Tales from Equestria

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02. Map of the Known World

Map of the Known World



This updates as the world is revealed through events and lore!


Canterlot: The capital of Equestria and the home of the reigning alicorn Dawn Bringer. A large majority of Equestria's current population lives here. This is also the location of the School of Magic.


Ponyville: One of the other safe locations in Equestria, it hosts the Council of Friendship and the School of Friendship.


The Everfree Forest: Even in the Age of Princesses this forest was full of wild creatures, but now it is a nest of powerful monsters of all kinds. Few dare go here and those that do are often not seen again. Those who get lost among the trees often find themselves cast out of the forest a few days later, as if the forest itself was sending them away. The Heart of the Forest, King Rosebud, and his herd of deer reside here. They have lived in close connection with the forest for thousands of years and do not welcome outsiders. They hold the secrets to the Plant Affinity.


The Bog: Following the river past Ponyville and the Everfree Forest there is a bog filled with creatures and Wild Magic. It is not as dangerous as the forest, but still poses many challenges to those who enter. 


Earthquake Canyon: A canyon running from the base of the Unicorn Mountain Range to the edges of the forests outside of Ponyville. It formed after a huge earthquake shook the landscape. Its steep slopes can be dangerous to explore alone.


Summit's Hollow: A village within the caverns of the Unicorn Mountain Range, this was a refuge for Bat Ponies long before Wild Magic arose. With the surge, however, came the Moon Widow, which trapped the bat ponies for years until an Earthquake created a new entrance. With the help of volunteers, the Moon Widow was defeated and chased from the caverns. Now bat ponies live here peacefully by choice, though they may come and go as they please. Other species are welcome as well, though they may not be a fan of the customary stone structures, pony-hair weavings, and honey-berry recipes. 


Changeling Hive: This large population of changelings was cut off from the outside world by Wild Magic for a long time. So long, in fact, that the young current ruler, Queen Vespa, had never been outside the hive until recently. While turmoil erupted initially during contact with Equestria, it was eventually resolved to a peaceful conclusion. While Queen Vespa welcomes all ponies to visit or live within the hive, some famished changelings that disagreed with this change retreated to the wilds.


Cloudsdale: About 70 years ago, Storm Creatures, strengthened by Wild Magic, stole Cloudsdale and enslaved its inhabitants. Just over a decade ago the enslaved ponies escaped, but struggled in the wilds, fearing no help awaited them in Equestria. Eventually they felt they had no choice but to attempt a raid on Ponyville. While unsuccessful, it brought to light the turmoil the ponies had faced and they were met with mercy. Though their actions had consequences, Cloudsdale now resides North of Ponyville. Storm ponies here now help to adjust the weather for better farming to the South, allowing Cloudsdale to slowly gain peaceful self-reliance. 


Rorrim Lake: An isolated lake and village in the wilds, the population here eventually thought the village would die with its elderly residents. Wild Magic had taken hold of one of the trees there, however, and allowed the villagers to produce magical offspring to continue their legacy. Wild Magic within the trees around this lake seem to protect the area from danger.


The Crystal Empire: Flurry Heart crystallized while protecting the Crystal Heart. Both remain in the center of the city. For years the residents were plagued with what seemed to be a disease: they slowly turned to crystal over time. When Equestrians made it through the mountains and discovered the city, they helped to find a solution to the malady. In the end it was Earth Affinity gone awry. Golden Sage was able to help the afflicted, though those that turned fully to crystal remain trapped. The city is now regularly accessible by train and trades openly with Equestria.


Yakyakistan: Home of the yaks and North West of the Crystal Empire, Yakyakystan has remained largely unchanged. The yaks had  always been a more isolated people and so when Wild Magic cut communities off from one another, they did not see much of a change in their lifestyle. Any Wild Magic influenced creatures this far into the cold mountains had to face the might of the collective yaks and rarely won out. They now trade occasionally with Equestria, but remain independent. 


Apple Loosa: While during the age of prosperity in Equestria Apple Loosa was often fought over by bison and ponies, Wild Magic brought a uniting foe to the groups. Many ponies returned to Canterlot or Ponyville with the increased danger, but those that stayed teamed up with bison and cows to create a cooperative, mixed community that could survive with pressures of Wild Magic on various sides. Now that the train once again reaches Apple Loosa, the town is growing and trade is thriving.