PaperDemon Art RPG News

Here is where we post new Art Role Playing Game challenges, community news, announcements, site updates, and mental health articles to help motivate you to become more awesome.

  • 📌 Pinned: Site Rules

    These are the do's and don'ts of and the Red Curtain section of By using, you agree to abide by these rules. These guidelines are intended to keep PaperDe...

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    Posted May 5, 2023, 6:26:26 PM

  • 📌 Pinned: Community Guidelines

    It is my hope that by having this code of conduct and community guidleines that it will inspire others to take ownership and action toward building a more positive and inclusive community. - BogusRed ...

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    Posted May 5, 2023, 6:16:43 PM

  • July 2024 Releases

    Here's a look at the updates to during the month of July 2024   July 15, 2024   Highlights ⚔️ We've made a few enhancements to the battle roller🤹 5 new assist NPCs have been added to t...

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    Posted Jul 15, 2024, 7:53:35 PM

  • REMINDER: Our staff are beholden to our Community Guidelines

    Greetings PaperDemonsIt's come to my attention that some members of the community may be under the impression that they can't come forward if a PaperDemon staff member has said or done something that ...

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    Posted Jul 13, 2024, 7:51:02 PM

  • June 2024 Releases

    Here's a look at the updates to during the month of June Releases Jun 1, 2024 - v71.3.0 ## Change log 0903a1f 🔨 refactor (rollers) mirror shield tag based896fc41 🍱 assets (directory) ...

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    Posted Jun 13, 2024, 9:09:30 PM

  • May 2024 Releases

    This is a list of updates made during the month of May 2024. I'll edit this post later as more updates become available.   General Developer updates Written May 14, 2024 Burnout I have a confession to...

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    Posted May 15, 2024, 12:40:11 AM

  • April 2024 Releases

    Here's a list of updates that came out in April 2024. There were additional updates earlier in the month in separate announcements. We're Back Apr 5 Outage   April 11, 2024 is back onli...

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    Posted May 15, 2024, 12:04:30 AM

  • We're back!

    Hello everyone! Wow what a stressful past few days it has been. PaperDemon was down for the past 3 days straight. But we are finally back online! For security reasons I can't go into detail on what ha...

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    Posted Apr 5, 2024, 7:46:07 AM

  • Release v71.0.0 and outage

    Hi everyone. was down today for approximately 3 hours due to a build issue on our server but we're back up and running now.   Here's a look at our latest release v71.0.0 Release highlig...

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    Posted Apr 1, 2024, 9:19:48 PM

  • Release v70.0.0

    v70.0.0 Release highlights We've improved the PaperDemon Art RPG Character creator. See the PDARPG announcement. We've added permalinks to queue requests so you can easily reference them and use them...

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    Posted Mar 12, 2024, 8:27:45 PM