About me? Well... I'm feeling less creative right now than usual so... time for copy/pasta! (Yeah it's like 4 a.m....)


I like... Final Fantasy VII. And fan fiction. And... yaoi. And... anime. SOME anime. Well, okay, most anime. I like what anime I've seen. Put it that way.

:heart: My current OTPs: Reno/Zack, Sephiroth/Zack, Cid/Vincent, Tseng/Rufus, Chad/Ichigo. :heart:

I like to make faces. >.< And write run-on sentences. And rent Uhauls. And sarcasm. I enjoy that immensely.

I'm weird, and I'm damn proud. Being weird just means that I am something another person is not, which makes me happy.

I'm permanently Final-Fantasy-faced (equivalent to alcohol's "shit-faced") and most likely I can tell you some of anything you ever wanted to know (or most of everything didn't ever want to know) about FFVII. Example, the stairs between the ground level and the 59th floor of the Shinra building: 9 screens, 117 flights, 9 stairs/flight for a grand total of 1054 steps... yes, I sat there and counted. And then I ran back down and counted again just to make sure I counted right. I made an alphabetized list of my favorite FFVII characters (which is actually pretty long). I'll talk your ear off about the game, the characters, the slash potential, the crack potential... I REALLY love that game. XD

I'm a writer first and foremost, but I'm also a growing artist, and a musician. My weapons of choice: Wacom drawing tablet, PhotoShop CS2, a Squire Telecaster, Microsoft Word, and an Ibanez nylon string accoustic. I also draw some killer stick figures with pencil and paper. No really, they kill each other. And you too, if you're not careful.

I'm on fanfiction.net under the same username, as well as some other sites, if you should ever have the motivation to check them out. >.>

Still think I'm interesting (did you think so in the first place? o.O)? Feel free to give me a shout.


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