Tales from Equestria

Open group | 170 Members

04. Tips and FAQ

Tips and Frequently Asked Questions


Tips for Playing in the World of Tales from Equestria


  • While the story and world are based on My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, enough time has passed that no one from the show would still be alive except for Alicorns and Dracoequus. Enough time has passed that the events of the show are likely legend to some degree and may not be accurately remembered by all.
  • Society has advanced from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, but not as much as you might except due to setbacks caused by Wild Magic. Think of the technology as being sort of "magic-punk". Much of society runs on magic or magic-infused items. They may not have television or cellphones, but they may have other means of entertainment or communication that fill a similar role using magical means.
  • You can interact with the danger of the world as much or as little as you wish. Plenty of ponies will live in safe areas such as Canterlot or Ponyville and never really experience the peril of Wild Magic. How much of an influence this new world has on your character's everyday life is up to you!



Frequently Asked Questions


Can my character be related to a canon character from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic?

We are currently not allowing this, if only because we don't want people to conflict with one another in their histories and end up arguing/fighting over it. You are welcome to have your character related to clans or broader groups of ponies, though.


What if I want my character to be really powerful/have really good stats and abilities when I bring them in?

You can do this, but you'd need to do the art for them to level them up appropriately ahead of time. This is essentially like doing "backstory" work to get your character to where you want them to be. But there is no direct short-cut to leveling up characters.


Can I do art/writing of other player characters or NPCs to earn Progress Points and Horseshoes?

Absolutely! You may always do pieces of NPCs. To feature another player's character, make sure you ask permission first.


I'm stuck on what colors to use with my Random Color Hex Code color, please help!

This website is an excellent tool to help if you're stuck! It lets you put in a coor and generate a variety of palettes based upon it!


I hate the color the generator gave me!

Fear not! You have to use the color somewhere in the design, but it doesn't have to be the main color. Use it in a small spot if you really don't like it.


Am I allowed to write something for a submission instead of doing art?

Absolutely! We award currency for writing as well as art.

Do cutie marks have to follow the rules of melanism/albinism/etc.?

Nope! Cutie marks are magic, so you can do what you like with them.

Do I need a characteristic or mutation for mismatched eyes/heterochormia?

Nope! Any character may have this.

For adventures, do you have to depict the end or can you do any part of the adventure?

Any part will count!

Can my pony not have a mane at all?

Not having one requires the mutation "hairless", but shaving down is always acceptable.

Are tattoos, hair dyes, and/or contacts allowed?

Yes, but you must show the natural form as well on a reference sheet and note which ones are artificial. 

Do I have to design my refugees from last month to roll new ones this month?


How do I know my character's base HP?

It's based on the CON stat...you take your CON value and multiple it by 10.

Do pet perks stack?



Is there a limit for how many pets a character can have?



I forgot to roll my refugees from a past month! Can I roll them now?

Unfortunately, no! The rolls are "use them or lose them" in that way.


How do I change my character's reference image if I've made a new one?

Resubmit the character creation form and we'll update it for you!


Can I draw my pony as an anthro?

You can for personal submissions, but not for canon events, since they will essentially be "non-canon" in nature.

How does aging work for characters?

You may age your character at your leisure. We don't want to force anyone to freeze their character to a certain age or restrict this for players.

Can we let other people design our refugees or give them away undesigned?

No, you must design them for them to be traded, sold, or given away.

Can I reroll single markings/characteristics/mutations on a genetic profile with Enchanted Dice?
Unfortunately no. These are all connected loosely to the species in our roller, so you must roll the whole genetic profile (minus the Radom Color Hex Code) together.