Tales from Equestria

Open group | 164 Members

December Event Part 2:

December Event Part 2: Challenge from the Heart

Even though Ponyville and Canterlot were swallowed in snow drifts, it was warm and dry within the confines of the Everfree Forest. It was as if the branches themselves were shielding the climate from the wild magic oozing down from the north. Though the weather was milder, it didn’t mean the forest was very hospitable. Creatures lurked in the shadows of bows and brush, just out of clear view. Even the foliage seemed uncooperative with dense thickets and walls of thorn and bramble. Under normal circumstances, few ponies ventured in and it wasn’t hard to see why.

Golden Sage offered to allow ponies to travel with her through the forest, though she did not require it. The strange plants and cries of creatures might be discouraging for many a pony, but others could find the presented challenge enticing. She took her time with those that went with her. It wasn’t always clear what she was using for landmarks, but she seemed to know where she was going. Getting lost in the forest was a real possibility otherwise. Fortunately, lost ponies usually ended up tossed out of the forest within a day or so. It was as if the forest itself wanted them gone.

Eventually the trees and brambles began to separate. A subtle path of trodden ground and grass became visible. A few deer lingered along the path. They gave Golden Sage and her party a disapproving look before leaping away.

Golden Sage sighed and gave her companions a forlorn look. “Do not expect much of a welcome.”

Soon the trees began to grow wider, forming vague shapes of buildings. The largest were multiple stories into the trees. Though clearly dwellings, the trees appeared to be alive, with green, lush canopies. Eventually they came to a huge aspen tree. Its branches twisted into towers and balconies overhead. Two bucks in armor stood outside the giant double doors leading inside. 

“You shouldn’t be here, Golden Sage,” One of the bucks said.

“I had no choice…things are too dire. Please take me to the Heart of the Forest,” she answered.

The bucks exchanged glances. The second guard grunted before he turned and opened the doors, allowing Golden Sage and her companions to go inside.

They were led into the largest chamber within the giant tree. At the back center stood a towering deer with sweeping red antlers. He was an intimidating sight, radiating power and prestige. His expression, while reserved, was not welcoming or pleased. They had come to seek help from him, but how likely was that really? Many of the ponies shuffled nervously.

“I know you were a youth the last time we met, Golden Sage, but I didn’t think you’d use that as an excuse to hold your promise with such little regard,” The Heart of the Forest said.

“This isn’t just about you or I or the rest of the Everfree Forest, King Redbud. All of Equestria and its neighbors are at risk. The reindeer up north, they’ve connected with wild magic they can’t control. We don’t know how to help them.”

“Of course you don’t. This may seem like a new conundrum to you ponies, but it’s something you’ve always struggled with. Even at the height of your civilization you always held yourself above the land around you. Parts of the world are pushing back against your mastery with some actual force and now ignorance will not serve you. I cannot help you ponies, or my kin that choose to live as you do, with a problem that seems to be part of who you are.” King Rosebud replied with dry bluntness. It was a bit alarming to see how little sympathy he held for them.

“Not everypony is so far removed, some are quite in-tune with the natural world,” Golden Sage argued.

“Oh? This I doubt. You call it wild magic and treat it as a new phenomenon, but it is only so because you ponies have been ignoring it for so long. Take our herd here in the Everfree Forest. We have always lived closely with the flora here, listening as it speaks to us and living in mutual respect. We have always been able to channel some power this way. While you ponies must be trampled with it to even notice it…and then you cannot understand the words it speaks to you.” King Rosebud wrinkled his nose with clear distaste. 

While Golden Sage had been somewhat contrite when she’d arrived, now frustration was creeping into her expression. “How would you know? You never leave your forest. There are many ponies who could show you their respect and unity with the natural forces of the world, if only you’d bother to look!”

“Then prove it! Show me you ponies are not beyond helping. Show me you are not lost in a problem of your own making.”


Prompt: Create a piece that shows your character understands they are not above the forces of nature. This could be through a demonstration of affinity, or simply an event or action that shows consideration and respect for the natural world. The Heart of the Forest wants proof that some ponies can be taught to live with nature rather than controlling it. 

All entries for this part of the event are due by January 13th, 2023 at 11:59PM EST!