My comments on foster care AKA legalized kidnapping

Jun 1, 2022, 3:27:44 PM | 15 minutes

I'm aware that some people stalk me. In case there's anyone reading this that I knew in foster care I'm leaving my comments on them since you guys always like to talk shit about the kids 24/7 but never let them tell their side of the story.

(Other notes: people don't go on myspace anymore. I used to get like 20 comments a day, now I get none.)

On Nancy Attikan and Mariana Burke:

" Nancy admitted that she isn't in this to help anyone, and that the only reason she's a social worker is because when she was in college she realized this is all she's good at. She would also side with my parents because she had taken a liking to them during their meetings. She this weird bitterness about her, this self-hatred thing going on where she likes to project her insecurities on others and neds to make herself feel bigger by putting others down. She'd often snoop through my things after that.
And I'm not even a fan of Britney's or anything, but what gives Nancy the right to say "I hope Britney's sister doesn't turn out to be a trainwreck like she is!" aboutn someone that she's never even actually met? Oh yeah, cause gossip you hear through the media is always 100% accurate apparently. They can't possibly twist things around to sell more magazines and comepletely and totally leave out a lot of things. Just goes to show how ignorant and judgmental she is. I hate people who judge others by what they hear, that's why I hate that Mariana Burke too, fuck you bitch, assuming things about me based on what you heard even though you only meet me for 2 seconds every 6 months or so. You judgy little cunt, assuming that what you hear has got to be automatically true and there couldn't possibly be anything going on that you don't know about, that people aren't telling you about. You really think the foster parents are going to tell you about how they repeatedly mistreated me for being Asian? Oh but you didn't consider that because you and Nancy are spoiled white people that revel in your white privilege day to day and have no idea what it's like to be ostracized. And you're a judgmental cuntrag you thinks that everything you hear MUST be true and if I'm having issues, it MUST be just that I have a bad attitude and there can;t possibly be anything going on that the files aren't telling you about."

On Penny, Jenny and Dr. stefano:

"The therapist in question's name was Dr. Stefano. Thinking of him makes my blood boil. I didn't talk to him-the way he'd look at me, talk to me, he was biased against me. He spent most of the sessions rolling his eyes at me. He tried to normalize my beatings because it was the norm in my country-that hurt so much after being blamed for years by my family and called a traitor. He'd actually AGREE with them? Rape is normal in plenty of other countries, does that mean he thinks it's okay to rape as well as long as it's ok in your country? I get the feeling he thought of children as sub-human and that's why he thought that way. He was siding with my parents, I guess he kind of took a liking to them after he met them. And why is it that therapy is said to be confidential but they tell the state everything? He started twisting around every fucking thing I said to make me look as bad as possible simply because he had taken a liking to my parents and was now biased against me because of that. His haughty, pompous attitude and moral superiority he assumed.
And no, Dr. Stefano, I DON'T think it should be everyone's goal to be perfect you pretentious, high-and-mighty, holier-than-thou bastard. Perfection doesn't exist because it's all a matter of opinion and people have different tastes. Someone that one person considers to be perfect, another might consider them to be awful. Someone that one person considers to be right, another considers to be wrong. People like different things. No matter what you do, someone's always gonna hate you. And even if everyone could agree on one definition of perfection it still wouldn't exist cause then we'd all be the same, we'd be montous and inhuman and more like robots and it'd be boring and bland.
I called someone dumb as a general insult (didn't literally mean dumb, just meant I didn't like them) and he twisted that around and wrote that I'm a know it all or some shit because Penny had said that. Yeah, cause if a little group of 2-3 people maximum who watched you for 3 weeks maximum says something it MUST mean that it's true, even if they're the ONLY people saying it. It can't possibly be because those people are overly judgmental or anything (OMG how DARE she say wisdom doesn't come with age!). By that logic he must be the worst therapist in the world since that's what the kids say about him, oh but if it's him he'll deny it but if it's someone else it's AUTOMATICALLY true. If everything anyone ever said about us is automatically true, then we must all be quite a lot of things at once, since everyone says something different/has a different opinion of us. EVERYONE has people that hate them and try to make them look bad, if everything people say about anyone is immediately true we all must be terrible, terrible people."

Sometimes people assume things, such as someone assuming that if someone's not in college it MUST mean they're just lazy people who don't know what they want because they themselves are ignorant people who think that there isn't a single career path that doesn't require college.Sometimes people miscommunicate and misunderstand others. Sometimes there's things going on others don't know about. Sometimes people get overly judgmental about little things and jump to conclusions without having all the information. Some people have projection issues and accuse others of being like themselves. Sometimes people just get jealous and start twisting things around. Some people are overly paranoid and have persecution complexes. And you can bet people twist things around in their own favor. Sometimes people just immediately start repeating things other people say. People will leave things out, make certain things up, twist the truth and if they don't like you, sometimes even make things up out of thin air. Sometimes a person just acts/puts on a facade on the outside for one reason or the other but that's not who they are. Just because things seem a certain way to you, doesn't mean that's how things are. There is more to a person than what meets YOUR eyes.Sometimes, it's the person talking that has perception issues, such as someone with a persecution complex making every little thing someone does out to be them being incredibly rude, or someone who is a feminazi who thinks in order for women to be strong they have to look and act exactly like men and call any woman showing the slightest bit of femininity weak, and calling women bad role models for daring to have children. Sometimes you get them during the wrong time, and if someone who usually is friendly becomes friendly only for 2 days due to stressful circumstances and you see them only for those two days and judge them it doesn't mean that's what they are, it means you're a judgmental asshole. So no, just because someone says something about you doesn't mean it's true.
And even if it is, that doesn't mean it's okay for you to say it. You don't praise yourself too much even if it's true cause it's arrogant, you don't call someone ugly even if it's true because it's rude. You don't pass judgment on others unless you can say you're perfect because it makes you a hypocrite, it makes it a case of pot calling the kettle black.
And no, Jenny, I WON'T consider that the things you say may be true because you have no way of knowing after 2 weeks of observation max and you're the only people saying it. About the "other people can notice things about us we don't notice" thing...if they KNOW you and they've observed you for 3 years, THEN they can notice things about you. After 1 month you're just jumping to conclusions and making assumptions and being judgmental. Especially when it comes to things that are purely opinion (i.e. someone that one person finds strong and assertive another finds to be rude. Some people think homosexuality is wrong, others think homophobia is wrong. Someone that one person might find to be a sweetheart others will look at them and say they're weak. You can never please everyone, and just because someone says something about you does not automatically mean it's true especially if it's something purely subjective.)
And yes sometimes it IS everyone else that's the problem, people thought the Earth was flat a while ago. In some countries EVERYONE thinks women should be stoned to death for showing their wrists, forced to cover themselves and are literally property. Does that mean they are right? NO! Sometimes it IS everyone else that has a twisted point of view/everyone else deciding to be prejudiced against someone because they're different or because they are something that those people don't like.
If everything that anyone ever said about anyone was true then that means Beyonce is arrogant and Celine Dion is a terrible singer since that's what their detractors say about them. Oh wait...but they're not.
The RICA staff (Penny, Jenny, etc.) had these weird "God" complexes and believe they were some sort of Supreme Judge of the Universe and were better than everyone else and flawless and had the right to be extremely judgmental about every. little. thing. And that everything they said about anyone else was always one hundred percent true, but if anyone ever said anything about them then they were just "being a know-it-all". It's the weirdest thing. At first when I was quiet and kept to myself they were all "OMG she must be a pushover and coward!" and attempted to test me, but the minute I respond it changes to "OMG! She's a BITCH she's belligerent OMG!" Which one is it? These people can never make up their minds. If everything you say about me must automatically be true I'm a pushover and coward and a belligerent bitch at the same time?

About the staff. Ridiculously judgmental and hypocritical, they pick on every little goddamn thing the kids do to make them look bad. Not to mention how when one person says something all the others jump in and agree so they can be cool, and their hypocricy. You judge people you don't know anything about for a living but if anyone says anything about you it's all "OMG you dont know what's going on have you considered there are things going on that you don't know about?" Do YOU consider that when it comes to the people you judge? Especially that one rat-faced bitch, Jenny, who was the most judgmental bitch out of all of them. Every little thing and she's all "oh you're this you're that" not only to me but to everyone she meets, but doesn't think anyone should be allowed to say anything about her, what a hypocrite. Not to mention how she seems to be convinced that people need to change themselves to suit her taste and please her. Bitch go get fucked. and Penny too, for calling me selfish for practicing too loud so the others couldnt hear the TV, when she was the one who TOLD me to do that and not let other people stop me from practicing.

Minor thing, but Penny was also one of those people who ASSumed all anime was tentacle because of a few anime she'd seen even though she probably can't even name five anime off the top of her head. Makes my blood boil."

Foster care in general: "
The system is ridiculously biased. No matter what, everyone always blames everything on the child. If a kid gets kicked out of a lot of foster homes, well obviously that by itself is a very traumatic thing, and on top of it they get sent to lockdown. If a foster parent kicks out a lot of kids, do they experience the same trauma? No.

When a whole bunch of people randomly force a child to go someplace, what is that usually called? Kidnapping. But if it's a bunch of social workers then it's "foster care". but the trauma is still the same, and foster care is just being kindapped repeatedly."

And why is it that kids have files where their foster parents can say shit about them and "evaluate" them, but foster parents don't, and kids can't say anything about their foster parents? And why is it that kids aren't even allowed to read their own files when it's more their business than anyone else's?
Never trust what you read in a kid's files. That stuff is heavily biased, warped, and some of the stuff is completely made up. Even if multiple people keep saying the same thing. I knew one kid who was in a placement where people didn't like them because they were the only white kid, so when things happened, they blamed everything on him and wrote down in his files that he was the one who was racist and was mean to them. So when he went to other placements, they read that, and they went "oh, this kid is racist, I gotta look out for him". And because of what they'd read, they already had prejudices against him and every time he did the littlest thing they interpreted it as "racist", and those people would also write down that he was racist, and the other placements he went to did the same thing.

On the Mentor Maryland people: "They actually had the nerve to claim I was going to get raped. Victim blaming from people that worked with abused children-I nearly threw up. Why did they not know that sexual assault has everything to do with power and control and nothing to do with attraction? I felt violated that they'd actually imply that. Sexual assault happens to the old, young, babies, animals-not just pretty girls. And countries where women are forced to be draped head to toe usually have higher rates of sexual assault. Most assault comes not from strangers, but from someone that you know.
And art is self-expression. You are supposed to be creative, experiment, and express yourself. And yes, sometimes that includes sexuality. So why is it that people think there should be limits as to what you can or can't express? Why is every other emotion/aspect of humanity okay, but if someone wants to use sexuality, they immediately get slammed for it? Is there any good reason besides that humans have been brainwashed to censor themselves? And why is it that the male models, who did everything the female models did, never got slammed for anything they did?
What is this called again? Oh yeah, slut-shaming. It's MISOGYNY. Men can do whatever they want and they're praised but if a WOMAN does it, oh she's terrible, she's a slut. Where does this come from? Think back to back in the day when a man could have 5,000 wives and concubines if they wanted but if a woman showed her ankles she'd be killed. This comes from the idea that woman are property! There is nothing wrong with sex. And I don't wanna hear that you say the same thing for men too, cause the historical context isn't the same, and the words are still misogynist. Fuck you, Janae Smith and victim-blaing judge.
Oh and for the lawyer who said "this isn't art"...if it's creative expression it's art, sexuality is a form of expression in itself, just because you don't like it doesn't mean it isn't art. And art should never be censored because of a little thing called free speech and is protected under the law. If you don't like it just keep yourself away from it and don't try to tell others what they can or can't do.
What was funny though, is that they claimed I was manic depressive (I have major depression and PTSD but I definitely don't have manic) because I wasn't sleeping. Anyone who knows anything knows that working without sleeping is encouraged in Asian culture, but oh well.
Not to mention their constant harping about OH MY GOD WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO WITH YOUR LIFE when I repeatedly told them that I didn't want to talk about it with them because they knew nothing about the industry (you're talking about a bunch of people who went to my website and still couldn't tell, that's clueless) and I didn't want them trying to give me advice or messing in my affairs. But of course, they twisted it around and said I wasn't doing anything or some shit. Because if someone isn't in college, it MUST mean they're not doing anything at all and are just lazy, apparently. What narrow-minded ignorance. What an insult not only to me, but everyone who chose not to go to college in pursuit of something different (Tyra Banks, didn't go to college to be a model, Bill Gates who dropped out to make Microsoft, Mark Zuckerburg who dropped out to make Facebook, Oprah Winfrey who dropped out to be a TV anchor, etc.) Fuck you Herman Gaynor, fuck you random therapist whose name I can't remember who actually thought she knew more about foster care than me. I told her in foster care you have to be in therapy and she actually argued with me even though I'd know better than her since I'd been in foster care for years and she hadn't; if you DON'T have to be in therapy in foster care why do all the social workers say so? Why do group homes have in-house therapists and foster care agencies also have staff therapists for their kids to go see?"
And you can bet the social workers and foster parents will never say anything bad about themselves. They'll never tell you about the things they do wrong. They'll keep provoking you and provoking and the minute you respond everything is all the kid's fault and the kid gets made out to be the villain.
In order to improve foster care, they must make a rule that you can only write factual stuff down in their files, and not opinions. Either that, or let the children themselves read and write their files 
and tell their side of the story. Don't just sit there and gossip about them.
There was another girl whose foster parent was jealous of her because they were both writers and the girl had done things at an early age and the foster parent couldn't do at that age. So the foster parent twisted it around and said she was "arrogant". And like always, people reading it would immediatedly assume it was true with no evidence whatsoever and start repeating the same thing.
What happened in my case was that I had a lot of unpopular and controversial opinions at the time and I was self-righteous and opinionated, so they misinterpreted that. I believed that wisdom doesn't come with age and that just because an opinion is popular doesn't mean it's correct (people thought the Earth was flat once) so the whole "it can't be everyone else that's the problem" argument is BS. Because of that, they called me a know-it-all that thought she knew better than people older than her and thought she knew better than everyone else in my files. Not actually true but that's how they interpreted my opinons."

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