
Oct 16, 2022, 2:24:35 AM | 1 minutes

Helloooo! I am Ocean, and im new to Paper Demon 

I'm a minor and go by any pronouns btw 

 hobbies or other kewl things about me:
-I have a twitter so follow me: @ocean_oxolot

-I love dnd, i even am co-hosting a dnd club at school blush

-I love drawing (duh) and writing!!

-I feel like im in like a ton of fandoms all the time for some reasons, but the main ones im in are: JRWI (just roll with it, a cool dnd podcast if you dont know), BFDI/OSC (Battle for dream island/object show community), and maybe fnaf?

*You are older then 18, i am a minor! Dont be weird around me!
*Are a proshipper (aka people who ship the most DISGUSTING THINGS)
*Hate people for their religon, sexualitys and other things

Anyways idk how much ill post but maybe i will from time to time
Also love the emojis, Imma spam them here now 



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