I'm a hyperactive 22 year old, with a loving fiance, and a passion for drawing and writing. Most of what I know how to do is self-taught, and I make no money off of my art. I plan on putting up another FAQ filled with rules and instructions for art-share.


Quick FAQ:

Q: What programs do you use?

A: Normally, all drawings are done within EPT SAI. I also use GIMP and I have recenlty tried useing SketchUp for backgrounds. I write everywhere (true story).

Q: Do you use a tablet?

A: No. I'm too broke to afford one... All computerized work is done useing a mouse pad or an actual mouse. My sketches are all done with paper and pencil on my free time.

Q: Is most of your work OCs?

A: Most of it, yes. You'll almost never see fanart. I do sometimes dabble in drawing my WOW characters... but normally everything is from a story of my creation, or just an idea or sketch I've had/done. I do write fanfictions, however.

Q: Do you do commisions?

A: Uh, not really at the moment... Unless you're on Ernya or Gaia, as I really don't DO rl commsions. 

Q: Any plans to stream your art proccess?

A: ... Not at the moment... I'm technologically impaired... I had a hard enough time figureing out how to work the programs I do have, and I normally work on my art when I can't get internet access... I might be convinced to record a few vids every once and a while... but someone's gonna have to recomend a nice FREE recording program...

Q: What do you listen to when working?

A: Depends on my mood, but mostly techno... and some softer rock... really, anything, my playlist is as out there as I am... I'm probablly the only person in the world who listens to ICP and Bethoven in the same playlist...

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