Official Paper Demon Store now open!

:bounce:It's finally here! The thing you've all been:bounce:
 waiting for! Paper Demon sketchbooks, mouse pads, T-shirts, and sweatshirts!

Be sure to use the coupon code Fall2 to get $2 off long sleeve stuff! This offer only lasts until Tuesday so hury and buy now.

As I stated in an earlier newspost, we need to raise close to $60 within the next week to upgrade our store. If we upgrade the Paper Demon store, I'll be able to add more products with artwork by the members of Please show your support and purchase something from the store. :buddies:

EDIT Oct 22 @ 4pm
I appoligize for the downtime. The site was down for about 15 hours. My hosting service was having trouble with the server and I've contacted them about a refund for this months service. Sorry guys! This really sucks. Especially with this big debut for the new store.
Well anyway, no more dwelling on the past. The site is back up and the store is ready for you to make your purchases!