I'm not dead!

Mar 7, 2008, 6:39:21 AM | 1 minutes

I've just been VERY BUSY...


Just making a drive by post for my friends...


What's been going on in a nutshell:


  1. Built a website for John's Business Here
  2. I'm in the process of rebuilding his personal site HERE
  3. During this process MY WEBSITE database blew up so I am also rebuilding fablespinner.com
  4. I also built a website for family and friends in regards to the wedding fast approaching HERE  (Feel Free to take a look if you want to know about the wedding and hear the music John composed for it.
  5. I'm working on a commission
  6. Trying to finalize vendors for the wedding
  7. Going to the Doctor still three times a wee for therapy on my back from my Car accident 12.26.07 Just had a pain block epidural this morning and it seems to be working... Yay!
  8. I had a wonderful Valentine's day for the first time in my life, John's very romantic...
  9. Trying not to stress

So other than that, I'm still here, not dead.


Love and miss you guys!


Please if you haven't already sent me your address for a wedding invitation and seriously would like to attend... please e-mail me your address to

[email protected]

ASAP. I'm sending out the invitations here in the next week or so.

Go Here for more details on the wedding

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