled between them, making it difficult to see the other's expression. Nevertheless, the Hawk could tell from the tone of Jupiter's voice that he was still unsure: "That's easier said than done..."
It couldn't go on like this. She had to prove to him that he could do it. And from her point of view, there was only one way how she could manage that.
"You can do this. Now come on!" she yelled, and before he could protest in any way, she grabbed his legs with her claws and yanked him straight into a rapid dive.
The wind that was blowing towards them now took Jupiter's startled cry with it. Out of the corner of her eye, Phasma could see his wings whirling uncontrollably.
"Put on your wings!" she shouted at him, knowing that he could forget such an important detail in his overwhelm. Luckily he heard her and did what she asked.
With both of them having their wings pressed to the body, the dive was now more controlled. They spun around each other as the ground got closer and closer by the second. The wind and adrenaline pounded in her ears. And Phasma could feel that Jupiter, in turn, was now tightly gripping her legs as well.
The Hawk could already make out individual trees and individual figures in the crowd when she felt a pull on her legs. She immediately let go of Jupiter, who opened his wings, caught his fall and shot away in a curve. Phasma continued to fall for a few more heartbeats before also changing direction and shooting over the audience's heads. She slowed down, then arced and came back. She finally landed not far from the jury. Jupiter got to her just seconds later.
Part of her expected the Chiro to be mad at her for her actions. But instead a grin graced his face.
"I did it! We did it!” he exclaimed, eyes shining. Phasma laughed.
"So, was it that bad?" she asked.
"No. In fact, I have to admit, it was actually fun!” He moved towards her and gently touched her beak with his nose. "Thank you for holding me."
She answered with a soft look in her eyes: "Always."


708 words

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