{Challenge} First Snow

Feb 1, 2021, 12:21:18 AM | 3 minutes

{ Seasonal Challenge: First Snow }


Winter has brought snow to Kósmos, the landscape is white and chilly, and your Eláfkeri gets to experience it for the first time!


The first snow is an important thing for Kósmos; it announces the definitive arrival of winter, and the beginning of a new seasonal cycle. As much as winter takes, it also makes way for new things to begin, and so it's deeply respected by creatures big and small.


Since not all of Kósmos's creatures can weather the winter cold, winters are celebrated in many different ways, be it by playing in the snow, or staying in their homes.

During the first snow, however, many gather around to celebrate through games, buffets, and even songs.




{ Rules }

• Only one entry may be used to claim rewards per player.

• Entries may be collaborated, but must feature an Eláfkeri per player ( four Eláfkeria maximum ).

• Players may use a Starter if they prefer and/or if they don't own an Eláfkeri.




{ General Criteria }

• Entries must focus on the participating Eláfkeri(a) interacting with the first snow.

• Entries must contain a background fitting of the prompt.


{ Visual Criteria }

• Entries must be, at minimum, clean sketches with color, and a background.

• Participating Eláfkeri(a) must show at least 5 areas of the body ( not counting the Horn area ).

• The depicted Eláfkeri(a) must be recognizable in design, traits, and colors.

• Backgrounds must contain at least 4 different elements that make it recognizable as a background ( e.g. trees, rocks, flowers, clouds ).

{ Literary Arts }
• Entries must be, at minimum, 500 words. Each additional Eláfkeri adds +100 words to the minimum word count.
• The depicted Eláfkeri(a) must be described enough to be recognizable in design, traits, and/or colors.
• Backgrounds must contain at least 4 different elements that make it recognizable as a background ( e.g. trees, rocks, flowers, clouds ).
{ Rewards }
Participating in this challenge will grant you the following items:
k3wh80sWVwydQo86m21kJSVPs-AOeGW-sXohpvkuXP_GvKbLRC8991IzkVOxtYXO-gUF5pwLPLQl52latij3X-suhRUmJhpGxCUk_vAFpvxlCqkaDR0m5bFw19_zSST8wrIj1fPO x2
zfM8x7nAJbvyNi0R-9TUHb3FD14hao8XCmxMtxoXpgti8X-jmCkiDQJv-rC34qglTNJq9gYCp6h1uj3P_cyRZY0G6PuCrDEmJrU4BmgHreeq2Lix78-azNq_Mb63KV7CFknEf9ft x1
{ Submitting your Entries }
To submit your entry for the challenge, fill out the form as a reply to the comment linked below.
In case of collaboration, each collaborator must upload the form with the Eláfkeri they're using!
PaperDemon URL: [ your profile URL ]
Eláfkeri Import: [ link to the Eláfkeri you're using's import ]
Link to Entry: [ link to entry posted on PaperDemon ]
{ Deadline }
The seasonal challenge ends on February 28th, 2021, at 11:59 pm, UTC-5:00:00.
Eláfkeria are an ARPG closed species.

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