Search transactions

This page lists all transactions of transfers of items/currency/trophies etc in our hosted Art RPGs.

[1] This refers to the character id, player id, or game id (for activity and store types). The character id is the internal PaperDemon id, not the game specific id. This must be specified if you want to filter by source type.

IdDateGameInitiated byProof linkNotes
72693 Dec 27, 2023, 5:18:44 PM PaperDemon Art RPG PinkLemonade

2023 12 28 PDARPG Advent Calendar

48077 Aug 6, 2023, 5:11:10 PM PaperDemon Art RPG BogusRed

This will let you update your character sheet image later into full color. Please do so before you apply for Rank 2 <3 Welcome to PaperDemon!

48075 Aug 6, 2023, 5:09:23 PM PaperDemon Art RPG BogusRed

PDARPG Activity Rewards | Submission: | Art id: | Activity name: 1 Create a Character