Witch Tip - Using a Three - Ring Binder 'BOS'

Mar 9, 2019, 11:56:19 PM | 1 minutes
The Advantages and Disadvantages of using a Three-Ring binder - Book of Shadows.
Pluses / Advantages:
o This is one of the fastest ways to create a complete book of shadows.
o The contents can be easily shuffled, rearranged, and added to.
o Pages can be easily removed and put in another binder, which is especially convenient when your book grows too big.
o Notes can be easily added in the margins.
o Copies and handwritten pages can be used interchangeably.
o It’s very easy to use.
Minuses / Disadvantages:
o Three ring binders are generally ugly and generic - looking, though there are ways around that.
o Binders are always big and a bit unwieldy when they start getting full.
o They don’t always fit easily on bookshelves or in one’s hands during use.
o Pages tear easily, even in a page protector.
side note: also takes less amount of work to add to / update then most.
Personal note: A three-ring binder was my first ever grimoire, along with spiral, 1-subject, college-ruled notebooks and some looseleaf paper. Mostly, though, these contained notes from various websites, books, lessons, and my first ever spells and rituals that I had made myself. Had these for years, until I lost them in a house fire in 2015.

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